Program and Certificate Search

Cognitive Science Major - Science (Computational Cognition Stream) (Science Program) - ASMAJ1446A

Cognitive Science Major - Science (Computational Cognition Stream) (Science Program) - ASMAJ1446A

Computational cognition is the interdisciplinary study of the information-processing underpinnings of cognitive mental processes. It seeks an understanding of cognition in mathematical terms and to apply this understanding to debates in artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, and beyond.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

COG250Y1 with a minimum grade of 70%, or
• 1.5 credits in CSC, LIN, PHL, or PSY with a minimum grade average of 70% based on the 1.5 credits. No more than 1.0 credits can be from any ONE of the listed course designators. If more than 1.5 credits have been completed, the grade average will be based on the higher course grades.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade average lower than 70% in required courses will not usually be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average of 70% does not guarantee admission to the program. The pool of applicants varies each year and sets the precedent for the program.

Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. Not all courses are offered on a regular basis. A list of approved Cognitive Science courses can be found on the website: For any questions, please email

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits)

Note that some Computer Science courses included below under Streams 1 and 2 have unlisted co- or prerequisites. Please consult the Faculty of Arts and Science Course Calendar. Those interested in the Science Major are advised to consider also registering for a Computer Science Specialist, Major, or Minor (for Stream 1) or a Human Biology Neuroscience Specialist or Major (for Stream 2).

First Year:
CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1 (recommended option); CSC148H1; MAT135H1 and MAT136H1 (or MAT137Y1)

Second Year:
COG250Y1 (may be taken in Year 1); STA220H1/​ STA257H1/​ PSY201H1; PSY270H1

Second Year and Higher:

Fourth Year:
COG402H1/​ COG403H1/​ COG404H1/​ COG497Y1/​ COG498H1/​ COG499H1

FAS Program Area: University College

Computer Science Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1689

Computer Science Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1689

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

For students admitted to Arts & Science in the Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) admission category:

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
Students in the CMP1 admissions category have guaranteed admission to the Computer Science Major, provided the following courses with the stated minimum grades are completed within 12 months of beginning their studies:

For students admitted to other Arts & Science Year 1 admission categories:

Special Requirement

  • Students who do not have the Computer Science Admission Guarantee must complete a supplementary application to be considered for the program.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade below 70% will not be considered for admission. Obtaining this minimum grade does not guarantee admission to the program.


  1. Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  2. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program, students are strongly advised to plan to enrol in backup programs.
  3. Students admitted to the program after second or third year will be required to pay retroactive deregulated program fees.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Computer Science Major in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits, including at least one 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

First year (2.5 credits):
1. ( CSC108H1, CSC148H1, CSC165H1/​ CSC240H1)/ ( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1); MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1/​ ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)

Students in this program have the option to enrol in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.


  1. Students with a strong background in an object-oriented language such as Python, Java or C++ may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC148H1. [There is no need to replace the missing 0.5 credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on “saving” a 0.5 credit].
  2. CSC240H1 is an accelerated and enriched version of CSC165H1 plus CSC236H1, intended for students with a strong mathematical background, or who develop an interest after taking CSC165H1. If you take CSC240H1 without CSC165H1, there is no need to replace the missing half-credit for program completion; but please see Note (a).
  3. Consult the Undergraduate Office for advice about choosing among CSC108H1 and CSC148H1, and between CSC165H1 and CSC240H1.
  4. We recommend that students take MAT137Y1 or MAT157Y1, as they have been determined to provide the best preparation for upper-year courses in computer science and benefit students in CSC165H1/​ CSC240H1.

Second year (2.5 credits):

2. CSC207H1, CSC236H1/​ CSC240H1, CSC258H1, CSC263H1/​ CSC265H1, STA247H1/​ STA237H1/​ STA255H1/​ STA257H1

Later years (3.0 credits):
3. 3.0 credits of courses selected from the following list:

These 3.0 credits must include:

  • at least one 0.5 credit from a 400-level CSC/ BCB course
  • at least 1.5 additional credits from 300-/ 400-level CSC/ BCB courses
  • no more than 0.5 credit from CSC412H1/​ STA414H1
  • no more than 0.5 credit from CSC438H1/​ MAT309H1

No more than 1.0 credit from CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1, BCB330Y1/​ BCB430Y1 may be used to fulfill program requirements.

The choices in 3 must satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity by including one of the following courses: CSC301H1, CSC302H1, CSC316H1, CSC318H1, CSC404H1, CSC413H1, CSC417H1, CSC418H1, CSC419H1, CSC428H1, CSC454H1, CSC485H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

Transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 1.0 credit at the 300-/ 400-level, and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity. In addition, transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for 0.5 credit at the 400-level in CSC/ BCB.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science, Data Science

Computer Science Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1689

Computer Science Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1689

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

For students admitted to Arts & Science in the Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) admission category:

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
Students in the CMP1 admissions category have guaranteed admission to the Computer Science Minor, provided the following courses with the stated minimum grades are completed within 12 months of beginning their studies:

For students admitted to other Arts & Science Year 1 admission categories:

Special Requirement

  • Students who do not have the Computer Science Admission Guarantee must complete a supplementary application to be considered for the program.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade below 70% will not be considered for admission. Obtaining this minimum grade does not guarantee admission to the program.


  1. Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  2. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program, students are strongly advised to plan to enroll in backup programs.
Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

1. ( CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1, CSC148H1, CSC165H1/​ CSC240H1)/( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1)


  1. Students with a strong background in an object-oriented language such as Python, Java or C++ may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC148H1.
  2. CSC240H1 is an accelerated and enriched version of CSC165H1 plus CSC236H1, intended for students with a strong mathematical background, or who develop an interest after taking CSC165H1.
  3. Consult the Undergraduate Office for advice about choosing among CSC108H1 and CSC148H1, and between CSC165H1 and CSC240H1.

2. CSC207H1, CSC236H1/​ CSC240H1

(Total of above requirements: 2.5 credits. If you take fewer than 2.5 credits, you must take more than 1.5 credits from the next list, so that the total is 4.0 credits.)

3. 1.5 credits from the following list, of which at least 1.0 credit must be at the 300-/400-level:

  • CSC: any 200-/300-/400-level


  • Computer Science Minors are limited to 1.5 credits from 300-/400-level CSC/ECE courses.
  • Transfer credits cannot comprise more than 0.5 credit at the 300-/400-level.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science, Data Science

Computer Science Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1689

Computer Science Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1689

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Only students in the Year 1 Computer Science admission category (CMP1) who meet the criteria of the Computer Science program admission guarantee are eligible to apply to the Computer Science Specialist program.

Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to apply.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
Students in the CMP1 admissions category have guaranteed admission to the Computer Science Specialist, provided the following courses with the stated minimum grades are successfully completed within 12 months of beginning their studies:


  1. If you are admitted to the CS Specialist in a session other than the summer after your first year (including if you are admitted after completing summer courses), you may be charged retroactive program fees. More information about retroactive fees can be found in the Faculty of Arts & Science Fees & Refund page.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Computer Science Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(12.0 credits, including at least 1.5 credits at the 400-level)

First year (2.5 credits):

1. ( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1), MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1


  1. CSC110Y1 and CSC111H1 must be completed in order to complete the Specialist program. No course substitutions will be accepted for CSC110Y1 and/or CSC111H1.
  2. Students seeking an enriched introduction to the theory of computing may choose to enrol in CSC240H1 in their first year. Please consult the department's Undergraduate Office for advice about enrolling in CSC240H1.

Students in this program have the option to enrol in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. (See Note below)

Second year (3.5 credits):

2. CSC207H1, CSC209H1, CSC236H1/​ CSC240H1, CSC258H1, CSC263H1/​ CSC265H1, MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1; STA247H1/​ STA237H1/​ STA255H1/​ STA257H1

Later years (6.0 credits):

3. CSC369H1, CSC373H1

4. 5.0 credits of courses selected from the following list:

These 5.0 credits must include:

  • at least 1.5 credits from 400-level CSC or BCB courses
  • no more than 2.0 credits from MAT or STA courses (excluding STA414H1)
  • no more than 0.5 credits from CSC311H1/​ STA314H1
  • no more than 0.5 credits from CSC412H1/​ STA414H1
  • no more than 0.5 credits from CSC438H1/​ MAT309H1

No more than 1.0 credit from CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1, BCB330Y1/​ BCB430Y1 may be used to fulfill program requirements.

The choices in 4 must satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity by including one of the following courses: CSC301H1, CSC302H1, CSC316H1, CSC318H1, CSC404H1, CSC413H1, CSC417H1, CSC418H1, CSC419H1, CSC428H1, CSC454H1, CSC485H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

Transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 1.0 credit at the 300-/400-level, and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity. In addition, transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 0.5 credit of the 400-level CSC or BCB courses required.

Choosing courses

This program offers considerable freedom to choose courses at the 300-/400-level, and you are free to make those choices on your own. We are eager to offer guidance, however, and both our Undergraduate Office and individual faculty members are a rich source of advice.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science, Data Science

Contemporary Asian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0235

Contemporary Asian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0235

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits. Please note: each course can only be counted towards one of the requirements below)

1. CAS100H1 and a 0.5 credit from CAS200H1/​ CAS201H1/​ CAS202H1

2. 1.0 credit in 300-level CAS courses (including JHA, JPA, and SAS)

3. CAS400H1

4. 1.5 credits from Group A

5. 1.5 credits from Group B

6. 1.0 additional credit from Group A or B, OR 1.0 credit at any level of an Asian language (see Accepted Language Courses below)

7. CAS450H1 OR 0.5 credit in a quantitative or qualitative methods course from Group C to fulfill the Research Competency required in the program.

Group A: Social, Political and Economic Topics (Social Science)
AFR389H1, CAS200H1, CAS201H1, CAS202H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS370H1, CAS390H1, CAS420H1, CAS430H1, CAS490H1, ANT341H1, ANT472H1, ANT477H1, CDN230H1, CDN390H1, EAS105H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS270H1, EAS271H1, EAS272H1, EAS273H1, EAS285H1, EAS289Y1, EAS315H1, EAS328H1, EAS333H1, EAS345Y1, EAS347H1, EAS357H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS373H1, EAS374H1, EAS375H1, EAS378H1, EAS457H1, EAS459Y1, EAS466H1, EAS468H1, EAS473H1, EAS474H1, EAS476H1, ECO435H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS333H1, HIS346H1, HIS379H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, HIS470H1, HIS480H1, HIS494H1, JHA384H1, JHA394H1, JPA331H1, JPA376Y0, JPA453H1, MUN200H1, POL302Y1, POL307H1, POL328Y1/​ POL328H1, POL388H1, POL357Y1, POL431Y1, POL441H1, SAS114H1, SAS318H1, SOC218H1, SOC372H1, WGS420H1

Group B: Cultural Topics (Humanities)
BPM214H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS350H1, CAS360H1, CAS414H1, CDN225H1, CDN307H1, CDN325H1, CHC456H1, CIN376Y1, EAS231H1, EAS251H1, EAS278H1, EAS279H1, EAS307H1, EAS314H1, EAS333H1, EAS355H1, EAS387H1, EAS391H1, EAS392H1, EAS394H1, EAS419H1, EAS421H1, EAS431H1, EAS489H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH462H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1, FAH487H1, FAH490H1, HIS266H1, HIS467H1, MUS209H1, MUS215H1, PHL237H1, PHL239H1, PHL339H1, RLG205H1, RLG206H1, RLG208H1, RLG311H1, RLG312H1, RLG352H1, RLG355H1, RLG356H1, RLG358H1, RLG361H1, RLG365H1, RLG366H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG478H1, SAS490H1

Group C: Methodology
CAS450H1, DTS300H1, ECO220Y1, ECO227Y1, GGR225H1, GGR270H1, GGR271H1, MUN105Y1, POL222H1, POL419H1, PSY201H1, STA201H1, STA220H1, SOC202H1, SOC204H1

Accepted Language Courses
EAS100Y1, EAS101Y1, EAS200Y1, EAS201H1, EAS300Y1, EAS401H1, EAS402H1, EAS404H1, EAS120Y1, EAS121H1, EAS122Y0, EAS220Y1, EAS221H1, EAS222Y0, EAS223Y0, EAS301H1, EAS320Y1, EAS321Y0, EAS322Y0, EAS460H1, EAS461H1, EAS462Y0, EAS463Y0, EAS464Y0, EAS110Y1, EAS210Y1, EAS211Y1, EAS212H1, EAS310Y1, EAS410Y1, EAS416Y1

FAS Program Area: Contemporary Asian Studies

Contemporary Asian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0235

Contemporary Asian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0235

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits. Please note: each course can only be counted toward one of the requirements below)

