Program and Certificate Search

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASMAJ1003A

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASMAJ1003A

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Major students with an interest in Molecular Networks of the Cell. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Major program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7. specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CJH332H1, CSB327H1, CSB331H1, CSB353H1
5. 0.5 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB435H1, CSB451H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB475H1
6. 1.0 credit from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CJH332H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB475H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Molecular Network Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASMAJ1003B

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASMAJ1003B

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Major students with an interest in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Major program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB340H1, CSB350H1/​ CSB352H1, CSB353H1
5. 0.5 credit from: CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1
6. 1.0 credit from: CSB299Y1, CSB330H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1.
7. Plant Biotech Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASMAJ1003C

Cell & Molecular Biology Major: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASMAJ1003C

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Major students with an interest in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Major program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1-3 of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Major Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1
5. 0.5 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB483H1
6. 1.0 credit from: CSB299Y1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB453H1, CSB483H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1.
7. Multicellularity Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASSPE1003A

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Molecular Networks of the Cell - ASSPE1003A

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Molecular Networks of the Cell. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CJH332H1, CSB327H1, CSB331H1, CSB353H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB435H1, CSB451H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB475H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CJH332H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB447H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, MGY441H1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Molecular Network Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASSPE1003B

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - ASSPE1003B

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Plant Genomics and Biotechnology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1.-3. of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4.-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7.). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB340H1, CSB350H1/​ CSB352H1, CSB353H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CSB299Y1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB428H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB454H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, MGY441H1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Plant Biotech Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASSPE1003C

Cell & Molecular Biology Specialist: Focus in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology - ASSPE1003C

Starting in 2nd year, this focus organizes a restricted number of highly motivated Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist students with an interest in Stem Cells and Developmental Biology. Focus students are required to complete a subset of related program courses and to participate in a learning community for the focus.

Enrolment Requirements:

Once you have been approved for and have enrolled in the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist program, you have the option to apply for entry into a focus. The focuses have a limited enrolment and can only accommodate a restricted number of students with a particular interest in the topic of the focus. Students can only apply for one focus. Admission will be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO130H1. If the student does not achieve 80% in BIO130H1, admission can be determined with a minimum grade of 80% in BIO230H1, BIO255H1 or CSB349H1. On the application form, students must include a 300-word statement of interest regarding the topic of the focus. Statement submission instructions are in the Undergraduate program section of the CSB website, Achieving these requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to the focus in any given year.

Students in a focus complete the requirements of First Year, the requirements 1-3 of Higher Years, as well as requirements 4-7 specific to each focus.

Each year students are enrolled in a focus, they must also be an active participant in the faculty-led learning community for their focus (requirement 7). The learning community appears as a non-credit course recognized on the co-curricular record. Students who fail to contribute to the faculty-led learning community will be removed from the focus.

Completion Requirements:

This Focus is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist and begins with the requirements of First Year and of lines 1-3 of Higher Years of the Cell and Molecular Biology Specialist Program.

4. 1.0 credit from: CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB340H1
5. 1.0 credit from: CSB427H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB483H1
6. 2.5 credits from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH441H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB352H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB450H1, CSB453H1, CSB458H1, CSB460H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1. No more than one 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.
7. Multicellularity Learning Community (each year of focus enrolment)

FAS Program Area: Cell and Systems Biology, Data Science

Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Major) - ASFOC1689K

Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Major) - ASFOC1689K

(3.5 credits)

The Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Major) has the same set of requirements as the Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Specialist).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is aimed at understanding and replicating the computational processes underlying intelligent behaviour. These behaviours include the perception of one's environment, learning how that environment is structured, communicating with other agents, and reasoning to guide one's actions. This focus is designed to provide students with an introduction to some of the key scientific and technical ideas that have been developed in AI. There are four different sub-areas of AI represented in our department: Computer Vision, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. These areas cover a wide variety of ideas and techniques. Students wanting to achieve this focus are required to take courses from at least two of these sub-areas (as in point 2, below).

