Program and Certificate Search

French Language and French Linguistics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0525

French Language and French Linguistics Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0525

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits)

1) ( FSL220H1 and FSL222H1)/ FSL221Y1 , FSL224H1

2) FRE272H1, FRE273H1, FRE274H1, FRE245H1, ( FSL320H1 and FSL322H1)/ FSL321Y1

3) FRE376H1, FRE378H1, FRE386H1/​ FRE387H1, FRE383H1, FRE379H1, JFG388H1/​ JFL388H1

4) FRE483H1 and 2.0 credits from 400-level French linguistics courses: FRE486H1, FRE487H1, FRE488H1, FRE489H1, FRE490Y1, FRE491H1, FRE492H1.


i) Students not placed in FSL220H1 or higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL122H1 before starting this program.

ii) Students exempted from any of the required FSL courses must replace the relevant courses with appropriate FRE or FSL courses.

FAS Program Area: French

French Language and Literature Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1295

French Language and Literature Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1295

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits)

1) ( FSL220H1, FSL222H1)/ FSL221Y1, FSL225H1

2) FRE210H1, FRE245H1, FRE246H1, FRE272H1, ( FSL320H1, FSL322H1)/ FSL321Y1.

3) 1.5 credits from the following three groups (students are strongly encouraged to include 0.5 credit from each group):

Group 1 – Literary History: FRE318H1/​ FRE319H1/​ FRE320H1/​ FRE324H1/​ FRE326H1/​

Group 2 – Genres and Gender: FRE304H1/​ FRE310H1/​ FRE345H1

Group 3 – Quebec and Francophone Literatures: FRE314H1/​ FRE332H1/​ FRE334H1/​ FRE336H1/​ SLA263H1

4) 1.0 credit from the following 400-level FRE literature courses: FRE410H1/​ FRE438H1/​ FRE441H1/​ FRE443H1/​ FRE446H1


i) Students not placed in FSL220H1 or higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL122H1 before starting this program. Students exempted from FSL220H1/​ FSL222H1 may replace it with any FRE 200+ or FSL 300+ level course.

ii) Students exempted from FSL320H1/​ FSL322H1 may replace it with any FRE course.

FAS Program Area: French

French Language and Literature Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1295

French Language and Literature Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1295

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits):

1) ( FSL220H1 and FSL222H1) / FSL221Y1 , FSL225H1

2) FRE210H1, FRE245H1, FRE246H1, FRE272H1, FRE273H1, ( FSL320H1 and FSL322H1)/ FSL321Y1

3) 3.0 credits from among the following courses, including at least 0.5 credit from each group:

Group 1 – Literary History: FRE318H1/​ FRE319H1/​ FRE320H1/​ FRE324H1/​ FRE326H1

Group 2 – Genres and Gender: FRE304H1/​ FRE310H1/​ FRE345H1

Group 3 – Quebec and Francophone Literatures: FRE314H1/​ FRE332H1/​ FRE334H1/​ FRE336H1/​ SLA263H1

4) FSL442H1, FSL443H1

5) 1.0 credit from the following 400-level FRE literature courses: FRE410H1/​ FRE438H1/​ FRE441H1/​ FRE443H1/​ FRE446H1


i) Students not placed in FSL220H1 or higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL122H1 before starting this program. Students exempted from FSL220H1/​ FSL222H1 may replace it with any FRE 200+ or FSL 300+ level course.

ii) Students exempted from FSL320H1/​ FSL322H1 may replace it with any FRE course at the 300+ level.

FAS Program Area: French

French Language Learning Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0120

French Language Learning Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0120

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits, including 1.5 FRE credits at the 300+ level)

1) ( FSL220H1, FSL222H1)/ FSL221Y1

2) FSL226H1, FRE272H1, ( FSL320H1, FSL322H1)/ FSL321Y1

3) FRE383H1, FRE379H1, JFG388H1/​ JFL388H1, FRE384H1

4) ( FSL420H1 and 0.5 credit selected from FRE245H1/​ FRE273H1/​ FRE274H1)/ FSL421Y1

5) FSL442H1, FSL443H1


i) Students not placed in FSL220H1 or higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL122H1 before starting this program. Students exempted from any of the FSL program courses must replace these with the equivalent number of credits of additional FSL or FRE courses.

FAS Program Area: French

French Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1135

French Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1135

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

1) ( FSL220H1, FSL222H1)/ FSL221Y1

2) FSL224H1/​ FSL225H1

3) 1.0 credit selected from FRE245H1, FRE246H1, FRE272H1, FRE274H1

4) 0.5 credit selected from CDN202H1, JFG388H1/​ JFL388H1, or any FRE or FCS half-course at the 200+ level

5) 1.0 FRE credit at the 300/400-level

N.B. Students not placed in FSL220H1 or higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL122H1 before starting this program. Students exempted from any of FSL220H1/​ FSL222H1/​ FSL224H1/​ FSL225H1 must replace these credits with any combination of the following two options:

(a) any additional credit(s) from category (4) above, or

(b) any FSL credit(s) at the 300/400 level.

Regardless of exemptions, a maximum of 0.5 total program credits may be drawn from courses taught in English.

FAS Program Area: French

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1050

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1050

HMB: Fundamental Genetics and its Applications

The objective of the HMB: Fundamental Genetics and its Applications specialist and major programs are to provide students with a solid foundation in the biological sciences with a focus on genetics and its applications in medicine, environment and biotechnology.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (8.0 credits, including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

To help students proceed through the program, it is recommended that first year life science requirements are completed before entering the program.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

1. ( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course

2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC148H1
3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. BIO220H1
6. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1

Courses in Fundamental Genetics

7. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
8. HMB321H1

9. 0.5 credit from: HMB360H1/​ HMB421H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB474H1/​ BCH311H1/​ BCH425H1/​ BCH426H1/​ BCH440H1/​ BCH445H1/​ BCH448H1/​ CSB328H1/​ CSB331H1/​ CSB340H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ CSB353H1/​ CSB428H1/​ CSB429H1/​ EEB318H1/​ EEB323H1/​ EEB365H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ MGY314H1/​ MGY315H1/​ MGY340H1/​ MGY428H1/​ MGY470H1/​ PSL350H1

Courses in Applied Genetics

10. HMB201H1
11. HMB301H1/​ HMB360H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ PSL350H1

12. 0.5 credit from: HMB301H1/​ HMB385H1/​ HMB401H1/​ HMB431H1/​ HMB436H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB489H1/​ BCH311H1/​ BCH340H1/​ BCH350H1/​ BCH441H1/​ BCH447H1/​ CSB352H1/​ CSB458H1/​ CSB459H1/​ CSB472H1/​ CSB473H1/​ CSB474H1/​ EEB325H1/​ EEB459H1/​ EEB460H1/​ MGY441H1/​ NFS487H1/​ PHL384H1/​ PSL350H1/​ PSL404H1/​ PSY390H1

Data Analysis and Research-Based Courses

13. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1

14. 0.5 credit from: HMB311H1/​ HMB314H1/​ MGY315H1/​ HMB342H1/​ HMB360H1/​ HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*/ HST373H1/​ MGY314H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Major Notes:

1. Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program.
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Fundamental Genetics and its Applications majors. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.
3. The Fundamental Genetics and its Applications major cannot be paired with any other Human Biology Program managed major program.

Course Group

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Centric Courses

HMB201H1, HMB301H1, HMB311H1, HMB321H1, EHJ352H1, HMB360H1, HMB401H1, HMB421H1, HMB431H1, HMB435H1, HMB441H1

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1050

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1050

HMB: Fundamental Genetics and its Applications

The objective of the HMB: Fundamental Genetics and its Applications specialist and major programs are to provide students with a solid foundation in the biological sciences with a focus on genetics and its applications in medicine, environment and biotechnology.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Note there are different options depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in BIO130H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
Minimum grades are needed for entry, and these minimums change each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in either BIO220H1 or ( BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1) will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining the minimum final grades does not guarantee admission to the program.

