Program and Certificate Search

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASMAJ1003C

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASMAJ1003C

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Major students with an interest in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Major program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1-3 of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1
5. 0.5 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB483H1
6. 1.0 credit from: CSB299Y1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB453H1, CSB483H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1.
7. Multicellularity Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1003

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1003

Students learn how genes and proteins organize cells for cellular activities, multicellular development, and cellular interactions with the environment. Students also learn how cell and molecular biology research is conducted, and receive training in advanced techniques of the field. Cell and molecular biology research is one the most demanding fields in science. Students gain an understanding of the field, and leave the program equipped to tackle fundamental scientific questions.

After foundational courses in first and second year, students participate in advanced lecture, seminar and laboratory courses, and are encouraged to apply for research project courses in the laboratories of the Department. Course offerings include gene expression, cell biology, developmental biology, plant development, plant-microbe interactions, plant signaling, neurogenesis, tissue morphogenesis, stem cell biology, genomics and proteomics.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses
The following courses are required:

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade in some courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be prepared, applicants with a final grade lower than 70% in BIO130H1 or BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1 will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade or minimum grade average does not guarantee admission to the program.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(12.5 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level)

First Year:
BIO120H1, BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1; JMB170Y1/​ ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1.

Higher Years:
1. ( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1)
2. BIO220H1, BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1, BIO270H1, BIO271H1, BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1; BCH210H1
3. CSB330H1/​ CSB350H1/​ CSB352H1, CSB349H1
4. 1.0 credit from: CJH332H1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB353H1
5. 1.0 credit from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CJH332H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB360H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB447H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB453H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, HMB496Y1/​ HMB499Y1, MGY441H1, MGY480Y1.

NOTE: No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards requirements 5. and 6.

The Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist Program has the additional option of a Disciplinary Focus.

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASSPE1003A

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASSPE1003A

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Molecular Networks of the Cell. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CJH332H1, CSB327H1, CSB331H1, CSB353H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB435H1, CSB451H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB475H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CJH332H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB447H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, MGY441H1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Molecular Network Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASSPE1003B

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASSPE1003B

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB340H1, CSB350H1/​ CSB352H1, CSB353H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CSB299Y1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB428H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, MGY441H1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Plant Biotech Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASSPE1003C

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASSPE1003C

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1-3 of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB483H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH441H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB352H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB453H1, CSB458H1, CSB460H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1. No more than one 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Multicellularity Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Celtic Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1682

Celtic Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1682

Examines the literature, languages, history, music, folklore and archaeology of the peoples of Ireland, Scotland and Wales in the ancient and modern worlds, including the transmission of Celtic traditions to Canada and the United States.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(6.5 credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+level, of which 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level)

  1. CLT240H1 and CLT241H1
  2. 4.0 credits from the list below: CLT110H1/​ CLT141Y1/​​ CLT242Y1/​ CLT243Y1/​​ CLT251H1/​​ CLT252H1/​​ CLT331H1/​​ CLT332H1/​ CLT333H1/​​​ CLT337H1/​​ CLT338H1/​​ CLT339H1/​ CLT340H1/​ CLT341H1/​​​ CLT345H1/​​ CLT346H1/​​ CLT347H1/​​ CLT348H1/​​ CLT350H1/​​ CLT353H1/​ CLT374H1/​​ CLT378H1/​​ CLT395Y1/​​ CLT396H1/​​ CLT411H1/​​ CLT413H1/​​ CLT420H1/​ CLT440H1/​ CLT441H1/​​ SMC165H1/​ SMC441Y1/​ SMC457H1/​ MST226H1
  3. 0.5 credit from CLT341H1/​​ CLT348H1/​​ CLT377H1/​​ CLT378H1/​​ CLT418H1/​ CLT444H1/​ CHC232H1/​​ CHC370H1/​​ CHC371H1/​​ CHC383H1/​​ MST341H1/​ SMC385H1 or a 0.5 credit at the 200/300/400-level from Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes.

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Celtic Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1682

Celtic Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN1682

Examines the literature, languages, history, music, folklore and archaeology of the peoples of Ireland, Scotland and Wales in the ancient and modern worlds, including the transmission of Celtic traditions to Canada and the United States.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits chosen from those listed below, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300+ level

CLT110H1/​ CLT141Y1/​​ CLT242Y1/​ CLT243Y1/​​ CLT244H1/​ CLT251H1/​​ CLT252H1/​​ CLT331H1/​​ CLT332H1/​ CLT333H1/​​​ CLT336H1/​ CLT337H1/​​ CLT338H1/​​ CLT339H1/​ CLT340H1/​ CLT341H1/​​​ CLT345H1/​​ CLT346H1/​​ CLT347H1/​​ CLT348H1/​​ CLT350H1/​​ CLT353H1/​ CLT374H1/​​ CLT378H1/​​ CLT395Y1/​​ CLT396H1/​​ CLT411H1/​​ CLT413H1/​​ CLT420H1/​ CLT440H1/​ CLT441H1/​​ SMC165H1/​ SMC441Y1/​ SMC457H1/​ MST226H1

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Celtic Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1682

Celtic Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1682

Examines the literature, languages, history, music, folklore and archaeology of the peoples of Ireland, Scotland and Wales in the ancient and modern worlds, including the transmission of Celtic traditions to Canada and the United States.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Celtic Studies Specialist will be administratively suspended as of January 1, 2024 and students will no longer be able to enrol in the program. Students presently enrolled in the Specialist will be able to complete the program requirements as described below. Students who are not enrolled in the Specialist but are interested in Celtic Studies are strongly recommended to consult St. Michael’s College for advising, as well as consider pursuing the Celtic Studies Major or Minor instead.