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. 1.0 credit from the following: CSC336H1, MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, APM236H1, MAT224H1/​ MAT247H1, STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ STA261H1, STA302H1, STA347H1
  2. 2.5 credits from the following, so that courses are from at least two of the four areas:
    1. CSC401H1, CSC485H1
    2. CSC320H1, CSC420H1
    3. CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1/​ CSC321H1, CSC311H1/​ STA314H1, CSC412H1/​ STA414H1
    4. CSC304H1, CSC384H1, CSC486H1

Suggested Related Courses:

CSC324H1, COG250Y1, PSY270H1, PHL232H1, PHL342H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Specialist) - ASFOC1689B

Focus in Artificial Intelligence (Specialist) - ASFOC1689B

(3.5 credits)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is aimed at understanding and replicating the computational processes underlying intelligent behaviour. These behaviours include the perception of one's environment, learning how that environment is structured, communicating with other agents, and reasoning to guide one's actions. This focus is designed to provide students with an introduction to some of the key scientific and technical ideas that have been developed in AI. There are four different sub-areas of AI represented in our department: Computer Vision, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. These areas cover a wide variety of ideas and techniques. Students wanting to achieve this focus are required to take courses from at least two of these sub-areas (as in point 2, below).

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. 1.0 credit from the following: CSC336H1, MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, APM236H1, MAT224H1/​ MAT247H1, STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ STA261H1, STA302H1, STA347H1
  2. 2.5 credits from the following, so that courses are from at least two of the four areas:
    1. CSC401H1, CSC485H1
    2. CSC320H1, CSC420H1
    3. CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1/​ CSC321H1, CSC311H1/​ STA314H1, CSC412H1/​ STA414H1
    4. CSC304H1, CSC384H1, CSC486H1

Suggested Related Courses:

CSC324H1, COG250Y1, PSY270H1, PHL232H1, PHL342H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Canadian Foreign & Security Relations (Major) - ASFOC1469A

Focus in Canadian Foreign & Security Relations (Major) - ASFOC1469A

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the International Relations Major is required for entry into the Focus.

Enrolment in this Focus is recommended after second year to guide choice of courses in the higher years. Please note normal course prerequisites will apply to all courses in the Focus.

Completion Requirements:

Note: this Focus requires completion of a 0.5 credit or more in addition to the 7.5 credits required for the International Relations Major.

(2.5 credits)

  1. HIS311H1
  2. 2.0 credits chosen from the following list:
    HIS312H1, HIS356H1, POL312H1, POL313H1, HIS405Y1, HIS430H1, POL467H1, TRN409H1 (Canadian Defense Policy since the end of the Cold War), TRN409H1 (Nuclear Weapons and International Politics), TRN410H1, TRN419Y1, VIC476H1


  • Focus courses meet the basic IRP inclusion standard of substantially and directly addressing relations between and among countries at the state or society level.
  • Students can request substitutions from the IRP Director
  • Not all courses may be available at all times without scheduling conflicts.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Focus in Canadian Foreign & Security Relations (Specialist) - ASFOC1469B

Focus in Canadian Foreign & Security Relations (Specialist) - ASFOC1469B

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the International Relations Specialist is required for entry into this Focus.

Enrolment in this Focus is recommended after second year to guide choice of courses in the higher years. Please note normal course prerequisites will apply to all courses in the Focus.

Completion Requirements:

(2.5 credits)

  1. HIS311H1
  2. 2.0 credits chosen from the following list:
    HIS312H1, HIS356H1, POL312H1, POL313H1, HIS405Y1, HIS430H1, POL467H1, TRN409H1 (Canadian Defense Policy since the end of the Cold War), TRN409H1 (Nuclear Weapons and International Politics), TRN410H1, TRN419Y1, VIC476H1


  • Focus courses meet the basic IRP inclusion standard of substantially and directly addressing relations between and among countries at the state or society level.
  • Students can request substitutions from the IRP Director
  • Not all courses may be available at all times without scheduling conflicts.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Major) - ASFOC1689M

Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Major) - ASFOC1689M

(4.0 credits)

The Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Major) has the same set of requirements as the Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Specialist).

