Program and Certificate Changes

This page includes all changes to programs and certificates since the 2023-24 Academic Calendar. Any questions about the programs below should be directed to the relevant academic unit.


New Program

Beginning March 2025, students can enrol in the Applied Data Science Minor. The enrolment and completion requirements of the program are captured in the Computer Science, Statistical Sciences, and Data Science sections of the Calendar. Please consult the Department of Computer Science or the Department for Statistical Sciences for more information.

Program Title and Code
Applied Data Science Minor - ASMIN0160


New/Expanded Focuses

The Focuses in Technology Leadership have been created from the existing Technology Leadership Initiative (TLI) co-curricular program run by the Department of Computer Science. Enrolment in these three Focuses has now been expanded to students pursuing the Computer Science Major and Specialist, and the Data Science Specialist. Consult the Department of Computer Science or the Department for Statistical Sciences for more information.

Program Title and Code
Focus in Technology Leadership (Computer Science Major) - ASFOC1689U
Focus in Technology Leadership (Computer Science Specialist) - ASFOC1689T
Focus in Technology Leadership (Data Science Specialist) - ASFOC1687A


Restructured Program (Administrative Suspension of Enrolment and Program Closure, Program with New Title and Subject POSt Code)

Effective 2024-25: The existing programs in the Health Studies Program (University College) have been restructured through closures and modifications. The changes incorporate an increased focus on public health, in collaboration with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH).

Beginning March 2025, students interested in pursuing Health Studies can enrol in the Public Health Major program. The enrolment and completion requirements of the program are captured in the University College section of the Calendar. For more information, please contact University College directly for advising.

Students who are enrolled in the Health Studies Major or Specialist can refer to the 2023-24 Academic Calendar and any previous Academic Calendars in the Archived Calendars section.

Administrative Suspension of Enrolment and Program Closure
Health Studies Specialist - ASSPE2085. Enrolment was administratively suspended on February 5, 2024 (see Archived Calendars, Updates Since May 2023 Publication from the 2023-24 Academic Calendar). The program was approved for closure May 8, 2024 (see the Agenda Package: Committee on Academic Policy and Programs - May 08, 2024).


Program No Longer Available for Enrolment in 2024-25Program Available for Enrolment as of March 1, 2025 (New Title and POSt Code)
Health Studies Major - ASMAJ2085Public Health Major - ASMAJ2086


Programs with Changes to Enrolment Requirements

Any questions about the programs below should be directed to the relevant academic unit.

Program Title and Code
Biomedical Toxicology Major - ASMAJ2573
Biomedical Toxicology Specialist - ASSPE2573
Book and Media Studies Major - ASMAJ1300
Book and Media Studies Minor - ASMIN1300
Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health Minor - ASMIN1017
Celtic Studies Specialist - ASSPE1682
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Language and Cognition Stream) - ASMAJ1445B
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Perception and Attention Stream) - ASMAJ1445A
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Thinking and Reasoning Stream) - ASMAJ1445C
Cognitive Science Major – Science (Cognition and the Brain Stream) - ASMAJ1445E
Cognitive Science Major – Science (Computational Cognition Stream) - ASMAJ1445A
Economics & Mathematics Specialist - ASSPE2599
Economics Specialist - ASSPE1478
Environment & Health Major - ASMAJ0365
Environment & Health Specialist - ASSPE0365
Environmental Ethics Major - ASMAJ1107
Environmental Studies Major - ASMAJ1254
Financial Economics Specialist - ASSPE2722
Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialist - ASSPE1050
Health & Disease Specialist - ASSPE2013
Neuroscience Specialist - ASSPE1472
Pathobiology Specialist - ASSPE2025
Pharmacology Major - ASMAJ2082
Political Science Major - ASMAJ2015
Political Science Specialist - ASSPE2015
Psychology Research Specialist - Thesis - ASSPE1958


Programs with Changes to Completion Requirements

Any questions about the programs below should be directed to the relevant academic unit.