Completion Requirements:

(10.5 credits including 4.0 credits at the 300+level, 1.0 of which must be at the 400-level)

1. CLT240H1 and CLT241H1

2. 2.0 credits from the following language courses: CLT141Y1/​ CLT242Y1/​ CLT243Y1/​ CLT251H1/​ CLT252H1/​ CLT331H1/​ CLT332H1

3. 6.0 credits from the list above and/or SMC165H1/​ MST226H1/​ CLT250H1/​ CLT333H1/​ CLT334H1/​ CLT335Y1/​ CLT337H1/​ CLT338H1/​ CLT341H1/​ CLT342Y1/​ CLT343H1/​ CLT344Y1/​ CLT345H1/​ CLT346H1/​ CLT347H1/​ CLT348H1/​ CLT350H1/​ CLT351H1/​ CLT355H1/​ CLT356H1/​ CLT373H1/​ CLT374H1/​ CLT375H1/​ CLT376H1/​ CLT377H1/​ CLT378H1/​ CLT395Y1/​ CLT396H1/​ CLT411H1/​ CLT412H1/​ CLT413H1/​ CLT416H1/​ CLT420H1/​ CLT440H1/​ CLT441H1/​ CLT444H1/​ CLT445H1/​ SMC441Y1/​ SMC457H1

4. CLT451Y1

5. 0.5 credit from CLT341H1/​ CLT348H1/​ CLT377H1/​ CLT378H1/​ CLT444H1/​ CHC232H1/​ CHC370H1/​ CHC371H1/​ CHC383H1/​ MST341H1/​ SMC385H1 or 0.5 credit 200+ level from Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes.

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies, Christianity and Culture, and Mediaeval Studies programs will have the new "CLT," "CHC," and "MST" designators respectively.

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Certificate in Black Canadian Studies - ASCER0828

Certificate in Black Canadian Studies - ASCER0828

The Certificate in Black Canadian Studies will provide students with an opportunity to study and research the social construction of race in Canada, with a focus on Black Canada and Black Canadians, past and present. This will include attending to structural and systemic discrimination in areas including politics, judicial systems, and the arts, as well as considering counter-narratives and forms of resistance and empowerment enacted by Black Canadian communities. This certificate also offers a specialization that considers the historical roots and contemporary implications of anti-Black racism, as well as movements that are building towards social equity, and future imaginings. While this certificate addresses local and national contexts, it also situates diasporic and transnational frameworks for understanding Blackness in Canada. As a result, the certificate also examines a comparative approach to meaning-making and belonging in solidarity with other forms of racism and oppression.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment Certificate. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the Certificate.

Completion Requirements:

(2.5 credits)

  1. HIS265Y1
  2. 0.5 credit from CAR429H1/​ CDN335H1/​ CSE347H1/​ ENG356Y1/​ WGS390H1
  3. 1.0 additional credit, either from courses not already taken to fulfill Requirement 2, or from any of the following:


  • An elective course (maximum of 1.0 credit) dealing with some aspect of Black Canadian Studies not captured in the above list may be accepted with approval of the Canadian Studies program director at University College.
  • Where applicable, students may also count up to 0.5 credit from courses at UTM and UTSC towards the certificate, in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty of Arts & Science and those at UTM and UTSC, and with approval of the Canadian Studies program director at University College.
  • Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New (NEW) College's African Studies, Caribbean Studies, and Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity programs will have the new "AFR," "CAR," and "CSE" designators respectively. In addition, courses associated with Innis (INI) College's Urban Studies program will have the new "URB" designator.

FAS Program Area: University College

Certificate in Business Fundamentals - ASCER2400

Certificate in Business Fundamentals - ASCER2400

The purpose of this certificate is to provide all interested non-Rotman Commerce students in the Faculty of Arts & Science with an opportunity to obtain some basic business knowledge as part of their degree. This could be beneficial for all disciplines within the Faculty of Arts & Science as many students go on and work in a variety of businesses and industries or want some general understanding of management disciplines when entering the workforce. This will better equip students when going on the job market by helping them signal some business knowledge and greater career readiness.

The certificate is offered by the Rotman School of Management and is composed of 2.0 credits that can be taken as part of a student's elective courses within the 20.0 credits that are required to complete a Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Arts & Science. This certificate and included courses are not open to non-degree students.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment certificate for any non-Rotman Commerce student in the Faculty of Arts & Science. A student who has completed 4.0 credits including MGT100H1 or equivalent may enrol in the Certificate.

Completion Requirements:

(2.0 credits)

Successful completion of the following four courses (or their equivalents):

  1. MGT100H1
  2. MGT201H1
  3. MGT230H1
  4. MGT250H1

No courses in the Certificate in Business Fundamentals can be taken as Credit/No Credit if they are to fulfill certificate requirements.


  • MGT100H1, MGT201H1, MGT230H1, MGT250H1 have considerable overlap with RSM100H1, RSM219H1, RSM230H1 and RSM250H1 taught in Rotman Commerce. These courses are listed as exclusions to one another.
  • Students who move from the Rotman Commerce program (BCOM) to another degree program (HBA/HBSc) within Arts & Science would be able to use any completed RSM course equivalents towards the completion of the Certificate in Business Fundamentals (e.g. RSM100H1 would be deemed equivalent to MGT100H1 as part of the Certificate in Business Fundamentals, etc).
  • Students who move from a different degree program (HBA/HBSc) within Arts & Science to the Rotman Commerce program (BCOM) would be able to count these MGT courses towards their Rotman Commerce degree (conditional on being accepted to the program based on the requirements listed in the Rotman Commerce section of the Calendar). Please note that students who are accepted to Rotman Commerce after having completed 4.0 credits are charged retroactive program fees as applicable.