1. CAS100H1 and a 0.5 credit from CAS200H1/​ CAS201H1/​ CAS202H1
2. 1.0 credit from 300-level CAS courses (including JHA, JPA, and SAS)
3. 0.5 credit from Group A and 0.5 credit from Group B (excluding 100-level courses)
4. 1.0 credit from Group A or B (excluding 100-level courses), or at any level in an Asian language (see Accepted Language Courses below)

Group A: Social, Political and Economic Topics (Social Science)
AFR389H1, CAS200H1, CAS201H1, CAS202H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS370H1, CAS390H1, CAS420H1, CAS430H1, CAS490H1, ANT341H1, ANT472H1, ANT477H1, CDN230H1, CDN390H1, EAS105H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS270H1, EAS271H1, EAS272H1, EAS273H1, EAS285H1, EAS289Y1, EAS315H1, EAS328H1, EAS333H1, EAS345Y1, EAS347H1, EAS357H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS373H1, EAS374H1, EAS375H1, EAS378H1, EAS457H1, EAS459Y1, EAS466H1, EAS468H1, EAS473H1, EAS474H1, EAS476H1, ECO435H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS333H1, HIS346H1, HIS379H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, HIS470H1, HIS480H1, HIS494H1, JHA384H1, JHA394H1, JPA331H1, JPA376Y0, JPA453H1, MUN200H1, POL302Y1, POL307H1, POL328Y1/​ POL328H1, POL388H1, POL357Y1, POL431Y1, POL441H1, SAS114H1, SAS318H1, SOC218H1, SOC372H1, WGS420H1

Group B: Cultural Topics (Humanities)
BPM214H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS350H1, CAS360H1, CAS414H1, CDN225H1, CDN305H1, CDN307H1, CDN325H1, CHC456H1, CIN376Y1, EAS231H1, EAS251H1, EAS278H1, EAS279H1, EAS307H1, EAS314H1, EAS333H1, EAS355H1, EAS387H1, EAS391H1, EAS392H1, EAS394H1, EAS419H1, EAS421H1, EAS431H1, EAS489H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH462H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1, FAH487H1, FAH490H1, HIS266H1, HIS467H1, MUS209H1, MUS215H1, PHL237H1, PHL239H1, PHL339H1, RLG205H1, RLG206H1, RLG208H1, RLG311H1, RLG312H1, RLG352H1, RLG355H1, RLG356H1, RLG358H1, RLG361H1, RLG365H1, RLG366H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG478H1, SAS490H1

Accepted Language Courses
EAS100Y1, EAS101Y1, EAS200Y1, EAS201H1, EAS300Y1, EAS301H1, EAS401H1, EAS402H1, EAS404H1, EAS120Y1, EAS121H1, EAS122Y0, EAS220Y1, EAS221H1, EAS222Y0, EAS223Y0, EAS320Y1, EAS321Y0, EAS322Y0, EAS460H1, EAS461H1, EAS462Y0, EAS463Y0, EAS464Y0, EAS110Y1, EAS210Y1, EAS211Y1, EAS212H1, EAS310Y1, EAS410Y1, EAS416Y1

FAS Program Area: Contemporary Asian Studies

Creativity and Society Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2750

Creativity and Society Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2750

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level, with a maximum of 1.0 credit at the 100-level. Up to 1.0 credit may be chosen from approved courses offered by other departments (see list of Cognate Courses).

  1. CRE201H1
  2. At least 1.0 credit from Group A – Forms of Creativity: VIC191Y1, CRE272H1, CRE273H1, CRE275H1, CRE276H1, CRE279H1, CRE280H1, CRE282H1, CRE350Y1, CRE370H1, CRE470H1, CRE479H1, CRE479Y1, CRE480H1, CRE210H1.
  3. At least 1.0 credit from Group B – Social Contexts and Interpretation: VIC164H1, VIC165H1, VIC190Y1, CRE209H1, MCS223H1, VIC223Y1, CRE235H1, CRE247H1, CRE270H1, CRE271H1, CRE281H1, VIC320H1/​ VIC320Y1, CRE335H1, CRE345H1, CRE349H1, CRE371H1, CRE372H1, CRE373H1, MCS320H1, MCS331H1, MCS373H1, CRE374H1, REN346H1, CRE449H1.
  4. Up to 1.0 credit from Cognate Courses:
    SMC219Y1, SMC229H1, SMC317H1, BMS319H1, CAR321H1, CIN201Y1, CSE349H1, DRM428H1, EAS349H1, ENG287H1, ENG289H1, ENG387H1, ENG388H1, ENG389H1, FAH352H1, FAH382H1, INS300Y1, MUS211H1, RLG231H1, RLG232H1, RLG393H1, WRR211H1, WRR311Y1, WRR312H1, WRR414H1

FAS Program Area: Victoria College

Criminology and Sociolegal Studies - Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0826

Criminology and Sociolegal Studies - Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0826

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

  • 2.0 credits from ECO, HIS, PHL, POL, PSY, or SOC courses (any course level and combination)

For reasons of limited capacity, applicants with a final grade average lower than 70% in these required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.


  • Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  • Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program students are strongly advised to plan to enroll in backup programs.
Completion Requirements:

Students must complete a total of 8.0 credits including a minimum of 2.0 credits from 300+level CRI courses, of these 0.5 CRI credit must be at the 400-level.

  1. 2.0 credits from ECO/HIS/PHL/POL/PSY/SOC
  2. All of CRI205H1, CRI210H1, CRI215H1, CRI225H1
  3. At least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level from Group A, at least 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level
  4. At least 0.5 credit from Group B
  5. Additional courses (excluding those already counted) from Groups A and C for a total of 8.0 credits

Note: Students may use a maximum of 1.0 credit from Independent Study courses and 1.0 credit from Research Participation courses towards the Criminology & Sociolegal Studies program.

Group A: CRI300H1/​​ CRI322H1/​ CRI335H1/​​ CRI340H1/​​ CRI343H1/​​ CRI345H1/​ CRI364H1/​​ CRI365H1/​​ CRI370H1/​​ CRI380H1/​​ CRI383H1/​​ CRI385H1/​​ CRI386H1/​​ CRI390H1/​​ CRI391H1/​​ CRI392H1/​​ CRI393H1/​​ CRI394H1/​​ CRI395H1/​​ CRI396H1/​​ CRI420H1/​​ CRI422H1/​​ CRI425H1/​​ CRI427H1/​​ CRI428H1/​​ CRI429H1/​​ CRI431H1/​​ CRI435H1/​​ CRI480H1/​​ CRI487H1/​​ CRI490H1/​​ CRI491H1/​​ CRI492H1/​ CRI493H1/​ CRI494H1/​ CRI498H1

Group B: PSY201H1/​​ PSY202H1/​ SOC202H1/​​ CRI350H1

Group C: HIS375H1/​ HIS411H1/​​ PHL271H1/​​ PHL370H1/​​ PSY220H1/​​ PSY240H1/​​ PSY328H1/​​ SOC205H1/​​ SOC212H1/​ SOC313H1/​​ SOC315H1/​​ SOC413H1/​​ TRN412H1/​​ CRI389Y0

Important Notes:

  1. Group C Courses: These courses are offered by other academic units. Registration in these courses may be available only to students who have completed specified prerequisites and/or are enrolled in a program sponsored by the academic unit offering the course. Check the Faculty of Arts and Science's timetable for details.
  2. Students who have completed criminology/sociolegal type courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science (not included in Group C) may email the Program Coordinator to find out if theses courses can be used towards the Group C requirements.

FAS Program Area: Criminology and Sociolegal Studies

Criminology and Sociolegal Studies - Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0826

Criminology and Sociolegal Studies - Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0826

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 9.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol. Note there are different options depending on whether a student has completed between 9.0 and 13.5 credits, or 14.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 9.0 and 13.5 credits:

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

For reasons of limited capacity, applicants with a final grade average lower than 80% in these required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Special Requirement

  • Student must be enrolled in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Major (ASMAJ0826)

For students who have completed 14.0 or more credits:

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade average lower than 80% in these required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Special Requirement

  • Student must be enrolled in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Major (ASMAJ0826)


  • Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  • Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program students are strongly advised to plan to enroll in backup programs.
Completion Requirements:

Each course requirement is individual and cannot be used more than once.

Total credits: 11.0 of which 7.0 credits must be CRI courses (including 3.0 credits at the 300+ level and 1.0 credit at the 400-level).

  1. 2.0 credits from ECO/HIS/PHL/POL/PSY/SOC
  2. All of CRI205H1, CRI210H1, CRI215H1, CRI225H1, CRI335H1, CRI340H1, CRI350H1
  3. At least 3.0 credits from Group A
  4. At least 1.0 credit from Group B
  5. Additional credits (excluding those already counted) from Groups A, B or C for a total of 11.0 credits

Note: Students may use a maximum of 1.0 credit from Independent Study courses and 1.0 credit from Research Participation courses towards the Criminology & Sociolegal Studies program.

Group A: CRI300H1/​​ CRI322H1/​ CRI343H1/​ CRI345H1/​ CRI364H1/​​ CRI365H1/​​ CRI370H1/​​ CRI380H1/​​ CRI383H1/​​ CRI385H1/​​ CRI386H1/​ CRI390H1/​​ CRI391H1/​​ CRI392H1/​​ CRI393H1/​​ CRI394H1/​​ CRI395H1/​​ CRI396H1/​​ CRI450H1

Group B: CRI420H1/​ CRI422H1/​ CRI425H1/​ CRI427H1/​ CRI428H1/​ CRI429H1/​ CRI431H1/​ CRI435H1/​ CRI480H1/​ CRI487H1/​ CRI490H1/​ CRI491H1/​ CRI492H1/​ CRI493H1/​ CRI494H1/​ CRI498H1

Group C: HIS324H1/​ HIS375H1/​ HIS411H1/​​ PHL271H1/​​ PHL370H1/​​ PSY201H1/​ PSY202H1/​ PSY220H1/​​ PSY240H1/​​ PSY328H1/​​ SOC205H1/​​ SOC212H1/​​ SOC313H1/​​ SOC315H1/​​ SOC413H1/​​ TRN412H1/​​ CRI389Y0

Note about non CRI courses:

  1. Group C courses are offered by other departments. Registration in these courses may be available only to students who have completed specified prerequisites and/or are enrolled in a program sponsored by the department offering the course. Course enrolment conditions are listed in the Arts and Science timetable. Course descriptions, prerequisites, corequisites and exclusions are listed in the Calendar.
  2. Students who have completed criminology/sociolegal type courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science that are not included in Group C may email the Program Coordinator to find out if the courses can be used towards the Group C program requirements.

FAS Program Area: Criminology and Sociolegal Studies

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1141

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1141

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity (CSES) is an interdisciplinary program that explores how social relations and practices of power and privilege are (re)produced locally and transnationally. In CSES we question the dominant conceptualization of equity by the state, educational programs, the non-profit sectors and community organizations as individualized and de-historicized social differences. CSES is a hub of critical disability studies teaching and learning. The program provides students with theoretical and practical tools to study social, political, economic and historical injustices. CSES takes a unique approach to undergraduate education that values student experiential learning and community knowledge. The learning goal of CSES is to provide frameworks on theories of transformative social change rooted in political activism and formations of solidarity. The program encourages students to apply theory in action through organizing and practicing solidarity in making a more just world. Equity Studies creates a dynamic learning environment that extends far beyond the university walls. With a vibrant student body, dynamic faculty members, connection with a wide range of community partners and a bold curriculum, CSES at New College is a leader in studies of social justice, settler colonialism, race, gender, sexuality, disability, land/water and sustainability, activism, solidarity and the art of resistance, and global food equity and security.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Consult Program Administrator: or 416-978-2667.

(7.0 credits, including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level)

First Year:
No specific first-year courses required.