How can we build and analyze systems that enable users to communicate with computers using human language (also called natural language) and automatically process the vast amounts of data on the web available in the form of text? The focus covers appropriate material on natural language interfaces, as well as tools such as document summarization, intelligent search over the web, and so on. Students considering this focus are encouraged to consider a Major in Linguistics.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC318H1
  2. CSC401H1, CSC485H1
  3. LIN101H1/​ LIN200H1
  4. 1.5 credits from the following: CSC309H1, CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1/​ CSC321H1, CSC311H1, CSC428H1, CSC486H1
  5. 0.5 credit from the following: PSY100H1, COG250Y1

Suggested Related Courses:

Other relevant Computer Science courses, depending on the student's interests, include other courses in artificial intelligence such as CSC384H1 or CSC420H1. Linguistics, Psychology, and Cognitive Science are all directly relevant to this focus, and we recommend that interested students take additional courses from any or all of those disciplines.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Specialist) - ASFOC1689C

Focus in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (Specialist) - ASFOC1689C

(4.0 credits)

How can we build and analyze systems that enable users to communicate with computers using human language (also called natural language) and automatically process the vast amounts of data on the web available in the form of text? The focus covers appropriate material on natural language interfaces, as well as tools such as document summarization, intelligent search over the web, and so on. Students considering this focus are encouraged to consider a Major in Linguistics. [Note 0.5 credit in LIN is in addition to the 12.0 credits required to complete the Specialist program]

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC318H1
  2. CSC401H1, CSC485H1
  3. LIN101H1/​ LIN200H1
  4. 1.5 credits from the following: CSC309H1, CSC413H1/​ CSC421H1/​ CSC321H1, CSC311H1, CSC428H1, CSC486H1
  5. 0.5 credit from the following: PSY100H1, COG250Y1

Suggested Related Courses:

Other relevant Computer Science courses, depending on the student's interests, include other courses in artificial intelligence such as CSC384H1 or CSC420H1. Linguistics, Psychology, and Cognitive Science are all directly relevant to this focus, and we recommend that interested students take additional courses from any or all of those disciplines.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Computer Systems (Major) - ASFOC1689P

Focus in Computer Systems (Major) - ASFOC1689P

(3.0 credits)

Software systems are complex and interesting. Poorly done systems can be incredibly expensive: they can cost society billions of dollars and sometimes make the difference between life and death. Rapid changes in technology and applications means that the underlying systems must continually adapt. This focus takes you under the covers of software systems, laying bare the layers and introducing you to concurrency issues, scalability, multiprocessor systems, distributed computing, and more.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC209H1
  2. 1.5 credits from the following: CSC343H1, CSC367H1, CSC369H1, CSC457H1/​ CSC458H1
  3. 1.0 credit from the following: CSC457H1/​ CSC458H1 (if not taken in list 2), CSC324H1, CSC368H1, CSC385H1, CSC443H1, CSC469H1, CSC488H1

Suggested Related Courses:

  1. CSC301H1, CSC309H1, CSC410H1
  2. Relevant courses offered at UTM: CSC347H5, CSC423H5, CSC427H5
  3. Relevant courses offered by Engineering: ECE454H1, ECE568H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Computer Systems (Specialist) - ASFOC1689F

Focus in Computer Systems (Specialist) - ASFOC1689F

(3.0 credits)

Software systems are complex and interesting. Poorly done systems can be incredibly expensive: they can cost society billions of dollars and sometimes make the difference between life and death. Rapid changes in technology and applications means that the underlying systems must continually adapt. This focus takes you under the covers of software systems, laying bare the layers and introducing you to concurrency issues, scalability, multiprocessor systems, distributed computing, and more.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC209H1
  2. 1.5 credits from the following: CSC343H1, CSC367H1, CSC369H1, CSC457H1/​ CSC458H1
  3. 1.0 credit from the following: CSC457H1/​ CSC458H1 (if not taken in list 2), CSC324H1, CSC368H1, CSC385H1, CSC443H1, CSC469H1, CSC488H1