Students applying for admissions to the program utilizing transfer credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students entering from CEGEP or from another university should contact after their transfer credit assessment has been complete for program enrolment assessment. Please consult the Arts & Science Program Toolkit for more information on program enrolment.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2025). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialist program in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed BIO230H1, HMB265H1 and HMB201H1 prior to ASIP entry.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (12.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level)

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

1. ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course

2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1/​ CSC148H1
3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. BIO220H1
6. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1

Courses in Fundamental Genetics

7. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
8. HMB321H1

9. 1.5 credits from: HMB360H1/​ HMB385H1/​ HMB421H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB474H1/​ BCH311H1/​ BCH350H1/​ BCH425H1/​ BCH426H1/​ BCH440H1/​ BCH445H1/​ BCH448H1/​ CSB328H1/​ CSB331H1/​ CSB340H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ CSB353H1/​ CSB428H1/​ CSB429H1/​ EEB318H1/​ EEB323H1/​ EEB365H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ MGY314H1/​ MGY315H1/​ MGY340H1/​ MGY428H1/​ MGY441H1/​ MGY470H1/​ PSL350H1

Courses in Applied Genetics

10. HMB201H1
11. HMB301H1/​ HMB360H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ PSL350H1

12. 1.5 credits from: HMB301H1/​ HMB401H1/​ HMB431H1/​ HMB436H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB489H1/​ BCH311H1/​ BCH340H1/​ BCH441H1/​ BCH447H1/​ CSB352H1/​ CSB458H1/​ CSB459H1/​ CSB472H1/​ CSB473H1/​ CSB474H1/​ EEB325H1/​ EEB459H1/​ EEB460H1/​ NFS487H1/​ PHL384H1/​ PSL350H1/​ PSL404H1/​ PSY390H1

Data Analysis and Research-Based Courses

13. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1
14. 0.5 credit from bioethics: HMB306H1/​ HMB406H1/​ PHL281H1
15. 0.5 credit from upper-year lab course: HMB311H1/​ HMB314H1/​ MGY314H1/​ MGY315H1
16. 0.5 credit from: HMB342H1/​ HMB360H1/​ HST373H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1
17. 1.0 credit from project course: HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Specialists Notes:
Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program .
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Fundamental Genetics and its Applications specialists. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.

Course Group

Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Centric Courses

HMB201H1, HMB301H1, HMB311H1, HMB321H1, EHJ352H1, HMB360H1, HMB401H1, HMB421H1, HMB431H1, HMB435H1, HMB441H1

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Genome Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2655

Genome Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2655

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Genome Biology Major in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

This program is a joint program of the departments of Cell & Systems Biology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular Genetics. It is administered through the Department of Cell & Systems Biology.

(8.0 credits)

First year: BIO120H1, BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1; ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Higher years:
1. BIO220H1, BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1; BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1; EEB225H1/​ STA220H1
2. Genomics fundamentals: BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ MGY311Y1, CSB352H1; EEB323H1
3. 0.5 credit laboratory course from: CSB472H1, CSB474H1; EEB460H1
4. 1.0 credit genomics elective from: CSB330H1, CSB350H1, CSB397Y0, CSB427H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB471H1, CSB473H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB497H1/​ CSB498Y1/​ CSB499Y1; EEB362H1, EEB455H1, EEB458H1, EEB459H1, EEB462H1, EEB463H1, EEB397Y1/​ EEB497H1/​ EEB498Y1/​ EEB499Y1; EHJ352H1; MGY350H1, MGY360H1, MGY428H1, MGY470H1, MGY480Y1

NOTE: Students taking CSB397Y0, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB497H1/​ CSB498Y1/​ CSB499Y1, EEB397Y1/​ EEB497H1/​ EEB498Y1/​ EEB499Y1 or MGY480Y1 are encouraged to conduct a genomics-related research project.

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Biology, Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Geographic Information Systems Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0305

Geographic Information Systems Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0305

The GIS program covers the on theoretical, technical and applied foundations for geographic information systems. Students learn methods for spatial data production, analysis and presentation using computer cartography, spatial analysis, remote sensing, and geovisualization. Problem solving and project design are emphasized in upper level courses, as students apply techniques to answer specific geographic questions. The GIS program is structured to provide a stand-alone minor for students in Geography and other disciplines seeking complementary skills in spatial analysis (e.g., field biology, archaeology).

Note: Students combining this program with a Specialist/Major sponsored by the Department of Geography will normally be allowed to count only 1.5 (of the 4.0) credits towards both programs.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

First Year Geography Courses: Any 2 courses (1.0 credit) from JEG100H1, GGR101H1, GGR107H1, GGR112H1, GGR124H1, GGR172H1, GGR196H1, GGR197H1, GGR198H1, GGR199H1. 200/300-level GGR courses may also be used to meet this requirement. Contact the Undergraduate Administrator to update your program.

Methods & Core Courses: All (2.0 credits) of GGR270H1, GGR272H1, GGR273H1, GGR373H1

Applications: Any 2 courses (1.0 credit) from GGR225H1, GGR274H1, GGR315H1/​ GGR337H1, GGR372H1, GGR375H1, GGR376H1, GGR377H1, GGR386H1, GGR413H1, GGR414H1/​ GGR415H1, GGR462H1, GGR472H1, GGR473H1. Up to 0.5 credit can be used from GGR493Y1, based on suitability of placement for this program, and approval by department. Up to 0.5 credit from GGR491Y1, GGR492H1, GGR497H1, GGR498H1, and GGR499H1 based on suitability of research topic for this program, and approval by department.

Note: At least 1.0 credit must be 300/400-level courses

FAS Program Area: School of the Environment, Geography and Planning, Data Science

Geology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE0509

Geology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE0509

This program gives the deepest level of education within the field of geology, preparing students for careers in the energy and mineral resources sectors, as a government-employed geoscientists, in geoscience research and in many other fields where geoscience knowledge is an asset. The program meets the requirements for gaining membership in the Association of Professional Geoscientist of Ontario (APGO) and similar organizations in other Canadian provinces and territories. The Geology Specialist Program focuses on core geology subjects, such as mineralogy and petrology, sedimentology, structural geology, mineral resources, hydrogeology, Earth history and geologic field mapping. Students are advised to be aware of course prerequisites, check clusters of courses listed for the Geology Specialist program, and consult the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Handbook for logical course progressions. For further questions, please consult with the Student Affairs Coordinator (Scott Moore, Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Ursula Franklin St., Earth Sciences Center, Room 1062 email:

Keywords: Geology, Petrology, Energy and Mineral Resources

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(14.0 credits)

Compulsory Foundation Sciences (1.5 credits):

CHM135H1, MAT135H1, PHY131H1

Additional Foundation Sciences (3.0 credits):

Any 3.0 credits from the following, with no more than 1.0 credit from the same category:

Compulsory Foundation Geosciences (3.5 credits):

Additional Foundation Geosciences (2.5 credits):

At least 0.5 credit, but no more than 1.0 credit from each subgroup:

Other Geosciences (3.5 credits):

A minimum of 3.5 credits from the following list that have not been used to fulfill the above requirements. At least 1.0 credit needs to be at the 400 level, and no more than 1.5 credits from the 200 level.


  1. Advanced courses, like CHM151Y1, PHY151H1, MAT137Y1 or MAT157Y1, can be used as credits for both foundation sciences sections, meaning, half of the credit will count for Compulsory Foundation Sciences, and the other half will count for Additional Foundation Sciences.

  2. You may choose more than 2.5 credits from the Additional Foundation Geosciences list. In that case, the additional courses will count towards the Other Geosciences.

  3. You need a minimum of 4.0 credits of 300/400-level courses

  4. Students are advised to check the prerequisites of the upper-year courses when deciding on their 2nd and 3rd-year-course selection.

  5. Students who do not wish to attain APGO certification are advised to speak to the Associate Chair, Undergraduate Affairs concerning their course selection.