Higher Years:
1. CSE240H1
2. CSE341H1
3. JQR360H1
4. 2.0 additional credits from the core group, including at least 0.5 at the 400-level: JNS450H1, CAR315H1, CSE241Y1, CSE270H1, CSE340H1, CSE342H1, CSE344H1, CSE344Y1, CSE345H1, CSE346H1, CSE347H1, CSE348H1, CSE349H1, CSE439H1, CSE440Y1, CSE441H1, CSE442H1, CSE443H1, CSE444H1, CSE445H1, CSE446H1, CSE447H1, CSE448H1, CSE449H1, CSE469Y1, CSE499H1
5. 3.5 credits from Groups A, B, C, D (including one or more credits from at least three of the four groups)

Group A: Gender
ANT343H1, ANT460H1, CAR317H1, CAR325H1, CAS360H1, CHC322H1, CLA219H1, CLA319H1, EAS380H1, EAS388H1, ENG355Y1, FRE304H1, GGR320H1, GGR327H1, HIS205H1, HIS297Y1, HIS348H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS446H1, HIS481H1, ITA455H1, JAL355H1, NMC245H1, NMC284H1, NMC484H1, PHL367H1, POL303H1, POL351H1, POL432H1, REN341H1, REN342H1, REN343H1, RLG235H1, RLG311H1, RLG312H1, RLG313H1, SLA248H1, SOC265H1, SOC365H1, SOC383H1, SOC465H1, SPA382H1, WGS160Y1, WGS260H1, WGS271Y1, WGS273H1, WGS367H1, WGS372H1, WGS373H1

Group B: Race, Anti-Racism and Ethnicity
AFR150Y1, AFR250Y1, AFR322H1, AFR351Y1, AFR352H1, AMS310H1, ANT204H1, ANT458H1, ANT463H1, ANT464H1, CAR225H1, CAR226H1, CAR324H1, CAR328H1, CAS310H1, CAR427H1, CAR429H1, CDN280H1, CDN307H1, CDN335H1, CIN337H1, ENG270H1, ENG355Y1, ENG356Y1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370Y1, FAH351H1, FIN320H1, FRE336H1, GGR240H1, HIS107Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS245H1, HIS282Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS303H1, HIS338H1, HIS359H1, HIS360H1, HIS361H1, HIS391Y1, HIS392Y1, HIS413H1, HIS416H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS474H1, JHN323H1, JLN327H1, INS261H1, LAS301H1, LAS302H1, LAS401H1, NMC484H1, POL467H1, RLG344H1, RLG352H1, RLG353H1, SLA222H1, SOC210H1, SPA486H1, UNI199H1, WGS481H1, WGS390H1, WGS442H1

Group C: Sexual Diversities
ANT441H1, ANT456H1, EAS389H1, ENG273Y1, ENG384Y1, JPS315H1, JSU325H1, NMC384H1, PHL243H1, PSY323H1, RLG313H1, SDS199H1, SDS246H1, SDS255H1, SDS256H1, SDS279H1, SDS345H1, SDS355H1, SDS365H1, SDS377H1, SDS378H1, SDS380H1, SDS381H1, SDS382H1, SDS385H1, SDS455H1, SDS465H1, SDS470H1, UNI104H1, WGS374H1, WGS376H1

Group D: General Critical Equity
AFR298H1, AFR370H1, AFR454H1, ANT204H1, ANT205H1, ANT324H1, ANT327H1, ANT329H1, ANT346H1, ANT348H1, ANT358H1, ANT364H1, ANT366H1, ANT420H1, ANT426H1, ANT472H1, ANT474H1, BPM214H1, CAR220H1, CAR221H1, CAS350H1, CAS420H1, CDN267H1, CDN367H1, CRI487H1, DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1, EAS315H1, EAS439H1, EDS260H1, ENG254H1, ENV430H1, GGR107H1, GGR112H1, GGR240H1, GGR328H1, GGR329H1, GGR338H1, GGR339H1, GGR357H1, GGR363H1, GGR418H1, GGR419H1, GGR434H1, HIS106Y1, HIS318H1, HIS323H1, HIS324H1, HIS424H1, HIS459H1, HIS480H1, HIS489H1, HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB443H1, HPS240H1, HPS324H1, HST330H1, HST411H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS405H1, JFP450H1, JGU216H1, JNH350H1, JSU237H1, JUG325H1, LIN211H1, NMC384H1, PHL273H1, PHL281H1, PHL380H1, PHL383H1, PHL384H1, POL198H1, POL201H1, POL344H1, POL353H1, POL358H1, POL412H1, POL418H1, POL421H1, POL439H1, POL480H1, RLG201H1, RLG317H1, SAS318H1, SOC207H1, SOC220H1, SOC282H1, SOC309H1, SOC363H1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC479H1, SPA383H1, UNI101H1, URB333H1

FAS Program Area: New College

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1141

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1141

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity (CSES) is an interdisciplinary program that explores how social relations and practices of power and privilege are (re)produced locally and transnationally. In CSES we question the dominant conceptualization of equity by the state, educational programs, the non-profit sectors and community organizations as individualized and de-historicized social differences. CSES is a hub of critical disability studies teaching and learning. The program provides students with theoretical and practical tools to study social, political, economic and historical injustices. CSES takes a unique approach to undergraduate education that values student experiential learning and community knowledge. The learning goal of CSES is to provide frameworks on theories of transformative social change rooted in political activism and formations of solidarity. The program encourages students to apply theory in action through organizing and practicing solidarity in making a more just world. Equity Studies creates a dynamic learning environment that extends far beyond the university walls. With a vibrant student body, dynamic faculty members, connection with a wide range of community partners and a bold curriculum, CSES at New College is a leader in studies of social justice, settler colonialism, race, gender, sexuality, disability, land/water and sustainability, activism, solidarity and the art of resistance, and global food equity and security.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Consult Program Administrator: or 416-978-2667.

(4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level)

First Year:
No specific first-year courses required.

Higher Years:
1. CSE240H1
2. 1.0 credit in any area from the Core Group: JNS450H1, CAR315H1, CSE241Y1, CSE270H1, CSE340H1, CSE341H1, CSE342H1, CSE344H1, CSE344Y1, CSE345H1, CSE346H1, CSE347H1, CSE348H1, CSE349H1, CSE439H1, CSE440Y1, CSE441H1, CSE442H1, CSE443H1, CSE444H1, CSE445H1, CSE446H1, CSE447H1, CSE448H1, CSE449H1, CSE469Y1, CSE499H1
3. 1.5 additional credits in any area from the Core Group, or 1.5 credits from Groups A, B, C, D
4. An additional 1.0 credit from Groups A, B, C, D

Group A: Gender
ANT343H1, ANT460H1, CAR317H1, CAR325H1, CAS360H1, CHC322H1, CLA219H1, CLA319H1, EAS380H1, EAS388H1, ENG355Y1, FRE304H1, GGR320H1, GGR327H1, HIS202H1, HIS205H1, HIS297Y1, HIS348H1, HIS354H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS417Y1, HIS446H1, HIS465Y1, HIS481H1, HIS486H1, ITA455H1, JAL355H1, NMC245H1, NMC284H1, NMC484H1, PHL367H1, POL303H1, POL351H1, POL432H1, POL450H1, REN341H1, REN342H1, REN343H1, RLG235H1, RLG311H1, RLG312H1, RLG313H1, SLA248H1, SOC265H1, SOC365H1, SOC366H1, SOC383H1, SOC465H1, SPA382H1, WGS160Y1, WGS260H1, WGS271Y1, WGS273H1, WGS367H1, WGS372H1, WGS373H1

Group B: Race, Anti-Racism and Ethnicity
AFR150Y1, AFR250Y1, AFR322H1, AFR351Y1, AFR352H1, AFR453Y1, ANT204H1, ANT458H1, CAR225H1, CAR226H1, CAR324H1, CAR328H1, CAS310H1, CAR429H1, CDN230H1, CDN280H1, CDN307H1, CDN335H1, ENG270H1, ENG355Y1, ENG356Y1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370Y1, FIN320H1, FRE336H1, GGR240H1, HIS107Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS245H1, HIS282Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS303H1, HIS338H1, HIS359H1, HIS360H1, HIS361H1, HIS391Y1, HIS392Y1, HIS402H1, HIS413H1, HIS416H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS474H1, JHN323H1, JLN327H1, INS261H1, LAS301H1, LAS302H1, LAS401H1, NMC484H1, POL301Y1, POL467H1, RLG344H1, RLG352H1, RLG353H1, SLA222H1, SOC210H1, SPA486H1

Group C: Sexual Diversities
ANT441H1, ANT456H1, ENG273Y1, ENG384Y1, JPS315H1, JSU325H1, NMC384H1, PHL243H1, PSY323H1, RLG313H1, SDS255H1, SDS256H1, SDS345H1, SDS346H1, SDS354H1, SDS355H1, SDS365H1, SDS377H1, SDS378H1, SDS380H1, SDS381H1, SDS382H1, SDS455H1, SDS470H1, SDS475H1, UNI104H1, WGS374H1, WGS376H1

Group D: General Critical Equity
ANT204H1, ANT324H1, ANT327H1, ANT329H1, ANT346H1, ANT348H1, ANT358H1, ANT364H1, ANT366H1, ANT388H1, ANT420H1, ANT426H1, ANT472H1, ANT474H1, ARC233H1, BPM214H1, CAS350H1, CAS420H1, CDN267H1, CDN367H1, CRI487H1, DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1, EAS315H1, EAS439H1, EDS260H1, ENG254H1, ENV430H1, GGR107H1, GGR112H1, GGR240H1, GGR241H1, GGR328H1, GGR329H1, GGR338H1, GGR339H1, GGR357H1, GGR363H1, GGR418H1, GGR419H1, GGR420H1, GGR434H1, GGR452H1, GGR457H1, HAJ453H1, HIS106Y1, HIS318H1, HIS323H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, HIS424H1, HIS459H1, HIS472H1, HIS480H1, HIS489H1, HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB443H1, HPS324H1, HST330H1, HST411H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS351Y1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS405H1, JFP450H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, JNH350H1, JSU237H1, JUG325H1, NMC384H1, PHL273H1, PHL281H1, PHL380H1, PHL383H1, PHL384H1, POL198H1, POL201H1, POL344H1, POL353H1, POL358H1, POL412H1, POL418H1, POL421H1, POL439H1, POL480H1, RLG201H1, RLG317H1, SAS318H1, SOC207H1, SOC220H1, SOC282H1, SOC309H1, SOC363H1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC479H1, UNI101H1

FAS Program Area: New College

Data Science Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1687

Data Science Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1687

The field of Data Science is a combination of statistics and computer science methodologies that enable ‘learning from data’. A data scientist extracts information from data, and is involved with every step that must be taken to achieve this goal, from getting acquainted with the data to communicating the results in non-technical language. The Data Science Specialist program prepares students for work in the Data Science industry or government and for graduate studies in Data Science, Computer Science, or Statistics. Students in the program will benefit from a range of advanced courses in Computer Science and Statistics offered by the University of Toronto, as well as from a sequence of three integrative courses designed especially for the program.

The Data Science Specialist program comprises three fundamental and highly-integrated aspects. First, students will acquire expertise in statistical reasoning, methods, and inference essential for any data analyst. Seconds, students will receive in-depth training in computer science: the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures for handling large amounts of data, and best practices in software design. Students will receive training in machine learning, which lies at the intersection of computer and statistical sciences. The third aspect is the application of computer science and statistics to produce analyses of complex, large-scale datasets, and the communication of the results of these analyses; students will receive training in these areas by taking integrative courses that are designed specifically for the Data Science Specialist program. The courses involve experiential learning: students will be working with real large-scale datasets from the domain of business, government, and/or science. The successful student will combine their expertise in computer and statistical science to produce and communicate analyses of complex large-scale datasets.

Skills that graduates of the program will acquire include proficiency in statistical reasoning and computational thinking; data manipulation and exploration, visualization, and communication that are required for work as a data scientist; the ability to apply statistical methods to solve problems in the context of scientific research, business, and government; familiarity and experience with best practices in software development; and knowledge of current software infrastructure for handling large data sets. Graduates of the program will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply machine learning algorithms to large-scale datasets that arise in scientific research, government, and business; create appropriate data visualizations for complex datasets; identify and answer questions that involve applying statistical methods or machine learning algorithms to complex data, and communicating the results; present the results and limitations of a data analysis at an appropriate technical level for the intended audience.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

For students admitted to Arts & Science in the Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) admission category:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on the number of applicants. At least 20 spaces will be available each year for students applying from Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) within 12 months of beginning their studies:

* STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. STA261H1 will be used in place of STA130H1 for program admission purposes if a student has not completed STA130H1 or if they have completed both STA130H1 and STA261H1 by the time they are being considered for admission.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants will not be considered for admission with a grade lower than 70% in CSC110Y1, MAT137Y1, and STA130H1/​ STA261H1, or lower than 77% in CSC111H1. ( MAT157Y1 grades will be adjusted to account for the course's greater difficulty.) Obtaining these minimum grades does not guarantee admission to the program.

For students admitted to other Arts & Science Year 1 admission categories:

Special Requirement

  • Students who do not have the Computer Science Admission Guarantee must complete a supplementary application to be considered for the program.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

* STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. STA261H1 will be used in place of STA130H1 for program admission purposes if a student has not completed STA130H1 or if they have completed both STA130H1 and STA261H1 by the time they are being considered for admission.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade lower than 70% will not be considered for admission. ( MAT157Y1 grades will be adjusted to account for the course's greater difficulty.) Obtaining these minimum grades does not guarantee admission to the program.


