Program and Certificate Search

Hungarian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1124

Hungarian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1124

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Hungarian Studies Major will be administratively suspended as of 7 July 2023 and students will no longer be able to enrol in the program. Students presently enrolled in the Major will be able to complete the program requirements as described below. Students who are not enrolled in this Major but are interested in studies in the Hungarian language, film, history and politics are strongly recommended to consult the European Affairs section of the Academic Calendar as well as the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies (CEES) for advising.

Completion Requirements:

(6.0 credits, including 2.0 credits in Hungarian language study)

First Year:

Higher Years:
1. HUN200Y1, HUN310Y1, HUN320Y1
2. 2.0 credits from: EUR200Y1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS251Y1, HIS389H1 (Hungarian History), HIS453H1, HUN355H1, HUN345H1, HUN355H1, HUN356H1, HUN440Y1, HUN450H1, HUN455H1, INI381H1

FAS Program Area: Hungarian

Hungarian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1124

Hungarian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1124

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Hungarian Studies Minor will be administratively suspended as of 7 July 2023 and students will no longer be able to enrol in the program. Students presently enrolled in the Minor will be able to complete the program requirements as described below. Students who are not enrolled in this Minor but are interested in studies in the Hungarian language, film, history and politics are strongly recommended to consult the European Affairs section of the Academic Calendar as well as the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies (CEES) for advising.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level)

4.0 credits from: HUN100Y1, HUN200Y1, HUN310Y1, HUN320Y1, HUN335H1, HUN345H1, HUN351H1, HUN440Y1, HUN450H1, HUN455H1; HIS241H1, HIS251Y1, HIS389H1 (Hungarian History), HIS453H1; INI381H1

FAS Program Area: Hungarian

Immunology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1002

Immunology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1002

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade and Variable Minimum Grade Average
Minimum grades combined with a minimum grade average in required courses or their equivalents are needed for entry, and these minimums change each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 60% in each course, or a final grade average lower than 70% in these required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining the minimum final grades and grade average does not guarantee admission to the program. While it is difficult to predict what will be competitive course marks and average in a given year, based on previous years, the estimate is: course marks = mid 70s; average = mid 70s. The underlying numeric final mark in each of your courses required for program enrolment will be used by the relevant academic unit to determine your eligibility.

Applications from students lacking numerical grades in one or more of the specified prerequisites, or students applying in their second or later years, may be considered on the basis of their entire academic record and the availability of space in the program. In addition to applying through ACORN, students applying in their second year or later are asked to please contact the department directly at, specify which program you would like to be considered for, and provide your student number.

Please consult the Arts & Science Program Toolkit for more information on program enrolment. Additional information is also available on the Immunology website at

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits, including 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

First Year:
BIO120H1; BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1

Second Year:
1. BCH210H1; BIO230H1; IMM250H1; BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1
2. 0.5 credit from the following list: BIO220H1/​ STA288H1/​ TRN225Y1/​ TRN236H1/​ CHM247H1/​ CHM249H1

Third Year:
IMM340H1; IMM350H1; CSB349H1/​ BCH311H1; 1.0 credit from the following list: BCH370H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ PHL281H1

Fourth Year:
1.0 credit from the following list: IMM428H1/​ IMM429H1/​ IMM430H1/​ IMM431H1/​ IMM432H1/​ IMM435H1/​ MIJ485H1


  1. Students considering graduate school are encouraged to add the additional non-compulsory IMM450Y1 research course, if space permits.
  2. MIJ485H1 requires MGY377H1 & MGY378H1 as pre-requisites.
  3. IMM435H1 is capped at 40 students. Priority will be given to Immunology Specialist students, followed by Immunology Major students.

FAS Program Area: Immunology, Data Science

Immunology Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1002

Immunology Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1002

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

For more information, refer to the Immunology website at:

(4.0 credits)

First Year:
BIO120H1; BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1

Second Year:
BIO230H1; IMM250H1

Third Year:
IMM340H1; IMM350H1

FAS Program Area: Immunology

Immunology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1002

Immunology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1002

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade and Variable Minimum Grade Average
Minimum grades combined with a minimum grade average in required courses or their equivalents are needed for entry, and these minimums change each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in each course, or a final grade average lower than 70% in these required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining the minimum final grades and grade average does not guarantee admission to the program. While it is difficult to predict what will be competitive course marks and average in a given year, based on previous years, the estimate is: course marks = mid 70s; average = mid 70s. The underlying numeric final mark in each of your courses required for program enrolment will be used by the relevant academic unit to determine your eligibility.

Applications from students lacking numerical grades in one or more of the specified prerequisites, or students applying in their second or later years, may be considered on the basis of their entire academic record and the availability of space in the program. In addition to applying through ACORN, students applying in their second year or later are asked to please contact the department directly at, specify which program you would like to be considered for, and provide your student number.

Please consult the Arts & Science Program Toolkit for more information on program enrolment. Additional information is also available on the Immunology website at

Note: The Immunology Specialist cannot be combined with the Biochemistry Major or the Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Major.

Completion Requirements:

(13.5 credits)

First Year:
BIO120H1; BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1; ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1

First Year or upper years:
( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1) (Note 1)

Second Year:
1. BCH242Y1; BIO230H1; BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1; IMM250H1; STA288H1
2. One course from the following list: BIO220H1/​ TRN225Y1/​ TRN236H1/​ CHM220H1/​ CHM247H1/​ CHM249H1

Third Year:
1. BCH377H1; IMM341H1; IMM351H1; MGY311Y1; IMM360H1
2. MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1

Fourth Year:
1. IMM435H1
2. 1.0 credit from the following list: IMM428H1/​ IMM429H1/​ IMM430H1/​ IMM431H1/​ IMM432H1/​ MIJ485H1
3. IMM450Y1 or 1.0 credit at the 400-level in ANA, BCH, IMM, LMP, MGY, CSB.


1. ( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1) may be taken in the first year or subsequent years and are not required for entrance into the specialist program.
2. IMM435H1 is capped at 40 students. Priority will be given to Immunology Specialist students, followed by Immunology Major students.
3. Students considering graduate school are encouraged to take IMM385Y1.

FAS Program Area: Immunology, Data Science

Indigenous Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0115

Indigenous Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0115

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level)

1. INS201Y1
2. INS210Y1/​ INS220Y1/​ ( INS230H1 and INS231H1)
3. INS300Y1/​ INS301Y1 and ( INS303H1 and INS304H1)/ ( JPI201H1 and JIG322H1)
4. INS390H1
5. 2.0 credits from INS, JFP, JIG or JPI (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
6. One 0.5 credit from Group A or one 0.5 credit from Group B below (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
7. Of the courses chosen, at least 2.0 credits must be at the 300+ level, of which a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level.

