Statistical Sciences

Faculty List

Professors Emeriti
D.F. Andrews, MSc, PhD
S. Broverman, BSc, MSc, PhD, ASA 
A. Feuerverger, BSc, PhD 
D.A.S. Fraser, BA, PhD, FRSC 
I. Guttman, MA, PhD 
P. McDunnough, MSc, PhD 
R. Neal, BSc, PhD 
M.S. Srivastava, MSc, PhD 
A.M. Vukov, MA, ASA 

Professor and Chair of the Department
M.J. Evans, MA, PhD 

Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
S. Volgushev, PhD

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies - Actuarial Science
V. Zhang, BSc, MSc, FSA, ACIA, Actuarial Science

Professor, Teaching Stream and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies - Statistics
N. Taback, BSc, MSc, PhD 

University Professor
N.M. Reid, MSc, PhD, FRSC, OC 

A. Badescu, BSc, MSc, PhD 
R. Craiu, BSc, PhD
S. Jaimungal, BSc, MSc, PhD 
K. Knight, MSc, PhD 
X.S. Lin, MSc, PhD, ASA 
J.S. Rosenthal, MA, PhD 
J. Stafford, MSc, PhD
L. Strug, BA, BSc, Sc M, PhD
L. Sun, BSc, PhD
B. Virag, PhD (UTSC)
Z. Zhou, BSc, PhD 

Associate Professors
D. Brenner, MSc, PhD
L.J. Brunner, MA, PhD (UTM)
D. Duvenaud, BSc, MSc, PhD
M. Franklin, BSc, MSc, PhD
D. Kong, PhD (UTM) 
D. Roy, BSc, MSc, PhD (UTSC)
Q. Sun, PhD 
P. Zwiernik, MSc, PhD

Assistant Professors
M. Alexander, BSc, MA, MSR, PhD 
R. Alexander, BE, PhD
B. Babic, BA, JD, MS, PhD
M. Bing, BS, MFE, MSc, PhD
C. Blier-Wong, BSc, MSc, PhD
F. Chevalier, BSc, PhD 
G. Eadie, BSc, MSc, PhD 
M. Erdogdu, BSc, MSc, PhD 
J. Gronsbell, BA, PhD
V. Leos Barajas, BSc, PhD
C. Maddison, MSc, PhD
W. Mou, BSc, B. Econ., PhD 
J. Y. Park, BA, PhD
S. Pesenti, BSc, MSc, PhD
X. Shi, BSc, MSc, PhD
J. Speagle, BA, MA, PhD
E. Tuzhilina, MSc, PhD
L. Wang, BSc, PhD 
L. Wong, BSc, MSc, PhD 

Professor, Teaching Stream
A. Gibbs, B Math, BEd, MSc, PhD

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
B. White, BSc, M Math, PhD, Statistics - Biostatistics 

Assistant Professors, Teaching Stream
S. Caetano, BSc, MSc, PhD
K. Daignault, BSc, MSc
G. Dong, BMath, MMath, PhD
K. Huynh Wong, BSc, MSc
M. Moon, BSc, MSc
N. Moon, BSc, MA, PhD
S. Schwartz, BA, BS, MSc, PhD
J. Yeung, B Math, MSc


Statistical Science is the science of learning from data. Statistical science plays a large role in data science, which broadly encompasses computational and statistical aspects of managing and learning from large and complex datasets. Statistical theory and methodology have applications in almost all areas of science, social science, public health, medicine, engineering, finance, technology, business, government and industry. Statisticians and data scientists are involved in solving problems as diverse as understanding the health risk of climate change, predicting the path of forest fires, understanding the role of genetics in human health, and creating a better search engine. New ways of collecting, organizing, visualizing, and analyzing data are increasingly driving progress in all fields and have created demand for people with data expertise.

The Department of Statistical Sciences offers specialist, major, and minor programs in Statistics and a specialist program in Data Science and a specialist and a major program in Actuarial Science (please refer to the Actuarial Science section of the academic calendar for more information on Actuarial Science programs). All Statistics programs offer training in statistical methods, theory, computation, and communication, as well as an understanding of the role of statistical science to solve problems in a variety of contexts. The specialist program in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods emphasizes probability and statistical theory as underlying mathematical frameworks for data analysis. The specialist program in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice has greater emphasis on collaborative statistical practice. Students in this program combine their study in statistics with a focus in a discipline that relies on statistical methods. The specialist program in Data Science is offered jointly with the Department of Computer Science. Students in this program acquire expertise in statistical reasoning and methods, in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures for handling big data, in best practices for software design, and in machine learning. The major program in Statistics offers the most flexibility in the choice of courses. This program gives students a broad understanding of the methods and computational and communication skills appropriate for effective statistical problem solving. The minor program in Statistics is designed to provide students with some exposure and skills in statistical methods which is intended to complement programs in other disciplines that involve quantitative research.

Enquiries: 700 University Avenue, 9th Floor, Ontario Power Building (416-978-3452)

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Statistics - Professor, Teaching Stream N. Taback; email:

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Actuarial Science - Associate Professor, Teaching Stream V. Zhang; email:

Arts & Science Internship Program

Starting Fall 2021, the new Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream is available to students who are entering Year 2 or Year 3 of study and enrolled in the Data Science Specialist, the Specialist in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice, and the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods programs. 

  • Enrolment is limited and requires a supplemental application. Students enrolled in the ASIP stream will be required to complete mandatory Professional Development programming plus a minimum of 12 and maximum of 20 months (Year 2 entry) or a minimum of 12 and maximum of 16 months (Year 3 entry) of paid, full-time work experience. The time to degree completion for students enrolled in ASIP will normally be 5 years. There is an additional cost to participate in the ASIP stream. 
  • Students will typically be admitted to the ASIP stream for the Fall term of Year 2 of study, however, in exceptional circumstances students, including transfer students, who enrolled in an eligible program in the Summer after Year 2 can be admitted to the ASIP stream for the Fall of Year 3. Acceptance into an ASIP stream in Year 3 is dependent on space and requires approval of the student’s academic unit and the Faculty of Arts & Science Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Please refer to the ASIP eligibility page for further details.
  • Further details about ASIP, including eligibility requirements and application procedures, can be found here. Students may also visit the ASIP webpage or contact the ELOS office at

Statistical Sciences Programs

Applied Data Science Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN0160

More than at any other time in our history, we are living through a paradigm shift in how we think about data. Advances in computing power, algorithms for data modeling and machine learning, coupled with unparalleled access to vast quantities of data has transformed disciplines across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. The Minor in Applied Data Science will help students learn fundamental data science methodologies drawn from computing and statistics and provide opportunities to apply these methodologies to datasets, problem domains, and explorations in many disciplines of study in Arts & Science. Understanding the human and ethical contexts and communicating results of data science methodologies will appear in courses throughout the program.

The minor is designed to complement programs in other areas with opportunities for data science applications (see program requirements for pertinent programs). This program is designed to be accessible to students who have never done any computer programming or statistics before, or who haven’t taken high school or university calculus. All skills necessary to succeed in the program are taught in our courses. Most students who are interested in this program should start by choosing one of our three introductory, interdisciplinary data science courses: EEB125H1, GGR274H1, or ENG286H1, which introduce data science skills such as computer programming, statistical reasoning, and data visualization within the context of a particular discipline. Students then proceed to take a suite of key computer science and statistics courses that reinforce and extend these skills, with an emphasis on applications to real-world problems. Finally, in later years students will choose from a wide variety of courses drawn from across the Faculty of Arts & Science. These upper-year courses will provide the opportunity to discuss and analyze the human contexts of data science, and to apply data science methodologies in discipline-specific contexts.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum may change each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. Eligibility is based on the following criteria:

  1. Completion of one of EEB125H1/​ ENG286H1/​ GGR274H1/​ ESS245H1/​ STA130H1 with a grade of at least 60%, OR
  2. Completion of one of CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC148H1 with a grade of at least 60%, OR
  3. Completion of one of ECO220Y1/​ EEB225H1/​ GGR270H1/​ IRW220H1/​ PSY201H1/​ SOC202H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ STA261H1/​ STA288H1 with a grade of at least 60%.

Obtaining this minimum grade does not guarantee admission to the program. If students have completed more than one of the above courses at the time of admission, the minimum grade will be based on the higher course grade.

