CSE340H1: Abolition in the Global Context: Theorizing Uprisings and Youth Activism against Policing and Prisons



Considers the question: what does abolition mean in a global context? An analysis of how nation-states use prisons, (im)migrant detention centers, black sites, detention camps, military prisons, border checkpoints, refugee camps, walls, and concentration camps, to surveil, contain, and lock up disposable populations, and/or to suppress those that resist state violence. Explores these carceral spaces through a historical and political economic investigation of the processes that have produced these sites. Draws on anti-carceral perspectives on abolition and reform to examine uprisings and political activism, particularly youth activism, against prisons, policing, and forms of militarized, capitalist violence transnationally.

NEW340H1 (Special Topics in Equity Studies: Youth, Activism and Social Change), offered in Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020
Society and its Institutions (3)