  1. Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  2. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program, students are strongly advised to plan to enroll in backup programs.
  3. Students admitted to the program after second or third year will be required to pay retroactive deregulated program fees.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Data Science Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(13.0-13.5 credits, including at least 1.5 credits at the 400-level)

First year (3.0-3.5 credits)
MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1, MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1 ( MAT240H1 is recommended), STA130H1, ( CSC108H1, CSC148H1)/ ( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1)
Note: Students with a strong background in an object-oriented language such as Python, Java or C++ may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC148H1. There is no need to replace the missing half-credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on "saving" a half-credit. Consult with the Computer Science Undergraduate Office for advice on choosing between CSC108H1 and CSC148H1.

Students in this program have the option to enrol in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Second year (3.5-4.0 credits)
MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, STA257H1, STA261H1, CSC207H1, ( CSC165H1, CSC236H1)/ CSC236H1/​ CSC240H1 ( CSC240H1 is recommended), JSC270H1 (Data Science I)
Note: CSC240H1 is an accelerated and enriched version of CSC165H1 plus CSC236H1, intended for students with a strong mathematical background, or who develop an interest after taking CSC165H1. If you take CSC240H1 without CSC165H1, there is no need to replace the missing half-credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on "saving" a half-credit. Consult the Computer Science Undergraduate Office for advice on choosing between CSC165H1 and CSC240H1. CSC236H1 may be taken without CSC165H1 for students who completed CSC111H1.

Later years (6.5 credits/7.0 credits for students who have not completed STA130H1 (see 4.))

  1. STA302H1, one of STA303H1 or STA305H1, STA355H1, CSC209H1, CSC263H1/​ CSC265H1 ( CSC265H1 is recommended), CSC343H1, CSC373H1, JSC370H1 (Data Science II)
  2. STA314H1/​ CSC311H1
  3. 2.0 credits from the following list, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level (see below for additional conditions): STA303H1/​ STA305H1 (whichever one was not taken previously), STA313H1/​ CSC316H1, STA347H1, CSC401H1, STA414H1/​ CSC412H1, CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1, any 400-level STA course; JSC470H1 (Data Science III); CSC454H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1.
  4. If a student has not completed STA130H1 then an additional 0.5 credit 300+ level STA course that is not used towards any other program requirement must be completed.

The choices from 3 must satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity by including at least 0.5 credit from the following: JSC470H1 (Data Science III); CSC454H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1, STA490Y1, STA496H1, STA497H1, STA498Y1, STA499Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

Transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 1.0 credit at the 300-/400-level, and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity. In addition, transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 0.5 credit of the 400-level CSC or or STA or JSC courses required.

Students will be advised to develop domain expertise in at least one area where Data Science is applicable, by taking a sequence of courses in that area throughout their program. Examples of such areas will be provided to students by program advisors and will form the basis for a later proposal for program Focuses (to be approved through internal Arts & Science governance procedures).

-If you do not complete STA130H1 in your first year of study, this requirement must be fulfilled by completing a 300 or 400-level 0.5 credit STA course to replace STA130H1. Please note that the 300 or 400-level STA course used to replace STA130H1 cannot be a course that is already being used to meet a program completion requirement.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science, Statistical Sciences, Data Science

Diaspora & Transnational Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1407

Diaspora & Transnational Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1407

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level)

1. DTS200Y1
2. DTS300H1
3. 4.5 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least two credits from each group. Coverage must include at least two diasporic communities or regions, to be identified in consultation with the program advisor.
4. 1.0 DTS credit at the 400-level

Group A: Humanities Courses

AFR250Y1, AFR351Y1, CAR324H1, CAR325H1, CAR328H1, CAR429H1, CAR428H1, CJS200H1, CJS201H1, CJS220H1, CJS230H1, CJS389H1, CJS401H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CRE350Y1, CSE341H1, CSE449H1, DTS305H1, DTS310H1, DTS311H1, DTS312H1, DTS314H1, DTS410H1, DTS411H1, DTS412H1, DTS413H1, DTS414H1, DTS415H1, DTS416H1, DTS417H1, EAS105H1, EAS247H1, EAS251H1, EAS271H1, EAS289Y1, EAS314H1, EAS315H1, EAS333H1, EAS374H1, EAS420H1, EAS439H1, EAS474H1, EAS484Y1, EAS497H1, ENG270H1, ENG285H1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370Y1, FIN320H1, FRE438H1, FRE332H1, FRE334H1, FRE336H1, GER361H1, GER367H1, HIS106Y1, HIS202H1, HIS208Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS291H1, HIS295Y1, HIS303H1, HIS305H1, HIS312H1, HIS330H1, HIS336H1, HIS338H1, HIS346H1, HIS359H1, HIS360H1, HIS361H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, JHA384H1, HIS385H1, HIS391Y1, HIS392Y1, HIS402H1, HIS403H1, HIS413H1, HIS415Y1, HIS429H1, HIS433H1, HIS439H1, HIS444H1, HIS445H1, HIS446H1, HIS467H1, HIS472H1, HIS474H1, HIS480H1, HIS494H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, ITA233H1, ITA345H1, NMC252H1, NMC351H1, NMC274H1, NMC284H1, NMC370H1, NMC384H1, NMC473H1, NMC475H1, JQR360H1, RLG280Y1, RLG319H1, RLG326H1, RLG341H1, RLG345H1, RLG346H1, RLG386H1, RLG434H1, RLG453H1, SAS114H1, SAS318H1, SLA202H1, SLA222H1, SLA238H1, SLA302H1, SLA303H1, SLA312H1, SLA318H1, SLA325H1, SLA357H1, SLA380H1, SPA258H1, SPA259H1, SPA375H1, SPA385H1, SPA467H1, SPA480H1, SPA488H1, UNI101H1, UNI103H1, WGS369H1, WGS420H1, WGS426H1

Group B: Social Sciences Courses

ANT204H1, ANT318H1, ANT324H1, ANT340H1, ANT341H1, ANT345H1, ANT346H1, ANT347H1, ANT348H1, ANT349H1, ANT351H1, JAL355H1, ANT356H1, ANT358H1, ANT364H1, ANT366H1, ANT370H1, ANT372H1, ANT426H1, ANT427H1, ANT440H1, ANT450H1, ANT452H1, ANT456H1, ANT458H1, ANT460H1, ANT472H1, ANT475H1, ANT477H1, CSE342H1, DTS305H1, DTS310H1, DTS311H1, DTS312H1, DTS314H1, DTS410H1, DTS411H1, DTS412H1, DTS413H1, DTS414H1, DTS415H1, DTS416H1, DTS417H1, ENT391H1, ENT392Y1, GGR112H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, GGR241H1, GGR246H1, GGR320H1, JGE321H1, GGR326H1, GGR336H1, GGR339H1, GGR341H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, JGI346H1/​ JGU346H1, GGR360H1, GGR363H1, GGR430H1, GGR452H1, GGR457H1, LCT304H1, NUS251H0, NUS252H0, NUS253H0, NUS254H0, NUS255H0, NUS256H0, NUS351Y0, NUS352H0, NUS353H0, JLN327H1, POL201Y1, POL207Y1, POL215Y1, POL224Y1, POL301Y1, POL305Y1, POL324H1, POL345Y1, JPR364H1, JPR374H1, POL409H1, POL413H1, POL417Y1, JPR419H1, POL421H1, POL424H1, POL430Y1, POL442H1, JPF455Y1, POL467H1, POL480H1, SOC210H1, SOC214H1, SOC218H1, SOC220H1, SOC246H1, SOC250Y1, SOC256H1, SOC304H1, SOC311H1, SOC314H1, SOC315H1, SOC355H1, SOC360H1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC370H1, SOC381H1, SOC382H1, SOC383H1, SOC388H1, SOC465H1, SOC479H1, SOC481H1, SOC484H1, UNI101H1, UNI103H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, WGS450H1


  • Students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all courses in Groups A and B.
  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's African Studies, Caribbean Studies, and Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity programs will have the new "AFR," "CAR," and "CSE" designators respectively. Courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies program will have the new "CLT" designator. Courses associated with Victoria College's Creative Expression and Society, and Literature and Critical Theory programs will have the new "CRE" and "LCT" designators respectively.
  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with the Centre for Entrepreneurship (formerly Impact Centre) will have the new "ENT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Diaspora and Transnational Studies

Diaspora & Transnational Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1407

Diaspora & Transnational Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1407

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level)

1. DTS200Y1
2. DTS300H1
3. 2.0 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least 1.0 credit from each group.
4. 0.5 DTS credit at the 400-level

Group A: Humanities Courses

AFR250Y1, AFR351Y1, CAR324H1, CAR325H1, CAR328H1, CAR429H1, CAR428H1, CJS200H1, CJS201H1, CJS220H1, CJS230H1, CJS389H1, CJS401H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CRE350Y1, CSE341H1, CSE449H1, DTS305H1, DTS310H1, DTS311H1, DTS312H1, DTS314H1, DTS410H1, DTS411H1, DTS412H1, DTS413H1, DTS414H1, DTS415H1, DTS416H1, DTS417H1, EAS105H1, EAS247H1, EAS251H1, EAS271H1, EAS289Y1, EAS314H1, EAS315H1, EAS333H1, EAS374H1, EAS420H1, EAS439H1, EAS474H1, EAS484Y1, EAS497H1, ENG270H1, ENG285H1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370Y1, FIN320H1, FRE438H1, FRE332H1, FRE334H1, FRE336H1, GER361H1, GER367H1, HIS106Y1, HIS202H1, HIS208Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS291H1, HIS295Y1, HIS303H1, HIS305H1, HIS312H1, HIS330H1, HIS336H1, HIS338H1, HIS346H1, HIS359H1, HIS360H1, HIS361H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, JHA384H1, HIS385H1, HIS391Y1, HIS392Y1, HIS402H1, HIS403H1, HIS413H1, HIS415Y1, HIS429H1, HIS433H1, HIS439H1, HIS444H1, HIS445H1, HIS446H1, HIS467H1, HIS472H1, HIS474H1, HIS480H1, HIS494H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, ITA233H1, ITA345H1, NMC252H1, NMC351H1, NMC274H1, NMC284H1, NMC370H1, NMC384H1, NMC473H1, NMC475H1, JQR360H1, RLG280Y1, RLG319H1, RLG326H1, RLG341H1, RLG345H1, RLG346H1, RLG386H1, RLG434H1, RLG453H1, SAS114H1, SAS318H1, SLA202H1, SLA222H1, SLA238H1, SLA302H1, SLA303H1, SLA312H1, SLA318H1, SLA325H1, SLA357H1, SLA380H1, SPA258H1, SPA259H1, SPA375H1, SPA385H1, SPA467H1, SPA480H1, SPA488H1, UNI101H1, UNI103H1, WGS369H1, WGS420H1, WGS426H1

Group B: Social Sciences Courses

ANT204H1, ANT318H1, ANT324H1, ANT340H1, ANT341H1, ANT345H1, ANT346H1, ANT347H1, ANT348H1, ANT349H1, ANT351H1, JAL355H1, ANT356H1, ANT358H1, ANT364H1, ANT366H1, ANT370H1, ANT372H1, ANT426H1, ANT427H1, ANT440H1, ANT450H1, ANT452H1, ANT456H1, ANT458H1, ANT460H1, ANT472H1, ANT475H1, ANT477H1, CSE342H1, DTS305H1, DTS310H1, DTS311H1, DTS312H1, DTS314H1, DTS410H1, DTS411H1, DTS412H1, DTS413H1, DTS414H1, DTS415H1, DTS416H1, DTS417H1, ENT391H1, ENT392Y1, GGR112H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, GGR241H1, GGR246H1, GGR320H1, JGE321H1, GGR326H1, GGR336H1, GGR339H1, GGR341H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, JGI346H1/​ JGU346H1, GGR360H1, GGR363H1, GGR430H1, GGR452H1, GGR457H1, LCT304H1, NUS251H0, NUS252H0, NUS253H0, NUS254H0, NUS255H0, NUS256H0, NUS351Y0, NUS352H0, NUS353H0, JLN327H1, POL201Y1, POL207Y1, POL215Y1, POL224Y1, POL301Y1, POL305Y1, POL324H1, POL345Y1, JPR364H1, JPR374H1, POL409H1, POL413H1, POL417Y1, JPR419H1, POL421H1, POL424H1, POL430Y1, POL442H1, JPF455Y1, POL467H1, POL480H1, SOC210H1, SOC214H1, SOC218H1, SOC220H1, SOC246H1, SOC250Y1, SOC256H1, SOC304H1, SOC311H1, SOC314H1, SOC315H1, SOC355H1, SOC360H1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC370H1, SOC381H1, SOC382H1, SOC383H1, SOC388H1, SOC465H1, SOC479H1, SOC481H1, SOC484H1, UNI101H1, UNI103H1, VIC183H1, VIC184H1, WGS450H1


  • Students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all courses in Groups A and B.
  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's African Studies, Caribbean Studies, and Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity programs will have the new "AFR," "CAR," and "CSE" designators respectively. Courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies program will have the new "CLT" designator. Courses associated with Victoria College's Creative Expression and Society, and Literature and Critical Theory programs will have the new "CRE" and "LCT" designators respectively.
  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with the Centre for Entrepreneurship (formerly Impact Centre) will have the new "ENT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Diaspora and Transnational Studies

Digital Humanities Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1337

Digital Humanities Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1337

Digital humanities (DH) is a discipline at the intersections of the humanities with computing. DH studies human culture -- art, literature, history, geography, religion -- through computational tools and methodologies; and, in turn, DH studies the digital through humanist lenses. Digital humanists study social media phenomena or medieval manuscript archives; computationally analyze thousands of newspaper articles to trace economic developments; construct video games to study literary narratives; or resurrect historical cities through digital maps and virtual reality exhibits.