Suggested Related Courses:

  1. CSC301H1, CSC309H1, CSC410H1
  2. Relevant courses offered at UTM: CSC347H5, CSC423H5, CSC427H5
  3. Relevant courses offered by Engineering: ECE454H1, ECE568H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Computer Vision (Major) - ASFOC1689L

Focus in Computer Vision (Major) - ASFOC1689L

(3.5 credits)

The Focus in Computer Vision (Major) has the same set of requirements as the Focus in Computer Vision (Specialist).

Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that can see. As a science, the goal of computer vision is to understand the computational processes required for a machine to come to an understanding of the content of a set of images. The data here may be a single snapshot, a video sequence, or a set of images from different viewpoints or provided by medical scanners.

The computer vision focus introduces students to the study of vision from a computational point of view. That is, we attempt to clearly define computational problems for various steps of the overall process, and then show how these problems can be tackled with appropriate algorithms.

Students who wish to pursue computer vision should have an understanding of linear algebra and calculus of several variables. Moreover, they should be solid programmers and have a good understanding of data structures and algorithm design. These basic tools are required in order to first pose computational vision problems, and then develop and test algorithms for the solution to those problems.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, CSC320H1, CSC336H1, CSC311H1, CSC420H1
  2. 0.5 credit from the following: CSC412H1, CSC417H1, CSC317H1/​ CSC418H1, CSC419H1, CSC2503H (Note: students must request permission to take a graduate course.)

Suggested Related Courses:

The following are examples of topics and courses that fit naturally with a study of computational vision. The list is meant to be illustrative of the range of cognate topics, but is not necessarily complete. The ordering is alphabetical and not indicative of importance. Note: there are prerequisites for many of these courses that we do not list here.

APM462H1, COG250Y1, CSC384H1, CSC485H1, CSC486H1, ECE216H1, PHL232H1, PHY385H1, PSL440Y1, PSY270H1, PSY280H1, STA257H1/​ STA261H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Computer Vision (Specialist) - ASFOC1689D

Focus in Computer Vision (Specialist) - ASFOC1689D

(3.5 credits)

Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that can see. As a science, the goal of computer vision is to understand the computational processes required for a machine to come to an understanding of the content of a set of images. The data here may be a single snapshot, a video sequence, or a set of images from different viewpoints or provided by medical scanners.

The computer vision focus introduces students to the study of vision from a computational point of view. That is, we attempt to clearly define computational problems for various steps of the overall process, and then show how these problems can be tackled with appropriate algorithms.

Students who wish to pursue computer vision should have an understanding of linear algebra and calculus of several variables. Moreover, they should be solid programmers and have a good understanding of data structures and algorithm design. These basic tools are required in order to first pose computational vision problems, and then develop and test algorithms for the solution to those problems.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. MAT235Y1/​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1, CSC320H1, CSC336H1, CSC311H1, CSC420H1
  2. 0.5 credit from the following: CSC412H1, CSC417H1, CSC317H1/​ CSC418H1, CSC419H1, CSC2503H (Note: students must request permission to take a graduate course.)

Suggested Related Courses:

The following are examples of topics and courses that fit naturally with a study of computational vision. The list is meant to be illustrative of the range of cognate topics, but is not necessarily complete. The ordering is alphabetical and not indicative of importance. Note: there are prerequisites for many of these courses that we do not list here.

APM462H1, COG250Y1, CSC384H1, CSC485H1, CSC486H1, ECE216H1, PHL232H1, PHY385H1, PSL440Y1, PSY270H1, PSY280H1, STA257H1/​ STA261H1

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Data Analytics (Major) - ASFOC1478B

Focus in Data Analytics (Major) - ASFOC1478B

The Focus in Data Analytics (major) ensures that students gain proficiency in applied empirical economics. It provides students with hands-on exposure to the tools empirical economists use to build and analyze datasets - programming languages such as Python, and software programs to manage, statistically analyze, and visualize data such as Excel, GIS, Stata and R. The focus will also direct students to empirical economics courses that apply these tools in a wide variety of contexts.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Economics Major program (ASMAJ1478) is required.