FAS Program Area: Business Fundamentals

Certificate in Global German Studies (UofT Global Scholar) - ASCER1401

Certificate in Global German Studies (UofT Global Scholar) - ASCER1401

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment Certificate. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the Certificate.

Completion Requirements:

(Total: 2.0 credits)

  • 1.0 credit in German language at any level, including GER100Y1, GER101H1, GER200Y1, GER201H1, GER272H1, GER300Y1, GER301H1, GER370H1, GER372H1, GER400H1.
    • Students with very advanced previous knowledge of German may in consultation with the Department take a combination of other 300 or 400-level GER topics courses (taught in German) to meet the requirement.
  • GER290H1 ‘Global Issues / German Contexts’.
  • 0.5 credit in global experience. May take the form of an internship course, GER391H1 ‘iPRAKTIKUM Experiential Learning and Internationalization Internship’. Students may also complete a study abroad course in a German-speaking country, such as GER354Y0. International Course Modules (ICM) or the GER398H0 Research Excursion Program also fulfil the global experience requirement with the previous consent of the department.

FAS Program Area: German

Certificate in International Affairs (UofT Global Scholar) - ASCER1469

Certificate in International Affairs (UofT Global Scholar) - ASCER1469

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment Certificate. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the Certificate.

Completion Requirements:

(Total: 2.5 credits)

  1. 1.0 credit from EAS100Y1, EAS110Y1, EAS120Y1, EST100H1, EST101H1, FIN100H1, FIN110H1, FSL100H1, FSL102H1, FSL120H1, FSL122H1, GER100Y1, GRK101H1, GRK102H1, HUN100Y1, INS210Y1, INS215Y1, INS220Y1, INS230H1, ITA100Y1, LAT101H1, LAT102H1, MGR100H1, NEW280Y1/​ AFR280Y1, NML110Y1, NML155H1, NML156H1, NML260Y1, NML270Y1, PRT100Y1/​ ( PRT101H1, PRT102H1), PRT120H1, RLG260H1, RLG261H1, RLG262H1, RLG263H1, RLG264H1, SLA100H1, SLA101H1, SLA105Y1, SLA106H1, SLA107Y1, SLA108Y1, SLA109Y1, SLA116H1, SPA100Y1/​ ( SPA101H1, SPA102H1), SWE100H1, SWE101H1. Other introductory language classes may be approved by the Director of the International Relations Program.

  2. 1.0 credit from TRN250Y1 or ( POL208H1 + one of POL201H1/​ POL205H1/​ POL211H1/​ POL218H1/​ POL219H1/​ POL220H1/​ POL223H1/​ POL224H1)

  3. 0.5 credit gained studying international affairs as part of an international experience.

    Students are encouraged to discuss possible options with the Director of the International Relations Program.

    Transfer credit equivalents of the following courses earned from participation in an international exchange or actual courses completed via the Summer Abroad program will qualify for this requirement:

    ECO324H1/​​ ECO341H1/​​ ECO342H1/​​ ECO362H1/​​ ECO364H1/​​ ECO365H1/​​ ECO368H1/​​ ECO401H1/​ ECO403H1/​ ECO409H1/​ ECO417H1/​ ECO419H1/​ ECO459H1/​ ECO465H1/​ GGR314H1/​​ GGR326H1/​​ GGR329H1/​ HIS300H1/​ HIS311H1/​ HIS338H1/​​ HIS341Y1/​​ HIS343H1/​​ HIS344H1/​​ HIS359H1/​​ HIS361H1/​​ HIS377H1/​​ HIS379H1/​​ HIS397H1/​​ HIS401H1/​ HIS416H1/​ HIS419H1/​ HIS439H1/​ HIS451H1/​ HIS457H1/​ HIS470H1/​ HIS479H1/​ HIS492H1/​ HIS493H1/​ HIS494H1/​ HIS498H1/​ JHA384H1/​​ JPA376Y0/​​ NMC378H1/​​ POL324H1/​​ POL326H1/​ POL327H1/​ POL329H1/​​ POL340H1/​ POL341H1/​ POL348H1/​​ POL349H1/​ POL361H1/​​ POL362H1/​​ POL377H1/​ POL410H1/​ POL412H1/​ POL413H1/​ POL417H1/​ POL418H1/​ POL435H1/​ POL441H1/​ POL442H1/​ POL445H1/​ HIS446H1/​ POL456H1/​ POL459H1/​ POL466H1/​ POL467H1/​ POL469H1/​ POL472H1/​ POL477H1/​ POL486H1/​ POL487H1.

    A Global Classroom course, International Course Module, or Research Excursion Program dealing with some aspect of international affairs not captured in the above list may also fulfill the global experience requirement with approval of the Director of the International Relations Program.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Certificate in Sustainability (U of T Sustainability Scholar) - ASCER1500

Certificate in Sustainability (U of T Sustainability Scholar) - ASCER1500

The Certificate in Sustainability is part of the U of T Sustainability Scholar initiative, and is designed to complement any Arts & Science degree or discipline. Participating students will develop a sustainability-lens ​based in systems-thinking that can be used to approach the rest of their academic program and career path. The Certificate requires students to take a foundational course ( ENV222H1); three electives drawn from a curated list of 42 half courses from 19 different units across the Faculty of Arts & Science; and a choice of capstone courses. Elective courses draw connections between multiple dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, political, ethical, cultural, and economic).

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment Certificate. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the Certificate.