Group A:
INS200H1, INS201Y1, JPI201H1, INS205H1, INS210Y1, INS215Y1, INS220Y1, INS230H1, INS231H1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS303H1, INS304H1, INS310Y1, INS320Y1, INS322H1, JIG322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS351Y1, INS352H1, INS355H1, INS352H1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS371H1, INS372H1, INS380H1, INS390H1, INS398H0, INS398Y0, INS491Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS404H1, INS405H1, INS407H1, JIG440H1, JFP450H1, INS460H1, INS480H1, INS491Y1, INS493H1, INS494Y1, INS495Y1, INS496H1, INS497H1, INS498Y1, ANT210H1, ANT315H1, ANT327H1, ANT384H1, ANT458H1, AST310H1, CRI364H1, CRI422H1, CSE341H1, ENG254H1, ENG355Y1, FAH255H1, FAH452H1, HIS262H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, HIS419H1, HIS472H1, LIN458H1, RLG331H1, SDS385H1, WGS395H1

Group B:
ANT200Y1, ANT204H1, ANT319Y1, ANT311Y1, ANT317H1, ANT319H1, ANT320H1, ANT327H1, ANT348H1, ANT366H1, ANT407H1, ANT410H1, CAR225H1, CAR226H1, CSE240H1, ENG270H1, ENG350H1, ENG371H1, ENG372H1, HIS106Y1, HIS230H1, HIS264H1, HIS318H1, HIS365H1, HIS402H1, JHN323H1, LAS350H1, LIN351H1, RLG307H1, SDS382H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's Caribbean Studies, and Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity programs will have the new "CAR" and "CSE" designators respectively.

FAS Program Area: Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0115

Indigenous Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0115

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level)

1. INS201Y1
2. INS300Y1/​ INS301Y1/​ ( INS303H1 and INS304H1)/ ( JPI201H1 and JIG322H1)
3. 1.0 additional credit from INS, JFP, JIG or JPI (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
4. 1.0 additional credit from Group A below (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)

Group A:
INS200H1, INS201Y1, JPI201H1, INS205H1, INS210Y1, INS215Y1, INS220Y1, INS230H1, INS231H1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS303H1, INS304H1, INS310Y1, INS320Y1, INS322H1, JIG322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS351Y1, INS352H1, INS355H1, INS352H1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS371H1, INS372H1, INS380H1, INS390H1, INS398H0, INS398Y0, INS491Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS404H1, INS405H1, INS407H1, JIG440H1, JFP450H1, INS460H1, INS480H1, INS491Y1, INS493H1, INS494Y1, INS495Y1, INS496H1, INS497H1, INS498Y1, ANT210H1, ANT315H1, ANT327H1, ANT384H1, ANT458H1, AST310H1, CRI364H1, CRI422H1, CSE341H1, ENG254H1, ENG355Y1, FAH255H1, FAH452H1, HIS262H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, HIS419H1, HIS472H1, LIN458H1, RLG331H1, SDS385H1, WGS395H1

FAS Program Area: Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0115

Indigenous Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0115

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

1. INS201Y1
2. INS210Y1/​ INS220Y1/​ ( INS230H1 and INS231H1)
3. INS300Y1/​ INS301Y1 and ( INS303H1 and INS304H1)/ ( JPI201H1 and JIG322H1)
4. INS390H1 and INS460H1
5. 4.0 credits from Group A (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
6. 1.0 credit from Group A or Group B below (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
7. For numbers 5 and 6 above, 2.0 credits must be at the 300-level and a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level.

Group A:
INS200H1, INS201Y1, JPI201H1, INS205H1, INS210Y1, INS215Y1, INS220Y1, INS230H1, INS231H1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS303H1, INS304H1, INS310Y1, INS320Y1, INS322H1, JIG322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS351Y1, INS352H1, INS355H1, INS352H1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS371H1, INS372H1, INS380H1, INS390H1, INS398H0, INS398Y0, INS491Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS404H1, INS405H1, INS407H1, JIG440H1, JFP450H1, INS460H1, INS480H1, INS491Y1, INS493H1, INS494Y1, INS495Y1, INS496H1, INS497H1, INS498Y1, ANT210H1, ANT315H1, ANT327H1, ANT384H1, ANT458H1, AST310H1, CRI364H1, CRI422H1, CSE341H1, ENG254H1, ENG355Y1, FAH255H1, FAH452H1, HIS262H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, HIS419H1, HIS472H1, LIN458H1, RLG331H1, SDS385H1, WGS395H1

Group B:
ANT200Y1, ANT204H1, ANT319Y1, ANT311Y1, ANT317H1, ANT319H1, ANT320H1, ANT327H1, ANT348H1, ANT366H1, ANT407H1, ANT410H1, CAR225H1, CAR226H1, CSE240H1, ENG270H1, ENG350H1, ENG371H1, ENG372H1, HIS106Y1, HIS230H1, HIS264H1, HIS318H1, HIS365H1, HIS402H1, JHN323H1, LAS350H1, LIN351H1, RLG307H1, SDS382H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's Caribbean Studies, and Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity programs will have the new "CAR" and "CSE" designators respectively.

FAS Program Area: Indigenous Studies

Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1536

Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1536

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

  1. 0.5 credit from ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1/​ IRW230H1*
  2. 1.5 credits from SOC/PSY/IRE/IRW, at any level, of which no more than 0.5 credit can be IRE/IRW

Admission is competitive and in recent years the combined average in the 2.0 credits has been in the 68% to 70% range. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Requests for admission will only be considered in the first program request period. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program students are strongly advised to apply to backup programs.

* IRW230H1 is designed to meet the economics requirement of CIRHR programs. IRW230H1 cannot be used in lieu of an introductory economics course for programs offered by the Economics department. For all other programs needing an introductory economics course, please consult with the offering department to ensure you enrol in the appropriate economics course.


  • For the first requirement, only a 0.5 credit can be counted toward the completion of the IRHR major.
  • Students must meet prerequisites and/or enrolment requirements for ECO, PSY, IRE, IRW courses.
  • Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other CIRHR program.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in the Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1536 program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Enrolment Requirements: Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2. Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection, and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Industrial Relations & Human Resources – Major in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed 2.0 credits with the IRE course designator before starting their first work term. For more information visit Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP).

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level, of which one 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level)

Courses with a CR/NCR status may not be used to satisfy program requirements.

First Year:
1. 0.5 credit from ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1/​ IRW230H1*
2. 1.5 credits from SOC/PSY/IRE/IRW, at any level, of which no more than 0.5 credit can be IRE/IRW

Higher Years:
3. All of IRE242H1, IRE244H1, IRE260H1, ( IRE379H1/​ IRW220H1), IRE430H1, IRE431H1
4. 0.5 credit in 300-level IRE course from Group A
5. 1.5 credits (excluding those already counted) from Groups A and/or B

Group A: IRE339H1/​ IRE342H1/​ IRE346H1/​ IRE347H1/​ IRE348H1/​ IRE367H1/​ IRE378H1

Group B: GGR221H1/​ IRE332Y0/​ IRE345H1/​ IRE349H1/​ IRE395H1/​ IRE396H1/​ IRE432Y0/​ IRE446H1/​ IRE447H1/​ IRE472H1/​ IRE494H1/​ IRW300H1/​ IRW420H1/​ IRW432Y1/​ JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1/​ SOC207H1/​ SOC366H1/​ SOC367H1/​ SOC370H1/​ WRR300H1

* IRW230H1 is designed to meet the economics requirement of CIRHR programs. IRW230H1 cannot be used in lieu of an introductory economics course for programs offered by the Economics department. For all other programs needing an introductory economics course, please consult with the offering department to ensure you enrol in the appropriate economics course.