Note: Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in or complete any Computer Science or Statistics programs, including the Computer Science Minor, Statistics Minor, and Data Science Specialist; nor the Focus in Data Analytics within the Economics Major or Specialist; nor the Focus in Data Science in Business within the Rotman Commerce specialist programs.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

1. EEB125H1/​ ENG286H1/​ GGR274H1/​ ESS245H1/​ STA130H1
2. 0.5 credit from CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC148H1
3. 0.5 credit from ECO220Y1/​ EEB225H1/​ GGR270H1/​ IRW220H1/​ PSY201H1/​ SOC202H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ STA261H1/​ STA288H1

Note: If you completed STA238H1, STA248H1, and/or STA261H1 before being admitted
to the Minor, please note that these courses are exclusions to EEB125H1, ENG286H1,
GGR274H1, and STA130H1. You can complete ESS245H1 to meet requirement 1 or can
instead complete an additional 0.5 credit from the list of courses in requirement 7, for a
total of 1.5 credits for requirement 7.

If you completed CSC148H1 before being admitted to the Minor, please note that this course is an exclusion to EEB125H1, ENG286H1, and GGR274H1. You can complete ESS245H1 or STA130H1 to meet requirement 1 or can instead complete an additional 0.5 credit from the list of courses in requirement 7, for a total of 1.5 credits for requirement 7.

4. CSC271H1 (first offering in 2025-26)
5. STA272H1 (first offering in 2025-26)
6. PHL277H1/​ PHL377H1/​ HPS246H1/​ CSC300H1

7. At least 1.0 credit from the following courses: BCB410H1/​ BCB420H1/​ CHM326H1/​ CHM328H1/​ CSB352H1/​ CSB435H1/​ CSB434H1/​ CSB471H1/​ CSB472H1/​ DHU338H1/​ EEB313H1/​ EEB319H1/​ EEB365H1/​ EEB458H1/​ EEB460H1/​ EEB463H1/​ ENV338H1/​ ESS452H1/​ GGR315H1/​ GGR372H1/​ GGR373H1/​ GGR375H1/​ GGR376H1/​ GGR377H1/​ GGR415H1/​ GGR462H1/​ GGR472H1/​ GGR473H1/​ IMM360H1/​ IRE379H1/​ JGA305H1/​ JPM400Y1/​ LIN305H1/​ LIN405H1/​ LIN456H1/​ MGY441H1/​ POL314H1/​ POL352H1/​ POL419H1/​ PCL367H1/​ PCL368H1/​ PSL432H1/​ PSY305H1/​ SOC303H1/​ 0.5 or 1.0 credits from a 300-/400-level capstone, topics, or independent study course(s) in which students apply data science methodologies, and with prior approval of the Applied Data Science Minor Program Director

Courses listed in requirement 7 are offered by academic units across the Faculty of Arts & Science. Please review the prerequisites and enrolment controls for the course(s) that you are planning to take to complete this requirement. Course enrolment controls are listed in the University’s Timetable Builder. Course descriptions, prerequisites, corequisites, and exclusions are listed in both in the Timetable Builder and in the Faculty of Arts & Science Academic Calendar.

Data Science Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1687

The field of Data Science is a combination of statistics and computer science methodologies that enable ‘learning from data’. A data scientist extracts information from data, and is involved with every step that must be taken to achieve this goal, from getting acquainted with the data to communicating the results in non-technical language. The Data Science Specialist program prepares students for work in the Data Science industry or government and for graduate studies in Data Science, Computer Science, or Statistics. Students in the program will benefit from a range of advanced courses in Computer Science and Statistics offered by the University of Toronto, as well as from a sequence of three integrative courses designed especially for the program.

The Data Science Specialist program comprises three fundamental and highly-integrated aspects. First, students will acquire expertise in statistical reasoning, methods, and inference essential for any data analyst. Seconds, students will receive in-depth training in computer science: the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures for handling large amounts of data, and best practices in software design. Students will receive training in machine learning, which lies at the intersection of computer and statistical sciences. The third aspect is the application of computer science and statistics to produce analyses of complex, large-scale datasets, and the communication of the results of these analyses; students will receive training in these areas by taking integrative courses that are designed specifically for the Data Science Specialist program. The courses involve experiential learning: students will be working with real large-scale datasets from the domain of business, government, and/or science. The successful student will combine their expertise in computer and statistical science to produce and communicate analyses of complex large-scale datasets.

Skills that graduates of the program will acquire include proficiency in statistical reasoning and computational thinking; data manipulation and exploration, visualization, and communication that are required for work as a data scientist; the ability to apply statistical methods to solve problems in the context of scientific research, business, and government; familiarity and experience with best practices in software development; and knowledge of current software infrastructure for handling large data sets. Graduates of the program will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply machine learning algorithms to large-scale datasets that arise in scientific research, government, and business; create appropriate data visualizations for complex datasets; identify and answer questions that involve applying statistical methods or machine learning algorithms to complex data, and communicating the results; present the results and limitations of a data analysis at an appropriate technical level for the intended audience.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

For students admitted to Arts & Science in the Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) admission category:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on the number of applicants. At least 20 spaces will be available each year for students applying from Year 1 Computer Science (CMP1) within 12 months of beginning their studies:

* STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. STA261H1 will be used in place of STA130H1 for program admission purposes if a student has not completed STA130H1 or if they have completed both STA130H1 and STA261H1 by the time they are being considered for admission.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants will not be considered for admission with a grade lower than 70% in CSC110Y1, MAT137Y1, and STA130H1/​ STA261H1, or lower than 77% in CSC111H1. ( MAT157Y1 grades will be adjusted to account for the course's greater difficulty.) Obtaining these minimum grades does not guarantee admission to the program.

For students admitted to other Arts & Science Year 1 admission categories:

Special Requirement

  • Students who do not have the Computer Science Admission Guarantee must complete a supplementary application to be considered for the program.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

* STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. STA261H1 will be used in place of STA130H1 for program admission purposes if a student has not completed STA130H1 or if they have completed both STA130H1 and STA261H1 by the time they are being considered for admission.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade lower than 70% will not be considered for admission. ( MAT157Y1 grades will be adjusted to account for the course's greater difficulty.) Obtaining these minimum grades does not guarantee admission to the program.


  1. Requests for admission will be considered in the first program request period only.
  2. Due to the limited enrolment nature of this program, students are strongly advised to plan to enroll in backup programs.
  3. Students admitted to the program after second or third year will be required to pay retroactive deregulated program fees.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Data Science Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(13.0-13.5 credits, including at least 1.5 credits at the 400-level)

First year (3.0-3.5 credits)
MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1, MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1 ( MAT240H1 is recommended), STA130H1, ( CSC108H1, CSC148H1)/ ( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1)
Note: Students with a strong background in an object-oriented language such as Python, Java or C++ may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC148H1. There is no need to replace the missing half-credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on "saving" a half-credit. Consult with the Computer Science Undergraduate Office for advice on choosing between CSC108H1 and CSC148H1.

Students in this program have the option to enrol in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Second year (3.5-4.0 credits)
MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, STA257H1, STA261H1, CSC207H1, ( CSC165H1, CSC236H1)/ CSC236H1/​ CSC240H1 ( CSC240H1 is recommended), JSC270H1 (Data Science I)
Note: CSC240H1 is an accelerated and enriched version of CSC165H1 plus CSC236H1, intended for students with a strong mathematical background, or who develop an interest after taking CSC165H1. If you take CSC240H1 without CSC165H1, there is no need to replace the missing half-credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on "saving" a half-credit. Consult the Computer Science Undergraduate Office for advice on choosing between CSC165H1 and CSC240H1. CSC236H1 may be taken without CSC165H1 for students who completed CSC111H1.

Later years (6.5 credits/7.0 credits for students who have not completed STA130H1 (see 4.))

  1. STA302H1, one of STA303H1 or STA305H1, STA355H1, CSC209H1, CSC263H1/​ CSC265H1 ( CSC265H1 is recommended), CSC343H1, CSC373H1, JSC370H1 (Data Science II)
  2. STA314H1/​ CSC311H1
  3. 2.0 credits from the following list, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level (see below for additional conditions): STA303H1/​ STA305H1 (whichever one was not taken previously), STA313H1/​ CSC316H1, STA347H1, CSC401H1, STA414H1/​ CSC412H1, CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1, any 400-level STA course; JSC470H1 (Data Science III); CSC454H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1.
  4. If a student has not completed STA130H1 then an additional 0.5 credit 300+ level STA course that is not used towards any other program requirement must be completed.

The choices from 3 must satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity by including at least 0.5 credit from the following: JSC470H1 (Data Science III); CSC454H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1, STA490Y1, STA496H1, STA497H1, STA498Y1, STA499Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

Transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 1.0 credit at the 300-/400-level, and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for an integrative, inquiry-based activity. In addition, transfer credits (except for those attained through a University of Toronto exchange program) cannot comprise more than 0.5 credit of the 400-level CSC or or STA or JSC courses required.