Completion Requirements:

(2.5 credits)

Foundations Course (0.5 credit):

Elective Courses (1.5 credits):

1.5 credits, chosen from at least two of the four clusters below:

Note: One 0.5 credit course at the 300- or 400-level not listed in the above clusters may count towards the elective requirement through a nomination process. Students must submit a nomination package to the Undergraduate Associate Director of the School of the Environment including: (1) the relevant cluster; (2) the course code and description; (3) the course syllabus (for completed courses); (4) a brief rationale (500 words max) addressing why this course belongs to the relevant cluster, how it addresses multiple dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, political, ethical, cultural, or economic), and how it satisfies a gap in the student's Certificate learning objectives. Nominations for completed courses must be made at least one semester before graduation. A nomination for a course the student has not yet taken must be submitted at least one semester in advance.

Capstone Course (0.5 credit):

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with New College's Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity program will have the new "CSE" designator. In addition, courses associated with Victoria College's Creative Expression and Society, and Material Culture and Semiotics programs will have the new "CRE" and "MCS" designators respectively.

FAS Program Area: School of the Environment

Chemical Physics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE0600

Chemical Physics Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE0600

Consult Professor J. Schofield, Department of Chemistry.

Chemical Physics aims to explain structure and dynamics of molecular and bulk systems in terms of atomic and molecular interactions. Sub-disciplines and specialized topics include reaction dynamics, spectroscopy, optical control of molecular processes, nanoscale science, surface chemistry, theoretical and experimental studies of soft systems (polymers, liquids, biological systems), quantum control and quantum information sciences. The Chemical Physics program will provide students with a solid grounding in physical chemistry, and will prepare students for careers in experimental and theoretical physical sciences, in academia or in research development for companies.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

• ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1) (63% in each)/ CHM151Y1 (63%)

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Chemical Physics Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(14.0 credits, including 1.5 credits from 400-level courses)

First Year:

  1. ( CHM151Y1 strongly recommended)/ ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)
  2. ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1
  3. ( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1)

Higher Years:

  1. APM346H1, CHM222H1, CHM223H1, CHM326H1/​ PHY356H1, CHM327H1, CHM328H1, MAT223H1/​ MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1, MAT244H1, MAT334H1, PHY250H1, PHY254H1, PHY354H1, PHY350H1, CHM423H1/​ PHY456H1
  2. 2.0 credits from: CHM210H1, CHM217H1, ( CHM236H1, CHM237H1)/ CHM238Y1, ( CHM249H1 strongly recommended)/ CHM247H1, CHM310H1, CHM317H1, CHM338H1, CHM348H1, CHM415H1
  3. Additional 400-level CHM/PHY 0.5 credit courses to a total of 14.0 credits. (Note: CHM395Y1 can be used toward this requirement).

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Chemistry, Data Science

Chemistry Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1376

Chemistry Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1376

Consult Professor A. Dicks, Department of Chemistry.

The Chemistry Major Program provides exposure to the core areas of chemistry together with appropriate courses in mathematics during the first two years and allows students to follow a particular area or areas of interest during the third year and fourth year. The program is extremely flexible in its design in that students may focus their studies in the traditional sub-disciplines of inorganic, analytical, organic, or physical chemistry during the second year, and then progress to take upper-year courses in these areas or in additional sub-disciplines including biological, materials and environmental chemistry. Students gain extensive laboratory experience throughout the program from whichever path they choose to take.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

• ( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1) (63% in each)/ CHM151Y1 (63%)

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits, including at least one 0.5 CHM credit at the 400-level)

First Year: ( CHM151Y1 strongly recommended)/( CHM135H1 and CHM136H1); ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1

Second Year:

At least two of the following four options:

Third Year: At least two of CHM317H1, CHM327H1, CHM338H1, CHM343H1, CHM348H1, CHM379H1

Fourth Year: Additional 200/300/400-level CHM courses to a total of 7.0 credits ( CHM299H1, CHM299Y1, CHM396Y0, CHM397H0, CHM398H0, CHM398Y0, CHM399H1, CHM399Y1 excluded). Students may count either CHM395Y1 or CHM499Y1 towards Chemistry Major requirements.

FAS Program Area: Chemistry, Data Science

Chemistry Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1376

Chemistry Minor (Science Program) - ASMIN1376

Consult Professor A. Dicks, Department of Chemistry.

The Chemistry Minor is an open-enrollment program that provides students with an opportunity to experience the different sub-disciplines in chemistry without the more significant commitment of enrolling in a specialist or major program. Students gain laboratory experience throughout the program in an area or areas of their choice (organic, inorganic, physical, biological, or analytical).

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

Consult Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies, Department of Chemistry.

(4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit CHM course at the 300+ level)

First Year:

Second Year:

At least one of the following four options:

Third Year:

Fourth Year:

FAS Program Area: Chemistry

Chemistry Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1376

Chemistry Specialist (Science Program) - ASSPE1376

Consult Professor A. Dicks, Department of Chemistry.

The Chemistry Specialist Program provides broad coverage of the core areas of chemistry together with appropriate courses in mathematics and physics during the first three years and allows students to follow a particular area of interest or a more general program in the fourth year. The program is suitable for professional work in any area of chemistry and for entry into graduate school to continue work in any of the sub-fields of chemistry, provided that appropriate options are chosen in the fourth year. This program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

• ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1) (63% in each)/ CHM151Y1 (63%)

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Chemistry Specialist in the Summer after Year 2.