  1. Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other CIRHR program.
  2. ECO program students may use ECO339H1 in lieu of IRE339H1. Please contact the Program Office to have the course counted towards the IRHR major program requirements.
  3. Non "IRE" courses: These courses may be available only to students who have completed specified prerequisites or who are enrolled in a program sponsored by the department offering the course. Check the Faculty of Arts and Science's timetable for details.

FAS Program Area: Industrial Relations and Human Resources

Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Specialist Program (Arts Program) - ASSPE1536

Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Specialist Program (Arts Program) - ASSPE1536

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

The following two requirements must be completed:

  1. 0.5 credit with a minimum grade of 67% from ECO101H1/​ IRW230H1*, or a minimum grade of 80% from ECO105Y1
  2. 1.5 credits from SOC/PSY/IRE/IRW, at any level, of which no more than 0.5 credit can be IRE/IRW, with a combined minimum average grade of 75%

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, students with a final grade/grade average lower than the grades listed above will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Requests for admission will only be considered in the first program request period. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program students are strongly advised to apply to backup programs.

* IRW230H1 is designed to meet the economics requirement of CIRHR programs. IRW230H1 cannot be used in lieu of an introductory economics course for programs offered by the Economics department. Please consult other academic units well before course registration to ensure you are enrolled in the appropriate economics course.


  • For the first requirement, only a 0.5 credit can be counted toward the completion of the IRHR specialist.
  • Students must meet prerequisites and/or enrolment requirements for ECO, PSY, IRE, IRW courses. Check the Faculty of Arts and Science's timetable for details.
  • Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in or complete any other CIRHR programs.

Arts & Science Internship Program
Students in the Industrial Relations & Human Resources - Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1536 program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Enrolment Requirements: Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2. Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Industrial Relations & Human Resources – Specialist in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed 2.0 credits with the IRE course designator before starting their first work term. For more information visit Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP).

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits, including 4.0 credits at the 300+ level, of which 1.0 credit must be a 400-level IRE course)

  • Courses with a CR/NCR status may not be used to satisfy program requirements.

First Year:
0.5 credit from ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1/​ IRW230H1*
1.5 credits from SOC/PSY/IRE/IRW, at any level, of which no more than 0.5 credit can be IRE/IRW

Higher Years:
1. All of IRE242H1, IRE244H1, IRE260H1, IRE339H1, IRE430H1, IRE431H1 (3.0 credits in total)
2. 0.5 credit from IRE379H1 or IRW220H1
3. 0.5 credit from IRE446H1/​ IRE447H1/​ IRE472H1
4. 2.0 credits from Group A
5. 2.0 credits (excluding those already counted) from Group A and/or B

Group A: IRE342H1/​ IRE346H1/​ IRE347H1/​ IRE348H1/​ IRE367H1/​ IRE378H1

Group B: GGR221H1/​ IRE332Y0/​ IRE345H1/​ IRE349H1/​ IRE395H1/​ IRE396H1/​ IRE432Y0/​ IRE446H1/​ IRE447H1/​ IRE472H1/​ IRE494H1/​ IRW300H1/​ IRW420H1/​ IRW432Y1/​ JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1/​ SOC207H1/​ SOC366H1/​ SOC367H1/​ SOC370H1/​ WRR300H1

* IRW230H1 is designed to meet the economics requirement of CIRHR programs. IRW230H1 cannot be used in lieu of an introductory economics course for programs offered by the Economics department. For all other programs needing an introductory economics course, please consult with the offering department to ensure you enrol in the appropriate economics course.


  • Non "IRE" courses: These courses may be available only to students who have completed specified prerequisites or who are enrolled in a program sponsored by the department offering the course. Check the Faculty of Arts and Science's timetable for details.
  • Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in or complete any other CIRHR programs.

FAS Program Area: Industrial Relations and Human Resources

International Relations Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1469

International Relations Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1469

The study of international relations dates back to antiquity and remains one of the most vital disciplines in the academic community. Its purpose is to explore the enduring questions of the origins of war and the maintenance of peace, the nature and exercise of power within an international system, and the changing character of the participants in international decision-making.

Drawing on the strengths of faculty members in History, Economics, and Political Science, the International Relations Specialist Program offers a structured and interdisciplinary education. The program provides students with knowledge of the historical and contemporary dimensions of the international system while introducing them to the methodologies employed in historical, political and economic analysis.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

• ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) with a minimum grade of 63% in each, or ECO105Y1 with a minimum grade of 80%
• 1.0 credit from GGR112H1, HIS102Y1, HIS103Y1, MUN101H1, MUN102H1, MUN105Y1, POL101H1, POL106H1, POL107H1, POL109H1, TRN150Y1, TRN151Y1, TRN152Y1, TRN160Y1, TRN162Y1, VIC181H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, VIC185H1, with a minimum grade of 70% in each course.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than the minimum grades stated above will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining these minimum final grades does not guarantee admission to the program; admission will be based on the average of the required courses.

Completing ECO105Y1 limits future enrolment options in ECO courses. First-year MAT courses are a prerequisite for many optional ECO courses in the IR Program Requirements listed below. Students are strongly advised to enrol in MAT133Y1/​ ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 if they wish to pursue ECO electives.

Completion Requirements:

(7.5 credits)

Year 1 (2.0 credits):

  1. ECO101H1 and ECO102H1, OR ECO105Y1
  2. 1.0 credit from GGR112H1, HIS102Y1, HIS103Y1, MUN101H1, MUN102H1, MUN105Y1, POL101H1, POL106H1, POL107H1, POL109H1, TRN150Y1, TRN151Y1, TRN152Y1, TRN160Y1, TRN162Y1, VIC181H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, VIC185H1

Year 2 (2.5 credits):

  1. ECO231H1 and ECO232H1, OR​ ECO200Y1/​​ ECO202Y1/​​ ECO206Y1/​​ ECO208Y1. Students should note that completing ( ECO231H1 and ECO232H1) limits future enrolment options in ECO courses.
  2. POL208H1
  3. TRN250Y1

Year 3 (2.5 credits):