Students will be advised to develop domain expertise in at least one area where Data Science is applicable, by taking a sequence of courses in that area throughout their program. Examples of such areas will be provided to students by program advisors and will form the basis for a later proposal for program Focuses (to be approved through internal Arts & Science governance procedures).

-If you do not complete STA130H1 in your first year of study, this requirement must be fulfilled by completing a 300 or 400-level 0.5 credit STA course to replace STA130H1. Please note that the 300 or 400-level STA course used to replace STA130H1 cannot be a course that is already being used to meet a program completion requirement.

Specialist in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice (Science Program) - ASSPE2270

Statistical Science encompasses methods and tools for obtaining knowledge from data and for understanding the uncertainty associated with this knowledge. The purposes of the undergraduate programs are to: (1) equip students with a general framework for obtaining knowledge from data; (2) give students skills that they are able to flexibly apply to a variety of problems; and (3) to provide students with the ability to learn new methods as needs, data sources, and technology change.

The Specialist Program in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice is distinguished from the specialist program in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods through its emphasis on collaborative statistical practice and advanced exposure to an allied discipline. The program includes fundamental concepts in probability and statistical theory with mathematical prerequisites relevant to statistical practice. Students in the program acquire advanced expertise in statistical reasoning, methods, and computation, and complete a focus in another discipline that permits students to become conversant in that discipline to the extent that they can effectively collaborate. Students will also acquire advanced skills in communication, consultation and collaboration and an understanding of the role of mathematical thinking to support the development and evaluate the properties of statistical methods.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Note there are different admission criteria depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Completed Courses (some with minimum grades)
The following courses are required:

CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1
• ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) with a minimum grade of 73% in each/ MAT137Y1 (63%)/ MAT157Y1 (63%)

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in STA130H1 and ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

- Students who take ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) will typically require a higher minimum grade average than students who take MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1.

- STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. If you are unable to complete STA130H1 in first year, see notes below for accepted substitutions for this requirement.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Completed Courses (some with minimum grades)
The following courses are required:

CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1
MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1
• ( STA237H1 and STA238H1) with a minimum grade of 73% in each/ ( STA247H1 and STA248H1) with a minimum grade of 73% in each/ ( STA257H1 and STA261H1) with a minimum grade of 63% in each.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in ( STA237H1 and STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1 and STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1 and STA261H1) and MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

Students who take ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/( STA247H1, STA248H1) will typically require a higher minimum grade average than students who take ( STA257H1, STA261H1).

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Specialist in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(10.5 or 11.0 credits plus a disciplinary focus requiring 2.0-3.5 credits)

First year:
1. STA130H1, ( CSC108H1, CSC148H1)/ ( CSC110Y1, CSC111H1)/ ( CSC110Y1, CSC148H1), ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1. ( MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 recommended)


  1. Students with a strong background in an object-oriented language such as Python, Java or C++ may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC148H1. [There is no need to replace the missing 0.5 credit for program completion; however, please base your course choice on what you are ready to take, not on “saving” a 0.5 credit].

2. Recommended: introductory course in disciplinary focus. MAT223H1/​ ​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1 is also strongly recommended to be taken in first year and is required preparation for MAT237Y1.

Second year:

3. MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1)

(( STA257H1, STA261H1) recommended)

Upper years:

4. STA302H1, STA303H1, STA304H1/​ STA305H1, STA313H1/​ STA314H1/​ STA365H1, STA355H1

5. 1.5 credits from the following list: STA414H1, STA437H1, STA442H1, STA457H1, STA465H1, STA475H1, STA480H1, STA410H1

6. STA490Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

7. 1.0 credit from the following list: MAT224H1/​ MAT247H1, MAT337H1/​ MAT357H1, CSC207H1, or any remaining 300+ level STA courses not used toward other requirements of this program - STA304H1, STA305H1, STA313H1, STA314H1, STA347H1, STA365H1, STA410H1, STA414H1, STA437H1, STA442H1, STA447H1, STA450H1, STA452H1, STA453H1, STA457H1, STA465H1, STA475H1, STA480H1, STA492H1, STA496H1/​ STA497H1 ( STA399H1 and STA399Y1 may be considered on a case by case basis with the approval of the Program Director.)

-If you do not complete STA130H1 in your first year of study, this requirement must be fulfilled by completing a 300 or 400-level 0.5 credit STA course to replace STA130H1. Please note that the 300 or 400-level STA course used to replace STA130H1 cannot be a course that is already being used to meet a program completion requirement.

Disciplinary Focuses

Students in the Specialist Program in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice program must enrol in and complete at least one disciplinary focus.

To enrol in one or more focuses, students must first be enrolled in the Specialist Program in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice program. Enrolment instructions can be found on the Arts & Science Program Toolkit website. Focuses can be chosen on ACORN after admission to the program, which begins in July.

Health Studies (ASFOC2270A): (2.0 credits) HMB342H1, at least 0.5 credit from HST209H1/​ HST211H1/​ HST250H1, and at least 0.5 credit from HST308H1/​ HST310H1/​ HST405H1/​ HST330H1/​ HST440H1/​ HST464H1

Global Health (ASFOC2270B): (3.0 credits) BIO120H1, BIO130H1, HMB203H1, HMB265H1, HMB323H1/​ HMB303H1/​ HMB306H1/​ JNH350H1/​ HMB342H1, HMB433H1/​ HMB406H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HAJ453H1/​ HMB434H1 (Recommended: HMB433H1)

Health and Disease (ASFOC2270C): (3.0 credits) BIO120H1, BIO130H1, HMB202H1, HMB265H1, HMB302H1/​ HMB322H1/​ HMB312H1/​ HMB342H1, HMB422H1/​ HMB402H1/​ HMB432H1/​ HMB434H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB436H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB452H1/​ HMB462H1

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications (ASFOC2270D): (3.0 credits) BIO120H1, BIO130H1, HMB201H1, HMB265H1, HMB301H1/​ HMB311H1/​ HMB321H1/​ HMB360H1, HMB421H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB401H1/​ HMB431H1 (Recommended: HMB421H1)

Neuroscience (ASFOC2270E): (3.0 credits) BIO120H1, BIO130H1, HMB200H1, HMB265H1, HMB300H1/​ HMB310H1/​ HMB320H1/​ HMB360H1/​ CJH332H1, HMB420H1/​ JHA410H1/​ HMB430H1/​ HMB450H1 (Recommended: HMB420H1)

Social Psychology (ASFOC2270F): (2.0 credits) PSY100H1, PSY220H1, PSY322H1, PSY326H1/​ PSY321H1/​ PSY424H1/​ PSY426H1/​ PSY405H1/​ PSY406H1

Cognitive Psychology (ASFOC2270G): (2.0 credits) PSY100H1, PSY270H1, PSY493H1, PSY372H1/​ PSY405H1/​ PSY406H1/​ PSY475H1

Sociolinguistics (ASFOC2270H): (3.0 credits) LIN100Y1; two of LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1 or LIN241H1; LIN351H1 and LIN456H1

Psycholinguistics (ASFOC2270I): (3.0 credits) LIN100Y1; two of LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1 or LIN241H1; two of JLP374H1, JLP315H1 or JLP471H1

Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASFOC2270J): (2.5 or 3.0 credits) ( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1); AST221H1, AST222H1; ( PHY252H1, AST320H1)/ AST325H1/​ AST326Y1

Sociology (ASFOC2270K): (2.5 credits) ( SOC100H1, SOC150H1) with a combined minimum grade average of 65%; SOC204H1; 1.0 credit from SOC303H1, SOC312H1, SOC336H1, SOC355H1, SOC363H1, SOC364H1.

Students interested in advanced study in Sociology should consider additional courses, in particular SOC201H1, SOC251H1, and SOC254H1

Ecology (ASFOC2270L): (3.0 credits) BIO120H1, BIO220H1; 2.0 credits from (with at least a 0.5 credit at the 400-level) EEB319H1/​ EEB321H1/​ EEB328H1/​ EEB365H1/​ EEB428H1/​ EEB433H1/​ EEB440H1 or ENV234H1/​ ENV334H1/​ ENV432H1

Evolutionary Biology (ASFOC2270M): (3.5 credits) BIO120H1, BIO130H1, BIO220H1; 1.5 credits from HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1, EEB318H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1, EEB325H1, EEB362H1, EHJ352H1; 0.5 credit from EEB440H1, EEB455H1, EEB458H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1


  • BIO260H1 requires BIO230H1 as a prerequisite.
  • Students in the Focus in Evolutionary Biology can request that HMB waive the co-requisite of BIO230H1 for HMB265H1 and that EEB waive the prerequisite of BIO230H1 for EEB460H1. These waivers will only be considered for students in the Applied Statistics specialist focus in Evolutionary Biology. All other pre- and co-requisites are required.