Completion Requirements:

(3.0 credits)

  1. 0.5 credit from: CSC108H1, CSC110Y1, CSC148H1
  2. ECO225H1/​ GGR272H1/​ JSC270H1
  3. ECO372H1
  4. 1.0 credit of 300+ ECO elective courses from: ECO310H1, ECO334H1, ECO339H1, ECO340H1, ECO353H1, ECO354H1, ECO367H1, ECO374H1, ECO375H1, ECO380H1 (or the 400-level courses listed below (#5))
  5. 0.5 credit 400-level ECO course from: ECO401H1, ECO403H1, ECO404H1, ECO418H1, ECO439H1, ECO446H1, ECO464H1, ECO466H1, ECO475H1, ECO480H1, ECO481H1, ECO482H1, ECO483H1, ECO499H1

FAS Program Area: Economics, Data Science

Focus in Data Analytics (Specialist) - ASFOC1478A

Focus in Data Analytics (Specialist) - ASFOC1478A

Students in the Economics Specialist program who undertake a Focus in Data Analytics will gain advanced ability in applied empirical economics. The Focus (for specialists) provides students with hands-on exposure to the tools empirical economists use to build and analyze datasets - programming languages such as Python, and software programs to manage, statistically analyze, and visualize data such as Excel, GIS, Stata and R. The Specialist Focus will also direct students to required and elective empirical economics courses that apply these tools in a wide variety of contexts.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Economics Specialist program (ASSPE1478) is required.

Completion Requirements:

(5.0 credits)

  1. 0.5 credit from: CSC108H1, CSC110Y1, CSC148H1
  2. ECO225H1/​ GGR272H1/​ JSC270H1
  3. ECO372H1
  4. ECO374H1
  5. ECO475H1
  6. 2.0 credits of 300+ ECO elective courses from: ECO310H1, ECO334H1, ECO339H1, ECO340H1, ECO353H1, ECO354H1, ECO367H1, ECO380H1 (or the 400-level courses listed below (#7))
  7. 0.5 credit 400-level ECO course from: ECO401H1, ECO403H1, ECO404H1, ECO418H1, ECO439H1, ECO446H1, ECO464H1, ECO466H1, ECO480H1, ECO481H1, ECO482H1, ECO483H1, ECO499H1

FAS Program Area: Economics, Data Science

Focus in Data Science in Business

Focus in Data Science in Business

This is a focus in data science in business that can be taken as part of any of the 3 specialists (Management, Accounting, and Finance & Economics) in the Rotman Commerce program. It requires taking 1.0 credit of required courses in programming and data analytics tools and then allows students to choose 1.5 credits of elective courses applying these tools to various areas in management and economics.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in one of the following Bachelor of Commerce Specialist programs is required:

  • Management Specialist (Focus ASFOC2431G)
  • Accounting Specialist (Focus ASFOC2676A)
  • Finance & Economics Specialist (Focus ASFOC2038A)
Completion Requirements:

This focus requires the completion of 2.5 credits.

  1. 0.5 credit in Programming: CSC108H1/​ CSC148H1
  2. 0.5 credit in Data Science Tools: RSM338H1/​ RSM358H1
  3. 1.5 credits from the following courses: ECO225H1, ECO372H1, ECO374H1, ECO375H1, ECO464H1, ECO475H1, GGR274H1, RSM326H1, RSM351H1 (formerly offered as a special topics course under RSM311H1), RSM371H1, RSM384H1, RSM456H1, RSM470H1, RSM483H1 and any data science-themed RSM special topics course and RSM Summer Abroad course as determined by the Director of Rotman Commerce.

Alternative courses may be substituted with the prior approval of the Director, Rotman Commerce. Contact the Rotman Commerce Program office for more information.