  1. TRN350H1
  2. 1.0 credit from: AFR353H1/​ CAS310H1/​ CAS320H1/​ EAS324H1/​ EAS345Y1/​ EAS357H1/​ EAS372H1/​ EAS373H1/​ EAS374H1/​ EAS375H1/​ HIS300H1/​ HIS311H1/​ ​ HIS312H1/​ HIS315H1/​ HIS316H1/​ HIS317H1/​ HIS319H1/​ HIS325H1/​ HIS328H1/​​ HIS330H1/​ HIS334H1/​​ HIS338H1/​ HIS339H1/​​ HIS340H1/​ HIS341Y1/​ HIS342H1/​​ HIS343H1/​​ HIS344H1/​​ HIS347H1/​​ HIS349H1/​ HIS351H1/​ HIS353Y1/​ HIS355H1/​ HIS356H1/​ HIS359H1/​​ HIS361H1/​​ HIS364H1/​​ HIS370H1/​ HIS371H1/​ HIS376H1/​ HIS377H1/​ HIS378H1/​​ HIS379H1/​​ HIS382H1/​ HIS384H1/​ HIS385H1/​ HIS386H1/​​ HIS388H1/​ HIS397H1/​ JHA384H1/​ JHA394H1/​ NMC355H1/​ NMC372H1/​ NMC373H1/​ RLG309H1 or with permission of the Director: HIS304H1/​ HIS326H1/​ HIS348H1/​ HIS372H1/​ HIS389H1/​ HIS389Y1/​ TRN307H1/​ TRN308H1/​ TRN377Y1

  3. 1.0 credit from: AFR353H1/​​ AFR354H1/​ AFR359H1/​ CAS310H1/​ CAS320H1/​ ECO324H1/​​ ECO341H1/​​ ECO342H1/​ ECO362H1/​​ ECO364H1/​​ ECO365H1/​ ECO367H1/​​ ECO368H1/​​ GGR314H1/​​ GGR320H1/​ GGR326H1/​ GGR329H1/​ GGR338H1/​​ GGR341H1/​ GGR342H1/​ GGR343H1/​ GGR344H1/​ JPA331H1/​ JPA376Y0/​​ NMC378H1/​​ POL301H1/​ POL302H1​/ POL305H1/​ POL307H1/​ POL309H1/​ POL312H1/​ POL313H1/​ POL324H1/​ POL325H1/​ POL326H1/​ POL327H1/​ POL328H1/​ POL329H1/​​ POL340H1/​ POL341H1/​ POL347H1/​ POL348H1/​ POL349H1/​ POL350H1/​ POL351H1/​ POL358H1/​ POL359H1/​ POL360H1/​ POL361H1/​​ POL362H1/​ POL377H1/​​ POL378H1/​ POL380H1/​ POL384H1/​ POL386H1/​ WGS340H1 or with permission of the Director: TRN307H1/​ TRN308H1/​ TRN377Y1

Year 4 (0.5 credit)

TRN409H1/​ TRN410H1


  • Those students choosing to add a Focus should be guided in their selection of courses at the third and fourth year level by the courses listed in the specific Focus group they choose.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

International Relations Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1469

International Relations Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1469

The study of international relations dates back to antiquity and remains one of the most vital disciplines in the academic community. Its purpose is to explore the enduring questions of the origins of war and the maintenance of peace, the nature and exercise of power within an international system, and the changing character of the participants in international decision-making.

Drawing on the strengths of faculty members in History, Economics, and Political Science, the International Relations Specialist Program offers a structured and interdisciplinary education. The program provides students with knowledge of the historical and contemporary dimensions of the international system while introducing them to the methodologies employed in historical, political and economic analysis.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

• ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) with a minimum grade of 63% in each, or ECO105Y1 with a minimum grade of 80%
• 2.0 credits from GGR112H1, HIS102Y1, HIS103Y1, MUN101H1, MUN102H1, MUN105Y1, POL101H1, POL106H1, POL107H1, POL109H1, TRN150Y1, TRN151Y1, TRN152Y1, TRN160Y1, TRN162Y1, VIC181H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, VIC185H1, with a minimum grade of 70% in each course.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than the minimum grades stated above will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining these minimum final grades does not guarantee admission to the program; admission will be based on the average of the required courses.

Completing ECO105Y1 limits future enrolment options in ECO courses. First-year MAT courses are a prerequisite for many optional ECO courses in the IR Program Requirements listed below. Students are strongly advised to enrol in MAT133Y1/​ ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 if they wish to pursue ECO electives.

Completion Requirements:

(13.0 credits)

Consult the Office of the International Relations Program, room 310N, Munk School of Global Affairs, 416-946-8950.

Year 1 (3.0 credits):

  1. ECO101H1 and ECO102H1, OR ECO105Y1
  2. 2.0 credits from GGR112H1, HIS102Y1, HIS103Y1, MUN101H1, MUN102H1, MUN105Y1, POL101H1, POL106H1, POL107H1, POL109H1, TRN150Y1, TRN151Y1, TRN152Y1, TRN160Y1, TRN162Y1, VIC181H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, VIC185H1

Year 2 (2.5 credits):

  1. ECO231H1 and ECO232H1, OR ECO200Y1/​​ ECO202Y1/​​ ECO206Y1/​​ ECO208Y1. Students should note that completing ( ECO231H1 and ECO232H1) limits future enrolment options in ECO courses.
  2. POL208H1
  3. TRN250Y1

Year 3 (4.0 credits):

  1. TRN350H1
  2. 1.0 credit from: ECO320H1/​​ ECO341H1/​​ ECO342H1/​​ ECO362H1/​​ ECO364H1/​​ ECO365H1/​​ ECO368H1
  3. 1.0 credit from: AFR353H1/​ CAS310H1/​ CAS320H1/​ EAS324H1/​ EAS345Y1/​ EAS357H1/​ EAS372H1/​ EAS373H1/​ EAS374H1/​ EAS375H1/​ HIS300H1/​ HIS311H1/​​ HIS312H1/​ HIS315H1/​ HIS316H1/​ HIS317H1/​ HIS319H1/​ HIS325H1/​ HIS328H1/​​ HIS330H1/​ HIS334H1/​​ HIS338H1/​ HIS339H1/​​ HIS340H1/​ HIS341Y1/​ HIS342H1/​​ HIS343H1/​​ HIS344H1/​​ HIS347H1/​​ HIS349H1/​ HIS351H1/​ HIS353Y1/​ HIS355H1/​ HIS356H1/​ HIS359H1/​​ HIS361H1/​​ HIS364H1/​​ HIS370H1/​ HIS371H1/​ HIS376H1/​ HIS377H1/​ HIS378H1/​​ HIS379H1/​​ HIS382H1/​ HIS384H1/​ HIS385H1/​ HIS386H1/​​ HIS388H1/​ HIS397H1/​ JHA384H1/​ JHA394H1/​ NMC355H1/​ NMC372H1/​ NMC373H1/​ RLG309H1 or with permission of the Director: HIS304H1/​ HIS326H1/​ HIS348H1/​ HIS372H1/​ HIS389H1/​ HIS389Y1/​ TRN307H1/​ TRN308H1/​ TRN377Y1
  4. 1.0 credit from: AFR353H1/​​ AFR354H1/​ AFR359H1/​ CAS310H1/​ CAS320H1/​ ECO324H1/​​ ECO341H1/​​ ECO342H1/​ ECO362H1/​​ ECO364H1/​​ ECO365H1/​ ECO367H1/​​ ECO368H1/​​ GGR314H1/​​ GGR320H1/​ GGR326H1/​ GGR329H1/​ GGR338H1/​ GGR341H1/​​ GGR342H1/​ GGR343H1 GGR344H1/​ JPA331H1/​ JPA376Y0/​​ NMC378H1/​​ POL301H1/​ POL302H1​/ POL305H1/​ POL307H1/​ POL309H1/​ POL312H1/​ POL313H1/​ POL324H1/​ POL325H1/​ POL326H1/​ POL327H1/​ POL328H1/​ POL329H1/​​ POL340H1/​ POL341H1/​ POL347H1/​ POL348H1/​ POL349H1/​ POL350H1/​ POL351H1/​ POL358H1/​ POL359H1/​ POL360H1/​ POL361H1/​​ POL362H1/​ POL377H1/​ POL378H1/​​ POL380H1/​ POL384H1/​ POL386H1/​ WGS340H1 or with permission of the Director: TRN307H1/​ TRN308H1/​ TRN377Y1

