How the Calendar Changes

The Academic Calendar is the official record of the curriculum of the Faculty as approved by the Faculty, including all the courses, programs, and degrees offered, and policies and rules around academic life. This information is also seen on other student websites and resources, including Timetable Builder and Degree Explorer.

The Academic Calendar is published every twelve months, and includes any changes that were approved in the previous twelve months. Changes can be small, like a change to a course title or description, but can also include new courses, changes to program requirements, and even new programs or retired programs. All approved changes will have gone through planning, consultation, and governance approval before being published.

When does the information in the Academic Calendar come into effect?

Effective April 2019, when a new Academic Calendar is published in May, all the information normally comes into effect in the September after publication. This means students can rely on the information in the Academic Calendar being in effect from September through to the end of the following August.

For example, the information in the 2024-25 Academic Calendar comes into effect September 2024. Students already following the 2023-24 Academic Calendar continue to do so through the Summer of 2024 but can use the new Calendar to begin planning their courses for 2024-25 Fall/Winter course enrolment and for program enrolment in the Spring of 2025.

Specifically, when it comes to any new information regarding courses, programs, or degrees offered, this means:

  • New courses or changes to courses do not take effect until September, so courses in the Summer are from the previous Calendar and follow those rules. As an example: the changes to courses or new courses in the 2024-25 Academic Calendar do not start until September 2024, in the 2024-25 Fall/Winter session.
  • Changes to programs – either to rules on how to enrol in the program or to complete the program – take effect the following Summer. So any changes in the 2024-25 Academic Calendar apply to students who enrol in the Spring/Summer of 2025 (allowing the 2024-25 Fall/Winter session to prepare and plan).
  • Changes to degree requirements take effect for students entering the Faculty in September. So students who start their studies in September 2024 follow the rules for their degree requirements in the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.

This applies not only to changes to the curriculum – to degrees, programs of study, and courses – but also to rules and policies.


There are three different situations where new information in a new Calendar may come into effect right away or as of the start of the Summer academic session (i.e., starting May).

  • Changes to Ancillary Fees – Some courses may charge a special fee to students in the course to offset the cost of specific course materials (for example, lab coats for certain science courses with laboratory work). Fees operate on a different cycle and, if they are changed, this takes effect starting in summer courses. So be sure to note, when using any Academic Calendar, that ancillary fees listed can change in the Summer at the end of that Calendar’s cycle.
  • Special or urgent changes to courses/programs/degrees – If for any reason there is a change to course/programs that are urgently needed, or which are shown to only benefit students if they come into effect right away, these can take effect as of the Summer Session when the new Calendar is published. If this is true, the Academic Calendar will be annotated with special information about changes in effect as of March, when the program enrolment process begins.
  • Changes that affect prospective students in high school – If any change in the Academic Calendar could significantly impact the planning for students in their last year of high school/secondary school, such changes may be published but be delayed by a year (or more) in taking effect, to allow time for students to adjust their studies before coming to the University of Toronto and the Faculty of Arts & Science.

Governing Structure of the Faculty of Arts & Science

Arts & Science Council

The Arts & Science Council is the governing body in the Faculty of Arts & Science. The Council is composed of elected members from the Faculty’s undergraduate and graduate students, teaching staff, administrative and technical staff, and normally meets six times per year. It approves policy for the Faculty in the areas of admissions, curriculum development, evaluation and academic standing, and determines the Faculty’s academic rules and regulations. Budgetary and administrative matters are not within the purview of Council; those responsibilities lie with the Dean of the Faculty.

The Council has several Standing Committees charged with specific responsibilities to formulate policy and to apply it in specific cases. Those committees are: Undergraduate Curriculum Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committee, Committee on Standing (petitions), Academic Appeals Board, and the Committee on Admissions. There is also an Agenda Committee which oversees the business conducted at each meeting of Council, and which can, in extreme cases, approve items when Council is unavailable and when urgency demands it.

Details on the Council and its sub-committees, along with the Constitution and By-Laws, rules for elections, meeting dates and agendas can be found on the Faculty’s Governance website.

Elections to Council and its Committees

Elections to fill the positions on the Arts & Science Council and its committees are held in the Spring for the following year’s Council and committees. The exception is the election of First-Year representatives, held early in the Fall Term; this time may also be used to fill any seats still empty after the previous Spring.

Notification of the nomination and election dates, as well as nomination forms, will be available on the Faculty’s Governance website.

University and Faculty Leadership

Governing Council & the University of Toronto Senior Leadership

Governing Council of the University of Toronto, established in 1971, oversees the business of the University – its academic programs and planning, its business and finances, and the support for student community.

Governing Council, with this mandate, works closely with senior administrative leadership, including the University’s Chancellor, the President, Vice-Presidents, the Provost and Vice-Provosts.

More about this leadership is available at the following web pages:

  • Office of the Governing Council – For information not only on Governing Council, but the various boards and committees that report to it. There is also a link to the University’s policies.
  • Office of the President – For more information about the current President, Meric Gertler, and his priorities in leading the University.
  • About U of T – This page introduces you to the senior leadership of the University, with links to small bios to learn about each member.
  • Division of the Vice-President & Provost – This page introduces the Vice-President and Provost and lists the many Vice-Provosts and their areas of work to support University life.

Arts & Science Council & Officers of the Faculty of Arts & Science

Faculty of Arts & Science Council, unlike Governing Council for the University, only oversees academic policy and curriculum in the Faculty of Arts & Science. The Dean of Arts & Science manages the business and financial side of the Faculty, supported by Vice-Deans, Associate Deans and senior administration. The Dean’s Office, along with the Office of the Faculty Registrar, and the senior administration of the seven Colleges work closely with student groups and individual students to support communities of learning and engagement.

For more information about the Arts & Science Council, its Standing Committees, and its past and current business, please visit

For more information about the current Dean of Arts & Science, please visit

Faculty Officers for July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

(Academic appointment terms begin July 1 of a given year.)

PositionJuly 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Dean, Faculty of Arts & ScienceProfessor Melanie Woodin (on leave July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)
Professor Antoinette Handley (July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)
Vice-Dean, Academic OperationsProfessor Jamie Stafford
Vice-Dean, Academic PlanningProfessor Gillian Hamilton
Vice-Dean, College RelationsProfessor Markus Stock
Vice-Dean, Faculty & Academic LifeProfessor Tamara Trojanowska
Acting Vice-Dean, Graduate EducationProfessor Michael Brudno (July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)
Vice-Dean, Research & InfrastructureProfessor Stephen Wright
Vice-Dean, UndergraduateProfessor Randy Boyagoda
Associate Dean, Student AffairsProfessor Suzanne Wood
Associate Dean, Teaching & LearningProfessor Don Boyes