Recommended Course Combinations:

Students interested in Mineral Exploration:

First Year: BIO120H1, CHM135H1, CHM136H1, MAT135H1, MAT136H1, PHY131H1, PHY132H1

Second year: ESS223H1, ESS224H1 or ESS221H1 and ESS222H1, ESS234H1, ESS241H1, ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1, ESS262H1, STA220H1

Third Year: ESS331H1, ESS321H1, ESS322H1, JGA305H1, ESS311H1, ESS324H1

Fourth Year: ESS423H1, ESS424H1, ESS431H1, ESS441H1, ESS461H1, ESS490H1, ESS491H1, ESS492Y1

Students with an interest in GIS and Geology:

First Year: CHM135H1, CHM136H1, MAT135H1, PHY131H1, PHY132H1, CSC108H1

Second year: STA220H1, ESS223H1, ESS224H1, ESS234H1, ESS241H1, ESS262H1, GGR272H1, GGR273H1, MAT221H1

Third Year: ESS311H1, ESS312H1, ESS321H1, ESS322H1, ESS331H1, JGA305H1, GGR315H1, GGR375H1, GGR376H1, ESS324H1

Fourth Year: ESS424H1, ESS431H1, ESS490H1, ESS491H1, ESS492Y1, GGR415H1, GGR462H1, GGR472H1, GGR473H1

FAS Program Area: Earth Sciences

Geophysics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1650

Geophysics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1650

The Geophysics Specialist program allows students to model physical processes in and on Earth and other planets and to apply non­invasive methods of imaging the subsurface, often in 4D (i.e., space and time). Targets may range from archaeological investigations to groundwater imaging and mineral exploration, but also include modeling of mountain-building processes and the exploration of planetary bodies. Students are advised to be aware of course prerequisites, and consult the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Handbook. For further questions, please consult with the Student Affairs Coordinator (Scott Moore, Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Russell St. Earth Sciences Center, Room 1062 email:

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Consult Departments of Earth Sciences and Physics

(13.5 to 14.0 credits with at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

9.0 credits of core courses:

100-level foundation math and physics: PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1, PHY132H1/​ PHY152H1; ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1

200-level physics, math, and earth sciences: PHY250H1, PHY254H1; MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1; ESS224H1, ESS241H1

300-level global and near-surface geophysics: JPE395H1; JGA305H1

400-level advanced geophysics, including field course: PHY408H1, JPE493H1, ESS452H1; ESS441H1, ESS445H1, ESS450H1

0.5 to 1.0 credit ethics course chosen from the following list: JPH441H1, ENV333H1, PHL273H1, PHL275H1, INS201Y1

4.0 to 4.5 additional credits chosen from Groups A, B, and/or C:

Group A -- courses required and relevant for professional registration (APGO):
CHM135H1; ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1; STA220H1/​ GGR270H1; MAT223H1, MAT244H1; APM346H1; ESS331H1

Group B -- emphasis on physics (suitable for graduate school preparation in a physics program):
PHY252H1, PHY350H1, PHY354H1, PHY392H1, PHY454H1

Group C -- other relevant courses from physics, mathematics, or earth sciences:
PHY224H1, MAT224H1, MAT335H1, APM346H1, ESS311H1, ESS312H1, ESS313H1, ESS321H1, ESS322H1, ESS324H1, ESS431H1, ESS234H1/​ ESS330H1, ESS410H1, ESS424H1, ESS490H1, ESS491H1/​ ESS492Y1, ESS381H1, ESS391H1, ESS392Y1, ESS481H1

FAS Program Area: Earth Sciences

Geoscience Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ0509

Geoscience Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ0509

The study of Earth Sciences integrates principles from physics, chemistry, and biology to illuminate a wide variety of natural phenomena. The major program exposes students to the foundations of the geoscience curriculum (mineralogy, petrology, geological structures and maps, field techniques, Earth evolution, etc.). Careers available are similar to those of the Geoscience Specialist although the Major gives more flexibility to someone wanting to minor or double major in another field. Students are advised to be aware of course prerequisites, check clusters of courses listed for the geoscience major program, and consult the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Handbook for logical course progressions. For further questions, please consult with the Student Affairs Coordinator (Scott Moore, Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Ursula Franklin St., Earth Sciences Center, Room 1062 email:

Keywords: Geology, Paleontology, Earth History, Evolution

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits including at least 2.0 credits at 300+ level with at least 0.5 credit at 400-level.)

2.0 credits chosen from BIO120H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1); MAT135H1, MAT136H1, MAT137Y1; PHY131H1, PHY132H1

2.5 credits of core courses: JEG100H1/​ ESS102H/ ENV234H1/​ ESS262H1, ESS223H1/​ ENV233H, ESS224H1/​ ESS222H1, ESS241H1, ESS331H1

0.5 credit of field courses chosen from: ESS234H1/​ ESS324H1/​ ESS410H1/​ ESS450H1

3.0 credits chosen from 300/400-level ESS/ JGA/ JPE courses. Note course progressions and prerequisites.

We suggest that students consider the following logical course clusters in their higher years:
(a) Earth/planetary materials and mineral resources: ESS321H1/​ ESS221H1, ESS322H1, ESS323H1, ESS324H1, ESS431H1, ESS423H1, ESS441H1
(b) Tectonics: JGA305H1, ESS245H1/​ ESS345H1/​ CSC108H1/​ CSC110Y1, ESS321H1, ESS322H1, ESS424H1, ESS441H1, ESS445H1
(c) Environmental biogeochemistry: ESS261H1, ESS311H1, ESS312H1, ESS410H1, ESS461H1
(d) Geoarchaeology: ESS261H1, JGA305H1, ESS461H1, ESS450H1

FAS Program Area: Earth Sciences

Geoscience Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN0509

Geoscience Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN0509

The study of Earth Sciences (or “Geology” to use the Greek term) integrates the classical sciences of chemistry, physics and biology, and applies their principles to a diverse range of processes on Earth and other planets, from landform evolution to plate tectonics all the way to the origin and evolution of life and geomicrobiology. The Geoscience Minor program aims to give students as much leeway as possible to choose particular interests within the diverse and dynamic field of Earth Sciences. Students are advised to check course prerequisites, to review the clusters of courses listed for the geoscience major program, and to consult the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Handbook for logical course progressions. For further questions, please contact the Student Affairs Coordinator (Scott Moore, Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Russell St. Earth Sciences Center, Room 1062 email:

Keywords: Geology

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, with at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level.)

1. 1.0 credit of 100-level CHM, BIO, MAT or PHY courses.

2. 2.0 credits of 100- or 200-level ESS courses (excluding ESS103H1, ESS104H1, ESS105H1, and ESS205H1). It is however recommended to include at least ESS262H1/​ EEB240H1/​ JEG100H1 and ESS224H1.

3. 1.0 credit of 300/400-level ESS/JGA/JPE courses.

Be aware of course prerequisites, check clusters of courses listed for the geoscience major program, and consult the geology undergraduate handbook for logical course progressions.

FAS Program Area: Earth Sciences

German Studies in English (Arts Program) - ASMIN1405

German Studies in English (Arts Program) - ASMIN1405

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:


  1. The Minor Program requires 4.0 credits, of which 3.0 credits must be GER courses.
  2. GER150H1 is required.
  3. A maximum of 1.0 credit in cognate courses is allowed (i.e. courses offered by other departments containing a relevant Germanic component and a final paper on a Germanic topic); please inquire at the Department and get approved in advance.

For a list of courses taught in English, please check the German Department website.

Note: Students registered for a German Specialist or Major may not simultaneously be registered for a German Minor program.

FAS Program Area: German

German Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1400

German Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1400

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7 full courses or their equivalent)

  1. GER100Y1, GER200Y1, GER300Y1, GER400H1
  2. GER150H1 (to be taken as early as possible), GER205H1 (should be taken together with GER200Y1, must be taken prior to completing GER300Y1), GER305H1
  3. At least 1.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the 300-level
  4. At least 0.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the 400-level (except GER401H1)
  5. No more than 1.5 F.C.E. courses taught in English
  6. Up to 1.0 F.C.E. in identified or preapproved cognate courses may count (i.e. courses offered by other departments containing a relevant Germanic component and a final paper on a Germanic topic); please inquire at the Department and get approved in advance.

Notes: (a) All majors should schedule an appointment with the Undergraduate Coordinator for personalized counselling as early in their studies as possible; (b) students with prior German knowledge are required to contact the department to take a placement test; self-placement is not allowed; (c) Completion of GER205H1 is a prerequisite for taking ANY 300-level literature courses taught in German; (d) completion of GER305H1 is a prerequisite for taking ANY 400-level literature courses taught in German; (e) 300-level courses may be replaced by 400-level courses (inquire in advance); (f) GER401H1 is not a program requirement, but recommended.

FAS Program Area: German

German Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1400

German Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1400

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4 full courses or their equivalent)

1. GER100Y1, GER200Y1, GER300Y1
2. 1.0 F.C.E. in courses with a GER designator, but cannot be GER400H1 or GER401H1.
3. No more than 0.5 F.C.E. may be taken in English

Note: (a) Students registered for a German Specialist or Major may not simultaneously be registered for a German Minor program; (b) students with prior German knowledge are required to take a placement test and to see the adviser; (c) the exclusion of GER400H1 and GER401H1 does not apply if the student's entry level is post- GER100Y1.