  5. 0.5 credit from:
    any of the above from Year 3 Req. 2-4 not previously counted or with permission of the Director: ECO351H1/​​ TRN307H1/​​ TRN308H1/​​ TRN377Y1

Note: Those students choosing to add a Focus should be guided in their selection by the courses listed in their Focus group.

Year 4 (3.5 credits)

  1. 1.0 credit from: ( TRN409H1, TRN410H1)/ TRN411Y1/​ TRN419Y1/​ TRN421Y1
  2. 2.5 additional credits from:
    AFR455H1/​ ECO403H1/​​ ECO419H1/​​ ECO429H1/​​ ECO430Y1/​​ ECO431H1/​​ ECO459H1/​​ ECO465H1/​ GGR418H1/​​ GGR419H1/​​ GGR430H1/​ GLA2050H1/ HIS401H1/​​ HIS405Y1/​ HIS411H1/​​ HIS415Y1/​​ HIS416H1/​​ HIS417H1/​​ HIS439H1/​ HIS445H1/​ HIS446H1/​​ HIS451H1/​​ HIS457H1/​​ HIS465H1/​​ HIS470H1/​​ HIS479H1/​ HIS483H1/​​ HIS487H1/​​ HIS492H1/​​ HIS493H1/​ HIS494H1/​​ HIS498H1/​​ POL410H1/​​ POL412H1/​ POL413H1/​​ POL417H1/​​ POL418H1/​ POL425H1/​ POL435H1/​​ POL441H1/​​ POL442H1/​​ POL445H1/​​ POL456H1/​ POL458H1/​ POL459H1/​​ POL466H1/​​ POL467H1/​​ POL469H1/​ POL472H1/​ POL477H1/​​ POL486H1/​​ POL487H1/​ TRN409H1/​ TRN410H1/​​ VIC476H1


  • Those students choosing to add a Focus should be guided in their selection by the courses listed in their Focus group.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Islamic Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1359

Islamic Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1359

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(6.5 credits)

  1. 1.0 credit from RLG100H1 / RLG101H1 / RLG102H1 / RLG103H1 / RLG104H1 / RLG105H1 / RLG106H1 / RLG107H1 / RLG108H1 / RLG195H1 / RLG196H1 / RLG197H1 / RLG198H1 / RLG199H1 / JRC199H1 / JRN199H1.
  2. RLG200H1
  3. RLG204H1
  4. 0.5 credit from RLG209H1 / RLG211H1 / RLG212H1 / RLG213H1
  5. 3.5 credits from the following list, of which 2.0 credits must be at the 300+ level: NMC103H1, NMC271H1, NMC273Y1, NMC275H1, NMC348Y1, NMC355H1, NMC374H1, NMC376H1, NMC377Y1, NMC381H1, NMC385H1, NMC393H1, NMC396H1, NMC471H1, NMC475H1; PHL336H1; RLG312H1, RLG350H1, RLG351H1, RLG352H1, RLG355H1, RLG356H1, RLG458H1; FAH265H1, FAH326H1.
  6. 0.5 credit from the following capstone integrative courses: RLG404H1, RLG405H1, RLG406H1, RLG407H1, RLG426H1


  • Special Topics courses with Islam content (like NMC277H1 or RLG412H1) will also count towards the program.
  • A maximum of two language courses totaling 1.0 credit in Pali ( RLG264H1, RLG265H1), Sanskrit ( RLG260H1, RLG263H1, RLG359H1, RLG360H1, RLG474H1), Tibetan ( RLG261H1, RLG262H1) or Modern Hebrew ( MHB155H1, MHB156H1, MHB255H1, MHB256H1, MHB355H1, MHB356H1) will count toward the Department for the Study of Religion courses required to complete any Major Program in Religion. If a student wishes a different language (not one of those mentioned here) to count toward completing these programs they should consult with the Associate Chair, Undergraduate.
  • Please note that UTM and UTSC courses do not automatically count towards completion of a RLG program (except the Buddhist Studies Major and Specialist). If you have taken or are planning on taking a course at another campus and would like it to count exceptionally towards your program requirements, please e-mail the Undergraduate Program Assistant at

FAS Program Area: Religion

Italian Culture and Communication Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1245

Italian Culture and Communication Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1245

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

4 full courses (or equivalent) including one full course equivalent from any of the following:

ITA340H1/​ ITA341H1/​ ITA342H1/​ ITA345H1/​ ITA441H1/​ ITA445H1 (Italian cinema courses)

ITA360H1/​ ITA363H1/​ ITA364H1/​ ITA431H1/​ ITA432H1/​ ITA433H1 (Italian linguistics courses)

ITA356Y0/​ ITA357Y0/​ ITA358Y0/​ ITA359Y0 (Italian culture courses)

FAS Program Area: Italian

Italian Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2524

Italian Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2524

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one half-course equivalent at the 400 level)

  1. The following language courses: ITA100Y1, ITA250Y1, ITA350Y1
  2. One additional 200-series ITA full course equivalent
  3. One full course or equivalent at the 300+ level in literature
  4. One half course from the following: ITA360H1/​ ITA363H1/​ ITA364H1/​ ITA431H1/​ ITA432H1/​ ITA433H1
  5. One half course from the following: ITA311H1/​ ITA320H1/​ ITA321H1/​ ITA330H1/​ ITA332H1/​ ITA340H1/​ ITA341H1/​ ITA342H1/​ ITA345H1/​ ITA348H1/​ ITA370H1/​ ITA380H1/​ ITA400H1/​ ITA420H1/​ ITA441H1/​ ITA445H1
  6. One additional 300+ series course of which at least one half course must be at the 400 level

FAS Program Area: Italian

Italian Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2524

Italian Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2524

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4 full courses or their equivalent)

Any 4 ITA courses (at least one full course equivalent must be a 300/400-level literature course)

FAS Program Area: Italian

Italian Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE2524

Italian Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE2524

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

  1. The following language courses: ITA100Y1, ITA250Y1, ITA350Y1, ITA450H1
  2. An additional 1.0 ITA credit at the 200-level
  3. 2.0 credits at the 300+ level in literature, including a 0.5 credit in each of the THREE periods of Italian literature:

    Medieval / Renaissance: ITA300H1/​ ITA311H1/​ ITA312H1/​ ITA320H1/​ ITA321H1/​ ITA332H1/​ ITA370H1/​ ITA400H1/​ ITA420H1/​ ITA455H1

    Baroque / Enlightenment: ITA301H1/​ ITA348H1/​ ITA390H1/​ ITA420H1/​ ITA455H1

    Modern / Contemporary: ITA301H1/​ ITA310H1/​ ITA330H1/​ ITA380H1/​ ITA381H1/​ ITA410H1/​ ITA421H1/​ ITA455H1
  4. One 0.5 credit from the following: ITA360H1/​ ITA363H1/​ ITA364H1/​ ITA431H1/​ ITA432H1/​ ITA433H1
  5. One 0.5 credit from the following: ITA311H1/​ ITA320H1/​ ITA321H1/​ ITA330H1/​ ITA332H1/​ ITA340H1/​ ITA341H1/​ ITA342H1/​ ITA345H1/​ ITA348H1/​ ITA370H1/​ ITA380H1/​ ITA400H1/​ ITA420H1/​ ITA441H1/​ ITA445H1
  6. 2.0 credits at the 300+ level with at least one 0.5 credit at the 400-level
  7. ITA495H1

NOTE: No more than 2.0 credits where the language of instruction is English may be counted towards the Specialist Program.

FAS Program Area: Italian

Jewish Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0385

Jewish Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0385

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(6.5 credits, including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level, of which a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level)

1. CJS200H1/​ CJS201H1 (See Note)

2. 0.5 credits at the 400-level; fulfilled by any 400-level courses listed in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook.

3. 5.0 credits in any of the four areas of Jewish Studies. All courses in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook count towards this requirement. At least 2.0 out of the 5.0 credits must be at the 300+ level.

4. DTS300H1 or a 0.5 credit to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning competency of the program, to be chosen from courses in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook developing this competency. If none is available, a 0.5 credit from Breadth Requirement Category #5: The Physical & Mathematical Universe, or a 0.5 credit approved by the Undergraduate Director.

Note: There are no specific first-year requirements; however, first-year students are welcome to take CJS200H1, CJS201H1, Hebrew Language courses ( MHB155H1 and MHB156H1), and Yiddish ( GER260Y1 or GER261H1 and GER262H1), which count towards the Jewish Studies Major.

FAS Program Area: Centre for Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0385

Jewish Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0385

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit at the 300+ level)

1. CJS200H1/​ CJS201H1 (See Note)

2. 3.5 credits in any of the four areas of Jewish Studies. All courses in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook count towards this requirement. 1.0 out of the 3.5 credits must be at the 300+ level.

Note: There are no specific first-year requirements; however, first-year students are welcome to take CJS200H1, CJS201H1, and Hebrew Language courses ( MHB155H1 and MHB156H1) and Yiddish Language courses ( GER260Y1 or GER261H1 and GER262H1), which count towards the Jewish Studies Minor.

FAS Program Area: Centre for Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0385

Jewish Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0385

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits, including 4.0 credits at the 300+ level, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 400-level)

1. CJS200H1/​ CJS201H1 (See Note)

2. 1.0 credit at the 400-level; fulfilled by any 400-level courses listed in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook.

3. 3.0 credits in Hebrew or Yiddish:

Hebrew language courses: MHB155H1/​ MHB156H1/​ MHB255H1/​ MHB256H1/​ MHB355H1/​ MHB356H1/​ NML155H1/​ NML156H1/​ NML255H1/​ NML256H1/​ NML355H1/​ NML356H1

Yiddish language courses: GER260Y1/​ GER261H1/​ GER262H1/​ GER360H1/​ GER460H1/​ GER463Y1.

Students entering the program with proof of requisite linguistic proficiency in Aramaic, Hebrew, Yiddish will choose any 3.0 credits in an area of study (see above) in addition to the regular requirements described in section 4. Other languages are accepted with special permission of the Undergraduate Director.

4. 5.0 credits in any of the four areas of Jewish Studies. All courses in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook count towards this requirement.

5. Note: From section 3 and 4, at least 4.0 credits at the 300+ level.

6. DTS300H1 or a 0.5 credit to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning competency of the program, to be chosen from courses in the Centre for Jewish Studies Undergraduate Course Handbook developing this competency. If none is available, a 0.5 credit from Breadth Requirement Category #5: The Physical & Mathematical Universe, or a 0.5 credit approved by the Undergraduate Director.

Note: There are no specific first-year requirements; however, first-year students are welcome to take CJS200H1, CJS201H1, Hebrew Language courses ( MHB155H1 and MHB156H1) and Yiddish ( GER260Y1 or GER261H1 and GER262H1), which count towards the Jewish Studies Specialist.

FAS Program Area: Centre for Jewish Studies

Latin American Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0552

Latin American Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0552

The Latin American Studies program at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese provides students in the social sciences and humanities an opportunity to engage and deepen their understanding of Latin American regions, their histories, politics, cultures, economies and societies. Courses encourage students to situate both their special interests and the contemporary debates in fields such as anthropology, political science, geography, literature, or history within a broader interdisciplinary framework, while at the same time committing themselves to an understanding of the historical, cultural and political experiences of Spanish and Portuguese America. Through an engagement with different texts and faculty expertise, this program trains students in current themes such as postcolonial thinking, critical readings of colonial histories, literary and anthropological genres, comparative politics, politics of indigeneity and human rights, as well as in environmental policies and political economy of Latin America and the Americas as a transnational whole. With the possibility to carry out curricula experience in Latin America, this program also offers an important lead for career development experiences on Latin America. This knowledge is increasingly necessary for Canada, as the country enters into new trade, political, environmental, and academic agreements with our emerging hemispheric partners.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, including a minimum of 2.0 LAS credits at the 300+ level, of which a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level)

  1. LAS200H1, LAS201H1.
  2. 1.5 LAS credits at the 300-level.
  3. 0.5 LAS credit at the 400-level, or an equivalent 0.5 credit at the 400-level, approved by the Associate Chair of Latin American Studies or the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
  4. 0.5 credit from: JQR360H1, POL222H1, GGR270H1, DTS300H1 or another 0.5 credit course on a combination of quantitative and qualitative reasoning / research design approved by the Associate Chair of Latin American Studies or the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
  5. 2.5 LAS credits or pre-approved courses from Lists A and B, of which a maximum of 0.5 credit may be from List B.
  • Students must successfully complete (with a minimum grade of 65%) at least the second level of language instruction in Spanish or Portuguese by the end of the third year of study. This requirement is normally met through 1.0 credit from either the list of Spanish courses in Group A or from the list of Portuguese courses in List A. Students can also demonstrate equivalent proficiency in the given language through completion of 1.0 credit from the list of Latin American Cultural Expressions courses in List A at a second-year level of instruction or higher.

