- Faculty List
Professors Emeriti
S. Aster, MA, PhD, FRHS
C.C. Berger, MA, PhD, FRSC
P. Blanchard, BA, PhD
R. Bothwell, MA, PhD, FRSC (T)
W.J. Callahan, MA, PhD, FRHS
W. Dowler, MA, PhD
H.L. Dyck, MA, PhD
M. Eksteins, B Phil, D Phil
J.M. Estes, MA, PhD
M.G. Finlayson, MA, PhD
T. Fujitani, MA, PhD
D. Gabaccia, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
W.A. Goffart, AM, PhD, FRHS, FRSC
A. Greer, MA, PhD
P.F. Grendler, MA, PhD
F. Iacovetta, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
J.N. Ingham, MA, PhD
M. Israel, MA, PhD
R.E. Johnson, BA, PhD
J. Kivimae, BA, PhD
M.A. Klein, MA, PhD
T. Lahusen, MA, PhD
T.O. Lloyd, MA, D Phil
L.S. MacDowell, MSc (Econ), PhD
A.C. Murray, MA, PhD
J. Pearl, PhD
D.J. Penslar, MA, C Phil, PhD, FRSC
R.W. Pruessen, MA, PhD
D.L. Raby, BA, PhD
I. Radforth, MA, PhD
J. Retallack, BA, D Phil, FRSC
I. Robertson, MA, PhD
A. Rossos, MA, PhD
P.F.W. Rutherford, MA, PhD
D. Smyth, BA, PhD, FRHS (T)
S. Van Kirk, MA, PhD
L. Viola, MA, PhD, FRSC
N.K. Wagle, MA, PhD
M. Wayne, MA, PhDAssociate Professors Emeriti
L.J. Abray, MA, MPhil, PhD
A.D. Hood, MA, PhD
J. Noel, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
A.I. Silver, PhD
B. Todd, MA, D Phil
W. Wark, MA, PhDProfessor and Chair of the Department
TBAAssociate Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate Studies)
M. J. Newton, BA, D PhilAssociate Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies)
H. Bohaker, MA, PhDProfessor and Deputy Chair
D. Anastakis, MA, PhD
K.R. Bartlett, MA, PhD (V)
D. Bender, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
D. Bergen, MA, PhD
E. Brown, MA, M Phil, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
A. Cooper, BA, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
A. Emon, J.S.D., PhD
N. Everett, PhD
M. Gervers, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Halpern, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
J. Hanssen, D Phil (University of Toronto Mississauga)
E.T. Jennings, MA, PhD
A. Kasekamp, MA, PhD
C. Keil, MA, PhD (I)
P.R. Magocsi, MA, PhD, FRSC
M.G. McGowan, MA, PhD (SM)
M.D. Meyerson, MA, PhD
S. Mills, MA, PhD
J. Mori, BA, D Phil
M. Murphy, BA, PhD
S. Penfold, MA, PhD
J. Pilcher, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
N. Rothman, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
E.L. Shorter, MA, PhD, FRSC
G. Silano, MA, PhD (SM)
A. Smith, MA, PhD
M. Tavakoli-Targhi, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
N. Terpstra, MA, PhD, FRSC
A. Verskin, BA, MA, PhD
D.A. Wilson, MA, PhD, FRHS (SM), FRSC
P. Wrobel, MA, PhDAssociate Professors
L. Bertram, MA PhD
R. Birla, M Phil, PhD
H. Bohaker, MA, PhD
L. Chen, MA, JD, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
C. Chin, MA, PhD
I. Cochelin, MA, PhD
P. Cohen, PhD
K. Coleman, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
B. Gettler, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
P. Hastings, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
S. Hawkins, MA, PhD
S. Hill, MA, PhD
J. Jenkins, MA, PhD
M. Kasturi, MA, M Phil, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R. Kazal, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Lam, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
L. Loeb, M MST, PhD
J. MacArthur, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
L. Mar, MA, PhD
N. Musisi, MA, PhD (N)
W. Nelson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M.J. Newton, BA, D Phil
B. Raman, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
S. Rockel, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Sayle, MA, PhD
J. Sharma, MA, MPhil, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
N. Tran, BA, PhD
L. van Isschot, MA, PhD
S. Virani, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Y. Wang, MA, PhD
R. Wittmann, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R. Woods, MA, PhDAssistant Professors
S. Aidid, BA, MA, PhD
F. Aladejebi, BA, MA, PhD
E. Elhalaby, BA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
C. Ewing, MA, PhD
A. Grewal, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
W.C. Johnson, MA, PhD
M. Mishler, MA, PhD
A. Nair, BA, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
S. Sweeney, MA, PhD
L. Topouzova, BA, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
History is an active, future-shaping discipline and a contested area in politics. Historians study the past to understand it on its own terms, to gain insight into how our world has developed, and in order to influence the present. Authoritarian regimes aim to control the work that historians do - why is that? Why is knowledge of the past so feared by those who seek to have power over the lives of others? What can the experience of the past teach us about the challenges humanity faces now?