Economics (ASFOC2270N): (3.5 credits) ( ECO101H1, ECO102H1), ECO200Y1/​ ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/​ ECO208Y1, 0.5 credit 300+ series ECO course with the exception of ECO374H1 and ECO375H1

Biochemistry (ASFOC2270O): (3.0 credits)
CHM135H1, CHM136H1, BCH210H1, BCH311H1, BCH370H1, BCH441H1

Physics (ASFOC2270P): (2.5 credits)
PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1, PHY132H1/​ PHY152H1, PHY224H1, PHY252H1/​ PHY254H1/​ PHY256H1, PHY324H1

Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology (ASFOC2270Q): (3.0 credits)
BIO130H1 (70%), PSL300H1, PSL301H1, PCL201H1, PCL302H1, PCL345H1/​ PCL362H1/​ PCL381H1/​ PCL469H1/​ PCL470H1

Immunology (3.0 Credits) - BIO130H1 (70%), IMM250H1, IMM340H1, IMM350H1, IMM360H1, IMM429H1/​ ​ IMM430H1/​ ​ IMM431H1/​ IMM435H1

Students in the Focus in Immunology can request that Immunology waive the BIO and BCH prerequisites for IMM340H1, IMM360H1, and IMM435H1. These waivers will only be considered for students in the Specialist in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice Focus in Immunology. All other pre- and co-requisites are required.

Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods (Science Program) - ASSPE2290

Statistical Science encompasses methods and tools for obtaining knowledge from data and for understanding the uncertainty associated with this knowledge. The purposes of the undergraduate programs are to: (1) equip students with a general framework for obtaining knowledge from data; (2) give students skills that they are able to flexibly apply to a variety of problems; and (3) to provide students with the ability to learn new methods as needs, data sources, and technology change.

The Specialist Program in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods emphasizes probability and the theory of statistical inference as underlying mathematical frameworks for statistical data analysis. Students in the program acquire advanced expertise in statistical theory and methods, as well as an understanding of the role of statistical science to solve problems in a variety of contexts. The successful student will also acquire skills in mathematical reasoning, computational thinking, and communication in the context of solving statistical problems.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Note there are different admission criteria depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Completed Courses (some with minimum grades)
The following courses are required:

CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1
MAT137Y1 (63%)/ MAT157Y1 (63%)

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in STA130H1 and MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.


- STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. If you are unable to complete STA130H1 in first year, see notes below for accepted substitutions for this requirement.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Completed Courses (some with minimum grades)
The following courses are required:

CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1
MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1
STA257H1 (63%) and STA261H1 (63%)

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in ( STA257H1 and STA261H1) and MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that space is more limited for Year 3 entry and students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(11.0 or 11.5 credits)

First Year:

STA130H1, CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1, MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1, MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ ​ MAT240H1

Second Year:
MAT224H1/​ MAT247H1, MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1; STA257H1, STA261H1

Higher Years:
1. STA302H1, STA303H1, STA304H1/​ STA305H1, STA313H1/​ STA314H1/​ STA365H1, STA347H1, STA355H1
2. 1.0 credit from the following list: STA410H1, STA414H1, STA437H1, STA442H1, STA457H1, STA465H1, STA475H1, STA480H1
3. One of STA447H1, STA452H1, STA453H1

4. 1.0 credit from: ACT451H1, ACT452H1, ACT460H1, MAT327H1, MAT332H1, MAT334H1/​ MAT354H1, MAT337H1/​ MAT357H1, MAT301H1/​ MAT347Y1, MAT344H1, CSC207H1, CSC336H1, CSC343H1, or any remaining 300+ level STA courses not used toward other program requirements - STA304H1, STA305H1, STA313H1, STA314H1, STA365H1, STA410H1, STA414H1, STA437H1, STA442H1, STA447H1, STA450H1, STA452H1, STA453H1, STA457H1, STA465H1, STA475H1, STA480H1, STA490Y1, STA492H1, STA496H1/​ STA497H1 ( STA399H1 and STA399Y1 may be considered on a case by case basis with the approval of the Program Director.)

5. One of STA492H1, STA496H1/​ STA497H1/​ STA498Y1/​ STA499Y1. Students who complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream will also meet this requirement.

Students planning to take any of these courses should ensure they have the required prerequisites


  • If you do not complete STA130H1 in your first year of study, this requirement must be fulfilled by completing a 300 or 400-level 0.5 credit STA course to replace STA130H1. Please note that the 300 or 400-level STA course used to replace STA130H1 cannot be a course that is already being used to meet a program completion requirement.

Statistics Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2289

Statistical Science encompasses methods and tools for obtaining knowledge from data and for understanding the uncertainty associated with this knowledge. The purposes of the undergraduate programs are to: (1) equip students with a general framework for obtaining knowledge from data; (2) give students skills that they are able to flexibly apply to a variety of problems; and (3) to provide students with the ability to learn new methods as needs, data sources, and technology change.
The Major in Statistics gives students a broad understanding of the statistical methods and computational and communication skills appropriate for effective statistical problem solving. The successful student will also acquire a general understanding of the role of mathematical thinking to support the development and evaluate the properties of statistical methods. While the Major is designed to complement study in an area of application of quantitative methods, students in the Major may choose to have a greater focus in probability and statistical theory through elective courses.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Note there are different admission criteria depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Completed Courses
The following courses are required:

• ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in STA130H1 and ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

- Students who take ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) will typically require a higher minimum grade average than students who take MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1.

- STA130H1 is restricted to first-year students, therefore students are strongly encouraged to take STA130H1 in their first year. If you are unable to complete STA130H1 in first year, see notes below for accepted substitutions for this requirement.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Completed Courses
The following courses are required:

CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1
MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1
• ( STA237H1 and STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1 and STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1 and STA261H1)/ ECO227Y1

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in ( STA237H1 and STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1 and STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1 and STA261H1)/ ECO227Y1 and MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1 is needed for entry. This minimum grade average changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants.

- Students who take ( STA237H1 and STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1 and STA248H1) will typically require a higher minimum grade average than students who take ( STA257H1 and STA261H1)/ ECO227Y1.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 or 7.5 credits, including a 0.5 credit STA 400-series course)

First Year:

STA130H1, CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1, ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1.

( MAT223H1/​​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1 recommended in first year)

Second Year:
MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1; ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1)/ ECO227Y1

( STA237H1 and STA238H1 are strongly recommended. MAT221H1 may not be used for this requirement.)

Higher Years:
1. STA302H1
2. 0.5 credit from STA313H1/​ STA314H1/​ STA365H1/​ STA347H1/​ STA355H1
3. 0.5 credit from STA414H1/​ STA437H1/​ STA442H1/​ STA457H1/​ STA465H1/​ STA475H1/​ STA480H1
4. 1.0 credit from remaining STA300+ level courses not used toward other program requirements in the following list: STA303H1, STA304H1, STA305H1, STA313H1, STA314H1, STA347H1, STA355H1, STA365H1, STA410H1, STA414H1, STA437H1, STA442H1, STA447H1, STA450H1, STA452H1, STA453H1, STA457H1, STA465H1, STA475H1, STA480H1, STA490Y1, STA492H1, STA496H1/​ STA497H1 ( STA399H1 and STA399Y1 may be considered on a case by case basis with the approval of the Program Director).


  • If you do not complete STA130H1 in your first year of study, this requirement must be fulfilled by completing a 300 or 400-level 0.5 credit STA course to replace STA130H1. Please note that the 300 or 400-level STA course used to replace STA130H1 cannot be a course that is already being used to meet a program completion requirement.

Statistics Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN2289

Statistical Science encompasses methods and tools for obtaining knowledge from data and for understanding the uncertainty associated with this knowledge.
The Minor in Statistics is designed to provide students with some exposure and skills in statistical methods. It complements programs in other disciplines which involve quantitative research.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

First Year:

MAT133Y1 (70%)/( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT135Y/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1; CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC111H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1. ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1 is strongly recommended).

STA130H1 is also strongly recommended.