FAS Program Area: Rotman Commerce, Data Science

Focus in Finance - ASFOC2431B

Focus in Finance - ASFOC2431B

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Management Specialist Program (ASSPE2431).

Completion Requirements:

This Focus requires the completion of 2.5 credits.

  1. Complete 1.0 credit from the following courses: RSM336H1, RSM433H1, RSM435H1
  2. Complete 1.5 credits from the remaining course in requirement 1 and the following courses: RSM329H1, RSM338H1, RSM429H1, RSM430H1, RSM432H1, RSM434H1, RSM435H1, RSM436H1, RSM437H1, RSM438H1, RSM439H1 and any finance-themed RSM special topics and RSM Summer Abroad courses as determined by the Director of Rotman Commerce.

Alternative courses may be substituted with the prior approval of the Director, Rotman Commerce. Contact the Rotman Commerce Program office for more information.

FAS Program Area: Rotman Commerce

Focus in Financial Statement Analysis - ASFOC2431E

Focus in Financial Statement Analysis - ASFOC2431E

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Management Specialist Program (ASSPE2431).

Completion Requirements:

This Focus requires the completion of 3.0 credits.

  1. Complete 1.0 credit of required courses: RSM220H1/​ RSM329H1, RSM429H1
  2. Complete 2.0 credits from the following courses: RSM221H1, RSM323H1, RSM324H1, RSM326H1, RSM327H1, RSM328H1, RSM420H1, RSM425H1, RSM428H1, RSM470H1 and any accounting-themed RSM special topics and RSM Summer Abroad courses as determined by the Director of Rotman Commerce.

Alternative courses may be substituted with the prior approval of the Director, Rotman Commerce. Contact the Rotman Commerce Program office for more information.

FAS Program Area: Rotman Commerce

Focus in Game Design (Major) - ASFOC1689N

Focus in Game Design (Major) - ASFOC1689N

(3.0 credits)

The Focus in Game Design (Major) has the same set of requirements as the Focus in Game Design (Specialist).

Video game design combines several disciplines within computer science, including software engineering, graphics, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction. It also incorporates elements of economics, psychology, music, and creative writing, requiring video game researchers to have a diverse, multidisciplinary set of skills.

Students who wish to pursue video game design should have an understanding of linear algebra (for computer graphics modelling), computer hardware and operating systems (for console architecture), data structures, and algorithm design. Students will gain a general knowledge of the more advanced topics listed in the courses below.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Game Design (Specialist) - ASFOC1689G

Focus in Game Design (Specialist) - ASFOC1689G

(3.0 credits)

Video game design combines several disciplines within computer science, including software engineering, graphics, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction. It also incorporates elements of economics, psychology, music, and creative writing, requiring video game researchers to have a diverse, multidisciplinary set of skills.

Students who wish to pursue video game design should have an understanding of linear algebra (for computer graphics modelling), computer hardware and operating systems (for console architecture), data structures, and algorithm design. Students will gain a general knowledge of the more advanced topics listed in the courses below.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Green Chemistry

Focus in Green Chemistry

Consult Professor A. Dicks, Department of Chemistry.

The Focus in Green Chemistry provides students with the opportunity to emphasize green chemistry as part of any chemistry specialist or major program they are enrolled in. An understanding of green chemistry principles is integral to meeting several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs:, particularly those centered around affordable energy, climate action, clean water and sanitation, responsible consumption and production, and good well-being. As such, green chemistry broadly concerns the design and redesign of products and processes to reduce their impact on human health and the environment. This focus will be attractive to students who wish to combine courses that cover principles of toxicology, reaction metrics, safer chemicals/solvents, pollution prevention/recycling, catalysis, and energy efficiency.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in one of the following programs is required:

  • Chemistry Major (Focus ASFOC1376A)
  • Chemistry Specialist (Focus ASFOC1376B)
  • Biological Chemistry Specialist (Focus ASFOC1995A)
  • Synthetic & Catalytic Chemistry Specialist (Focus ASFOC1377A)
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Specialist (Focus ASFOC1211A)
  • Chemical Physics Specialist (Focus ASFOC0600A)
  • Materials Science Specialist (Focus ASFOC2424A)
  • Environmental Chemistry Major (Focus ASFOC2543A)
Completion Requirements:

FAS Program Area: Chemistry

Focus in Human-Computer Interaction (Major) - ASFOC1689Q

Focus in Human-Computer Interaction (Major) - ASFOC1689Q

(3.5 credits)

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the scientific study of the use of computers by people and the design discipline that informs the creation of systems and software that are useful, usable, and enjoyable for the people who use them. HCI students have exciting opportunities for research and graduate school; HCI professionals often have jobs with titles such as user interface architect, user interface specialist, interaction designer, or usability engineer.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Major Program (ASMAJ1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC300H1, CSC301H1, CSC318H1, CSC428H1
  2. STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ SOC204H1/​ PSY201H1
  3. PSY100H1/​ SOC100H1/​ MIE343H1/​ MIE344H1/​ MIE448H1 (These MIE courses address Human Factors or Ergonomics, offered by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Human factors is a discipline closely associated with human-computer interaction that approaches problems in slightly different ways.)
  4. CSC302H1/​ CSC309H1/​ CSC311H1/​ CSC316H1/​ CSC320H1/​ CSC384H1/​ CSC401H1/​ CSC404H1/​ CSC420H1/​ CSC454H1/​ CSC485H1

Suggested Related Courses:

If you have completed any of these suggested related courses, please contact to determine whether it may be appropriate to count a related course towards Focus requirements.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in Human-Computer Interaction (Specialist) - ASFOC1689H

Focus in Human-Computer Interaction (Specialist) - ASFOC1689H

(3.5 credits)

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the scientific study of the use of computers by people and the design discipline that informs the creation of systems and software that are useful, usable, and enjoyable for the people who use them. HCI students have exciting opportunities for research and graduate school; HCI professionals often have jobs with titles such as user interface architect, user interface specialist, interaction designer, or usability engineer.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the Computer Science Specialist Program (ASSPE1689).

Completion Requirements:

Required Courses:

  1. CSC300H1, CSC301H1, CSC318H1, CSC428H1
  2. STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ SOC204H1/​ PSY201H1
  3. PSY100H1/​ SOC100H1/​ MIE343H1/​ MIE344H1/​ MIE448H1 (These MIE courses address Human Factors or Ergonomics, offered by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Human factors is a discipline closely associated with human-computer interaction that approaches problems in slightly different ways.)
  4. CSC302H1/​ CSC309H1/​ CSC311H1/​ CSC316H1/​ CSC320H1/​ CSC384H1/​ CSC401H1/​ CSC404H1/​ CSC420H1/​ CSC454H1/​ CSC485H1

Suggested Related Courses:

If you have completed any of these suggested related courses, please contact to determine whether it may be appropriate to count a related course towards Focus requirements.

FAS Program Area: Computer Science

Focus in International Business (UofT Global Scholar)

Focus in International Business (UofT Global Scholar)

The International Business focus can be taken as part of any of the 3 specialists (Management, Accounting, and Finance & Economics) in the Rotman Commerce Program. It requires1.5 credits from the list of required courses (central subjects that comprise the core discipline of international business) and then allows students to choose 1.0 credit of complementary electives of their own interest (courses that are within the discipline, but perhaps more peripheral), while also recognizing foreign languages and international exchange as useful for developing skills and experience in international business. The focus provides an essential blend of International Economics and Business strategy, offering students a comprehensive understanding of global markets and cross-border operations.

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in one of the following Bachelor of Commerce Specialist programs is required:

  • Management Specialist - ASSPE2431 (Focus Code: ASFOC2431F)
  • Accounting Specialist - ASSPE2676 (Focus Code: ASFOC2676C)
  • Finance & Economics Specialist - ASSPE2038 (Focus Code: ASFOC2038C)
Completion Requirements:

This focus requires the completion of 2.5 credits, including both required and elective courses.