In introductory and advanced DH courses, students learn about the intellectual landscape of digital humanities scholarship. They learn how to build digital stories, exhibits, and maps; how to digitize rare books; how to analyze collections of data; how to construct digital models and 3D-print them; and how to manage major digital projects. By the end of the program, students conduct a major DH research project of their own or participate in the research of an established faculty project. Throughout the program, students gain a critical perspective on digital technologies, learning to consider the ways digital platforms shape, and are shaped by, the currents of wider social and cultural forces.

By providing this critical and technical skillset, the Digital Humanities Minor prepares students for future paths that range from graduate studies in literature, history, library science, education, or computer science, to careers as technical writers, data analysts and visualizers, project managers, or programmers.

Students should note that some courses at the 200, 300, and 400 levels may have additional prerequisites.

Permission to count courses that are not on the list below towards the Minor in Digital Humanities must be received from the Program Coordinator, and will be granted on a case-by-case basis when the student’s work demonstrably and substantially engages Digital Humanities-related content or research methods.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit at the 300/400-level)

Students should note that some courses at the 200, 300, and 400-levels may have additional prerequisites.

Permission to count courses towards the Minor in Digital Humanities that are not in the Completion Requirements must be received by the Program Coordinator, and will be granted on a case-by-case basis when the student’s work demonstrably and substantially engages Digital Humanities-related content or research methods.

It is not possible to complete this program in one year.

1. Introductory courses: DHU235H1 and DHU236H1

2. Maximum 2.5 credits from any of the following courses, which include DHU courses and cross-listed courses offered by other departments:
a. DHU335H1/​ DHU336H1/​ DHU337H1/​ DHU338H1/​ DHU339H1
b. Cross-Listed Courses:
Anthropology: ANT437H1
Book and Media Studies: SMC228H1/​ SMC229H1/​ SMC255H1/​ BMS392H1
Cinema Studies: CIN312Y1
Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies: DRM244H1/​ DRM424H1
Computer Science: CSC104H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC300H1
English: ENG287H1
Geography: GGR271H1/​ GGR272H1/​ GGR273H1/​ GGR349H1/​ GGR452H1
History: HIS393H1/​ HIS455Y1
History & Philosophy of Science & Technology: HPS202H1/​ HPS203H1
Medieval Studies: MST201H1/​ MST202H1/​ MST300H1
Music: MUS300H1
Religion: RLG233H1/​ RLG307H1/​ RLG308H1
Urban Studies: URB235H1/​ URB236H1/​ URB333H1
Writing and Rhetoric: WRR303H1

3. A minimum of a 0.5 credit that provides a capstone experience, chosen from the list below:
a. DHU435H1, DHU436H1, DHU437H1
b. Other 400-level courses with a significant DH practicum element, such as CDN435Y1 (Active Citizenship), can also be considered for fulfillment of the capstone requirement, if students receive written permission of the Digital Humanities Program Coordinator within the first two weeks of enrollment in the course.

Note: Cross-listed courses are offered by other departments. Registration in these courses may be available only to students who have completed specified prerequisites and/or are enrolled in a program sponsored by the department offering the course. Course enrolment conditions are listed in the Arts and Science timetable. Course descriptions, prerequisites, corequisites and exclusions are listed in the Calendar.


  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with Woodsworth College's Digital Humanities program will have the new "DHU" designator.
  • Effective Fall 2021, active courses associated with St. Michael's College's Book and Media Studies program will have the new "BMS" designator. In addition, courses associated with Innis College's Urban Studies and Writing and Rhetoric programs will have the new "URB" and "WRR" designators respectively.

FAS Program Area: Woodsworth College, Data Science

Drama Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2148

Drama Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2148

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol the program.

Please note (below) that while there are no specific course requirements to join the program, completion of the Studio (Group B) requirement will normally require either an audition, a personal interview, or the submission of a portfolio to match students with courses as required. The Centre will, however, work with any student who enrolls in the program to determine the best options for proceeding through and completing the program.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits, including 2.0 credits from 300+ level courses, with at least a 0.5 credit at the 400-level.

  1. DRM101Y1
  2. DRM220Y1
  3. 2.0 credits from Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies courses (Group A)
  4. 2.0 credits from Studio courses (Group B)
  5. From Group A, B, C or other DRM: 2.0 credits to make up the total of 8.0 credits

Notes on Group A and B requirements:

  • Following completion of DRM220Y1, students are advised to complete at least a 0.5 credit from Group A per academic year until they have completed the required total of 2.0 credits from Group A.
  • Students can take a maximum of 3.0 credits from Group B per year.
  • Minimum grade requirements apply to some pre-requisite courses ( DRM101Y1, DRM220Y1 and second-year foundation courses) to advance through some Studio (Group B) courses.
    Some Studio (Group B) courses will require a separate assessment either through an audition (performance), submission of a portfolio (playwriting), or a personal interview (directing, design and production). For information on the deadlines for these assessments and the process for applying, please consult the Centre website.
  • The Centre is committed to working with any student to consider best options for not only progressing but completing the program. Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to Centre staff for advising on planning their program.

DRM101Y1, DRM220Y1

Group A: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM303H1, DRM320H1, DRM331H1, DRM342H1, DRM360H1, DRM362H1, DRM363H1, DRM366H1, DRM385H1, DRM385Y1, DRM386H1, DRM387H1, DRM388H1, DRM420H1, DRM424H1, DRM431H1, DRM462H1, DRM480H1, DRM480Y1, DRM485H1, DRM485Y1, DRM487H1, DRM488H1, JIA400H1

Group B: Studio
DRM200Y1, DRM202H1, DRM224H1, DRM228H1, DRM254H1, DRM300Y1, DRM301H1, DRM302H1, DRM311H1, DRM328H1, DRM354H1, DRM355H1, DRM355Y1, DRM368H1, DRM375H1, DRM375Y1, DRM376H1, DRM377H1, DRM378H1, DRM400H1, DRM402H1, DRM403Y1, DRM413H1, DRM428H1, DRM454H1, DRM455H1, DRM485Y1, DRM486H1, CRE276H1

Group C: Related Courses in Other Departments
CAR321H1, CDN307H1, CDN385H1, CHC367H1, CLA382H1, CLA383H1, CRE273H1, CRE375H1, CRE470H1, DTS412H1, EAS263H1, EAS375H1, ENG220H1, ENG320Y1, ENG330H1, ENG331H1, ENG335H1, ENG337H1, ENG340H1, ENG341H1, ENG352H1, FAH405H1, FIN320H1, FRE319H1, FRE326H1, GRK351H1, GRK352H1, GRK451H1, GRK452H1, INS300Y1, INS302H1, INS341H1, ITA390H1, ITA410H1, LAT351H1, LAT451H1, LCT304H1, MUS206H1, MUS209H1, MUS215H1, MUS315H1, MUS340H1, REN347H1, SDS478H1, SLA342H1, SLA367H1, SLA405H1, SLA406H1, SPA384H1, SPA387H1

Other Topics & Independent Studies
UNI102H1, UNI106H1, UNI197H1, DRM286H1, DRM288H1, DRM299Y1, DRM390Y1, DRM391H1, DRM399Y1, DRM490Y1, DRM491H1

FAS Program Area: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies

Drama Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2148

Drama Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2148

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Please note that while there are no specific course requirements to join the program, completion of the Studio (Group B) requirement may require an audition, a personal interview, or the submission of a portfolio to match students with courses as required. The Centre will, however, work with any student who enrolls in the program to determine the best options for proceeding through and completing the program.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level.

  1. DRM101Y1
  2. From Group A: 1.0 credit or DRM220Y1
  3. From Group A: 1.0 credit
  4. From Groups A, B, C or other DRM (when eligible): 1.0 credit to make up the total of 4.0 credits

Note: Priority is reserved for Drama Majors and Specialists for Group B Studio courses.

DRM101Y1, DRM220Y1

Group A: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM303H1, DRM320H1, DRM331H1, DRM342H1, DRM360H1, DRM362H1, DRM363H1, DRM366H1, DRM385H1, DRM385Y1, DRM386H1, DRM387H1, DRM388H1, DRM420H1, DRM424H1, DRM431H1, DRM462H1, DRM480H1, DRM480Y1, DRM485H1, DRM485Y1, DRM487H1, DRM488H1, JIA400H1

Group B: Studio
DRM200Y1, DRM202H1, DRM224H1, DRM228H1, DRM254H1, DRM300Y1, DRM301H1, DRM302H1, DRM311H1, DRM328H1, DRM354H1, DRM355H1, DRM355Y1, DRM368H1, DRM375H1, DRM375Y1, DRM376H1, DRM377H1, DRM378H1, DRM400H1, DRM402H1, DRM403Y1, DRM413H1, DRM428H1, DRM454H1, DRM455H1, DRM485Y1, DRM486H1, CRE276H1

Group C: Related Courses in Other Departments
CAR321H1, CDN307H1, CDN385H1, CHC367H1, CLA382H1, CLA383H1, CRE273H1, CRE375H1, CRE470H1, DTS412H1, EAS263H1, EAS375H1, ENG220H1, ENG320Y1, ENG330H1, ENG331H1, ENG335H1, ENG337H1, ENG340H1, ENG341H1, ENG352H1, FAH405H1, FIN320H1, FRE319H1, FRE326H1, GRK351H1, GRK352H1, GRK451H1, GRK452H1, INS300Y1, INS302H1, INS341H1, ITA390H1, ITA410H1, LAT351H1, LAT451H1, LCT304H1, MUS206H1, MUS209H1, MUS215H1, MUS315H1, MUS340H1, REN347H1, SDS478H1, SLA342H1, SLA367H1, SLA405H1, SLA406H1, SPA384H1, SPA387H1

Other Topics & Independent Studies
UNI102H1, UNI106H1, UNI197H1, DRM286H1, DRM288H1, DRM299Y1, DRM390Y1, DRM391H1, DRM399Y1, DRM490Y1, DRM491H1

FAS Program Area: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies

Drama Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE2148

Drama Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE2148

Admission Requirements:

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol the program.

Please note (below) that while there are no specific course requirements to join the program, completion of the Studio (Group B) requirement will normally require either an audition, a personal interview, or the submission of a portfolio to match students with courses as required. The Centre will, however, work with any student who enrolls in the program to determine the best options for proceeding through and completing the program.

Completion Requirements:

12.0 credits, including 4.0 credits from 300+ level courses, with at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level.

  1. DRM101Y1
  2. DRM220Y1
  3. 3.0 credits from Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies courses (Group A)
  4. 2.0 credits from Studio courses (Group B)
  5. From Group A, B, C or other DRM: 5.0 credits to make up the total of 12.0 credits

Notes on Group A and B requirements:

  • Following completion of DRM220Y1, students are advised to complete at least a 0.5 credit from Group A per academic year until they have completed the required total of 3.0 credits from Group A.
  • Students can take a maximum of 3.0 credits from Group B per year.
  • Minimum grade requirements apply to some pre-requisite courses ( DRM101Y1, DRM220Y1 and second-year foundation courses) to advance through some Studio (Group B) courses.
  • Some Studio (Group B) courses will require a separate assessment either through an audition (performance), submission of a portfolio (playwriting), or a personal interview (directing, design and production). For information on the deadlines for these assessments and the process for applying, please consult the Centre website.
  • The Centre is committed to working with any student to consider best options for not only progressing but completing the program. Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to Centre staff for advising on planning their program.