Second Year:

MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1, ( STA220H1/​ STA221H1/​ ECO220Y1, STA255H1)/( STA237H1, STA238H1)/( STA247H1, STA248H1)/( STA257H1, STA261H1)/ ECO227Y1

MAT223H1/​ MAT224H1/​ MAT240H1 recommended in 1st year

Higher Years:


0.5 credit from the following list: STA303H1, STA304H1, STA305H1, STA313H1, STA314H1, STA347H1, STA355H1, STA365H1, STA410H1, STA437H1, STA450H1, STA457H1

Focus in Technology Leadership (Data Science Specialist) - ASFOC1687A

The Technology Leadership Focus combines the development of applied Computer Science skills with an exploration of the core aspects of leadership within the context of the technology sector.

Students who complete the Technology Leadership Focus will be well-prepared to step into leadership roles and navigate the complexities of the tech industry.

To enrol in the Technology Leadership Focus, you must meet eligibility requirements, apply and be admitted, as detailed in "Enrolment Requirements."

Enrolment Requirements:

To be admitted to the Technology Leadership Focus, you must:

  • Have not yet completed CSC207H1 prior to beginning Focus requirements.
  • Complete an application and/or interview. Application information will be provided to all Computer Science Specialist and Major and Data Science Specialist program applicants during the Round 1 program admission period.
  • Students who complete the Technology Leadership Focus application and/or interview and are admitted to a Computer Science Specialist or Major or Data Science Specialist program will be considered for admission to the Focus.

Students admitted to the Focus will be enrolled in an industry-engaged version of CSC207H1 in the Fall term. This industry-engaged version of CSC207H1 is a required component of the Focus, and is a prerequisite to CSC308H1.

Completion Requirements:
  1. Industry-engaged version of CSC207H1: Software Design
  2. CSC308H1: Technology Leadership
  3. 0.5 credits from CSC301H1, CSC302H1, CSC309H1, CSC318H1, and CSC343H1
  4. 1.0 credits including:
    1. Up to 0.5 credits from CSC301H1, CSC302H1, CSC309H1, CSC318H1, and CSC343H1 (if not taken in list 3)
    2. Up to 1.0 credits from CSC404H1, CSC413H1, CSC417H1, CSC419H1, CSC428H1, CSC454H1, CSC485H1, CSC490H1, CSC491H1, CSC494H1, CSC495H1, CSC494Y1

Additionally, participating students will be invited to participate in co-curricular community-building and networking activities. These co-curricular activities will provide opportunities for students to meet leaders in the field and to reflect on their own leadership development.

Focus in Quantitative Finance (Data Science Specialist) - ASFOC1687B

The Quantitative Finance Focus combines the rigor of theoretical and methodological statistics with an in-depth exploration of the tools and techniques used in modern quantitative finance. Students in this focus will develop a deeper understanding of financial markets, derivative pricing, risk management, and the quantitative methods essential for addressing complex financial challenges.

The focus emphasizes the application of statistical models and methods to real-world financial data, equipping students with the skills needed to succeed in the growing field of finance. Topics include stochastic processes, time series analysis, portfolio optimization, and mathematical finance, among others.

Graduates of the Quantitative Finance Focus will be well-prepared for careers in fintech, investment banking, hedge funds, and risk management, as well as for graduate study in quantitative finance or related fields. The curriculum is designed to provide both a solid theoretical foundation and practical expertise, ensuring students are ready to tackle challenges using advanced quantitative methods.

To enrol in the Quantitative Finance Focus, students must be admitted to the Data Science Specialist program (ASSPE1687) as detailed in the Enrolment Requirements.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Data Science Specialist program (ASSPE1687).

Completion Requirements:

3.5 credits

1. ACT370H1

2. ACT460H1

3. STA314H1

4. STA457H1

5. STA410H1/​ STA414H1

6. STA447H1/​ STA452H1

7. MAT244H1/​ MAT267H1

Focus in Quantitative Finance (Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods) - ASFOC2290A

The Quantitative Finance Focus combines the rigor of theoretical and methodological statistics with an in-depth exploration of the tools and techniques used in modern quantitative finance. Students in this focus will develop a deeper understanding of financial markets, derivative pricing, risk management, and the quantitative methods essential for addressing complex financial challenges.

The focus emphasizes the application of statistical models and methods to real-world financial data, equipping students with the skills needed to succeed in the growing field of finance. Topics include stochastic processes, time series analysis, portfolio optimization, and mathematical finance, among others.

Graduates of the Quantitative Finance Focus will be well-prepared for careers in fintech, investment banking, hedge funds, and risk management, as well as for graduate study in quantitative finance or related fields. The curriculum is designed to provide both a solid theoretical foundation and practical expertise, ensuring students are ready to tackle challenges using advanced quantitative methods.

To enrol in the Quantitative Finance Focus, students must be admitted to the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods program (ASSPE2290) as detailed in the Enrolment Requirements.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods program (ASSPE2290).

Completion Requirements:

3.5 credits

1. ACT370H1

2. ACT460H1

3. STA314H1

4. STA457H1

5. STA410H1/​ STA414H1

6. STA447H1/​ STA452H1

6. MAT244H1/​ MAT267H1

About Courses in Statistical Sciences

The statistics course offerings are intended not only for students in statistics programs of study, but also to serve the needs of the many other disciplines that use statistical methods. 

  • The first-year seminar courses, STA197H1, STA198H1 and STA199H1, are designed to provide first-year students with the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a small class setting. Note that these courses do not count toward a Statistics program of study.
  • First year students wishing to enrol in a major or specialist program in the Department of Statistical Sciences must take STA130H1, which provides a broad introduction to statistical reasoning, data science, statistical computation and communication. 
  • The second year foundation courses (STA220H1STA221H1STA237H1STA238H1STA247H1STA248H1STA255H1STA257H1, and STA261H1) are distinguished primarily by their mathematical demands, as indicated by the prerequisites. Students interested in pursuing more advanced study in probability and theoretical statistics should take STA257H1 and STA261H1. They are the most mathematically rigorous of the 2nd year courses and provide the greatest flexibility when choosing upper-year courses. They are required by students in the specialist programs in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods and Data Science. Students in the specialist program in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice or in the major program in Statistics may instead choose STA237H1 and STA238H1. Students in computer science programs of study can take STA247H1 and STA248H1. The courses STA288H1, STA220H1 and STA221H1 provide training in statistical reasoning and methods for students in other programs of study, with STA288H1 particularly designed for students in life science programs. Students interested in completing a minor in statistics can combine STA220H1 with STA255H1, which will provide preparation in probability and statistical theory sufficient for many of the upper year courses in statistical methods.
  • Pre- and co-requisites are designed to ensure that students have the appropriate preparation for their courses. They are strictly enforced. However, exceptions can be considered for students who have taken an equivalent course at another university. If you have taken courses that are exclusions to pre- or co-requisite courses, though, you should be aware that these are not always equivalent to the requisite courses and may not be allowed.

Statistical Sciences Courses

STA130H1 - An Introduction to Statistical Reasoning and Data Science

Hours: 24L/24P

This course, intended for students considering a program in Statistical Sciences, discusses the crucial role played by statistical reasoning in solving challenging problems from natural science, social science, technology, health care, and public policy, using a combination of logical thinking, mathematics, computer simulation, and oral and written discussion and analysis.

Corequisite: MAT135H1/ MAT136H1/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1, ( CSC108H1/ equivalent programming experience)/ CSC110Y1/ CSC148H1 *Note: the corequisite may be completed either concurrently or in advance.
Exclusion: Any of STA220H1/ STA255H1/ STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STA261H1/ ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ STAB22H3/ STA220H5/ STAB57H3/ STA258H5/ STA260H5/ ECO220Y5/ ECO227Y5/ STAA57H3 taken previously or concurrently
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA197H1 - Thinking Better with Statistics

Hours: 24S

This course explores how our statistical intuitions and ways of thinking can let us down. There’s no need to be a math whiz to be a better statistical thinker. Everyone can become a more critical consumer of claims presented in media, advertisements and by politicians—especially those relevant to our own health and wealth. This course uses real-world examples and tours common and avoidable statistical traps and tricks. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA198H1 - Probabilities Everywhere

Hours: 24S

This course examines the meaning and mathematics of probabilities, and how they arise in our everyday lives. Specific topics may include: the nature of coincidences, the concept of luck, games involving dice and cards, long run averages in casinos, margins of error in polls, the interpretation of medical studies, crime statistics, decision making, pseudorandomness, and Monte Carlo algorithms. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: Grade 12 Mathematics
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA199H1 - Statistical Evidence: Truth or Myth?