FAS Program Area: German

German Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1400

German Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1400

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the German Studies Specialist program (ASSPE1400) will be administratively suspended as of January 15, 2025 and students will no longer be able to enrol in the program. Students presently enrolled in the Specialist will be able to complete the program requirements as described below. Students who are not enrolled in this program but are interested in German Language and Literature programs are strongly recommended to consult with the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures for advising. 

Completion Requirements:

(10 full courses or their equivalent)

  1. GER100Y1, GER200Y1, GER300Y1, GER400H1
  2. GER150H1 (to be taken as early as possible), GER205H1 (should be taken together with GER200Y1, must be taken prior to completing GER300Y1), GER305H1
  3. At least 2.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the 300-level
  4. At least 1.0 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the 400-level (except GER401H1)
  5. No more than 3.0 F.C.E. courses taught in English
  6. Up to 2 F.C.E. in identified or preapproved cognate courses may count (i.e. courses offered by other departments containing a relevant Germanic component and a final paper on a Germanic topic); please inquire at the Department and get approved in advance.

Notes: (a) All specialists should schedule an appointment with the Undergraduate Coordinator for personalized counselling as early in their studies as possible; (b) students with prior German knowledge are required to contact the department to take a placement test; self-placement is not allowed; (c) Completion of GER205H1 is a prerequisite for taking ANY 300-level literature courses taught in German; (d) completion of GER305H1 is a prerequisite for taking ANY 400-level literature courses taught in German; (e) 300-level courses may be replaced by 400-level courses (inquire in advance); (f) GER401H1 is not a program requirement, but recommended.

FAS Program Area: German

Global Health Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2575

Global Health Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2575

HMB: Global Health

The objective of the HMB: Global Health program is to provide students with instruction in fundamental biological sciences and to integrate a broad understanding of the socio-economic and cultural determinants of health to populations around the world.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (8.0 credits, including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

To help students proceed through the program, it is recommended that first year life science requirements are completed before entering the program.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

  1. ( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1 Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course.
  2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

3. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
4. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1
5. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
6. PSL300H1, PSL301H1
7. 1.0 credit from: HMB302H1/​ ANA300Y1/​ ANA301H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ IMM340H1/​ IMM350H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ PSL350H1

Global Health Concentration Courses

8. 0.5 credit from: PHS100H1/​ PSY100H1/​ INS201Y1/​ ANT100Y1/​ SOC101Y/ SOC100H1/​ ECO100Y1 / ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1
Transfer credits from AP and IB psychology are not accepted.
9. HMB203H1

10. 0.5 credit from courses on the biological dimensions of Global Health: HAJ453H1/​ HMB323H1/​ HMB342H1/​ HMB385H1/​ HMB433H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB440H1/​ HMB453H1/​ HMB443H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HMB473H1/​ HMB474H1/​ HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*/ CSB351Y1/​ EEB325H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ HST373H1/​ MGY350H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ MIJ485H1

11. 0.5 credit from courses on the social and ecological dimensions of Global Health: HMB226H1/​ HMB303H1/​ HMB306H1/​ HMB406H1/​ ANT345H1/​ ANT348H1/​ ANT358H1/​ ANT458H1/​ ANT460H1/​ BIO220H1/​ EEB428H1/​ ENV341H1/​ ENV430H1/​ ENV432H1/​ GGR433H1/​ GGR434H1/​ JEH455H1/​ ECO314H1/​ HST405H1/​ HST410H1/​ HST440H1/​ HST464H1/​ INS240Y1/​ INS250H1/​ INS350H1/​ INS355H1/​ JNH350H1/​ NEW352H1/​ AFR352H1/​ NEW353H1/​ AFR353H1/​ NEW453H1/​ AFR453H1/​ NFS490H1/​ PHS300H1/​ PSY320H1/​ PSY321H1/​ ECO324H1/​ ECO333H1/​ ECO334H1/​ ECO342H1/​ ECO402H1

Data Analysis Courses

12. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Global Health Major Notes:
Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Global Health majors. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.
3. The Global Health major cannot be paired with any other Human Biology Program managed major program.
4. Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's African Studies program will have the new "AFR" designator.

Course Group

Global Health Centric Courses

HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB323H1, HMB342H1, JNH350H1, HMB433H1, HMB434H1, HMB443H1, HAJ453H1/​ HMB453H1, JEH455H1, HMB462H1

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Global Health Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2575

Global Health Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2575

HMB: Global Health

The objective of the HMB: Global Health program is to provide students with instruction in fundamental biological sciences and to integrate a broad understanding of the socio-economic and cultural determinants of health to populations around the world.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Note there are different options depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in BIO130H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Students applying for admissions to the program utilizing transfer credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students entering from CEGEP or from another university should contact after their transfer credit assessment has been complete for program enrolment assessment. Please consult the Arts & Science Program Toolkit for more information on program enrolment.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2025). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Global Health Specialist program in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed BIO230H1, HMB265H1 and HMB203H1 prior to ASIP entry.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (13.5 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

  1. ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
    Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course.
  2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1
  3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. BIO220H1
6. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1
7. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
8. PSL300H1, PSL301H1
9. 1.0 credit from HMB302H1/​ ANA300Y1/​ ANA301H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ IMM340H1/​ IMM350H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ PSL350H1

Global Health Concentration Courses

10. HMB203H1
11. HMB323H1

12. 0.5 credit from: PHS100H1/​ GGR112H1/​ PSY100H1/​ INS201Y1/​ ANT100Y1/​ ANT205H1/​ ANT208H1/​ ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1/​ SOC100H1/​ SOC150H1 Transfer credits from AP and IB psychology are not accepted.

13. 0.5 credit from Epidemiology Courses: HMB342H1/​ HST373H1

14. 2.0 credits from courses on the biological dimensions of Global Health: HAJ453H1/​ HMB385H1/​ HMB433H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB440H1/​ HMB443H1/​ HMB453H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HMB473H1/​ HMB474H1/​ HMB496Y1*/ JEH455H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ EEB325H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ MGY350H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ MIJ485H1

15. 1.0 credit from courses on the social and ecological dimensions of Global Health: HMB303H1/​ HMB306H1/​ ANT345H1/​ ANT348H1/​ ANT358H1/​ ANT458H1/​ ANT460H1/​ ECO314H1/​ ECO324H1/​ ECO333H1/​ ECO334H1/​ ECO342H1/​ ECO369H1/​ ECO402H1/​ EEB428H1/​ ENV341H1/​ ENV430H1/​ ENV432H1/​ GGR433H1/​ GGR434H1/​ HST405H1/​ HST410H1/​ HST440H1/​ HST464H1/​ INS240Y1/​ INS250H1/​ INS350H1/​ INS355H1/​ JNH350H1/​ NEW352H1/​ AFR352H1/​ NEW353H1/​ AFR353H1/​ NEW453H1/​ AFR453H1/​ NFS490H1/​ PHS300H1/​ PSY320H1/​ PSY321H1

Data Analysis and Research-Based Courses

16. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1
17. 0.5 credit in bioethics: HMB306H1/​ HMB406H1/​ PHL281H1
18. 1.0 credit from: HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Global Health Specialists Notes:

  1. Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program
  2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Global Health specialists. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.
  3. Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's African Studies program will have the new "AFR" designator.

Course Group

Global Health Centric Courses

HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB323H1, HMB342H1, JNH350H1, HMB433H1, HMB434H1, HMB443H1, HAJ453H1/​ HMB453H1, JEH455H1, HMB462H1

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Greek Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2123

Greek Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2123

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, GRK101H1 and GRK102H1.

(6.0 credits)

1. CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, CLA260H1
2. 4.0 credits from GRK courses, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300-level and 1.0 credit at the 400-level
3. Additional 1.0 credit from CLA/GRK/LAT

FAS Program Area: Classics

Greek Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2123

Greek Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN2123

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, GRK101H1 and GRK102H1.