Program Title and Code
Actuarial Science Major - ASMAJ0608
Actuarial Science Specialist - ASSPE0608
African Studies Specialist - ASSPE1707
American Studies Major - ASMAJ0135
American Studies Minor - ASMIN0135
Anthropology Major - ASMAJ1775
Anthropology Major (Evolutionary) - ASMAJ1510
Anthropology Major (Society, Culture, and Language) - ASMAJ2112
Anthropology Minor - ASMIN1775
Anthropology Specialist (Society, Culture, and Language) - ASSPE2112
Applied Mathematics Specialist - ASSPE2053
Archaeology Major - ASMAJ0155
Archaeology Minor - ASMIN0155
Archaeology Specialist - ASSPE0155
Art History Major - ASMAJ0908
Art History Minor - ASMIN0908
Art History Specialist - ASSPE0908
Astronomy & Astrophysics Major - ASMAJ1423
Biochemistry Specialist - ASSPE1762
Biological Physics Specialist: Advanced Physics Stream - ASSPE2739
Biological Physics Specialist: Biochemistry Stream - ASSPE2737
Biological Physics Specialist: Immunology Stream - ASSPE2740
Biological Physics Specialist: Physiology Stream - ASSPE2738
Biology Major - ASMAJ2364
Biology Minor - ASMIN2364
Biomedical Toxicology Major - ASMAJ2573
Biomedical Toxicology Specialist - ASSPE2573 
Book and Media Studies Major - ASMAJ1300
Book and Media Studies Minor - ASMIN1300
Buddhist Studies Major - ASMAJ1525
Buddhist Studies Specialist - ASSPE1525
Cell & Molecular Biology Major - ASMAJ1003
Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist - ASSPE1003
Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASSPE1003A
Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASSPE1003B
Celtic Studies Major - ASMAJ1682
Celtic Studies Minor - ASMIN1682
Certificate in International Affairs (U of T Global Scholar) - ASCER1469
Chemistry Major - ASMAJ1376
Christianity and Culture Major - ASMAJ0463
Christianity and Culture Minor - ASMIN0463
Cinema Studies Major - ASMAJ0797
Cinema Studies Minor - ASMIN0797
Cinema Studies Specialist - ASSPE0797
Classical Civilization Major - ASMAJ0382
Classical Civilization Minor - ASMIN0382
Classics (Greek and Latin) Major - ASMAJ0962
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Language and Cognition Stream) - ASMAJ1445B
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Perception and Attention Stream) - ASMAJ1445A
Cognitive Science Major – Arts (Thinking and Reasoning Stream) - ASMAJ1445C
Cognitive Science Major – Science (Cognition and the Brain Stream) - ASMAJ1445E
Cognitive Science Major – Science (Computational Cognition Stream) - ASMAJ1445A
Computer Science Major - ASMAJ1689
Computer Science Specialist - ASSPE1689
Contemporary Asian Studies Major - ASMAJ0235
Contemporary Asian Studies Minor - ASMIN0235
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Specialist - ASSPE0826
Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Major - ASMAJ1141
Drama Major - ASMAJ2148
Drama Minor - ASMIN2148
Drama Specialist - ASSPE2148
Earth and Environmental Systems Major - ASMAJ2745
East Asian Studies Major - ASMAJ1058
East Asian Studies Minor - ASMIN1058
East Asian Studies Specialist - ASSPE1058
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Specialist - ASSPE1006
Economics & Mathematics Specialist - ASSPE2599
Economics Specialist - ASSPE1478
Environment & Health Major - ASMAJ0365
Environment & Health Specialist - ASSPE0365
Environment & Toxicology Specialist - ASSPE0605
Environmental Chemistry Major - ASMAJ2543
Environmental Economics Minor - ASMIN1478
Environmental Ethics Major - ASMAJ1107
Environmental Geography Major - ASMAJ1252
Environmental Geography Minor - ASMIN1252
Environmental Geography Specialist - ASSPE1252
Environmental Geosciences Specialist - ASSPE1253
Environmental Science Major - ASMAJ1076
Environmental Science Minor - ASMIN1555
Environmental Studies Major - ASMAJ1254
Environmental Studies Minor - ASMIN1254
Finance and Economics Specialist - ASSPE2038
Financial Economics Specialist - ASSPE2722
French Language and French Linguistics Major - ASMAJ0525