List A (Thematic Group):
Latin American Societies: ANT320H1, ANT340H1, ANT407H1
Historical Understandings of Latin America: HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS390H1, HIS397H1
Latin American Politics: POL305Y1/​ POL305H1, POL325H1, POL360H1, POL442H1
Latin American Cultural Expressions: SPA275H1, SPA375H1, SPA381H1, SPA382H1, SPA384H1, SPA385H1, SPA386H1, SPA387H1, SPA389H1, SPA467H1, SPA475H1, SPA480H1, SPA482H1, SPA486H1, SPA488H1, SPA489H1, PRT275H1, PRT375H1
Caribbean Studies: JLN327H1, JLN427H1
Forest Conservation and Forest Biomaterials Science: FOR201H1
Geography: GGR341H1
Music: MUS305H1
Portuguese: ( PRT101H1, PRT102H1)/ PRT100Y1, PRT120H1, ( PRT201H1, PRT202H1)/ PRT220Y1, PRT205H1, PRT301H1, PRT302H1, PRT305H1, PRT120Y1, PRT219Y1, PRT368H1, PRT420H1
Spanish: ( SPA101H1, SPA102H1)/ SPA100Y1, SPA120Y1, SPA196H1, ( SPA201H1, SPA202H1)/ SPA220Y1, ( SPA205H1, SPA305H1)/ SPA219Y1, SPA258H1, SPA259H1, ( SPA301H1, SPA302H1)/ SPA320Y1, SPA323H1

List B (Disciplinary Group):
Caribbean Studies: CAR120Y1, CAR220H1, CAR221H1, CAR324H1
Diaspora and Transnational Studies: DTS200Y1
Economics: ECO324H1, ECO403H1
Geography: JGE321H1
Indigenous Studies: INS200H1, INS205H1
New College Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity: CSE240H1, CSE270H1, CSE346H1

FAS Program Area: Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0552

Latin American Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0552

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level.)

  1. LAS200H1 and LAS201H1
  2. 0.5 LAS credit at the 300-level.
  3. 2.5 LAS credits, or pre-approved courses from cognate units listed below (List A). Of the 2.5 credits, a minimum of 0.5 credit must be from the Social Sciences/BR=3; another 0.5 credit must be from the Humanities/BR=1 or 2. ( LAS300H1 or LAS370H1 can be used to cover the Social Science requirement and LAS301H1, LAS310H1, LAS320H1, LAS350H1 for the Humanities requirement).

Spanish or Portuguese language study is recommended, but not a requirement.

List A (Thematic Group):
Latin American Societies: ANT320H1, ANT340H1, ANT407H1
Historical Understandings of Latin America: HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS390H1, HIS397H1
Latin American Politics: POL305Y1/​ POL305H1, POL325H1, POL360H1, POL442H1
Latin American Cultural Expressions: SPA275H1, SPA375H1, SPA381H1, SPA382H1, SPA384H1, SPA385H1, SPA386H1, SPA387H1, SPA389H1, SPA467H1, SPA475H1, SPA480H1, SPA482H1, SPA486H1, SPA488H1, SPA489H1, PRT275H1, PRT375H1
Caribbean Studies: JLN327H1, JLN427H1
Forest Conservation and Forest Biomaterials Science: FOR201H1
Geography: GGR341H1
Music: MUS305H1
Portuguese: ( PRT101H1, PRT102H1)/ PRT100Y1, PRT120H1, ( PRT201H1, PRT202H1)/ PRT220Y1, PRT205H1, PRT301H1, PRT302H1, PRT305H1, PRT120Y1, PRT219Y1, PRT368H1, PRT420H1
Spanish: ( SPA101H1, SPA102H1)/ SPA100Y1, SPA120Y1, SPA196H1, ( SPA201H1, SPA202H1)/ SPA220Y1, ( SPA205H1, SPA305H1)/ SPA219Y1, SPA258H1, SPA259H1, ( SPA301H1, SPA302H1)/ SPA320Y1, SPA323H1

FAS Program Area: Latin American Studies

Latin Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1451

Latin Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1451

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, LAT101H1 and LAT102H1.

(6.0 credits)

1. CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, CLA260H1
2. 4.0 credits from LAT courses, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300-level and 1.0 credit at the 400-level
3. Additional 1.0 credit from CLA/GRK/LAT

FAS Program Area: Classics

Latin Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1451

Latin Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1451

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, LAT101H1 and LAT102H1.

(4.0 credits)

1. 1.0 credit from CLA courses, including CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1
2. 3.0 credits from LAT courses, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300-level

FAS Program Area: Classics

Linguistics Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0506

Linguistics Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0506

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits)

1) All of: LIN101H1, LIN102H1

2) All of: LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1, LIN241H1, LIN251H1

3) 0.5 credit from: JLP374H1 or JLP315H1

4) A further 1.0 LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS credit at the 300+ level

5) 0.5 LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS credit at the 400-level

6) An additional 1.5 credits in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS (excluding LIN200H1, LIN203H1, LIN204H1, LIN206H1, LIN207H1, LIN208H1, LIN211H1)

Up to 1.0 credit may be from other departments. Approved courses include ANT329H1, ANT425H1, ANT427H1; COG250Y1; CSC384H1, CSC401H1, CSC448H1, CSC485H1; FIN220H1, FIN305H1; FRE272H1, FRE273H1, FRE274H1, FRE376H1, FRE378H1, FRE379H1, FRE379H1, FRE383H1, FRE386H1, FRE387H1, FRE388H1, FRE471H1, FRE487H1, FRE488H1, FRE489H1; GER400H1, GER426H1, GER462H1; HPS250H1, HPS322H1, HPS352H1; ITA360H1, ITA363H1; MCS223H1; NML315H1, NML463H1; PHL210Y1, PHL245H1, PHL310H1, PHL311H1, PHL325H1, PHL326H1, PHL340H1, PHL342H1, PHL345H1, PHL347H1, PHL351H1, PHL355H1, PHL405H1, PHL451H1, PHL479H1, PHL480H1, PHL481H1; PRT364H1, PRT368H1; SLA255H1, SLA380H1, SLA452Y1; SPA322H1, SPA324H1, SPA421H1, SPA422H1, SPA423H1; VIC223Y1; LIN340H5. Other courses might also qualify; consult the Department of Linguistics for approval.

Note: LIN courses from other campuses are considered courses from other Departments.