DRM101Y1, DRM220Y1

Group A: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM303H1, DRM320H1, DRM331H1, DRM342H1, DRM360H1, DRM362H1, DRM363H1, DRM366H1, DRM385H1, DRM385Y1, DRM386H1, DRM387H1, DRM388H1, DRM420H1, DRM424H1, DRM431H1, DRM462H1, DRM480H1, DRM480Y1, DRM485H1, DRM485Y1, DRM487H1, DRM488H1, JIA400H1

Group B: Studio
DRM200Y1, DRM202H1, DRM224H1, DRM228H1, DRM254H1, DRM300Y1, DRM301H1, DRM302H1, DRM311H1, DRM328H1, DRM354H1, DRM355H1, DRM355Y1, DRM368H1, DRM375H1, DRM375Y1, DRM376H1, DRM377H1, DRM378H1, DRM400H1, DRM402H1, DRM403Y1, DRM413H1, DRM428H1, DRM454H1, DRM455H1, DRM485Y1, DRM486H1, CRE276H1

Group C: Related Courses in Other Departments
CAR321H1, CDN307H1, CDN385H1, CHC367H1, CLA382H1, CLA383H1, CRE273H1, CRE375H1, CRE470H1, DTS412H1, EAS263H1, EAS375H1, ENG220H1, ENG320Y1, ENG330H1, ENG331H1, ENG335H1, ENG337H1, ENG340H1, ENG341H1, ENG352H1, FAH405H1, FIN320H1, FRE319H1, FRE326H1, GRK351H1, GRK352H1, GRK451H1, GRK452H1, INS300Y1, INS302H1, INS341H1, ITA390H1, ITA410H1, LAT351H1, LAT451H1, LCT304H1, MUS206H1, MUS209H1, MUS215H1, MUS315H1, MUS340H1, REN347H1, SDS478H1, SLA342H1, SLA367H1, SLA405H1, SLA406H1, SPA384H1, SPA387H1

Other Topics & Independent Studies
UNI102H1, UNI106H1, UNI197H1, DRM286H1, DRM288H1, DRM299Y1, DRM390Y1, DRM391H1, DRM399Y1, DRM490Y1, DRM491H1

FAS Program Area: Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies

Earth and Environmental Systems Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2745

Earth and Environmental Systems Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2745

In the Earth and Environmental Systems Major, students use multidisciplinary approaches to studying the large-scale interactions between the Earth and planetary systems over a broad spectrum of time-scales, addressing deep timescales of millions to billions of years as well as processes taking place in today’s and in future worlds. Courses take an integrative approach to understanding interactions between the solid Earth, the biosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, addressing how these interactions have developed over geological, historical, and recent time periods. Themes of the program include biogeochemistry, paleoclimatology (e.g., drivers of Earth’s natural climate variability), global environmental change, Quaternary science (e.g., understanding the ice ages) and Earth surface processes (e.g., evolution of landforms and sedimentary basins). This program provides broad context over time and space to better understand and provide solutions for the current issues of climate change, resource consumption and global pollution weighing heavily on people and societies. Students are advised to check course prerequisites, to review the clusters of courses listed, and to consult the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Handbook for logical course progressions. For further questions, please contact the Student Affairs Coordinator (Scott Moore, Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Ursula Franklin St. Earth Sciences Center, Room 1062 email:

Keywords: Geoscience, Environment, Geology, Earth Sciences, Earth History, Evolution, Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits including at least 2.0 credits at 300+ level with at least 0.5 credit at 400-level.)

1. 2.0 credits of foundation science courses selected from JEG100H1/​ESS102H, BIO120H1/​ BIO130H1, CHM135H1/​CHM139H, CHM136H1/​CHM138H, PHY131H1, PHY132H1, MAT135H1, ENV237H1/​ ENV238H1

2. 3.0 credits of ESS core courses:

  • 1.0 credit at 200 level chosen from the following courses: ESS262H1 (Earth System Processes), ESS224H1 (Intro to Mineralogy and Petrology), ESS241H1 (Geologic Structures and Maps)
  • 1.0 credit at 300 level:
  • 0.5 credit of field courses: ESS410H1 (Field Techniques in Hydrogeochemistry)/ ESS450H1 (Geophysical Field Techniques)/ GGR390H1 (Field Methods)
  • 0.5 credit of capstone courses: ESS363H1/​ ESS462H1 (Global Biogeochemical Cycles)/ ESS461H1 (Paleoenvironmental Studies)/ ESS464H1 (Biological Perspectives on Earth Systems Evolution)

3. 3.0 credits of elective courses:

In addition to the above core courses, you need to take 3.0 credits of electives. This requirement can be satisfied by any of the Earth Sciences Courses listed in categories A to F below. The following clusters of courses are neither mutually exclusive nor meant to limit choice but intended to show logical course complements. These are not POSt requirements; rather the clusters are presented to aid students in course selection according to their interests.

a) Earth Surface Processes

ESS224H1, ESS241H1, ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, JGA305H1, ESS311H1, ESS331H1, ESS445H1, GGR201H1, GGR205H1, GGR272H1

b) Paleoclimate

ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, ESS261H1, ESS331H1, ESS361H1, ESS362H1, ESS461H1, ESS464H1, ESS465H1, EEB240H1/​ ENV234H1, GGR305H1

c) Biogeochemistry

ESS223H1/​ ENV233H1, ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, ESS311H1, ESS312H1, ESS362H1, ESS363H1/​ ESS462H1, ESS410H1

d) Global Environmental Change

ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, JGA305H1, ESS362H1, ESS462H1, ESS463H1, GGR203H1, GGR314H1, PHY392H1

e) Quaternary Science

ESS224H1, ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, JGA305H1, ANT314H1, ANT315H1, ANT409H1, ANT419H1, ESS461H1

f) Other Relevant Courses

ESS261H1, ESS321H1, ESS313H1, ESS322H1, ESS450H1, GGR315H1, ENV337H1, JSC301H1, ESS381H1, ESS398H0/​ ESS398Y0, ESS424H1, ESS481H1, ESS490H1, ESS491H1/​ ESS492Y1

FAS Program Area: Earth Sciences

East Asian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1058

East Asian Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1058

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Completion of the program requires 7.0 credits, meeting the following requirements:

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, normally taken in the first year;
2. EAS209H1, highly recommended to be taken in the second year;
3. At least second-year proficiency in Chinese, Korean or Japanese, either by completing an appropriate language course (e.g., EAS201H1/​ EAS200Y1/​ EAS210Y1/​ EAS211Y1/​ EAS212H1/​ EAS220Y1/​ EAS221H1 or a higher level language course) or by demonstrating the required proficiency in the initial placement. Students whose placement assessment exempts them from the requirement must substitute Society-Culture courses or courses in one of the other languages offered;
4. A minimum of 3.0 Society-Culture credits, with at least 2.0 credits at the 300-level or above, of which at least a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level;
5. Additional EAS courses to a total of 7.0 credits; and
6. 1.5 credits may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Note: First-year students should take EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, a first-year language course (unless placed in an upper-year language course by the department), and may take up to 1.0 Society-Culture credit at the 200-level.

Core Courses
EAS103H1, EAS105H1, EAS209H1

Society-Culture Courses
EAS193H1, EAS194H1, EAS195H1, EAS196H1, EAS197H1, EAS198H1, EAS199H1, EAS218H1, EAS219H1, EAS231H1, EAS235H1, EAS241H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS248H1, EAS251H1, EAS256H1, EAS257H1, EAS263H1, EAS270H1, EAS271H1, EAS272H1, EAS273H1, EAS274H1, EAS278H1, EAS279H1, EAS284H1, EAS284Y1, EAS285H1, EAS289H1, EAS289Y1, EAS295Y0, EAS296H1, EAS297H1, EAS299Y1, EAS307H1, EAS308H1, EAS309H1, EAS311H1, EAS312H1, EAS314H1, EAS315H1, EAS324H1, EAS327H1, EAS328H1, EAS329H1, EAS330H1, EAS333H1, EAS334H1, EAS334Y1, EAS335H1, EAS338H1, EAS340H1, EAS343H1, EAS345Y1, EAS347H1, EAS348H1, EAS349H1, EAS350H1, EAS354H1, EAS355H1, EAS357H1, EAS358Y1, EAS361H1, EAS362Y1, EAS363H1, EAS364H1, EAS365H1, EAS366H1, EAS370H1, EAS372H1, EAS372Y1, EAS373H1, EAS374H1, EAS375H1, EAS378H1, EAS380H1, EAS381H1, EAS384H1, EAS386H1, EAS387H1, EAS388H1, EAS389H1, EAS391H1, EAS392H1, EAS393H1, EAS394H1, EAS395Y0, EAS396H1, EAS397H1, EAS398H0, EAS398Y0, EAS406Y1, EAS407H1, EAS408H1, EAS409H1, EAS412H1, EAS417H1, EAS418H1, EAS419H1, EAS420H1, EAS421H1, EAS427H1, EAS431H1, EAS432H1, EAS433H1, EAS434H1, EAS435H1, EAS436Y1, EAS439H1, EAS444H1, EAS446H1, EAS447H1, EAS448H1, EAS449H1, EAS450H1, EAS452H1, EAS454H1, EAS455H1, EAS456H1, EAS457H1, EAS458H1, EAS459Y1, EAS466H1, EAS467H1, EAS468H1, EAS470H1, EAS471H1, EAS471Y1, EAS473H1, EAS474H1, EAS475Y1, EAS476H1, EAS477H1, EAS479H1, EAS486H1, EAS488H1, EAS489H1, EAS496H1

Language Courses
EAS100Y1, EAS101Y1, EAS110Y1, EAS120Y1, EAS121H1, EAS200Y1, EAS201H1, EAS210Y1, EAS211Y1, EAS212H1, EAS220Y1, EAS221H1, EAS300Y1, EAS301H1, EAS310Y1, EAS320Y1, EAS401H1, EAS402H1, EAS404H1, EAS410Y1, EAS416Y1, EAS460H1, EAS461H1

Society-Culture Courses on East Asia Offered by Other Departments
ANT341H1, ANT472H1, ANT477H1, CAS201H1, CAS202H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS350H1, CAS360H1, CAS370H1, CAS390H1, CAS400H1, CAS413H1, CAS414H1, CAS420H1, CAS430H1, CAS490H1, CDN230H1, CDN390H1, CIN376Y1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH462H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1, GGR343H1, HIS280Y1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS380H1, HIS382H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, HIS485H1, HPS395Y1, JHA384H1, JHA394H1, JPA331H1, MUS215H1, NUS352H0, PHL237H1, PHL334H1, PHL337H1, POL302H1, POL431H1, RLG206H1, RLG356H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG374H1, RLG379H1, RLG465H1, SLA280H1

FAS Program Area: East Asian Studies

East Asian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1058

East Asian Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1058

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Completion of the program requires 4.0 credits, meeting the following requirements:

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1;
2. 3.0 Society-Culture credits, one of which must be 300/400-level;
3. 1.0 credit may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Language courses cannot be used to fulfil the requirements of the Minor program.

Core Courses
EAS103H1, EAS105H1, EAS209H1

Society-Culture Courses
EAS193H1, EAS194H1, EAS195H1, EAS196H1, EAS197H1, EAS198H1, EAS199H1, EAS218H1, EAS219H1, EAS231H1, EAS235H1, EAS241H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS248H1, EAS251H1, EAS256H1, EAS257H1, EAS263H1, EAS270H1, EAS271H1, EAS272H1, EAS273H1, EAS274H1, EAS278H1, EAS279H1, EAS284H1, EAS284Y1, EAS285H1, EAS289H1, EAS289Y1, EAS295Y0, EAS296H1, EAS297H1, EAS299Y1, EAS307H1, EAS308H1, EAS309H1, EAS311H1, EAS312H1, EAS314H1, EAS315H1, EAS324H1, EAS327H1, EAS328H1, EAS329H1, EAS330H1, EAS333H1, EAS334H1, EAS334Y1, EAS335H1, EAS338H1, EAS340H1, EAS343H1, EAS345Y1, EAS347H1, EAS348H1, EAS349H1, EAS350H1, EAS354H1, EAS355H1, EAS357H1, EAS358Y1, EAS361H1, EAS362Y1, EAS363H1, EAS364H1, EAS365H1, EAS366H1, EAS370H1, EAS372H1, EAS372Y1, EAS373H1, EAS374H1, EAS375H1, EAS378H1, EAS380H1, EAS381H1, EAS384H1, EAS386H1, EAS387H1, EAS388H1, EAS389H1, EAS391H1, EAS392H1, EAS393H1, EAS394H1, EAS395Y0, EAS396H1, EAS397H1, EAS398H0, EAS398Y0, EAS406Y1, EAS407H1, EAS408H1, EAS409H1, EAS412H1, EAS417H1, EAS418H1, EAS419H1, EAS420H1, EAS421H1, EAS427H1, EAS431H1, EAS432H1, EAS433H1, EAS434H1, EAS435H1, EAS436Y1, EAS439H1, EAS444H1, EAS446H1, EAS447H1, EAS448H1, EAS449H1, EAS450H1, EAS452H1, EAS454H1, EAS455H1, EAS456H1, EAS457H1, EAS458H1, EAS459Y1, EAS466H1, EAS467H1, EAS468H1, EAS470H1, EAS471H1, EAS471Y1, EAS473H1, EAS474H1, EAS475Y1, EAS476H1, EAS477H1, EAS479H1, EAS486H1, EAS488H1, EAS489H1, EAS496H1