(4.0 credits)

1. 1.0 credit from CLA courses, including CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1
2. 3.0 credits from GRK courses, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300-level

FAS Program Area: Classics

Health & Disease Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2013

Health & Disease Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2013

HMB: Health & Disease

The objective of the HMB: Health & Disease program is to provide students with a solid foundation in the biological sciences as it relates to basic human physiology and the mechanisms of disease and to facilitate the integration of concepts from across the life sciences, social sciences and humanities. In addition, students will acquire skills in laboratory science, experience with quantitative approaches, and develop effective communication skills to provide an appropriate background essential to research and problem solving in this field.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (8.0 credits, including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

To help students proceed through the program, it is recommended that first year life science requirements are completed before entering the program.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

  1. ( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
    Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course
  2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1
  3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. BIO220H1, BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1
6. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
7. PSL300H1, PSL301H1

Health & Disease Concentration Courses

8. HMB202H1
9. HMB302H1/​ HMB322H1

10. 0.5 credit from: HMB385H1/​ HAJ453H1/​ HMB401H1/​ HMB402H1/​ HMB422H1/​ HMB432H1/​ HMB434H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB440H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB442H1/​ HMB443H1/​ HMB452H1/​ HMB453H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HMB470H1/​ HMB471H1/​ HMB472H1/​ HMB473H1/​ HMB474H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ JEH455H1/​ ANA300Y1/​ ANA301H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB345H1/​ EEB325H1/​ LMP301H1/​ LMP363H1/​ LMP403H1/​ LMP406H1/​ LMP450H1/​ LMP460H1/​ NFS485H1/​ NFS486H1/​ PCL302H1/​ PCL362H1/​ PCL386H1/​ PCL469H1/​ PCL470H1/​ PCL482H1/​ PCL483H1/​ PSL350H1/​ PSL404H1/​ PSL421H1/​ PSL425H1

Data Analysis and Courses in Advanced Research, Laboratory, or Cellular Molecular Topics

11. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1
12. 0.5 credit from: HMB312H1/​ HMB314H1/​ HMB323H1/​ HMB342H1/​ HST373H1/​ HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*/ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ PSL350H1

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Health & Disease Major Notes:

1. Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Health & Disease majors. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.
3. The Health & Disease major cannot be paired with any other Human Biology Program managed major program.

Course Group

Health & Disease Centric Courses

HAJ453H1/​ HMB453H1, HMB202H1, HMB302H1, HMB312H1, HMB322H1, HMB342H1, EHJ352H1, HMB402H1, HMB422H1, HMB432H1, HMB434H1, HMB435H1, HMB437H1, HMB440H1, HMB441H1, HMB442H1, HMB452H1, JEH455H1, HMB462H1, HMB474H1

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Health & Disease Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2013

Health & Disease Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE2013

HMB: Health & Disease
The objective of the HMB: Health & Disease program is to provide students with a solid foundation in the biological sciences as it relates to basic human physiology and the mechanisms of disease and to facilitate the integration of concepts from across the life sciences, social sciences and humanities. In addition, students will acquire skills in laboratory science, experience with quantitative approaches, and develop effective communication skills to provide an appropriate background essential to research and problem solving in this field.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Note there are different options depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in BIO130H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

For students who have completed 9.0 or more credits:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 65% in BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Students applying for admissions to the program utilizing transfer credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students entering from CEGEP or from another university should contact after their transfer credit assessment has been complete for program enrolment assessment. Please consult the Arts & Science Program Toolkit for more information on program enrolment.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2025). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry and there are program-specific year 3 entry enrolment requirements. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Health & Disease Specialist program in the Summer after Year 2 and have completed BIO230H1, HMB265H1 and HMB202H1 prior to ASIP entry.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (13.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

  1. ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
    Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course
  2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1
  3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. BIO220H1
6. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1
7. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
8. PSL300H1, PSL301H1
9. 1.0 credit from depth courses on the molecular biology of cells and tissues: CSB327H1/​ CSB328H1/​ CSB331H1, BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ PSL350H1

Health & Disease Concentration Courses

10. HMB202H1
11. HMB302H1
12. HMB322H1
13. 2.0 credits from: HMB385H1/​ HAJ453H1/​ HMB401H1/​ HMB402H1/​ HMB422H1/​ HMB432H1/​ HMB434H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB440H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB442H1/​ HMB443H1/​ HMB452H1/​ HMB453H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HMB470H1/​ HMB471H1/​ HMB472H1/​ HMB473H1/​ HMB474H1/​ JEH455H1/​ ANA300Y1/​ ANA301H1/​ CSB345H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ EEB325H1/​ IMM340H1/​ IMM350H1/​ LMP301H1/​ LMP365H1/​ LMP403H1/​ LMP406H1/​ LMP450H1/​ LMP460H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ NFS485H1/​ NFS486H1/​ PCL302H1/​ PCL362H1/​ PCL386H1/​ PCL469H1/​ PCL470H1/​ PCL482H1/​ PCL483H1/​ PSL404H1/​ PSL421H1/​ PSL425H1

Data Analysis and Research-Based Courses

14. 0.5 credit in statistics: EEB225H1/​ STA220H1/​ STA288H1/​ PSY201H1
15. 0.5 credit in bioethics: HMB306H1/​ HMB406H1/​ PHL281H1
16. 0.5 credit from upper-year lab course: HMB312H1/​ HMB314H1/​ CSB330H1/​ PSL372H1/​ BCH370H1
17. 0.5 credit from research based courses: HMB323H1/​ HMB342H1/​ HST373H1
18. 1.0 credit from HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*

* A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Health & Disease Specialists Notes:
Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Health & Disease specialists. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.

Course Group

Health & Disease Centric Courses

HAJ453H1/​ HMB453H1, HMB202H1, HMB302H1, HMB312H1, HMB322H1, HMB342H1, EHJ352H1, HMB402H1, HMB422H1, HMB432H1, HMB434H1, HMB435H1, HMB437H1, HMB440H1, HMB441H1, HMB442H1, HMB452H1, JEH455H1, HMB462H1, HMB474H1

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0667

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0667

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Students are encouraged to meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies prior to registering for this program.

(7.0 credits)

First Year (recommended):
0.5 credit from any HPS 100-level courses; up to 1.0 credit at the 100 level will count towards the major.

Higher Years (required):
Additional HPS courses, to a total of 7.0 credits and meeting the following two conditions:

1. At least 1.0 credit at the 200+ level.
2. At least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level, 0.5 of which must be at the 400-level.

JHE353H1, JHE355H1, JPH311H1, PHL245H1, PHL355H1, PHL356H1, or PHL357H1 may also be used in meeting the above two conditions.

FAS Program Area: History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0667

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0667

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

  1. Recommended: 0.5 credit from any HPS 100-level courses. Up to 1.0 credit in HPS courses at the 100-level will be counted towards the minor.
  2. Recommended: at least 0.5 credit from any HPS 200-level courses.
  3. Additional HPS courses to a total of 4.0 credits, with at least 1.0 credit at the 300+level. JHE353H1, JHE355H1, JPH311H1, PHL245H1, PHL356H1, or PHL357H1 may also be used to fulfill this requirement.

FAS Program Area: History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

History Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0652

History Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0652

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses
The following courses are required:

HIS credits to be made up in one of the following ways:

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the History Major in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

A total of 7.0 credits of which no more than 1.0 credit can be at the 100-level and of which at least 2.0 credits must be at the 300+ level, including 0.5 credit at the 400-level. Some courses may contribute to both the Geographic Distribution and Temporal requirements (requirements 1 and 2).

1. Geographic Distribution (200+ level):

a) 2.0 credits Africa/Asia/Middle East with at least one 0.5 credit in 2 of the 3 areas. This requirement cannot be met by more than 1.0 credit from any area.

b) 1.0 credit Canada/US/Latin America/The Caribbean

c) 1.0 credit Europe

2. Temporal Requirement: 1.0 credit in pre-1800 history course(s) listed below.

Note 1: The HIS courses listed with (.50) indicate that they fulfill half of the Temporal Requirement.

3. Additional HIS, JIH, JHA, JHM, JHN, JMH, JSH or Equivalent courses (listed below) to a total of 7.0 credits. No more than 1.0 credit from the Equivalent courses can contribute to program completion.