FAS Program Area: Linguistics

Linguistics Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0506

Linguistics Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0506

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

First Year: LIN101H1, LIN102H1

Higher Years: 3.0 credits in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS (excluding LIN200H1 and LIN211H1) of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300+ level

Up to 1.0 credit may be from other departments. Approved courses include ANT329H1, ANT425H1, ANT427H1; COG250Y1; CSC384H1, CSC401H1, CSC448H1, CSC485H1; FIN220H1, FIN305H1; FRE272H1, FRE273H1, FRE274H1, FRE376H1, FRE378H1, FRE379H1, FRE379H1, FRE383H1, FRE386H1, FRE387H1, FRE388H1, FRE471H1, FRE487H1, FRE488H1, FRE489H1; GER400H1, GER426H1, GER462H1; HPS250H1, HPS322H1, HPS352H1; ITA360H1, ITA363H1; MCS223H1; NML315H1, NML463H1; PHL210Y1, PHL245H1, PHL310H1, PHL311H1, PHL325H1, PHL326H1, PHL340H1, PHL342H1, PHL345H1, PHL347H1, PHL351H1, PHL355H1, PHL405H1, PHL451H1, PHL479H1, PHL480H1, PHL481H1; PRT364H1, PRT368H1; SLA255H1, SLA380H1, SLA452Y1; SPA322H1, SPA324H1, SPA421H1, SPA422H1, SPA423H1; VIC223Y1; LIN340H5. Other courses might also qualify; consult the Department of Linguistics for approval.

Note: LIN courses from other campuses are considered courses from other Departments.

FAS Program Area: Linguistics

Linguistics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0506

Linguistics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0506

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(12.0 credits)

Required Courses (5.5 credits):

First Year: LIN101H1, LIN102H1
Second Year: LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1, LIN241H1, LIN251H1
Third and Fourth Years: LIN322H1, LIN331H1, JAL401H1, JLP374H1/​ JLP315H1

Elective Courses (4.5 credits):

A total of 4.5 credits in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS (excluding LIN200H1, LIN203H1, LIN204H1, LIN206H1, LIN207H1, LIN208H1, LIN211H1) including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level including at least 0.5 credit at the 400 level

Up to 1.0 credit may be from other departments. Approved courses include ANT329H1, ANT425H1, ANT427H1; COG250Y1; CSC384H1, CSC401H1, CSC448H1, CSC485H1; FIN220H1, FIN305H1; FRE272H1, FRE273H1, FRE274H1, FRE376H1, FRE378H1, FRE379H1, FRE379H1, FRE383H1, FRE386H1, FRE387H1, FRE388H1, FRE471H1, FRE487H1, FRE488H1, FRE489H1; GER400H1, GER426H1, GER462H1; HPS250H1, HPS322H1, HPS352H1; ITA360H1, ITA363H1; MCS223H1; NML315H1, NML463H1; PHL210Y1, PHL245H1, PHL310H1, PHL311H1, PHL325H1, PHL326H1, PHL340H1, PHL342H1, PHL345H1, PHL347H1, PHL351H1, PHL355H1, PHL405H1, PHL451H1, PHL479H1, PHL480H1, PHL481H1; PRT364H1, PRT368H1; SLA255H1, SLA380H1, SLA452Y1; SPA322H1, SPA324H1, SPA421H1, SPA422H1, SPA423H1; VIC223Y1; LIN340H5. Other courses might also qualify; consult the Department of Linguistics for approval.

LIN courses from other campuses are considered courses from other Departments.

Language Requirement (2.0 credits):

Two years of study or its equivalent of one non-Germanic, non-Romance language in courses using the spoken language. We encourage you to begin this language study in your first or second year. Approved sequences of courses include CLT141Y1, CLT251H1, and CLT252H1; EAS100Y1 and EAS200Y1; EAS120Y1 and EAS220Y1; EAS110Y1 and EAS210Y1; EST100H1, EST101H1, EST200H1, and EST201H1; FIN100H1, FIN110H1, FIN200H1, and FIN210H1; HUN100Y1 and HUN200Y1; INS220Y1 and INS323Y1/​ INS320Y1; INS210Y1 and INS310Y1; AFR280Y1/​ NEW280Y1 and AFR380Y1/​ NEW380Y1; MGR100H1, MGR101H1, and MGR245Y1; NML110Y1 and NML210Y1; NML155H1, NML156H1, NML255H1, and NML256H1; NML260Y1 and NML360Y1; NML270Y1 and NML370Y1; SLA105Y1 and SLA204Y1; SLA106H1, SLA116H1, SLA206H1, and SLA207H1; SLA100H1, SLA101H1, and SLA220Y1; SLA107Y1, SLA257H1, and SLA277H1; SLA108Y1 and SLA208Y1. Other courses might also qualify, but must be pre-approved by the Department of Linguistics. Note that access to some language courses will be determined through priority enrolment.

FAS Program Area: Linguistics

Literature and Critical Theory Major in the Comparative Literature Stream (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1026

Literature and Critical Theory Major in the Comparative Literature Stream (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1026

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, no more than 1.0 credit at the 100-level, at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

1. First year in program: LCT202Y1
2. First or second year in program: LCT203H1 and LCT205H1
3. 2.5 credits from VIC162H1, VIC163H1, VIC167H1, VIC184H1, VIC190Y1, LCT204H1, LCT301H1, LCT302H1, LCT303H1, LCT304H1, LCT305H1, LCT306H1, LCT307H1, LCT308H1, LCT401H1/​ LCT401Y1, LCT403H1, LCT494H1/​ ​ LCT494Y1
4. LCT402H1
5. 2.0 credits in languages or literatures drawn from other departments, that involve reading texts in a language other than English. At least 1.0 credit must be at the 300+ level.

FAS Program Area: Victoria College

Literature and Critical Theory Major in the Cultural Theory Stream (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1023

Literature and Critical Theory Major in the Cultural Theory Stream (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1023

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.5 credits, no more than 1.0 credit at the 100-level, at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

  1. First year in program: LCT202Y1
  2. First or second year in program: LCT203H1, LCT205H1
  3. 2.5 credits from VIC162H1, VIC163H1, VIC167H1, VIC184H1, VIC190Y1, LCT204H1, LCT301H1, LCT302H1, LCT303H1, LCT304H1, LCT305H1, LCT306H1, LCT307H1, LCT308H1, LCT401H1/​ LCT401Y1, LCT403H1, LCT494H1/​​ LCT494Y1
  4. LCT402H1
  5. 1.0 credit in ONE other discipline offered within the Faculty of Arts & Science – African Studies, Anthropology, Art History, Caribbean Studies, Cinema Studies, Classics, Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity, Drama, East Asian Studies, History, Music, Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, and other departments as approved by the program coordinator.
  6. 1.0 credit in courses at the 200+ level where the primary language of study is not English.

FAS Program Area: Victoria College

Literature and Critical Theory Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0539

Literature and Critical Theory Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0539

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, no more than 1.0 credit at the 100-level, at least 1.0 credit at 300+ level)

  1. LCT202Y1
  2. 3.0 credits from: VIC162H1, VIC163H1, VIC167H1, VIC184H1, VIC190Y1, LCT203H1, LCT204H1, LCT205H1, LCT301H1, LCT302H1, LCT303H1, LCT304H1, LCT305H1, LCT306H1, LCT307H1, LCT308H1, LCT401H1/​​ LCT401Y1, LCT402H1, LCT403H1, LCT494H1/​​ LCT494Y1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with Victoria College's Literature and Critical Theory program will have the new "LCT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Victoria College