Society-Culture Courses on East Asia Offered by Other Departments
ANT341H1, ANT472H1, ANT477H1, CAS201H1, CAS202H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS350H1, CAS360H1, CAS370H1, CAS390H1, CAS400H1, CAS413H1, CAS414H1, CAS420H1, CAS430H1, CAS490H1, CDN230H1, CDN390H1, CIN376Y1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1, GGR343H1, HIS280Y1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS380H1, HIS382H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, HIS485H1, HPS395Y1, JHA384H1, JHA394H1, JPA331H1, MUS215H1, NUS352H0, PHL237H1, PHL334H1, PHL337H1, POL302H1, POL431H1, RLG206H1, RLG356H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG374H1, RLG379H1, RLG465H1, SLA280H1

FAS Program Area: East Asian Studies

East Asian Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1058

East Asian Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1058

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Completion of the program requires 10.0 credits, meeting the following requirements:

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, normally taken in the first year;
2. EAS209H1, highly recommended to be taken in the second year;
3. At least third-year proficiency in Chinese, Korean or Japanese, either by completing an appropriate language course (e.g., EAS300Y1/​ EAS310Y1/​ EAS320Y1 or a 400-level language course) or by demonstrating the required proficiency in the initial placement. Students whose placement assessment exempts them from the requirement must substitute Society-Culture courses or courses in one of the other languages offered;
4. A minimum of 5.0 Society-Culture credits, with at least 4.0 credits at the 300-level or above, of which at least 1.0 credit must be at the 400-level;
5. Additional EAS courses to a total of 10.0 credits; and
6. 2.5 credits may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Note: First-year students should take EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, a first-year language course (unless placed in an upper-year language course by the department), and may take up to 1.0 Society-Culture credit at the 200-level.

Core Courses
EAS103H1, EAS105H1, EAS209H1

Society-Culture Courses
EAS193H1, EAS194H1, EAS195H1, EAS196H1, EAS197H1, EAS198H1, EAS199H1, EAS218H1, EAS219H1, EAS231H1, EAS235H1, EAS241H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS248H1, EAS251H1, EAS256H1, EAS257H1, EAS263H1, EAS270H1, EAS271H1, EAS272H1, EAS273H1, EAS274H1, EAS278H1, EAS279H1, EAS284H1, EAS284Y1, EAS285H1, EAS289H1, EAS289Y1, EAS295Y0, EAS296H1, EAS297H1, EAS299Y1, EAS307H1, EAS308H1, EAS309H1, EAS311H1, EAS312H1, EAS314H1, EAS315H1, EAS324H1, EAS327H1, EAS328H1, EAS329H1, EAS330H1, EAS333H1, EAS334H1, EAS334Y1, EAS335H1, EAS338H1, EAS340H1, EAS343H1, EAS345Y1, EAS347H1, EAS348H1, EAS349H1, EAS350H1, EAS354H1, EAS355H1, EAS357H1, EAS358Y1, EAS361H1, EAS362Y1, EAS363H1, EAS364H1, EAS365H1, EAS366H1, EAS370H1, EAS372H1, EAS372Y1, EAS373H1, EAS374H1, EAS375H1, EAS378H1, EAS380H1, EAS381H1, EAS384H1, EAS386H1, EAS387H1, EAS388H1, EAS389H1, EAS391H1, EAS392H1, EAS393H1, EAS394H1, EAS395Y0, EAS396H1, EAS397H1, EAS398H0, EAS398Y0, EAS406Y1, EAS407H1, EAS408H1, EAS409H1, EAS412H1, EAS417H1, EAS418H1, EAS419H1, EAS420H1, EAS421H1, EAS427H1, EAS431H1, EAS432H1, EAS433H1, EAS434H1, EAS435H1, EAS436Y1, EAS439H1, EAS444H1, EAS446H1, EAS447H1, EAS448H1, EAS449H1, EAS450H1, EAS452H1, EAS454H1, EAS455H1, EAS456H1, EAS457H1, EAS458H1, EAS459Y1, EAS466H1, EAS467H1, EAS468H1, EAS470H1, EAS471H1, EAS471Y1, EAS473H1, EAS474H1, EAS475Y1, EAS476H1, EAS477H1, EAS479H1, EAS486H1, EAS488H1, EAS489H1, EAS496H1

Language Courses
EAS100Y1, EAS101Y1, EAS110Y1, EAS120Y1, EAS121H1, EAS200Y1, EAS201H1, EAS210Y1, EAS211Y1, EAS212H1, EAS220Y1, EAS221H1, EAS300Y1, EAS301H1, EAS310Y1, EAS320Y1, EAS401H1, EAS402H1, EAS404H1, EAS410Y1, EAS416Y1, EAS460H1, EAS461H1

Society-Culture Courses on East Asia Offered by Other Departments
ANT341H1, ANT472H1, ANT477H1, CAS201H1, CAS202H1, CAS310H1, CAS320H1, CAS350H1, CAS360H1, CAS370H1, CAS390H1, CAS400H1, CAS413H1, CAS414H1, CAS420H1, CAS430H1, CAS490H1, CDN230H1, CDN390H1, CIN376Y1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH462H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1, GGR343H1, HIS280Y1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS380H1, HIS382H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, HIS485H1, HPS395Y1, JHA384H1, JHA394H1, JPA331H1, MUS215H1, NUS352H0, PHL237H1, PHL334H1, PHL337H1, POL302H1, POL431H1, RLG206H1, RLG356H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG374H1, RLG379H1, RLG465H1, SLA280H1

FAS Program Area: East Asian Studies

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1006

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1006

The Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Major program (8.0 credits) provides a comprehensive understanding of ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes, as well as the diversity of life forms (microbes, fungi, plants, animals). Concepts are taught using a broad array of approaches, including molecular studies, laboratory experiments, computer and mathematical modeling, and field studies. An integral part of the experience is to conduct independent research projects in the laboratory and/or field. There is a strong emphasis within the program on hands-on laboratory and fieldwork that complement the conceptual framework developed in lectures.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits including at least 2.0 credits at 300+ series with at least 0.5 credit at the 400-series)

First Year (2.0 credits): BIO120H1; BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1/​ ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Higher Years:

1. 2.0 credits: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1; BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1; EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA257H1/​ STA288H1/​ GGR270H1/​ PSY201H1

2. 1.0 credit from: BIO251H1, BIO270H1/​ PSL300H1, BIO271H1/​ PSL301H1, EEB263H1, EEB266H1, EEB267H1, EEB268H1, EEB240H1

3. 0.5 credit in core ecology and evolution from: EEB318H1, EEB319H1, EEB320H1, EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB328H1, EEB362H1

4. 1.5 credits from: EEB313H1, EEB318H1, EEB319H1, EEB320H1, EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1, EEB325H1, EEB328H1, EEB331H1, EEB362H1, EEB365H1, EEB380H1, EEB382H1, EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1, EEB390H1, EEB397Y1, EEB398H0, EEB398Y0, EEB399Y1, EEB428H1, EEB430H1, EEB433H1, EEB434H1, EEB440H1, EEB441H1, EEB455H1, EEB458H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB463H1, EEB465H1, EEB466H1 ; EHJ352H1; ENV432H1; PSY305H1

5. 0.5 credit from: BIO251H1; BIO270H1/​ PSL300H1; BIO271H1/​ PSL301H1; EEB (excluding EEB196H1, EEB197H1, EEB198H1, EEB199H1, EEB202H1, EEB208H1, EEB214H1, EEB215H1); ENV234H1, ENV334H1, ENV432H1; EHJ352H1; JHE353H1, JHE355H1; MAT135H1/​ MAT136H1/​ MAT137Y1/​ MAT221H1/​ MAT223H1; MGY340H1

6. 0.5 credit at the 400-series from: field course, EEB403H0, EEB403H1, EEB405H0, EEB405H1, EEB406H0, EEB406H1, EEB410H0, EEB410H1; seminar EEB491H1, EEB495H1; independent research project course, EEB497H1, EEB498Y1 (concurrent with research issues course EEB488H1), EEB499Y1; advanced lecture/discussion course, EEB428H1, EEB430H1, EEB433H1, EEB440H1, EEB455H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB465H1, EEB466H1; ENV432H1

FAS Program Area: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1006

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1006

The Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Specialist program (12.0 credits) provides an in-depth understanding of ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes, as well as the diversity of life forms (microbes, fungi, plants, animals). Concepts are taught using a broad array of approaches, including molecular studies, laboratory experiments, computer and mathematical modeling, and field studies. An integral part of the experience is to conduct independent research projects in the laboratory and/or field. There is a strong emphasis within the program on hands-on laboratory and fieldwork that complement the conceptual framework developed in lectures. Students in this program have the opportunity to concentrate in ecology, evolutionary biology, or behaviour.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(12.0 credits including at least 4.0 credits at the 300+ level, 1.0 of which must be at the 400-level)

First Year (3.0 credits): BIO120H1; BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1; ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

1. 2.0 credits: BIO220H1 (ecology and evolutionary biology); BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1 (molecular and cell biology); BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1 (genetics); BIO251H1/​ BIO270H1/​ PSL300H1/​ EEB240H1 (plant or animal form and function/environmental biology).

2. 0.5 credit in computational science from: EEB125H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC148H1/​ CSC110Y1, and 0.5 credit in statistics from: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA257H1/​ STA288H1/​ GGR270H1/​ PSY201H1

3. 0.5 credit in core evolution from: EEB318H1, EEB323H1, EEB362H1

4. 0.5 credit in core ecology from: EEB319H1, EEB320H1, EEB321H1, EEB328H1

5. 0.5 credit in organismal biology from: EEB263H1, EEB266H1, EEB267H1, EEB268H1, EEB331H1, EEB340H1, EEB380H1, EEB382H1, EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1

6. 1.0 credit at 300+ level, from: EEB313H1, EEB318H1, EEB319H1, EEB320H1, EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1, EEB325H1, EEB328H1, EEB331H1, EEB340H1, EEB356H1, EEB362H1, EEB365H1, EEB380H1, EEB382H1, EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1, EEB390H1, EEB398H0, EEB399Y0, EEB428H1, EEB430H1, EEB433H1, EEB434H1, EEB440H1, EEB441H1, EEB455H1, EEB458H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB463H1, EEB465H1, EEB466H1, EEB491H1, EEB495H1; EHJ352H1; ENV432H1; ENV395Y1

Sub-total = 8.5 credits

7. 1.0 to 1.5 credits in at least two of the three following categories: (1) one field course (0.5 credit) from EEB403H0, EEB403H1, EEB405H0, EEB405H1, EEB406H0, EEB406H1, EEB410H0, EEB410H1; (2) one seminar (0.5 credit) from EEB491H1, EEB495H1; and/or (3) one independent research course (0.5 credit) from EEB497H1/​ (1.0 credit) from EEB498Y1

Sub-total = 9.5 or 10.0 credits (depending on options chosen in #7)

8. Select the remaining credits for a total of 12.0 credits (at least 1.0 must be 300+ series if 1.0 credit is completed in #7 above) from: BIO251H1, BIO270H1/​ PSL300H1, BIO271H1/​ PSL301H1; all EEB courses (excluding EEB196H1, EEB197H1, EEB198H1, EEB199H1, EEB202H1, EEB208H1, EEB214H1, EEB215H1); EHJ352H1; ENV432H1; JHE353H1, JHE355H1; and no more than 1.0 credit from the following (note that some courses may require prerequisites that are not listed within this program): ANT336H1, ANT333Y1, ANT335Y1, ANT338H1, ANT430H1, ANT436H1; CSB328H1, CSB340H1, CSB349H1, CSB350H1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB452H1, CSB458H1, CSB472H1, CSB474H1; ENV346H1; FOR200H1, FOR201H1, FOR301H1, FOR306H1, FOR307H1, FOR413H1, FOR416H1, FOR417H1, FOR418H1; GGR201H1, GGR203H1, GGR205H1, GGR206H1, GGR272H1, GGR273H1, GGR305H1, GGR307H1, GGR308H1; MAT221H1; MGY340H1; PSY100H1, PSY260H1, PSY270H1, PSY280H1, PSY290H1, PSY305H1, PSY390H1, PSY397H1, PSY474H1, PSY492H1, PSY497H1 (note that many PSY courses have limited enrolment)

Total = 12.0 credits

NOTE: Students may wish to concentrate in ecology, evolutionary biology, or behaviour. Recommended EEB, EHJ and JHE courses for these concentrations are as follows:

Ecology: EEB255H1, EEB319H1, EEB320H1, EEB321H1, EEB328H1, EEB365H1, EEB428H1, EEB433H1, EEB434H1, EEB440H1, EEB465H1, EEB495H1; ENV432H1
Evolutionary Biology: EEB323H1, EEB324H1, EEB325H1, EEB362H1, EEB390H1, EEB440H1, EEB441H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1; EHJ352H1; JHE353H1, JHE355H1
Behaviour: EEB322H1, EEB455H1

FAS Program Area: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Data Science

Economics & Mathematics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2599

Economics & Mathematics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2599

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

MAT137Y1 (60%)/ MAT157Y1(60%).

