ECO439H1: Empirical Methods in Microeconomics


This course studies the methods used in modern program evaluation and micro-econometrics to identify causal effects in the presence of potentially unobserved confounding factors. Covers a range of methods and designs, both experimental and quasi-experimental. There is a heavy emphasis on the application of these methods to a broad range of economic questions. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided.

( ECO372H1(70%)/ ECO374H1(70%)/ ECO375H1(60%)) OR ( ECO200Y1(80%)/ ECO204Y1(80%)/ ECO206Y1(80%), ( ECO220Y1(80%)/ ECO227Y1(80%))
Society and its Institutions (3)