Completion Requirements:

(14.0 credits, including at least 3.0 credits from 400-level courses)

First Year:

  1. ( CHM151Y1 strongly recommended)/ ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)
  2. ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1
  3. ( PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/ ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1)

Second Year:

  1. CHM217H1, CHM220H1/​ CHM222H1, CHM223H1, ( CHM236H1, CHM237H1)/ CHM238Y1, CHM249H1
  2. MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1

Third and Fourth Years:

  1. BCH210H1, CHM326H1/​ CHM328H1, CHM327H1
  2. Additional credits from 300/400-level CHM/ MAT/ another science, including at least three of CHM317H1, CHM338H1, CHM343H1, CHM379H1, CHM395Y1/​ CHM499Y1/​ PHC489Y1, CHM410H1. Minimum 3.0 CHM credits at the 400-level to a total of 14.0 credits.

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.

FAS Program Area: Chemistry, Data Science

Christianity And Culture Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0463

Christianity And Culture Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0463

A multidisciplinary exploration of Christian traditions from artistic, literary, philosophical, theological, scientific, social and historical perspectives.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(6.0 credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level, of which a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level.)

First year: No specific first-year requirements

  1. CHC203Y1
  2. 1.5 credits from CHC200H1/​ CHC215H1/​ CHC218H1/​ CHC232H1
  3. 3.0 credits from any of the courses below, of which 2.0 credits must have the CHC designator. Courses from other departments may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Program Coordinator, preferably before taking the course. It will help to have a syllabus for the course being considered.

    Christianity and Society:
    CHC120H1/​​ CHC130H1/​ CHC215H1/​​ CHC303H1/​​ CHC304H1/​​ CHC308H1/​​ CHC309H1/​​ CHC322H1/​​ CHC362H1/​​ CHC368H1/​​ CHC372H1/​​ CHC379H1/​​ CHC456H1/​ CLT240H1/​​ CLT241H1/​​ CLT353H1/​ CLT413H1/​​ JCR303H1/​ MST210H1/​​ MST212H1/​​ MST361H1/​​ SMC188H1/​ SMC189H1/​​ SMC397H1/​​ NMC270H1/​ RLG414H1

    Christianity and the Arts:
    CHC200H1/​​ CHC305H1/​​ CHC364H1/​​ CHC365H1/​​ CHC367H1/​​ CHC369H1/​​ CHC382H1/​​ CHC384H1/​​ CLT343H1/​​ MST213H1/​​ MST222H1/​​ MST323H1/​​ MST326H1/​​ MST328H1/​​ SMC165H1/​​ SMC464H1/​ ITA311H1/​ REN241H1

    Christianity and Science:
    CHC232H1/​​ CHC370H1/​​ CHC371H1/​​ CHC383H1/​ JCA302H1/​ REN242H1

    Christianity and Education:
    CHC218H1/​​ CHC306H1/​​ CHC307H1/​​ CHC311H1/​​ CHC312H1/​​ CHC313H1/​​ CHC327H1/​​ CHC330H1/​​ CLT350H1/​​ MST324H1/​​ MST358H1/​​ MST359H1

    Independent Study and Seminar Courses:
    CHC300H1/​ CHC390Y1/​​ CHC391H1/​​ CHC400H1/​ CHC433Y1/​​ CHC434H1/​​ CHC471H1/​ CHC472H1/​ MST406H1/​​ MST407Y1/​ MST436H1/​​ SMC457H1

  4. 0.5 credit from CHC232H1/​​ CHC370H1/​​ CHC371H1/​​ CHC383H1/​​ JCA302H1/​ SMC385H1 or any 0.5 credit from a 200/300/400-level course from Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Christianity And Culture Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0463

Christianity And Culture Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0463

An exploration of Christian traditions which may include artistic, literary, philosophical, theological, scientific, social or historical perspectives.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit at the 300+level)

First year: No specific first-year requirements

1. CHC203Y1
2. 1.0 credit from CHC200H1/​​ CHC215H1/​​ CHC218H1/​​ CHC232H1
3. 2.0 credits from any of the courses below, of which 1.5 credits must have the CHC designator. Courses from other departments may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Program Coordinator, preferably before taking the course. It will help to have a syllabus for the course being considered.

Christianity and Society:
CHC120H1/​ CHC130H1/​ CHC215H1/​ CHC303H1/​ CHC304H1/​ CHC308H1/​ CHC309H1/​ CHC322H1/​ CHC362H1/​ CHC368H1/​ CHC372H1/​ CHC379H1/​ CHC456H1/​ CLT240H1/​ CLT241H1/​ CLT353H1/​ CLT413H1/​ JCR303H1/​ MST210H1/​ MST212H1/​ MST361H1/​ SMC188H1/​ SMC189H1/​ SMC397H1/​ NMC270H1/​ RLG414H1

Christianity and the Arts:
CHC200H1/​ CHC305H1/​ CHC364H1/​ CHC365H1/​ CHC367H1/​ CHC369H1/​ CHC382H1/​ CHC384H1/​ CLT343H1/​ MST213H1/​ MST222H1/​ MST323H1/​ MST326H1/​ MST328H1/​ SMC165H1/​ SMC464H1/​ ITA311H1/​ REN241H1

Christianity and Science:
CHC232H1/​ CHC370H1/​ CHC371H1/​ CHC383H1/​ JCA302H1/​ REN242H1

Christianity and Education:
CHC218H1/​ CHC306H1/​ CHC307H1/​ CHC311H1/​ CHC312H1/​ CHC313H1/​ CHC327H1/​ CHC330H1/​ CLT350H1/​ MST324H1/​ MST358H1/​ MST359H1

Independent Study and Seminar Courses:
CHC300H1/​ CHC390Y1/​ CHC391H1/​ CHC400H1/​ CHC433Y1/​ CHC434H1/​ CHC471H1/​ CHC472H1/​ MST406H1/​ MST407Y1/​ MST436H1/​ SMC457H1

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Christianity and Culture: Major Program in Religious Education (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1021

Christianity and Culture: Major Program in Religious Education (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1021

Completion Requirements:

Admission to the Christianity and Culture: Major Program in Religious Education has been administratively suspended as of 1 April 2015 and is no longer admitting students. Students presently enrolled in the minor will be able to complete the program requirements as described below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Status may be reviewed at the end of each fall-winter session to determine progress to subsequent years.