Hours: 24S

This course explores the impact Statistics has made and continues to make on everyday life through science, law, and the modern methods for information processing. Statistical principles will be illustrated using examples from real life including business, romance and health. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA201H1 - Why Numbers Matter

Hours: 36L

This course teaches non-science students the importance of quantitative reasoning to many different areas. It explores a variety of applications to such diverse subjects as economics, gambling, politics, poetry, graphics, music, medicine, demographics, sports, secret codes, and more, using only basic high school level mathematics combined with logical thinking.

Exclusion: MAT133Y1/ MAT135H1/ MAT136H1/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1/( MATA29H3, MATA35H3)/( MATA32H3, MATA33H3)/( MATA30H3, MATA36H3)/( MATA31H3, MATA37H3)/ MAT133Y5/( MAT132H5, MAT134H5)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT137Y5/ MAT157Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA220H1 - The Practice of Statistics I

Hours: 36L

An introductory course in statistical concepts and methods, emphasizing exploratory data analysis for univariate and bivariate data, sampling and experimental designs, basic probability models, estimation and tests of hypothesis in one-sample and comparative two-sample studies. A statistical computing package is used but no prior computing experience is assumed. Note: STA220H1 does not count as a distribution requirement course.

Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ GGR270H1/ IRW220H1/ PSY201H1/ SOC202H1/ STA261H1/ STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STA288H1/ EEB225H1/ STAB22H3/ STAB57H3/ STA215H5/ STA220H5/ ECO220Y5/ ECO227Y5/ STA258H5/ STA260H5
Recommended Preparation: Grade 12 Mathematics and one University course in BR= 3/ 4/ 5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA221H1 - The Practice of Statistics II

Hours: 36L/12T

Continuation of STA220H1 (or similar course), emphasizing major methods of data analysis such as analysis of variance for one factor and multiple factor designs, regression models, categorical and non-parametric methods (Note: STA221H1 does not count as a distribution requirement course).

Prerequisite: STA220H1/ STA288H1/ PSY201H1/ GGR270H1/ EEB225H1/ STAB22H3/ STA220H5
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ GGR270Y1/ PSY202H1/ SOC202H1/ SOC252H1/ STA261H1/ STA248H1/ STAB27H3/ STA221H5/ ECO220Y5/ ECO227Y5/ STAB57H3/ STA258H5/ STA260H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA237H1 - Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis I

Hours: 36L/12T

An introduction to probability using simulation and mathematical frameworks, with emphasis on the probability needed for more advanced study in statistical practice. Topics covered include probability spaces, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, probability mass, density, and distribution functions, expectation and variance, independence, conditional probability, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, sampling distributions. Computer simulation will be taught and used extensively for calculations and to guide the theoretical development.

Prerequisite: ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1/ ( MATA30H3, MATA36H3)/ ( MATA31H3, MATA37H3)/ ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT137Y5/ MAT157Y5
Corequisite: ( CSC108H1/ equivalent programming experience)/ CSC110Y1/ CSC148H1 *Note: the corequisite may be completed either concurrently or in advance.
Exclusion: STA247H1, STA255H1, STA257H1, ECO227Y1, MAT370H1, STAB52H3, STA256H5, ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA238H1 - Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis II

Hours: 36L/12T

An introduction to statistical inference and practice. Statistical models and parameters, estimators of parameters and their statistical properties, methods of estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, likelihood function, the linear model. Use of statistical computation for data analysis and simulation.

Prerequisite: STA237H1/ STA247H1/ STA257H1/ STAB52H3/ STA256H5
Corequisite: CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC148H1 *Note: the corequisite may be completed either concurrently or in advance.
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ GGR270H1/ PSY201H1/ SOC300H1/ SOC202H1/ SOC252H1/ STA220H1/ STA221H1/ STA255H1/ STA248H1/ STA261H1/ STA288H1/ EEB225H1/ STAB22H3/ STAB27H3/ STAB57H3/ STA220H5/ STA221H5/ STA258H5/ STA260H5/ ECO220Y5/ ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA247H1 - Probability with Computer Applications

Hours: 36L/12T

An introduction to probability using simulation and mathematical frameworks, with emphasis on the probability needed for computer science applications and more advanced study in statistical practice. Topics covered include probability spaces, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, probability mass, density, and distribution functions, expectation and variance, independence, conditional probability, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, sampling distributions. Computer simulation will be taught and used extensively for calculations and to guide the theoretical development.

Prerequisite: ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1/( MATA30H3, MATA36H3)/( MATA31H3, MATA37H3)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT137Y5/ MAT157Y5; CSC111H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA48H3/ CSC148H5
Exclusion: ECO227Y1/ STA255H1/ STA237H1/ STA257H1/ STAB52H3/ STA256H5/ ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA248H1 - Statistics for Computer Scientists

Hours: 36L/12T

An introduction to statistical inference and practice needed for computer science applications. Statistical models and parameters, estimators of parameters and their statistical properties, methods of estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, likelihood function, the linear model. Use of statistical computation for data analysis and simulation.

Prerequisite: STA237H1/ STA247H1/ STA257H1/ STA256H5/ STAB52H3; CSC111H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA48H3/ CSC148H5
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ GGR270H1/ PSY201H1/ SOC300H1/ SOC202H1/ SOC252H1/ STA220H1/ STA221H1/ STA255H1/ STA238H1/ STA261H1/ STA288H1/ EEB225H1/ STAB22H3/ STAB27H3/ STAB57H3/ STA220H5/ STA221H5/ STA258H5/ STA260H5/ ECO220Y5/ ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA255H1 - Statistical Theory

Hours: 36L/12T

This courses deals with the mathematical aspects of some of the topics discussed in STA220H1. Topics include discrete and continuous probability distributions, conditional probability, expectation, sampling distributions, estimation and testing, the linear model (Note: STA255H1 does not count as a distribution requirement course).

Prerequisite: STA220H1/ STA221H1/ STA288H1/ ECO220Y1 (note: ECO220Y1 may be taken as a co-requisite)/ STAB22H3/ STA220H5/ ECO220Y5; MAT133Y1 (70%)/ ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1/ ( MATA32H3 (70%), MATA33H3 (70%))/ ( MATA29H3 (70%), MATA35H3 (70%))/ ( MATA30H3, MATA36H3)/ ( MATA31H3, MATA37H3)/ MAT133Y5 (70%)/ ( MAT132H5 (70%), MAT134H5 (70%))/ ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT137Y5/ MAT157Y5
Exclusion: ECO227Y1/ STA237H1/ STA238H1/ STA257H1/ STA261H1/ STA247H1/ STA248H1/ STAB52H3/ STAB57H3/ STA256H5/ STA260H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA257H1 - Probability and Statistics I

Hours: 36L/12T

A mathematically rigorous introduction to probability, with applications chosen to introduce concepts of statistical inference. Probability and expectation, discrete and continuous random variables and vectors, distribution and density functions, the law of large numbers. The binomial, geometric, Poisson, and normal distributions. The Central Limit Theorem. (Note: STA257H1 does not count as a distribution requirement course).

Prerequisite: MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1/ ( MATA31H3, MATA37H3)/ MAT137Y5/ MAT157Y5
Corequisite: MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ MAT257Y5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Exclusion: ECO227Y1, STA237H1, STA247H1, MAT370H1, MAT377H1, STAB52H3, STA256H5, ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA261H1 - Probability and Statistics II

Hours: 36L/12T

A rigorous introduction to the theory of statistical inference and to statistical practice. Statistical models, parameters, and samples. Estimators for parameters, sampling distributions for estimators, and the properties of consistency, bias, and variance. The likelihood function and the maximum likelihood estimator. Hypothesis tests and confidence regions. Examples illustrating statistical theory and its limitations. Introduction to the use of a computer environment for statistical analysis. (Note: STA261H1 does not count as a distribution requirement course).

Prerequisite: STA257H1/ STAB52H3/ STA256H5
Corequisite: MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ MAT257Y5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Exclusion: ECO227Y1/ STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STAB57H3/ STA260H5/ ECO227Y5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

JSC270H1 - Data Science I

Hours: 24L/24P

This course is restricted to students in the Data Science Specialist program. Data exploration and preparation; data visualization and presentation; and computing with data will be introduced. Professional skills, such as oral and written communication, and ethical skills for data science will be introduced. Data science workflows will be integrated throughout the course. These topics will be explored through case studies and collaboration with researchers in other fields.