History students gain both a broad overview of the contours of history and in-depth knowledge of one or more specific regions, time periods, or thematic specializations. They come to understand how social processes, political ideologies, economic trends, and environmental changes have intersected with individual and collective human actions to shape historical change and, ultimately, the world we live in today. Our diverse, award-winning faculty teach students the skills and methods of historical research, how to make rigorous arguments, and how to speak and write effectively. History students learn how history is written, including the use and interpretation of evidence, and the choices involved in various theoretical and analytical frameworks.
We offer Specialist, Major and Minor Programs of Study, as well as a Focus in Law and History for Majors and Specialists which introduces students to the study of legal history and is an excellent foundation for law school. Majors and Specialists can also apply for the Arts & Science Internship Program in History (ASIP). History graduates put their training directly to use in such fields as law, politics, public policy, business, government, education, the GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives and museums), filmmaking, journalism, international relations, urban planning, content creation and many others.
The History curriculum is designed to allow you a great deal of flexibility to follow your own interests. However, breadth requirements (described in program requirements below) ensure that you acquire an understanding of the more distant as well as more recent past, and that you study the histories of different peoples around the globe.
The 100-level courses are thematically-based and introduce students to the craft and tools of historical research and writing. The 200-level courses are broad chronological surveys of countries, regions, or time periods. They are open to first-year students and have no prerequisites. The 300-level courses enable students to pursue topics in greater depth and methodological sophistication. They are not open to first-year students and frequently have prerequisites or recommended preparation that will prepare you to be successful. The 400-level courses represent the culmination of an undergraduate’s study of history. They are taught by faculty as small-group seminars in which students draw upon the skills they have developed through the course of their History program in research, analysis, and oral and written presentation. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the prerequisites or recommended background preparation for upper-level courses.
Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP)
The new Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream is available to students who are entering Year 2 or Year 3 of study and are enrolled in the History Specialist and History Major. Enrolment is limited and requires a supplemental application. Students enrolled in the ASIP stream will be required to complete mandatory Professional Development programming plus a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 months (Year-2 entry) or a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 16 months (Year-3 entry) of paid, full-time work experience. The time to degree completion for students enrolled in ASIP will normally be 5 years. There is an additional cost to participate in the ASIP stream. Students will typically be admitted to the ASIP stream for the Fall term of Year 2 of study, however, in exceptional circumstances students, including transfer students, who enrolled in an eligible program in the Summer after Year 2 can be admitted to the ASIP stream for the Fall of Year 3. Acceptance into an ASIP stream in Year 3 is dependent on space and requires approval of the student’s academic unit and the Faculty of Arts & Science Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Please refer to the ASIP eligibility page for further details.
Website: www.history.utoronto.ca
Associate Chair (Undergraduate): Associate Professor Heidi Bohaker. Email: history.ugchair@utoronto.ca
Undergraduate Administrator and Student Advisor: Vicki Norton, Room 2074, Sidney Smith Hall. Email: history.ugadvisor@utoronto.ca
Follow us on social media - Instagram: @historyutoronto, X (formerly Twitter): @History_UofT.
Our vibrant History Students' Association has a mentorship program for new students, publishes a journal and runs a conference for undergraduates, as well as hosting engaging social activities throughout the year. The HSA also participates in departmental governance. Follow them on Instagram to learn more: @uofthsa. You can also contact them by email history.hsa@utoronto.ca.