Consult Principal's Office, St. Michael’s College.

(8.0 credits, 2.0 credits at the 300+level, of which a 0.5 credit must be at the 400-level)

  1. SMC103Y1
  2. CHC313H1, JSV200H1, JSV201H1 (formerly SMC272H1), JSV202H1 (formerly SMC271H1)
  3. 0.5 credit from the following (internship options): CHC471H1/​ SMC366H1 (formerly SMC218Y1)/ SMC362Y1
  4. 4.5 credits from: courses carrying the CHC designator, RLG100Y1/​ RLG280Y1, and SMC472Y1/​ CHC472H1. Of the 4.5 credits, at least 1.5 credits must come from the following: CHC203Y1/​ CHC232H1/​ CHC307H1/​ CHC308H1/​ CHC311H1/​ CHC327H1/​ CHC330H1/​ CHC382H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with St. Michael's College's Christianity and Culture program will have the new "CHC" designator.

FAS Program Area: St. Michael's College

Cinema Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0797

Cinema Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0797

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

CIN105Y1 or CIN201Y1

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 70% will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Completion Requirements:

(7.0 credits)

First Year:

Second Year:

Third Year:

Fourth Year:
0.5 credit from the following: CIN410H1, CIN411H1, CIN412H1, CIN420H1, CIN430H1, CIN431H1, CIN432H1, CIN440H1, CIN450H1, CIN451H1, CIN452H1, CIN460H1, CIN461H1, CIN470H1, CIN471H1, CIN472H1, CIN480H1

Second, Third and Fourth Year:
In addition, CIN230H1 or 0.5 credit from Breadth Category 5; and at least 3.0 credits from Groups B through G, of which 2.0 credits must be at the 300/400-level, and only a maximum of 1.5 credits can be from Group G: Cross-Listed

Students must complete CIN105Y1 and CIN201Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.

Group A: Foundations
CIN105Y1, CIN201Y1, CIN301Y1

Group B: Genre and Modes
CIN210H1, CIN211H1, CIN212H1, CIN213H1, CIN214H1, CIN215H1, CIN216H1, CIN310Y1, CIN312Y1, CIN314Y1, CIN320H1, CIN321H1, CIN322H1, CIN410H1, CIN411H1, CIN412H1, CIN420H1

Group C: Social and Cultural Practices
CIN230H1, CIN240H1, CIN330Y1, CIN332Y1, CIN334H1, CIN335H1, CIN336H1, CIN337H1, CIN338H1, CIN340H1, CIN341H1, CIN349H1, CIN430H1, CIN431H1, CIN432H1, CIN440H1

Group D: Theory and Criticism
CIN250Y1, CIN260H1, CIN352H1, CIN353H1, CIN360H1, CIN361H1, CIN362H1, CIN363H1, CIN364H1, CIN365H1, CIN366H1, CIN369H1, CIN450H1, CIN451H1, CIN452H1, CIN460H1, CIN461H1

Group E: History and Nation
CIN270Y1, CIN370H1, CIN371H1, CIN372Y1, CIN374Y1, CIN376Y1, CIN376Y0, CIN378H1, CIN378Y0, CIN379H1, CIN380H1, CIN381H1, CIN470H1, CIN471H1, CIN472H1, CIN480H1, FCS310Y1, GER251H1, ITA240Y1, ITA340H1, ITA341H1, ITA342H1, ITA345H1

Group F: Independent Studies
CIN490Y1, CIN491H1, CIN492H1

Group G: Cross-Listed
CLT355H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS249H1, EAS278H1, EAS431H1, FCS392H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, GER250H1, HIS345H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS467H1, JSU325H1, SLA226H1, SLA234H1, SLA333H1, SPA275H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies program will have the new "CLT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Cinema Studies Institute

Cinema Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0797

Cinema Studies Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0797

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

CIN105Y1 or CIN201Y1

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 70% will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

First Year:

Second Year:

Second, Third and Fourth Year:
2.0 credits from Groups A through G, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 300/400-level, and only a maximum 1.0 credit can be from Group G: Cross-Listed

Students must complete CIN105Y1 and CIN201Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.

Group A: Foundations
CIN105Y1, CIN201Y1, CIN301Y1

Group B: Genre and Modes
CIN210H1, CIN211H1, CIN212H1, CIN213H1, CIN214H1, CIN215H1, CIN216H1, CIN310Y1, CIN312Y1, CIN314Y1, CIN320H1, CIN321H1, CIN322H1, CIN410H1, CIN411H1, CIN412H1, CIN420H1

Group C: Social and Cultural Practices
CIN230H1, CIN240H1, CIN330Y1, CIN332Y1, CIN334H1, CIN335H1, CIN336H1, CIN337H1, CIN338H1, CIN340H1, CIN341H1, CIN349H1, CIN430H1, CIN431H1, CIN432H1, CIN440H1

Group D: Theory and Criticism
CIN250Y1, CIN260H1, CIN352H1, CIN353H1, CIN360H1, CIN361H1, CIN362H1, CIN363H1, CIN364H1, CIN365H1, CIN366H1, CIN369H1, CIN450H1, CIN451H1, CIN452H1, CIN460H1, CIN461H1