  1. Complete 1.5 credits from: RSM437H1, RSM480H1, RSM490H1, ECO324H1, ECO364H1, ECO365H1, ECO419H1
  2. Complete 1.0 credit from either the remaining courses in requirement 1 or the following: HIS267H1, RSM370H1, RSM461H1, RSM462H1, RSM470H1, RSM481H1, RSM491H1, ECO341H1, ECO342H1, ECO362H1, ECO403H1, ECO406H1, ECO435H1, ECO451H1, any RSM Summer Abroad course, any language course at the 200+ level and any international business-themed RSM special topics courses as determined by the Director of Rotman Commerce. Transfer credits from participation in an international exchange may count up to 1.0 credit towards this requirement.

Alternative courses may be substituted with the prior approval of the Director, Rotman Commerce. Contact the Rotman Commerce Program office for more information.

FAS Program Area: Rotman Commerce

Focus in International Economy (Major) - ASFOC1469H

Focus in International Economy (Major) - ASFOC1469H

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the International Relations Major is required for entry into this Focus.

Enrolment in this Focus is recommended after second year to guide choice of courses in the higher years. Please note normal course prerequisites will apply to all courses in the Focus.

Completion Requirements:

(2.5 credits)

  1. ECO341H1
  2. ECO342H1
  3. 1.5 credits chosen from the following list:
    ECO362H1, ECO364H1, ECO365H1, ECO368H1, GGR326H1, POL361H1, POL362H1, GGR344H1, ECO403H1, ECO419H1, ECO459H1, ECO465H1, GGR418H1, GGR430H1, HIS417H1, POL435H1, POL477H1


  • Focus courses meet the basic IRP inclusion standard of substantially and directly addressing relations between and among countries at the state or society level.
  • Students can request substitutions from the IRP Director
  • Not all courses may be available at all times without scheduling conflicts.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Focus in International Economy (Specialist) - ASFOC1469C

Focus in International Economy (Specialist) - ASFOC1469C

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the International Relations Specialist is required for entry into this Focus.

Enrolment in this Focus is recommended after second year to guide choice of courses in the higher years. Please note normal course prerequisites will apply to all courses in the Focus.

Completion Requirements:

(2.5 credits)

  1. ECO341H1
  2. ECO342H1
  3. 1.5 credits chosen from the following list:
    ECO362H1, ECO364H1, ECO365H1, ECO368H1, GGR326H1, POL361H1, POL362H1, GGR344H1, ECO403H1, ECO419H1, ECO459H1, ECO465H1, GGR418H1, GGR430H1, HIS417H1, POL435H1, POL477H1


  • Focus courses meet the basic IRP inclusion standard of substantially and directly addressing relations between and among countries at the state or society level.
  • Students can request substitutions from the IRP Director
  • Not all courses may be available at all times without scheduling conflicts.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College

Focus in International Law & Human Rights (Major) - ASFOC1469D

Focus in International Law & Human Rights (Major) - ASFOC1469D

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment in the International Relations Major is required for entry into the Focus.

Enrolment in this Focus is recommended after second year to guide choice of courses in the higher years. Please note normal course prerequisites will apply to all courses in the Focus.

Completion Requirements:

Note: this Focus requires completion of a 0.5 credit or more in addition to the 7.5 credits required for the International Relations Major.

(2.5 credits)

  1. POL340H1 and POL341H1
  2. 1.5 credits chosen from the following list:
    ECO320H1, HIS338H1, HIS361H1, HIS397H1, POL324H1, GGR419H1, HIS411H1, HIS465H1, HIS470H1, HIS487H1, HIS493H1, POL412H1, POL456H1, POL457Y1, POL469H1, TRN421Y1


  • Focus courses meet the basic IRP inclusion standard of substantially and directly addressing relations between and among countries at the state or society level.
  • Students can request substitutions from the IRP Director
  • Not all courses may be available at all times without scheduling conflicts.

FAS Program Area: Trinity College