Geographic Area a): Africa, Asia, Middle East

(Sub-group: Africa)

AFR290H1, AFR370H1, HIS295Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS319H1, HIS322H1, HIS342H1, HIS352H1, HIS383Y1, HIS394H1, HIS450H1, HIS481H1, HIS483H1, HIS486H1

(Sub-group: Asia)

HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS315H1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS333H1, HIS334H1, HIS346H1, HIS379H1, HIS382H1, JHA384H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, JHA394H1, HIS400H1, HIS410H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS473H1, HIS480H1, HIS485H1, HIS494H1

(Sub-group: Middle East)

HIS208Y1(.50), HIS219Y1(.50), HIS304H1, HIS339H1, HIS354H1, HIS370H1, JHM307H1, JMH385H1, NMC372H1, NMC386H1, HIS402H1

Geographic Area b): Canada/The United States/Latin America/The Caribbean

(Sub-group: Canada)

HIS264H1, HIS265Y1, HIS266H1, HIS285H1, HIS300H1, HIS307H1, HIS310H1, HIS311H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS318H1, HIS335H1, HIS356H1, HIS358H1, HIS360H1, HIS363H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS371H1, HIS380H1, HIS402H1, HIS405Y1, HIS410H1, HIS417H1, HIS418H1, HIS419H1, HIS429H1, HIS435H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS466H1, HIS468H1, HIS469H1, HIS472H1, HIS484H1, HIS492H1

(Sub-group: The United States)

HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS271Y1, HIS285H1, HIS305H1, HIS318H1, HIS362H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS372H1, HIS374H1, HIS376H1, HIS377H1, HIS378H1, HIS396H1, HIS404H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS473H1, HIS479H1, HIS484H1

(Sub-group: Latin America/The Caribbean)

HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, JHN323H1, HIS324H1, HIS336H1, HIS359H1, HIS390H1, HIS397H1, HIS431H1, HIS474H1, HIS486H1

Geographic Area c): Europe

(Sub-group: Britain)

HIS302H1, HIS332H1, HIS337H1, HIS347H1, HIS349H1, HIS350H1, HIS367H1, HIS368H1, HIS422H1, HIS452H1, HIS477H1, HIS482H1

(Sub-group: Western Europe)

HIS219Y1(.50), HIS220Y1, HIS240H1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS245H1, HIS301H1, HIS303H1, HIS308H1, HIS317H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS330H1, HIS334H1, HIS336H1, HIS338H1, HIS341Y1, HIS350H1, HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS361H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS386H1, HIS387H1, HIS388H1, HIS403H1, HIS407H1, HIS414H1, HIS415Y1, HIS416H1, HIS424H1, HIS425H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS430H1, HIS432H1, HIS437H1, HIS438H1, HIS440H1, HIS445H1, HIS452H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS480H1, HIS493H1

(Sub-group: Eastern Europe and Russia)

HIS240H1, HIS250Y1, HIS251Y1, JSH300H1, HIS306H1, HIS325H1, HIS331H1, HIS340H1, HIS350H1, HIS351H1, HIS353Y1, HIS364H1, HIS367Y0, HIS384H1, HIS386H1, HIS420H1, HIS433H1, HIS434Y1, HIS436H1, HIS439H1, HIS442H1, HIS449Y1, HIS451H1, HIS452H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS461H1, HIS490H1

Temporal Requirement

HIS100Y1 (.50), HIS101Y1 (.50), HIS102Y1 (.50), HIS103Y1 (.50), HIS106Y1, HIS107Y1 (.50), HIS108Y1 (.50), HIS109Y1 (.50), HIS110Y1 (.50), HIS208Y1 (.50), HIS219Y1, HIS220Y1, HIS221H1, HIS230H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS250Y1 (.50), HIS251Y1 (.50), HIS265Y1 (.50), HIS271Y1 (.50), HIS280Y1 (.50), HIS282Y1 (.50), HIS283Y (.50), HIS291H1, HIS293H1, HIS295Y1 (.50), HIS297Y1 (.50), HIS303H1, JHM307H1, HIS308H1, HIS309H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS332H1, HIS333H1, HIS336H1, HIS337H1, HIS352H1, HIS353Y1 (.50), HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS362H1, HIS368H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS381H1, HIS382H1, HIS383Y1 (.50), HIS390H1, HIS402H1, HIS403H1, HIS410H1, HIS414H1, HIS422H1, HIS424H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS434Y1, HIS443H1, HIS446H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS492H1, JIH369H1

Equivalent Courses

AFR290H1, AFR370H1, CDN230H1, CDN280H1, CDN340H1, CDN390H1, CLT337H1, CLT341H1, CLT348H1, CLT377H1, CLT378H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CLT444H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS271H1, EAS285H1, EAS348H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS374H1, EAS459Y1, EAS473H1, EAS475Y1, EUR200Y1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JPI201H1, NMC275H1, NMC278H1, NMC355H1, NMC372H1, NMC373H1, NMC376H1, NMC378H1, NMC386H1, NMC475H1, NMC477H1, NMC479H1, REN240Y1, REN348Y0, REN441H1, TRN250Y1, WGS481H1

Thematic Streams

Although thematic streams are not an official program requirement, you may find it enriching to follow a particular theme across different time periods or geographical divisions.

Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, Trans-Nationalism

HIS106Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS303H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS326H1, HIS353Y1, HIS380H1, HIS416H1, HIS445H1, HIS446H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS480H1, NMC278H1, NMC376H1

Indigenous History

HIS101Y1, HIS102Y1, HIS230H1, HIS264H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS359H1, HIS419H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, JIH460H1

International Relations

HIS103Y1, HIS311H1, HIS343H1, HIS344H1, HIS401H1, HIS405Y1, HIS451H1, HIS465H1


HIS220Y1, HIS303H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS403H1, HIS424H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS438H1, NMC376H1

Women and Gender

HIS297Y1, HIS302H1, HIS323H1, HIS348H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS446H1, HIS465H1, HIS481H1

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Note 2: HIS262H1, Canada: A Short Story of Here, is designed for non-History students, this introductory survey fulfills the "Society and Its Institutions" breadth requirement. It cannot be counted towards a History program, program requirements or as a pre-requisite for upper-level History courses.

FAS Program Area: History

History Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0652

History Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0652

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

The minor program provides a useful grounding for students interested in the study of the past and contributes to their development of interdisciplinary perspectives from across the Humanities and Social Sciences.

(4.0 credits, of which only 1.0 credit at the 100-level may be used to fulfill program requirements)

First Year: 1.0 credit at the 100-level is required. It is recommended that students complete this requirement prior to enrolling in the minor program.

Higher Years: Additional HIS courses to a total of 4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300- or 400-level.

Courses in other departments: Students may take up to a 0.5 credit from the Equivalent Courses list below.

Equivalent Courses

AFR290H1, AFR370H1, CDN230H1, CDN280H1, CDN340H1, CDN390H1, CLT337H1, CLT377H1, CLT378H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CLT444H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS271H1, EAS285H1, EAS348H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS374H1, EAS459Y1, * EAS464H1, EAS473H1, EAS475Y1, EAS484Y1, EUR200Y1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JPI201H1, NMC275H1, NMC278H1, NMC355H1, NMC372H1, NMC373H1, NMC376H1, NMC377Y1, NMC378H1, NMC386H1, NMC475H1, NMC477H1, NMC479H1, REN240Y1, REN348Y0, REN441H1, TRN250Y1, WGS481H1

*course(s) no longer offered

Note: HIS262H1, Canada: A Short Story of Here, is designed for non-History students, this introductory survey fulfills the Society and Its Institutions breadth requirement. It cannot be counted towards a History program, program requirements or as a pre-requisite for upper-level History courses.

FAS Program Area: History

History Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0652

History Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0652

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

2.0 HIS credits to be made up in one of the following ways:

Option 1:

Option 2:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 70% in each course will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the History Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

A total of 10.0 credits of which no more than 1.0 credit can be at the 100-level and of which at least 5.0 credits must be at the 300+ level, including 1.5 credits at the 400-level. Some courses may contribute to both the Geographic Distribution and Temporal requirements (requirements 1 and 2).

The Specialist program gives students in-depth training in historical research, analysis, and writing for future professional use or graduate study. To tailor the program to your needs, in your third year you have a choice between two pathways: a higher level course-work option in order to further the development of excellent skills via a wider variety of courses or a thesis option where you will be able to do the same while also concentrating on a specific research topic.

1. Geographic Distribution (200+ level):

a) 2.0 credits in Africa/Asia/Middle East with at least one 0.5 credit in 2 of the 3 areas. This requirement cannot be met by more than 1.0 credit from any area.
b) 1.0 credit in Canada/US/Latin America/The Caribbean
c) 1.0 credit in Europe

2. Temporal Requirement: 1.0 credit in pre-1800 history course(s) listed below.
Note 1: HIS courses listed with (.50) indicate that they fulfill half of the Temporal Requirement.

3. 1.0 credit from one of the following pathways below: 

a) Thesis Option: HIS475H1 and HIS476H1 taken in that order. (see Note 2)

b) Coursework option: 1.0 credit of Senior (300 or 400-level) Methodology course(s), listed below

Note 2: Students interested in the Thesis Option should contact the Undergraduate Associate Chair for advice about the pathway, thesis topics, and the selection of an appropriate faculty advisor.