Group E: History and Nation
CIN270Y1, CIN370H1, CIN371H1, CIN372Y1, CIN374Y1, CIN376Y1, CIN376Y0, CIN378H1, CIN378Y0, CIN379H1, CIN380H1, CIN381H1, CIN470H1, CIN471H1, CIN472H1, CIN480H1, FCS310Y1, GER251H1, ITA240Y1, ITA340H1, ITA341H1, ITA342H1, ITA345H1

Group F: Independent Studies
CIN490Y1, CIN491H1, CIN492H1

Group G: Cross-Listed
CLT355H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS249H1, EAS278H1, EAS431H1, FCS392H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, GER250H1, HIS345H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS467H1, JSU325H1, SLA226H1, SLA234H1, SLA333H1, SPA275H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies program will have the new "CLT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Cinema Studies Institute

Cinema Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0797

Cinema Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0797

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade
A minimum grade is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

CIN105Y1 or CIN201Y1

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a final grade lower than 70% will not be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum final grade does not guarantee admission to the program.

Completion Requirements:

(10.0 credits)

First Year:

Second Year:

Third Year:

Fourth Year:
1.0 credit from the following: CIN410H1, CIN411H1, CIN412H1, CIN420H1, CIN430H1, CIN431H1, CIN432H1, CIN440H1, CIN450H1, CIN451H1, CIN452H1, CIN460H1, CIN461H1, CIN470H1, CIN471H1, CIN472H1, CIN480H1

Second, Third and Fourth Year:
In addition, CIN230H1 or a 0.5 credit from Breadth Category 5; and at least 5.5 credits from Groups B through G, of which 3.0 credits must be at the 300/400-level, and a maximum of 2.0 credits can be from Group G: Cross-Listed

Students must complete CIN105Y1 and CIN201Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.

Group A: Foundations
CIN105Y1, CIN201Y1, CIN301Y1

Group B: Genre and Modes
CIN210H1, CIN211H1, CIN212H1, CIN213H1, CIN214H1, CIN215H1, CIN216H1, CIN310Y1, CIN312Y1, CIN314Y1, CIN320H1, CIN321H1, CIN322H1, CIN410H1, CIN411H1, CIN412H1, CIN420H1

Group C: Social and Cultural Practices
CIN230H1, CIN240H1, CIN330Y1, CIN332Y1, CIN334H1, CIN335H1, CIN336H1, CIN337H1, CIN338H1, CIN340H1, CIN341H1, CIN349H1, CIN430H1, CIN431H1, CIN432H1, CIN440H1

Group D: Theory and Criticism
CIN250Y1, CIN260H1, CIN352H1, CIN353H1, CIN360H1, CIN361H1, CIN362H1, CIN363H1, CIN364H1, CIN365H1, CIN366H1, CIN369H1, CIN450H1, CIN451H1, CIN452H1, CIN460H1, CIN461H1

Group E: History and Nation
CIN270Y1, CIN370H1, CIN371H1, CIN372Y1, CIN374Y1, CIN376Y1, CIN376Y0, CIN378H1, CIN378Y0, CIN379H1, CIN380H1, CIN381H1, CIN470H1, CIN471H1, CIN472H1, CIN480H1, FCS310Y1, GER251H1, ITA240Y1, ITA340H1, ITA341H1, ITA342H1, ITA345H1

Group F: Independent Studies
CIN490Y1, CIN491H1, CIN492H1

Group G: Cross-Listed
CLT355H1, EAS242H1, EAS243H1, EAS249H1, EAS278H1, EAS431H1, FCS392H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, GER250H1, HIS345H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS467H1, JSU325H1, SLA226H1, SLA234H1, SLA333H1, SPA275H1

Note: Effective Fall 2021, courses associated with St. Michael's College's Celtic Studies program will have the new "CLT" designator.

FAS Program Area: Cinema Studies Institute

Classical Civilization Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0382

Classical Civilization Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0382

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1 and at least one other CLA course at the 200-level.

(7.0 credits)

1. CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1
2. CLA260H1
3. CLA402H1/​ CLA403H1
4. Additional 5.5 credits in CLA, including 2.0 credits at the 300+-level


1. Up to 3.0 credits from approved courses involving the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations taught by other departments, notably Art History and Philosophy, may be substituted for the 5.5 credits in CLA courses from Requirement 4.

Art History:

FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1


PHL200Y1, PHL301H1, PHL302H1, PHL303H1, PHL304H1, PHL307H1, PHL400H1, PHL471H1

2. Up to 2.0 credits in GRK or LAT may be substituted for the 5.5 credits in CLA courses from Requirement 4.

FAS Program Area: Classics

Classical Civilization Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0382

Classical Civilization Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0382

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1 and one other CLA course at the 200-level.

(4.0 credits)

1. CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1
2. 3.5 credits in CLA courses at the 200+ level, including 1.0 credit at the 300+ level


1. Up to 2.0 credits from approved courses involving the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations taught by other departments, notably Art History and Philosophy, may be substituted for the 3.5 credits in CLA courses from Requirement 2.

Art History:

FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1


PHL200Y1, PHL301H1, PHL302H1, PHL303H1, PHL304H1, PHL307H1, PHL400H1, PHL471H1

2. Up to 1.0 credit in GRK or LAT may be substituted for the 3.5 credits in CLA courses from Requirement 2.

FAS Program Area: Classics

Classics (Greek and Latin) Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0962

Classics (Greek and Latin) Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0962

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

There are no specific requirements for first year. Students are recommended to take CLA160H1 or CLA170H1, and in addition GRK101H1 and GRK102H1, and/or LAT101H1 and LAT102H1.

