A total of 10.0 credits of which no more than 1.0 credit can be at the 100-level and of which at least 5.0 credits must be at the 300+ level, including 1.5 credits at the 400-level. Some courses may contribute to both the Geographic Distribution and Temporal requirements (requirements 1 and 2).
The Specialist program gives students in-depth training in historical research, analysis, and writing for future professional use or graduate study. To tailor the program to your needs, in your third year you have a choice between two pathways: a higher level course-work option in order to further the development of excellent skills via a wider variety of courses or a thesis option where you will be able to do the same while also concentrating on a specific research topic.
1. Geographic Distribution (200+ level):
a) 2.0 credits in Africa/Asia/Middle East with at least one 0.5 credit in 2 of the 3 areas. This requirement cannot be met by more than 1.0 credit from any area.
b) 1.0 credit in Canada/US/Latin America/The Caribbean
c) 1.0 credit in Europe
2. Temporal Requirement: 1.0 credit in pre-1800 history course(s) listed below.
Note 1: HIS courses listed with (.50) indicate that they fulfill half of the Temporal Requirement.
3. 1.0 credit from one of the following pathways below:
a) Thesis Option: HIS475H1 and HIS476H1 taken in that order. (see Note 2)
b) Coursework option: 1.0 credit of Senior (300 or 400-level) Methodology course(s), listed below
Note 2: Students interested in the Thesis Option should contact the Undergraduate Associate Chair for advice about the pathway, thesis topics, and the selection of an appropriate faculty advisor.
4. Additional HIS, JIH, JHA, JHM, JHN, JMH, JSH or Equivalent courses (listed below) to a total of 10.0 credits. No more than 1.0 credit from the Equivalent courses can contribute to program completion.
Geographic Area a): Africa, Asia, Middle East
(Sub-group: Africa)
AFR290H1, AFR370H1, HIS295Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS319H1, HIS322H1, HIS342H1, HIS352H1, HIS383Y1, HIS394H1, HIS450H1, HIS481H1, HIS483H1, HIS486H1
(Sub-group: Asia)
HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS315H1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS333H1, HIS334H1, HIS346H1, HIS379H1, HIS382H1, JHA384H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, JHA394H1, HIS400H1, HIS410H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS473H1, HIS480H1, HIS485H1, HIS494H1
(Sub-group: Middle East)
HIS208Y1 (.50), HIS219Y1 (.05), HIS304H1, JHM307H1, HIS339H1, HIS354H1, HIS370H1, JMH385H1, NMC372H1, NMC386H1, HIS402H1
Geographic Area b): Canada/The United States/Latin America/The Caribbean
(Sub-group: Canada)
HIS264H1, HIS265Y1, HIS266H1, HIS285H1, HIS300H1, HIS307H1, HIS310H1, HIS311H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS318H1, HIS335H1, HIS356H1, HIS358H1, HIS360H1, HIS363H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS371H1, HIS380H1, HIS402H1, HIS405Y1, HIS410H1, HIS417H1, HIS418H1, HIS419H1, HIS429H1, HIS435H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS466H1, HIS468H1, HIS469H1, HIS472H1, HIS484H1, HIS492H1
(Sub-group: The United States)
HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS271Y1, HIS285H1, HIS305H1, HIS318H1, HIS362H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS372H1, HIS374H1, HIS376H1, HIS377H1, HIS378H1, HIS396H1, HIS404H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS473H1, HIS479H1, HIS484H1
(Sub-group: Latin America/The Caribbean)
HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, JHN323H1, HS324H1, HIS336H1, HIS359H1, HIS390H1, HIS397H1, HIS431H1, HIS474H1, HIS486H1
Geographic Area c): Europe
(Sub-group: Britain)
HIS302H1, HIS332H1, HIS337H1, HIS347H1, HIS349H1, HIS350H1, HIS367H1, HIS368H1, HIS422H1, HIS452H1, HIS477H1, HIS482H1
(Sub-group: Western Europe)
HIS219Y1 (.50), HIS220Y1, HIS240H1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS245H1, HIS301H1, HIS303H1, HIS308H1, HIS317H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS330H1, HIS334H1, HIS336H1, HIS338H1, HIS341Y1, HIS350H1, HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS361H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS386H1, HIS387H1, HIS388H1, HIS403H1, HIS407H1, HIS414H1, HIS415Y1, HIS416H1, HIS424H1, HIS425H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS430H1, HIS432H1, HIS437H1, HIS438H1, HIS440H1, HIS445H1, HIS452H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS480H1, HIS493H1