4. Additional HIS, JIH, JHA, JHM, JHN, JMH, JSH or Equivalent courses (listed below) to a total of 10.0 credits. No more than 1.0 credit from the Equivalent courses can contribute to program completion.

Geographic Area a): Africa, Asia, Middle East

(Sub-group: Africa)

AFR290H1, AFR370H1, HIS295Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS319H1, HIS322H1, HIS342H1, HIS352H1, HIS383Y1, HIS394H1, HIS450H1, HIS481H1, HIS483H1, HIS486H1

(Sub-group: Asia)

HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS315H1, HIS316H1, HIS326H1, HIS328H1, HIS333H1, HIS334H1, HIS346H1, HIS379H1, HIS382H1, JHA384H1, HIS385H1, HIS385Y0, JHA394H1, HIS400H1, HIS410H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS473H1, HIS480H1, HIS485H1, HIS494H1

(Sub-group: Middle East)

HIS208Y1 (.50), HIS219Y1 (.05), HIS304H1, JHM307H1, HIS339H1, HIS354H1, HIS370H1, JMH385H1, NMC372H1, NMC386H1, HIS402H1

Geographic Area b): Canada/The United States/Latin America/The Caribbean

(Sub-group: Canada)

HIS264H1, HIS265Y1, HIS266H1, HIS285H1, HIS300H1, HIS307H1, HIS310H1, HIS311H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS318H1, HIS335H1, HIS356H1, HIS358H1, HIS360H1, HIS363H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS371H1, HIS380H1, HIS402H1, HIS405Y1, HIS410H1, HIS417H1, HIS418H1, HIS419H1, HIS429H1, HIS435H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS466H1, HIS468H1, HIS469H1, HIS472H1, HIS484H1, HIS492H1

(Sub-group: The United States)

HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS271Y1, HIS285H1, HIS305H1, HIS318H1, HIS362H1, HIS365H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, HIS372H1, HIS374H1, HIS376H1, HIS377H1, HIS378H1, HIS396H1, HIS404H1, HIS453H1, JIH460H1, HIS473H1, HIS479H1, HIS484H1

(Sub-group: Latin America/The Caribbean)

HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, JHN323H1, HS324H1, HIS336H1, HIS359H1, HIS390H1, HIS397H1, HIS431H1, HIS474H1, HIS486H1

Geographic Area c): Europe

(Sub-group: Britain)

HIS302H1, HIS332H1, HIS337H1, HIS347H1, HIS349H1, HIS350H1, HIS367H1, HIS368H1, HIS422H1, HIS452H1, HIS477H1, HIS482H1

(Sub-group: Western Europe)

HIS219Y1 (.50), HIS220Y1, HIS240H1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS245H1, HIS301H1, HIS303H1, HIS308H1, HIS317H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS330H1, HIS334H1, HIS336H1, HIS338H1, HIS341Y1, HIS350H1, HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS361H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS386H1, HIS387H1, HIS388H1, HIS403H1, HIS407H1, HIS414H1, HIS415Y1, HIS416H1, HIS424H1, HIS425H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS430H1, HIS432H1, HIS437H1, HIS438H1, HIS440H1, HIS445H1, HIS452H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS480H1, HIS493H1

(Sub-group: Eastern Europe and Russia)

HIS240H1, HIS250Y1, HIS251Y1, JSH300H1, HIS306H1, HIS325H1, HIS331H1, HIS340H1, HIS350H1, HIS351H1, HIS353Y1, HIS364H1, HIS367Y0, HIS384H1, HIS386H1, HIS420H1, HIS433H1, HIS434Y1, HIS436H1, HIS439H1, HIS442H1, HIS449Y1, HIS451H1, HIS452H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS461H1, HIS490H1

Temporal Requirement

HIS100Y1 (.50), HIS101Y1 (.50), HIS102Y1 (.50), HIS103Y1 (.50), HIS106Y1, HIS107Y1 (.50), HIS108Y1 (.50), HIS109Y1 (.50), HIS110Y1 (.50), HIS208Y1 (.50), HIS219Y1, HIS220Y1, HIS221H1, HIS230H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS250Y1 (.50), HIS251Y1 (.50), HIS265Y1 (.50), HIS271Y1 (.50), HIS280Y1 (.50), HIS282Y1 (.50), HIS283Y (.50), HIS291H1, HIS293H1, HIS295Y1 (.50), HIS297Y1 (.50), HIS303H1, JHM307H1, HIS308H1, HIS309H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS327H1, HIS329H1, HIS332H1, HIS333H1, HIS336H1, HIS337H1, HIS352H1, HIS353Y1 (.50), HIS355H1, HIS357Y0, HIS362H1, HIS368H1, JIH369H1, HIS373H1, HIS375H1, HIS381H1, HIS382H1, HIS383Y1 (.50), HIS390H1, HIS402H1, HIS403H1, HIS410H1, HIS414H1, HIS422H1, HIS424H1, HIS426H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS434Y1, HIS443H1, HIS446H1, HIS457H1, HIS467H1, HIS492H1

Methodology Courses

HIS302H1, HIS307H1, HIS312H1, HIS315H1, HIS324H1, HIS335H1, HIS345H1, HIS346H1, HIS347H1, HIS351H1, HIS352H1, HIS355H1, HIS358H1, HIS363H1, HIS381H1, HIS383Y1, HIS389H1*, HIS393H1, HIS397H1, HIS401H1, HIS406H1*, HIS417H1, HIS418H1, HIS419H1, HIS422H1, HIS423H1, HIS431H1, HIS435H1, HIS436H1, HIS437H1, HIS440H1, HIS443H1, HIS446H1, HIS455Y1, HIS460H1, HIS465H1, HIS466H1*, HIS467H1, HIS468H1, HIS470H1, HIS475H1, HIS480H1, HIS483H1, HIS484H1, HIS490H1, HIS496H1*, JIH460H1, JSH300H1

* Some “Topics in History” or "Advanced Topics in History": Various topics each year. Please see the Arts & Science Timetable for current offerings. For a list of course descriptions and prerequisites for these courses this information can be found on the department website.

Equivalent Courses

AFR290H1, AFR370H1, CDN230H1, CDN280H1, CDN340H1, CDN390H1, CLT337H1, CLT341H1, CLT348H1, CLT377H1, CLT378H1, CLT413H1, CLT416H1, CLT444H1, EAS245H1, EAS246H1, EAS247H1, EAS271H1, EAS285H1, EAS348H1, EAS364H1, EAS372H1, EAS374H1, EAS459Y1, EAS473H1, EAS475Y1, EUR200Y1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JPI201H1, NMC275H1, NMC278H1, NMC355H1, NMC372H1, NMC373H1, NMC376H1, NMC378H1, NMC386H1, NMC475H1, NMC477H1, NMC479H1, REN240Y1, REN348Y0, REN441H1, TRN250Y1, WGS481H1

*course(s) no longer offered

Thematic Streams

Although thematic streams are not an official program requirement, you may find it enriching to follow a particular theme across different time periods or geographical divisions.

Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, Trans-Nationalism

HIS106Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS303H1, HIS312H1, HIS314H1, HIS326H1, HIS353Y1, HIS380H1, HIS416H1, HIS445H1, HIS446H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS480H1, NMC278H1, NMC376H1

Indigenous History

HIS101Y1, HIS102Y1, HIS230H1, HIS264H1, HIS291H1, HIS292H1, HIS359H1, HIS419H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS300Y1, INS352H1, JIH366H1, JIH369H1, JIH460H1

International Relations

HIS103Y1, HIS311H1, HIS343H1, HIS344H1, HIS401H1, HIS405Y1, HIS451H1, HIS465H1


HIS220Y1, HIS303H1, HIS320H1, HIS321H1, HIS323H1, HIS403H1, HIS424H1, HIS427H1, HIS428H1, HIS432H1, HIS438H1, NMC376H1

Women and Gender

HIS297Y1, HIS302H1, HIS323H1, HIS348H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS446H1, HIS465H1, HIS481H1

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

Note: HIS262H1, Canada: A Short Story of Here, is designed for non-History students, this introductory survey fulfills the Society and Its Institutions breadth requirement. It cannot be counted towards a History program, program requirements or as a pre-requisite for upper-level History courses.