Special Requirement

• In order to apply for the Economics and Mathematics Specialist Program, a student must first be enrolled in the Economics Major (ASMAJ1478) or Mathematics Major (ASMAJ1165). Upon acceptance to the Economics and Mathematics Specialist Program, your Specialist enrolment will replace your Economics Major.
• Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other Economics program or the Environmental Economics minor.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Economics & Mathematics Specialist in the Summer after Year 2. Economics & Mathematics Specialist students also enrolled in Rotman Commerce are not eligible to join the ASIP stream. ASIP students enrolled in the Economics Major can transfer to the ASIP stream of the Economics & Mathematics Specialist without needing to reapply to ASIP.

Completion Requirements:

Program Course Requirements: 13.0 credits

First Year (2.0 credits):

  1. ECO101H1, ECO102H1
  2. MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Second Year and Higher (Core Courses, 8.5 credits):

  1. ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO220Y1/​ ECO227Y1/​ ( STA257H1, STA261H1)
  2. 0.5 credit from: CSC108H1/​ CSC148H1/​ CSC110Y1
  3. MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1, MAT224H1/​ MAT247H1, MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, MAT246H1
  4. ECO325H1, ECO326H1, ECO375H1
  5. MAT337H1/​ MAT357H1, APM462H1

Third Year and Higher (Elective Courses, 2.5 credits):

  1. 0.5 credit 300+ level ECO course
  2. 1.0 credit from 400-level ECO courses
  3. 1.0 credit from 300-level or higher MAT (or APM) courses (in addition to APM462H1).

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.


  1. A minimum of 70% is required in ECO101H1 and ECO102H1 to meet prerequisites for specialist-level intermediate ECO courses ( ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO227Y1).
  2. Students must meet all prerequisites for upper-year math courses, and should choose their sequencing of courses accordingly.
  3. CSC108H1/​ CSC148H1/​ CSC110Y1 may be taken in First Year.
  4. MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1 may be taken in First Year.
  5. ECO475H1 is strongly recommended.
  6. STA302H1/​ STA303H1 are not accepted in lieu of ECO375H1.
  7. Students with MAT157Y1 cannot take MAT246H1 (it is an exclusion). Such students can instead substitute any 300-level MAT or APM course to meet the MAT246H1 requirement.

FAS Program Area: Economics

Economics Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1478

Economics Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1478

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

• ( ECO101H1 (63%), ECO102H1 (63%))/ ECO105Y1 (80%)
MAT133Y1 (63%)/( MAT135H1 (60%), MAT136H1 (60%))/ MAT137Y1 (55%)/ MAT157Y1 (55%)

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Economics Major in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed the following courses prior to ASIP entry, with the posted minimum grades: ECO200Y1(60%) or ECO206Y1(50%), ECO220Y1(60%) or ECO227Y1(50%) or STA237H1(60%), STA238H1(60%) or STA247H1(60%), STA248H1(60%) or STA257H1(50%), and STA261H1(50%). Economics Major students also enrolled in Rotman Commerce are not eligible to join the ASIP stream.

Completion Requirements:

Program Course Requirements: 7.0 credits

First Year (2.0 credits):

  1. ( ECO101H1, ECO102H1)/ ECO105Y1;
  2. MAT133Y1/​( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Second Year (Core Courses, 3.0 credits):

  1. ECO200Y1/​ ECO204Y1/​ ECO206Y1,
  2. ECO202Y1/​ ECO208Y1/​ ECO209Y1,
  3. ECO220Y1/​ ECO227Y1/​ ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1)

Third and Higher Years (ECO Electives, 2.0 credits):

  1. 1.5 credits from 300+ level ECO courses
  2. At least a 0.5 credit 400-level ECO course

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.


  1. Eligibility for all Economics programs is based, in part, on attaining a minimum grade in ECO101H1 and ECO102H1 (or ECO105Y1). Students are reminded that in order to achieve the required minimum grade in the above-mentioned courses, they may repeat a specific passed course only once as per Faculty regulations.
  2. Students in the Major program considering graduate studies in Economics are advised to take the more mathematical stream courses ( ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1), and also some or all of the 300-level advanced micro, macro, and econometrics sequence ( ECO325H1, ECO316H1/​ ECO326H1, and ECO375H1).
  3. Students considering graduate studies in Economics are also encouraged to take more than the minimum amount and level of math. Students should especially consider MAT221H1/​ MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1 (Linear Algebra), MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1 (Multivariate Calculus), MAT246H1 (Abstract Mathematics), or even consider doing a Minor program in Mathematics.
  4. STA220H1 and STA255H1 are not accepted for the major.
  5. Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other Economics program or the Environmental Economics minor.

FAS Program Area: Economics

Economics Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1478

Economics Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1478

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

ECO101H1 (63%) and ECO102H1 (63%)/ ECO105Y1 (80%)
MAT133Y1 (63%)/( MAT135H1 (60%) and MAT136H1 (60%))/ MAT137Y1 (55%)/ MAT157Y1 (55%)

Completion Requirements:

Program Course Requirements: 4.0 credits

First Year (2.0 credits):

  1. ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1)/ ECO105Y1
  2. MAT133Y1/​( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Second Year (Core Courses, 1.0 credit):

Third and Higher Years (ECO Electives, 1.0 credit):

  • 1.0 credit from 300+ level ECO courses


  1. Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other Economics program or the Environmental Economics minor.
  2. Eligibility for all Economics programs is based, in part, on attaining a minimum grade in ECO101H1 and ECO102H1 (or ECO105Y1). Students are reminded that in order to achieve the required minimum grade in the above-mentioned courses, they may repeat a specific passed course only once as per Faculty regulations.
  3. Many 300-level and higher courses in economics require ECO220Y1. While not a formal part of the Economics Minor program, students MUST meet the specified prerequisites for 300+ economics courses, and should seriously consider taking ECO220Y1.

FAS Program Area: Economics

Economics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1478

Economics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1478

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

ECO206Y1 (70%)
ECO208Y1 (70%)
ECO220Y1(70%)/ ECO227Y1(70%)/ ( STA257H1(70%), STA261H1(70%))

Special Requirement
• In order to apply for the Economics Specialist Program, a student must first be enrolled in the Economics Major (ASMAJ1478). Upon acceptance to the Economics Specialist Program, your Specialist enrolment will replace your Economics Major.
• Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in any other Economics program or the Environmental Economics minor.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Economics Specialist in the Summer after Year 2. Economics Specialist students also enrolled in Rotman Commerce are not eligible to join the ASIP stream. ASIP students enrolled in the Economics Major can transfer to the ASIP stream of the Economics Specialist without needing to reapply to ASIP.

Completion Requirements:

Program Course Requirements: 12.0 credits

First Year (2.0 credits):

  1. ECO101H1, ECO102H1
  2. ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Note: MAT133Y1 is not a suitable substitute for ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1.

Second Year (Core Courses, 3.0 credits):

Third Year (Core Courses, 1.5 credits):

Third Year and Higher (ECO Electives, 5.5 credits):

  1. 4.5 credits from 300-level or higher ECO courses
  2. 1.0 credit from 400-level ECO courses

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.


  1. A minimum of 70% is required in ECO101H1 and ECO102H1 to meet prerequisites for specialist-level intermediate ECO courses ( ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO227Y1).
  2. ECO210H1 is highly recommended, especially for students interested in graduate studies. Students may count ECO210H1 towards the Specialist program in lieu of a 0.5 credit 300-level ECO elective.
  3. While 200-level or higher math or statistics courses may complement the Economics Specialist courses, they cannot be used as substitutes for economics courses in this program.
  4. Students are nevertheless encouraged to take more math if they plan on pursuing graduate studies. Students should especially consider MAT221H1/​ MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1 (Linear Algebra), MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1 (Multivariate Calculus), MAT246H1 (Abstract Mathematics), or even consider doing a Minor program in Mathematics.
  5. ECO475H1 is strongly recommended.
  6. STA302H1/​ STA303H1 are not accepted in lieu of ECO375H1.
  7. ( STA237H1, STA238H1) are not accepted in lieu of ECO220Y1/​ ECO227Y1/​ ( STA257H1, STA261H1).
  8. CSC108H1/​ CSC148H1/​ CSC110Y1 (introductory programming) is strongly recommended for students interested in graduate studies.

FAS Program Area: Economics

Education and Society Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1029

Education and Society Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1029

The Vic-sponsored Education and Society (E&S) Minor is open to all Arts and Science students. The program provides students with opportunities to develop their understanding of the social, cultural, historical, and political contexts of education and issues related to these contexts while reflecting on the reciprocal relationship between education and society.

Conceived as an interdisciplinary Minor program, E&S targets students from a broad array of Major and Specialist programs with interests in education, teaching, curriculum development, learning, child development, social justice, and international education. The Minor program provides strong background for admission to a teacher education program and is required for admission to the Combined Degree Program with OISE.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade or grade averages in required courses are needed for entry, and these minimums change each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

PSY100H1/​ SOC100H1/​ VIC150Y1 (70%)
• 3.0 credits (minimum grade average of 73%)

To ensure that admitted students are adequately prepared to succeed in the program, applicants with a final grade and grade averages lower than those listed in the required courses will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade or minimum grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Special requirement
Program applicants will be required to submit a supplemental application including 2 short questions related to the Education & Society Minor.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit at 300+ level)

  1. PSY100H1/​ SOC100H1/​ VIC150Y1
  2. EDS260H1, EDS261H1, EDS265H1, EDS357H1
  3. 0.5 or 1.0 credit from EDS360H1, EDS360Y1, EDS360H0, EDS360Y0, VIC435H1, VIC451H1, VIC452H1, or another education-focused experiential learning course as approved by the Program Coordinator
  4. 1.0 credit from: EDS355H1, EDS356H1, EDS358H1, EDS361H0, EDS363H1, EDS368H1, EDS369H1, or a course related to Education and Society at the 300+ level selected from the offerings in disciplines such as Anthropology, English, French, Geography, History, Indigenous Studies, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Women & Gender Studies (Arts).

FAS Program Area: Victoria College

English Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1645

English Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1645

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

7.0 ENG credits including 2.0 credits from 300+ level courses, at least 0.5 credit of which must be at the 400-level.

Only 1.0 credit from 100-level ENG courses may be counted. We do not accept ENG100H1, ENG102H1, or any CR/NCR courses toward our programs.
Courses must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. ENG202H1, ENG203H1, ENG250H1, ENG252H1
  2. 0.5 ENG credit from Indigenous, Postcolonial, Transnational Literatures
  3. 1.0 ENG credit from Pre-1800 British Literature
  4. 0.5 ENG/ JEI/ JWE credit from Theory, Language, Critical Methods
  5. ENG286H1 or ENG287H1. If not, one 0.5 credit in any BR=5 course

Indigenous, Postcolonial, Transnational Literatures:
ENG253H1, ENG254H1, ENG269H1, ENG270H1, ENG355H1/​ ENG355Y1, ( ENG358H1 and ENG359H1)/ ENG356Y1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370H1/​ ENG370Y1, ENG371H1, ENG372H1

Pre-1800 British Literature:
ENG220H1, ENG240Y1, ENG300H1/​ ENG300Y1, ( ENG301H1 and ENG302H1)/ ENG302Y1, ENG303H1, ENG305H1, ( ENG306H1 and ENG307H1)/ ENG306Y1, ( ENG308H1 and ENG309H1)/ ENG308Y1, ENG311H1, ( ENG320H1 and ENG321H1)/ ENG320Y1, ENG322H1/​ ENG322Y1, ENG323H1, ENG330H1, ENG331H1, ENG335H1, ENG337H1, ENG373H1, ENG374H1

Theory, Language, Critical Methods:
ENG201H1/​ ENG201Y1, ENG205H1, JEI206H1/​ JWE206H1, ENG280H1, ENG281H1, ENG285H1, ENG376H1, ENG377H1, ENG382H1/​ ENG382Y1, ENG384H1/​ ENG384Y1, ENG385H1

FAS Program Area: English