(Sub-group: Eastern Europe and Russia)
HIS240H1, HIS250Y1, HIS251Y1, JSH300H1, HIS306H1, HIS325H1, HIS331H1, HIS340H1, HIS350H1, HIS351H1, HIS353Y1, HIS364H1, HIS367Y0, HIS384H1, HIS386H1, HIS420H1, HIS433H1, HIS434Y1, HIS436H1, HIS439H1, HIS442H1, HIS449Y1, HIS451H1, HIS452H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS461H1, HIS490H1
Temporal Requirement
HIS100Y1 (.50), HIS101Y1 (.50), HIS102Y1 (.50), HIS103Y1 (.50), HIS106Y1, HIS107Y1 (.50), HIS108Y1 (.50), HIS109Y1 (.50), HIS110Y1 (.50), HIS208Y1 (.50), HIS219Y1, HIS220Y1, HIS221H1, HIS230H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS250Y1 (.50), HIS251Y1 (.50), HIS265Y1 (.50), HIS271Y1 (.50), HIS280Y1 (.50), HIS282Y1 (.50), HIS283Y (.50), HIS291H1, HIS293H1, HIS295Y1 (.50), HIS297Y1 (.50), HIS303H1, JHM307H1, HIS308H1, HIS309H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS332H1, HIS333H1, HIS336H1, HIS337H1, HIS352H1, HIS353Y1 (.50), HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS362H1, HIS368H1, JIH369H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS381H1, HIS382H1, HIS383Y1 (.50), HIS390H1, HIS402H1, HIS403H1, HIS410H1, HIS414H1, HIS422H1, HIS424H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS434Y1, HIS443H1, HIS446H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS492H1
Methodology Courses
HIS302H1, HIS307H1, HIS312H1, HIS315H1, HIS324H1, HIS335H1, HIS345H1, HIS346H1, HIS347H1, HIS351H1, HIS352H1, HIS355H1, HIS358H1, HIS363H1, HIS381H1, HIS383Y1, HIS389H1*, HIS393H1, HIS397H1, HIS401H1, HIS406H1*, HIS417H1, HIS418H1, HIS419H1, HIS422H1, HIS423H1, HIS431H1, HIS435H1, HIS436H1, HIS437H1, HIS440H1, HIS443H1, HIS446H1, HIS455Y1, HIS460H1, HIS465H1, HIS466H1*, HIS467H1, HIS468H1, HIS470H1, HIS475H1, HIS480H1, HIS483H1, HIS484H1, HIS490H1, HIS496H1*, JIH460H1, JSH300H1
* Some “Topics in History” or "Advanced Topics in History": Various topics each year. Please see the Arts & Science Timetable for current offerings. For a list of course descriptions and prerequisites for these courses this information can be found on the department website.
Equivalent Courses
AFR290H1, AFR370H1, CDN230H1, CDN280H1, CDN340H1, CDN390H1, CLT337H1, CLT341H1, CLT348H1, CLT377H1, CLT378H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CLT444H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS271H1, EAS285H1, EAS348H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS374H1, EAS459Y1, EAS473H1, EAS475Y1, EUR200Y1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JPI201H1, NMC275H1, NMC278H1, NMC355H1, NMC372H1, NMC373H1, NMC376H1, NMC378H1, NMC386H1, NMC475H1, NMC477H1, NMC479H1, REN240Y1, REN348Y0, REN441H1, TRN250Y1, WGS481H1
*course(s) no longer offered
Thematic Streams
Although thematic streams are not an official program requirement, you may find it enriching to follow a particular theme across different time periods or geographical divisions.
Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, Trans-Nationalism
HIS106Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS303H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS326H1, HIS353Y1, HIS380H1, HIS416H1, HIS445H1, HIS446H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS480H1, NMC278H1, NMC376H1
Indigenous History
HIS101Y1, HIS102Y1, HIS230H1, HIS264H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS359H1, HIS419H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, JIH460H1
International Relations
HIS103Y1, HIS311H1, HIS343H1, HIS344H1, HIS401H1, HIS405Y1, HIS451H1, HIS465H1
HIS220Y1, HIS303H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS403H1, HIS424H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS438H1, NMC376H1
Women and Gender
HIS297Y1, HIS302H1, HIS323H1, HIS348H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS446H1, HIS465H1, HIS481H1
Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.
Note: HIS262H1, Canada: A Short Story of Here, is designed for non-History students, this introductory survey fulfills the Society and Its Institutions breadth requirement. It cannot be counted towards a History program, program requirements or as a pre-requisite for upper-level History courses.