(7.0 credits)

1. CLA160H1/​ CLA170H1, CLA260H1
2. 6.0 credits of GRK/LAT courses, including:

  • at least 2.0 credits in each of GRK and LAT
  • at least 1.0 credit at the 400-level in either GRK or LAT

FAS Program Area: Classics

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Language and Cognition Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445B

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Language and Cognition Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445B

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

COG250Y1 with a minimum grade of 70%, or
• 1.5 credits in CSC, LIN, PHL, or PSY with a minimum grade average of 70% based on the 1.5 credits. No more than 1.0 credits can be from any ONE of the listed course designators. If more than 1.5 credits have been completed, the grade average will be based on the higher course grades.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade average lower than 70% in required courses will not usually be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average of 70% does not guarantee admission to the program. The pool of applicants varies each year and sets the precedent for the program.

Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. Not all courses are offered on a regular basis. A list of approved Cognitive Science courses can be found on the website: For any questions, please email

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits)

Where noted below, please consult the Faculty of Arts & Science Course Calendar on prerequisites.

First Year:
CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1/​ CSC148H1; LIN102H1 (note: LIN200H1 does not serve as prerequisite for upper year LIN courses)

Second Year:
COG250Y1 (may be taken in Year 1); STA220H1/​ PSY201H1; PSY270H1

Second Year and Higher:

Fourth Year: COG401H1/​ COG404H1/​ COG497Y1/​ COG498H1/​ COG499H1

FAS Program Area: University College

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Perception and Attention Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445A

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Perception and Attention Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445A

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

COG250Y1 with a minimum grade of 70%, or
• 1.5 credits in CSC, LIN, PHL, or PSY with a minimum grade average of 70% based on the 1.5 credits. No more than 1.0 credits can be from any ONE of the listed course designators. If more than 1.5 credits have been completed, the grade average will be based on the higher course grades.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade average lower than 70% in required courses will not usually be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average of 70% does not guarantee admission to the program. The pool of applicants varies each year and sets the precedent for the program.

Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. Not all courses are offered on a regular basis. A list of approved Cognitive Science courses can be found on the website: For any questions, please email

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits)

Where noted below, please consult the Faculty of Arts & Science Course Calendar on prerequisites.

First Year:
CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1; LIN102H1 (note: LIN200H1 does not serve as prerequisite for upper year LIN courses)

Second Year:
COG250Y1 (may be taken in Year 1); STA220H1/​ PSY201H1; PSY270H1

Second Year and Higher:

Fourth Year: COG401H1/​ COG404H1/​ COG497Y1/​ COG498H1/​ COG499H1

FAS Program Area: University College

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Thinking and Reasoning Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445C

Cognitive Science Major - Arts (Thinking and Reasoning Stream) (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1445C

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

COG250Y1 with a minimum grade of 70%, or
• 1.5 credits in CSC, LIN, PHL, or PSY with a minimum grade average of 70% based on the 1.5 credits. No more than 1.0 credits can be from any ONE of the listed course designators. If more than 1.5 credits have been completed, the grade average will be based on the higher course grades.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade average lower than 70% in required courses will not usually be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average of 70% does not guarantee admission to the program. The pool of applicants varies each year and sets the precedent for the program.

Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. Not all courses are offered on a regular basis. A list of approved Cognitive Science courses can be found on the website: For any questions, please email

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits)

Where noted below, please consult the Faculty of Arts & Science Course Calendar on prerequisites.

First Year:
CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1; LIN102H1 (note: LIN200H1 does not serve as prerequisite for upper year LIN courses)

Second Year:
COG250Y1 (may be taken in Year 1); STA220H1/​ PSY201H1; PSY270H1

Second Year and Higher:

Fourth Year: COG401H1/​ COG404H1/​ COG497Y1/​ COG498H1/​ COG499H1

FAS Program Area: University College

Cognitive Science Major - Science (Cognition and the Brain Stream) (Science Program) - ASMAJ1446B

Cognitive Science Major - Science (Cognition and the Brain Stream) (Science Program) - ASMAJ1446B

Today’s cognitive scientists are more interested than ever before in the way the brain implements the information-processing underpinnings of cognitive mental processes. The study of cognition and the brain is the study, grounded in cognitive neuroscience, of those aspects of brain activity directly relevant to the performance of cognitive functions.

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

COG250Y1 with a minimum grade of 70%, or
• 1.5 credits in CSC, LIN, PHL, or PSY with a minimum grade average of 70% based on the 1.5 credits. No more than 1.0 credits can be from any ONE of the listed course designators. If more than 1.5 credits have been completed, the grade average will be based on the higher course grades.

To ensure that students admitted to the program will be successful, applicants with a grade average lower than 70% in required courses will not usually be considered for admission. Please note that obtaining this minimum grade average of 70% does not guarantee admission to the program. The pool of applicants varies each year and sets the precedent for the program.

Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. Not all courses are offered on a regular basis. A list of approved Cognitive Science courses can be found on the website: For any questions, please email

Completion Requirements:

(8.0 credits)

Note that some Computer Science courses included below under Streams 1 and 2 have unlisted co- or prerequisites. Please consult the Faculty of Arts and Science Course Calendar. Those interested in the Science Major are advised to consider also registering for a Computer Science Specialist, Major, or Minor (for Stream 1) or a Human Biology Neuroscience Specialist or Major (for Stream 2).

First Year:
CSC108H1/​ CSC120H1 (recommended option); CSC148H1; MAT135H1 and MAT136H1 (or MAT137Y1)

Second Year:
COG250Y1 (may be taken in Year 1); STA220H1/​ STA257H1/​ PSY201H1; PSY270H1

Second Year and Higher:

Fourth Year:
COG402H1/​ COG403H1/​ COG404H1/​ COG497Y1/​ COG498H1/​ COG499H1

FAS Program Area: University College