French Language and French Linguistics Minor - ASSPE0525
French Language and Literature Major - ASMAJ1295
French Language and Literature Specialist - ASSPE1295
French Language Learning Major - ASMAJ0120
French Studies Minor - ASMIN1135
Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialist - ASSPE1050
Geographic Information Systems Minor - ASMIN0305
Geology Specialist - ASSPE0509
Geophysics Specialist - ASSPE1650
Geoscience Major - ASMAJ0509
Geoscience Minor - ASMIN0509
Global Health Major - ASMAJ2575
Global Health Specialist - ASSPE2575
Greek Major - ASMAJ2123
Greek Minor - ASMIN2123
Health & Disease Major - ASMAJ2013
Health & Disease Specialist - ASSPE2013
History Major - ASMAJ0652
History Minor - ASMIN0625
History Specialist - ASSPE0652
Human Biology Major - ASMAJ2035
Human Geography Major - ASMAJ1667
Human Geography Minor - ASMIN1667
Human Geography Specialist - ASSPE1667
Immunology Major - ASMAJ1002
Immunology Specialist - ASSPE1002
International Relations Major - ASMAJ1469
International Relations Specialist - ASSPE1469
Latin American Studies Major - ASMAJ0552
Latin American Studies Minor - ASMIN0552
Latin Major - ASMAJ1451
Latin Minor - ASMIN1451
Linguistics Major - ASMAJ0506
Linguistics Specialist - ASSPE0506
Materials Science Specialist - ASSPE2424
Mathematical Applications in Economics and Finance Specialist ASSPE1700
Mathematics & its Applications Specialist (Physical Science) - ASSPE1758
Mathematics & its Applications Specialist (Probability/Statistics) - ASSPE1890
Mathematics & its Applications Specialist (Teaching) - ASSPE1580
Mediaeval Studies Major - ASMAJ1231
Mediaeval Studies Minor - ASMIN1231
Mediaeval Studies Specialist - ASSPE1231
Medical Anthropology Minor - ASMIN1778
Minor in French Language - ASMIN0120
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Specialist - ASSPE1387
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Specialist: Genetics Stream - ASSPE1388
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Specialist: Microbiology Stream - ASSPE1389
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Ancient) - ASMAJ2665
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (General) - ASMAJ1019
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Medieval) - ASMAJ2667
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Major (Modern) - ASMAJ2669
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Ancient) - ASSPE2665
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Medieval) - ASSPE2667
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Specialist (Modern) - ASSPE2669
Neuroscience Specialist - ASSPE1472
Pathobiology Specialist - ASSPE2025
Peace, Conflict and Justice Major - ASMAJ1228
Peace, Conflict and Justice Specialist - ASSPE1228
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Specialist - ASSPE1211
Pharmacology Major - ASMAJ2082
Pharmacology Specialist - ASSPE2082
Physical and Environmental - Geography Minor ASMIN2030
Physical and Environmental Geography Major - ASMAJ2030
Physical and Environmental Geography Specialist - ASSPE2030
Physics Major - ASMAJ1944
Planetary Science Specialist - ASSPE1073
Political Science Major - ASMAJ2015
Political Science Specialist - ASSPE2015
Portuguese Major - ASMAJ0338
Portuguese Minor - ASMIN0338
Portuguese Specialist - ASSPE0338
Psychology Major - ASMAJ1160
Psychology Minor - ASMIN1160
Psychology Research Specialist - Thesis - ASSPE1958
Psychology Specialist - ASSPE1160
Quantitative Biology Major - ASMAJ2368
Religion Major - ASMAJ0151
Religion Specialist - ASSPE0151
Renaissance Studies Minor - ASMIN0532
Renaissance Studies Specialist - ASSPE0532
Sexual Diversity Studies Major - ASMAJ1240
Sexual Diversity Studies Specialist - ASSPE1240
Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures Major - ASMAJ1205
Specialist in Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology - ASSPE2340
Work and Organizations Major: Sciences Contexts - ASMAJ1534
Writing and Rhetoric Minor - ASMIN2137