Prerequisite: STA257H1, CSC207H1
Corequisite: STA261H1, MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1, CSC236H1/ CSC240H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA272H1 - Statistical Models for Data Science

Hours: 24L/12T

Key areas of data science modeling including question formulation, data collection and cleaning, visualization, statistical inference, predictive modeling, and decision making.​ Through a strong emphasis on data-centric computing, quantitative critical thinking, and exploratory data analysis, this class covers key principles and techniques of data science. These include algorithms for statistical models and machine learning methods including regression, classification, neural networks, and clustering; principles behind creating informative data visualizations; and statistical concepts of measurement error and prediction.

Prerequisite: CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC148H1, STA220H1/ ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ GGR270H1/ IRW220H1/ PSY201H1/ STA261H1/ STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STA288H1/ EEB225H1
Exclusion: Any 300+ level STA course, CSC311H1
Recommended Preparation: EEB125H1/ GGR274H1/ ENG286H1/ STA130H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA288H1 - Statistics and Scientific Inquiry in the Life Sciences

Hours: 36L/18P

Introduction to statistics and its connection to all stages of the scientific inquiry process. Issues around data collection, analysis and interpretation are emphasized to inform study design and critical assessment of published research. Statistical software is used to conduct descriptive and inferential statistics to address basic life sciences research questions.

Prerequisite: BIO230H1/ BIO255H1
Exclusion: STA220H1, PSY201H1, GGR270H1, ECO220Y1, ECO227Y1, SOC202H1, EEB225H1, HMB325H1, STA238H1, STA248H1, STA261H1, PCL376H1, STA215H5, STA220H5, STAB22H3
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA299H1 - Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA299Y1 - Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA302H1 - Methods of Data Analysis I

Hours: 36L

Introduction to data analysis with a focus on regression. Initial Examination of data. Correlation. Simple and multiple regression models using least squares. Inference for regression parameters, confidence and prediction intervals. Diagnostics and remedial measures. Interactions and dummy variables. Variable selection. Least squares estimation and inference for non-linear regression.

Prerequisite: STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STA255H1/ STA261H1/ ECO227Y1/ STAB57H3/ STA258H5/ STA260H5/ ECO227Y5; CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA08H3/ CSCA20H3/ CSCA48H3/ CSC108H5/ CSC148H5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Exclusion: STAC67H3, STA302H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA303H1 - Methods of Data Analysis II

Hours: 36L

Analysis of variance for one-and two-way layouts, logistic regression, loglinear models, longitudinal data, introduction to time series.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5
Exclusion: STAC51H3
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA304H1 - Surveys, Sampling and Observational Data

Hours: 36L

Design of surveys, sources of bias, randomized response surveys. Techniques of sampling; stratification, clustering, unequal probability selection. Sampling inference, estimates of population mean and variances, ratio estimation. Observational data; correlation vs. causation, missing data, sources of bias.

Prerequisite: ECO227Y1/ STA255H1/ STA261H1/ STA248H1/ STA238H1/ STAB57H3/ STA258H5/ STA260H5/ ECO227Y5
Exclusion: STAC50H3, STAC53H3, STA304H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA305H1 - Design and Analysis of Experiments

Hours: 36L

Experiments vs observational studies, experimental units. Designs with one source of variation. Complete randomized designs and randomized block designs. Factorial designs. Inferences for contrasts and means. Model assumptions. Crossed and nested treatment factors, random effects models. Analysis of variance and covariance. Sample size calculations.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5
Exclusion: STAC50H3, STAC53H3, STA305H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA313H1 - Data Visualization

Hours: 24L/12P

An introduction to data visualization and the use of visual and interactive representations of data to support human cognition. This course covers visualization techniques and algorithms based on principles from graphic design, perceptual psychology, cognitive science, and human-computer interaction. Topics include: graphic design, interaction, perception and cognition, communication, and ethics. Computational tutorials involve design review, implementation, and testing of information visualizations.

Prerequisite: CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1; STA238H1/ STA248H1/ STA261H1/ ECO227Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA314H1 - Statistical Methods for Machine Learning I

Hours: 36L/12T

Statistical methods for supervised and unsupervised learning from data: training error, test error and cross-validation; classification, regression, and logistic regression; principal components analysis; stochastic gradient descent; decision trees and random forests; k-means clustering and nearest neighbour methods. Computational tutorials will support the efficient application of these methods.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STA302H5/ STAC67H3; CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA08H3/ CSCA48H3/ CSCA20H3/ CSC108H5/ CSC148H5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5; MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ ( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/ ( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/ ( MAT233H5, MAT236H5)
Exclusion: CSC411H1, CSC311H1, STA314H5, STA315H5, CSCC11H3, CSC411H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA347H1 - Probability

Hours: 36L

An overview of probability from a non-measure theoretic point of view. Random variables/vectors; independence, conditional expectation/probability and consequences. Various types of convergence leading to proofs of the major theorems in basic probability. An introduction to simple stochastic processes such as Poisson and branching processes.

Prerequisite: STA247H1(70%)/ STA255H1(70%)/ STA237H1(70%)/ STA257H1/ ECO227Y1/ STAB52H3/ STA256H5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5; MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ ( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/ ( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/ ( MAT233H5, MAT236H5) (Note: STA257H1, MAT223H1/ MAT240H1, MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1 are very strongly recommended)
Exclusion: MAT370H1, MAT377H1, STAC62H3, STA348H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA355H1 - Theory of Statistical Practice

Hours: 24L/12P

STA355H1 provides a unifying structure for the methods taught in other courses, and will enable students to read methodological research articles or articles with a large methodological component. Topics covered include statistical models and distributions; fundamentals of inference: estimation, hypothesis testing, and significance levels; likelihood functions and likelihood-based inference; prior distributions and Bayesian inference.

Prerequisite: STA255H1 (73%)/ STA248H1 (73%)/ STA238H1 (73%)/ STA261H1 (60%)/ ECO227Y1 (60%)/ STAB57H3 (60%)/ STA260H5 (60%)/ ECO227Y5 (60%); MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ ( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/ ( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/ ( MAT233H5, MAT236H5); MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Exclusion: STAC58H3
Recommended Preparation: CSC108H1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC111H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA365H1 - Applied Bayesian Statistics

Hours: 36L

Bayesian inference has become an important applied technique and is especially valued to solve complex problems. This course first examines the basics of Bayesian inference. From there, this course looks at modern, computational methods and how to make inferences on complex data problems.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

JSC370H1 - Data Science II

Hours: 24L/24P

This course is restricted to students in the Data Science Specialist program. Students will learn to identify and answer questions through the application of exploratory data analysis, data visualization, statistical methods or machine learning algorithms to complex data. Software development for data science and reproducible workflows. Communication of statistical information at various technical levels, ethical practice of data analysis and software development, and teamwork skills. Topics will be explored through case studies and collaboration with researchers in other fields.

Prerequisite: JSC270H1, STA261H1, MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1, CSC263H1/ CSC265H1/ CSC263H5/ CSCB63H3, STA302H1, CSC343H1/ CSC343H5/ CSCC43H3
Corequisite: STA303H1/ STA305H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA398H0 - Research Excursions

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA398Y0 - Research Excursions

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA399H1 - Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA399Y1 - Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details at Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

STA410H1 - Statistical Computation

Hours: 36L

Programming in an interactive statistical environment. Generating random variates and evaluating statistical methods by simulation. Algorithms for linear models, maximum likelihood estimation, and Bayesian inference. Statistical algorithms such as the Kalman filter and the EM algorithm. Graphical display of data.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5; CSC110Y1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA48H3/ CSC148H5; MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA414H1 - Statistical Methods for Machine Learning II

Hours: 36L

Probabilistic foundations of supervised and unsupervised learning methods such as naive Bayes, mixture models, and logistic regression. Gradient-based fitting of composite models including neural nets. Exact inference, stochastic variational inference, and Marko chain Monte Carlo. Variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks.

Prerequisite: STA314H1/ CSC411H1/ CSC311H1/ ( STA314H5, STA315H5)/ CSCC11H3/ CSC411H5; STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5; CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA08H3/ CSCA48H3/ CSCA20H3/ CSC108H5/ CSC148H5; MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ ( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/ ( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/ ( MAT233H5, MAT236H5); MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5
Exclusion: CSC412H1, STAD68H3
Recommended Preparation: STA303H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA422H1 - Theory of Statistical Inference

Hours: 36L

This course examines current theory of statistical inference, particularly likelihood-based methods and Bayesian methods with an emphasis on resolving present conflicts; log-model expansion and asymptotics are primary tools.