FAS Program Area: History

Human Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2035

Human Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ2035

HMB: Human Biology

Human Biology is a transdisciplinary field concerned with the study of human health from a biological, sociological, and evolutionary perspective. Research in human biology focuses on impact that genetic variations, development, physical fitness, and nutrition have on the general health of populations and how this compares across cultures and through history. The objective of the HMB: Human Biology major program is to provide students with a solid foundation in the life sciences as it relates to human biology and to facilitate the integration of concepts from across the social sciences and humanities, and to equip them with quantitative skills essential to research and success in this field.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses (8.0 credits, including a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

To help students proceed through the program, it is recommended that first year life science requirements are completed before entering the program.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

  1. ( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
    Transfer credits will be accepted in lieu of the chemistry requirements only if they carry a direct exclusion or equivalency to a pre-approved chemistry course
  2. MAT135H1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1
  3. BCH210H1

Biological Foundations of Living Systems

4. BIO120H1, BIO130H1
5. HMB204H1
6. BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1, BIO220H1
7. HMB265H1/​ BIO260H1
8. PSL300H1, PSL301H1

9. 1.0 credit from: HMB302H1/​ HMB385H1/​ ANA300Y1/​ ANA301H1/​ BCH311H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ IMM340H1/​ IMM350H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ PSL350H1

10. 1.0 credit from: HMB226H1/​ HMB302H1/​ HMB303H1/​ HMB310H1/​ HMB311H1/​ HMB312H1/​ HMB314H1/​ HMB322H1/​ HMB323H1/​ HMB342H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ HMB360H1/​ HMB385H1/​ HMB402H1/​ HMB406H1/​ HMB422H1/​ HMB432H1/​ HMB434H1/​ HMB435H1/​ HMB437H1/​ HMB440H1/​ HMB441H1/​ HMB443H1/​ HMB452H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HMB470H1/​ HMB471H1/​ HMB473H1/​ HMB474H1/​ HMB490Y1/​ HMB491Y1/​ HMB496Y1*/ JEH455H1/​ ANA301H1/​ BIO270H1/​ BIO271H1/​ BCH311H1/​ BCH340H1/​ BCH422H1/​ BCH426H1/​ BCH440H1/​ BCH441H1/​ BCH445H1/​ BCH447H1/​ CSB325H1/​ CSB345H1/​ CSB346H1/​ CSB349H1/​ CSB351Y1/​ CSB443H1/​ EEB255H1/​ EEB318H1/​ EEB319H1/​ EEB323H1/​ EEB324H1/​ EEB325H1/​ EEB365H1/​ EEB375H1/​ EHJ352H1/​ EEB428H1/​ EEB445H1/​ EEB465H1/​ IMM340H1/​ IMM350H1/​ IMM430H1/​ LMP363H1/​ LMP402H1/​ LMP403H1/​ LMP406H1/​ LMP440H1/​ LMP450H1/​ LMP460H1/​ MIJ485H1/​ MGY377H1/​ MGY378H1/​ MGY441H1/​ MGY470H1/​ NFS284H1/​ NFS382H1/​ NFS400H1/​ NFS485H1/​ NFS486H1/​ NFS487H1/​ NFS488H1/​ NFS489H1/​ NFS490H1/​ PCL201H1/​ PCL302H1/​ PCL362H1/​ PCL386H1/​ PCL469H1/​ PCL470H1/​ PCL482H1/​ PCL483H1/​ PSL350H1/​ PSL420H1/​ PSL421H1/​ PSY369H1/​ PSY371H1/​ PSY372H1/​ PSY440H1/​ PSY460H1/​ PSY470H1/​ PSY471H1/​ PSY494H1

*A research project from a different unit may be accepted with prior written approval from Human Biology.

Human Biology Major Notes:
Courses can only count toward one requirement, even if listed as options to multiple requisites of the program.
2. Not all courses listed have priority enrolment for Human Biology majors. Students are responsible for checking priority of courses and meeting course prerequisites for courses they wish to take.
3. The Human Biology major cannot be paired with any other Human Biology Program managed major program.

FAS Program Area: Human Biology

Human Geography Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1667

Human Geography Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1667

The Human Geography programs provide the opportunity to learn about the relations between landscapes, places, people and nature, and the spatial organization of human activities. While students are encouraged to explore the breadth of the discipline, we also identify courses by theme for students who wish to develop expertise in one or two subfields (e.g., urban geography, cultural and historical geography). The Human Geography programs appeal to students who wish to develop an integrative understanding of the cultural, economic, political and social forces that shape how people use and experience the environments they live in. These programs offer training in quantitative and qualitative research methods, including GIS and Remote Sensing.

Note: Double majors in Geography may only overlap 1.0 credit. Students combining any of our Minor programs with a Major Geography program will normally be allowed to overlap only 1.5 credits towards both programs.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

  • 0.5 credit in GGR courses at the 100- or 200-level, with a minimum grade of 67%, or
  • 1.0 credit in GGR courses at the 100- or 200-level, with a minimum grade of 63%

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade or grade average lower than the minimum grades stated above will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program. Jointly-offered GGR courses will also be considered (e.g. JEG, JGI, JGE).

Completion Requirements:

First Year Geography Courses: Any two courses (1.0 credit) from JEG100H1, GGR101H1, GGR107H1, GGR112H1, GGR124H1, GGR172H1, GGR196H1, GGR197H1, GGR198H1, GGR199H1. 200/300-level GGR courses may also be used to meet this requirement. Contact the Undergraduate Administrator to update your program.

Physical and Environmental Geography Course: Any course (0.5 credit) not used to satisfy first year course requirement from JEG100H1, GGR101H1, GGR201H1, GGR203H1, GGR205H1, GGR206H1, GGR223H1

Methods Courses: All (1.0 credit) of GGR270H1, GGR271H1

Regional Geography Course: Any course (0.5 credit) from GGR240H1, GGR246H1, GGR254H1, GGR341H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, GGR344H1

Fourth Year Course: Any course (0.5 credit) from 400-level courses from Group E.

Applications: Any 7 courses (3.5 credits) from Group E; Up to 1.0 credit can be from Group F. Up to 1.0 credit can be used from GGR493Y1, based on suitability of placement for this program, and approved by department.

Note: At least 2.0 credits must be 300/400-level courses. Of these, at least 0.5 must be at the 400-level (includes Fourth Year Course requirement).

Total credits: 7.0

Group E (Human Geography Courses)

GGR217H1, GGR221H1, GGR223H1, GGR225H1, GGR240H1, GGR246H1, GGR251H1, GGR252H1, GGR254H1, GGR259H1, GGR272H1, GGR273H1, GGR274H1, GGR299Y1, GGR320H1, GGR323H1, GGR324H1, GGR326H1, GGR327H1, GGR328H1, GGR329H1, GGR332H1, GGR334H1, GGR336H1, GGR338H1, GGR339H1, GGR340H1, GGR341H1, GGR342H1, GGR343H1, GGR344H1, GGR349H1, GGR354H1, GGR357H1, GGR359H1, GGR360H1, GGR363H1, GGR372H1, GGR373H1, GGR374H1, GGR375H1, GGR376H1, GGR377H1, GGR382H1, GGR386H1, GGR387H1, GGR389H1, GGR400H1, GGR416H1, GGR418H1, GGR419H1, GGR421H1, GGR424H1, GGR428H1, GGR429H1, GGR430H1, GGR431H1, GGR432H1, GGR433H1, GGR434H1, GGR437H1, GGR438H1, JGC439H1, GGR456H1, GGR458H1, GGR460H1, GGR462H1, GGR472H1, GGR473H1, GGR481H1, GGR482H1, GGR491Y1, GGR492H1, GGR496H1, GGR497H1, GGR499H1, JGE321H1, JGE331H1, JIG322H1, JIG440H1, JUG320H1, JUG325H1, JGI216H1/​ JGU216H1, JGI346H1/​ JGU346H1, JGI454H1/​ JGU454H1

Group F (Optional Science Courses for Human Geography)

GGR201H1, GGR203H1, GGR205H1, GGR206H1, GGR301H1, GGR305H1, GGR308H1, GGR310H1, FOR310H1, GGR314H1, GGR315H1/​ GGR337H1, GGR347H1, GGR348H1, GGR388H1, GGR401H1, GGR405H1, GGR406H1, GGR413H1, GGR414H1/​ GGR415H1, GGR498H1

FAS Program Area: Geography and Planning