Prerequisite: STA355H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA437H1 - Methods for Multivariate Data

Hours: 24L/12P

Practical techniques for the analysis of multivariate data; fundamental methods of data reduction with an introduction to underlying distribution theory; basic estimation and hypothesis testing for multivariate means and variances; regression coefficients; principal components and partial, multiple and canonical correlations; multivariate analysis of variance; profile analysis and curve fitting for repeated measurements; classification and the linear discriminant function.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5
Exclusion: STAD37H3, STA437H5
Recommended Preparation: MAT224H1/ MAT247H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA442H1 - Methods of Applied Statistics

Hours: 36L

Advanced topics in statistics and data analysis with emphasis on applications. Diagnostics and residuals in linear models, introduction to generalized linear models, graphical methods, additional topics such as random effects models, designed experiments, model selection, analysis of censored data, introduced as needed in the context of case studies.

Prerequisite: STA303H1/( STAC67H3, STAC51H3); CSC108H1/ CSC110Y1/ CSC120H1/ CSC148H1/ CSCA08H3/ CSCA48H3/ CSCA20H3/ CSC108H5/ CSC148H5
Exclusion: STA441H5
Recommended Preparation: At least an additional 1.0 credit in STA courses at the 300 or 400 level
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA447H1 - Stochastic Processes

Hours: 36L

Discrete and continuous time processes with an emphasis on Markov, Gaussian and renewal processes. Martingales and further limit theorems. A variety of applications taken from some of the following areas are discussed in the context of stochastic modeling: Information Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Analyses of Stochastic Processes, Population Growth Models, Reliability, Queuing Models, Stochastic Calculus, Simulation (Monte Carlo Methods).

Prerequisite: STA347H1/ MAT377H1/ STAC62H3
Exclusion: STA348H5, STAC63H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA450H1 - Topics in Statistics

Hours: 36L

Topics of current research interest are covered. Topics vary from year to year. As the necessary academic preparation for this course may vary from year to year, there may be additional prerequisites required, such as specific courses or an application to enrol. Students should contact the department at for information on this course, and enrolment in this course, for a given year.

Prerequisite: 9.0 credits
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA452H1 - Mathematical Statistics I

Hours: 36L

Statistical theory and its applications at an advanced mathematical level. Topics include probability and distribution theory as it specifically pertains to the statistical analysis of data. Linear models and the geometry of data, least squares and the connection to conditional expectation. The basic concept of inference and the likelihood function.

Prerequisite: MAT223H1/ MAT224H1/ MAT240H1/ MATA22H3/ MATA23H3/ MAT223H5/ MAT240H5/ MATB24H3/ MAT224H5; MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/ ( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/ ( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/ ( MAT233H5, MAT236H5); ( STA257H1, STA355H1)/ STA347H1. (Note: MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1; ( MAT223H1, MAT224H1)/ MAT240H1 very strongly recommended.)
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA453H1 - Mathematical Statistics II

Hours: 36L

Continuation of STA452H1: statistical theory and its applications at an advanced mathematical level. Topics include classical estimation, theory with methods based on the likelihood function and the likelihood statistics. Testing hypothesis and the evaluation of confidence from both a Bayesian and frequentist point of view.

Prerequisite: STA452H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA457H1 - Time Series Analysis

Hours: 36L

An overview of methods and problems in the analysis of time series data. Topics include: descriptive methods, filtering and smoothing time series, theory of stationary processes, identification and estimation of time series models, forecasting, seasonal adjustment, spectral estimation, bivariate time series models.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5; MAT235Y1/ MAT237Y1/ MAT257Y1/( MATB41H3, MATB42H3)/( MAT232H5, MAT236H5)/( MAT233H5, MAT236H5)
Exclusion: STAD57H3, STA457H5
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA465H1 - Spatial Data Analysis

Hours: 36L

Data acquisition in the environmental, physical, and health sciences are increasingly spatial, and novel in the sense that specialized methods are required for analysis. This course will cover different types of spatial and spatiotemporal data and their analytic methods. Students will learn a variety of advanced techniques for analyzing geostatistical, areal, and point referenced data. Focus will be placed on visualizing spatial data, choosing the correct method for a specific research question, and communicating analytic results clearly and effectively.

Prerequisite: STA302H1/ STAC67H3/ STA302H5, STA303H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

JSC470H1 - Data Science III

Hours: 24L/24P

This course is restricted to students in the Data Science Specialist program. Research topics and applications of data science methods will be explored through case studies and collaboration with researchers in other fields. Data analysis, visualization, and communication of statistical information at various technical levels, ethical practice of data analysis and software development, and teamwork skills.

Prerequisite: JSC370H1, STA314H1/ CSC411H1/ CSC311H1, STA303H1/ STA305H1
Exclusion: STA490Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA475H1 - Survival Analysis

Hours: 36L

An overview of theory and methods in the analysis of survival data. Topics include survival distributions and their applications, parametric and non-parametric methods, proportional hazards regression, and extensions to competing risks and multistate modelling.

Corequisite: STA303H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA480H1 - Fundamentals of Statistical Genetics

Hours: 36L/9P

Statistical analysis of genetic data is an important emerging research area with direct impact on population health. This course provides an introduction to the concepts and fundamentals of statistical genetics, including current research directions.  The course includes lectures and hands-on experience with R programming and state-of-the-art statistical genetics software packages.

Prerequisite: STA303H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA490Y1 - Statistical Consultation, Communication, and Collaboration

Hours: 48L/48P

Through case studies and collaboration with researchers in other disciplines, students develop skills in the collaborative practice of Statistics. Focus is on pragmatic solutions to practical issues including study design, dealing with common complications in data analysis, and ethical practice, with particular emphasis on written communication. An application must be completed during the priority enrolment period the summer before the course is offered. Priority will be given to students who are completing all requirements of the Specialist in Statistical Science: Methods and Practice or the Applied Statistics Specialist that academic year. Space permitting, students in the Statistics Specialist, the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods, the Data Science Specialist, or the Statistics Major will be considered for enrolment in the order in which they applied.

Prerequisite: STA303H1, STA304H1/ STA305H1
Corequisite: STA355H1; one additional 400-level STA course
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA492H1 - Seminar in Statistical Science

Hours: 36S

This course is intended for students completing the Statistical Science: Theory and Methods Specialist program. Novel influential ideas and current research topics in statistics will be explored through readings and discussion. Content will generally vary from semester to semester. Student presentations and written reports will be required.

Prerequisite: STA355H1 (Permission of instructor. An application is required to be considered for this course. Information about this special enrolment course as well as a link to the online application form is available on the Department of Statistical Sciences website. Priority will be given to students who complete the application during the priority enrolment period the summer before the course is offered and who are completing all requirements of the Specialist in Statistical Science: Theory and Methods or the Statistics Specialist that academic year.)
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA496H1 - Readings in Statistics

Independent study under the direction of a Department of Statistical Sciences faculty member. There are a limited number of spaces in this course, and capacity varies from year to year based on the availability of faculty supervisors. Enrolment is subject to Department of Statistical Sciences and faculty supervisor approval. Students interested in this course should contact the department at for information on how to apply for enrolment in this course in a given year. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 STA credit at the 300+ level with a minimum grade of 80% in each course
Exclusion: STA497H1/ STA498Y1/ STA499Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA497H1 - Readings in Statistics

Independent study under the direction of a Department of Statistical Sciences faculty member. There are a limited number of spaces in this course, and capacity varies from year to year based on the availability of faculty supervisors. Enrolment is subject to Department of Statistical Sciences and faculty supervisor approval. Students interested in this course should contact the department at for information on how to apply for enrolment in this course in a given year. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 STA credit at the 300+ level with a minimum grade of 80% in each course
Exclusion: STA496H1/ STA498Y1/ STA499Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA498Y1 - Readings in Statistics

Independent study under the direction of a Department of Statistical Sciences faculty member. There are a limited number of spaces in this course, and capacity varies from year to year based on the availability of faculty supervisors. Enrolment is subject to Department of Statistical Sciences and faculty supervisor approval. Students interested in this course should contact the department at for information on how to apply for enrolment in this course in a given year. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 STA credit at the 300+ level with a minimum grade of 80% in each course
Exclusion: STA496H1/ STA497H1/ STA499Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

STA499Y1 - Readings in Statistics

Independent study under the direction of a Department of Statistical Sciences faculty member. There are a limited number of spaces in this course, and capacity varies from year to year based on the availability of faculty supervisors. Enrolment is subject to Department of Statistical Sciences and faculty supervisor approval. Students interested in this course should contact the department at for information on how to apply for enrolment in this course in a given year. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 STA credit at the 300+ level with a minimum grade of 80% in each course
Exclusion: STA496H1/ STA497H1/ STA498Y1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

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