Public Health Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ2086

The Major in Public Health explores how health is shaped by the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age, and how these in turn connect to a wider set of environmental, social, cultural, economic, and political forces.

Understanding health requires knowledge from a range of disciplines and sectors: Public Health offers a stimulating multidisciplinary environment that challenges students to think about health – both locally and globally – in new ways.

The Health Studies Major (ASMAJ2085) was last available for enrolment during the second round of program enrolment in Summer 2024. The program completion requirements for the Health Studies Major can be found in the archived 2023-24 Academic Calendar.

This is a limited enrolment program. Note there are different options depending on whether a student has completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits, or 9.0 or more credits.

Variable Minimum Grade Average
A minimum grade average in required courses is needed for entry, and this minimum changes each year depending on available spaces and the number of applicants. The following courses must be completed:

For students who have completed between 4.0 and 8.5 credits:

For students who have completed 9.0 credits or more:

(8.0 credits, including 2.0 credits at the 400-level.)

Year 1 (1.5 credits)

1. PHS103H1/​ PHS100H1
2. 1.0 credit from the following courses related to human systems: ANT100Y1/​ BIO130H1/​ CSB201H1/​ ECO101H1/​ ECO105Y1/​ GGR107H1/​ HPS100H1/​ HPS110H1/​ HPS120H1/​ PHL100Y1/​ PHL101Y1/​ POL101H1/​ PSY100H1/​ SOC100H1/​ TRN135Y1/​ UNI103H1/​ WGS160Y1

Year 2 (2.0 credits)

3. HST209H1, HST211H1, HST253H1
4. 0.5 credit from: HST250H1/​ STA220H1/​ ECO220Y1/​ ECO227Y1/​ GGR270H1/​ PSY201H1/​ SOC300Y1/​ STA261H1/​ STA238H1/​ STA248H1/​ STA288H1/​ EEB225H1/​ STAB22H3/​ STAB57H3/​ STA215H5/​ STA220H5/​ ECO220Y5/​ ECO227Y5/​ STA258H5/​ STA260H5

Years 3 and 4 (4.5 credits)

5. HST310H1, HST410H1, HST480H1
6. 0.5 credit from the following courses related to the Ethics and Epistemologies of Health Research: HMB406H1/​ HPS240H1/​ HPS318H1/​ HPS346H1/​ INS200H1/​ PHL281H1/​ PHL382H1/​ PHL384H1/​ PHL380H1/​ PHL383H1/​ PHL440H1
7. 0.5 credit from courses related to Public Health Equity: HMB303H1/​ HST305H1/​ HST405H1/​ HST411H1/​ JSU237H1/​ INS340Y1/​ INS350H1/​ SDS345H1/​ SDS425H1/​ JNS450H1/​ WGS273H1/​ WGS373H1/​ WGS396H1/​ WGS442H1
8. 0.5 credit from courses related to Public Health Domains/Specializations: ANT205H1/​ ANT357H1/​ ANT435H1/​ HST308H1/​ HMB342H1/​ HST373H1/​ HST330H1/​ HST306H1/​ HST400Y1/​ HST407H1/​ HST409H1/​ HST440H1/​ HST451Y1/​ HST464H1/​ HMB203H1/​ IRE378H1/​ SOC246H1/​ SOC363H1
9. The remaining 1.5 credits can include any courses not previously taken to fulfill the preceding requirements, or any of the following: ANA300Y1/​ ANT208H1/​ ANT345H1/​ ANT348H1/​ ANT358H1/​ ANT434H1/​ ANT458H1/​ ANT460H1/​ ANT474H1/​ ECO369H1/​ ECO402H1/​ EEB324H1/​ ENV430H1/​ GGR340H1/​ GGR433H1/​ HIS423H1/​ HIS498H1/​ HMB202H1/​ HMB322H1/​ HMB323H1/​ HMB433H1/​ HMB462H1/​ HPS319H1/​ HPS370H1/​ HPS371H1/​ HST306H1/​ HST307H1/​ HST309H1/​ HST350H1/​ INS205H1/​ JFP450H1/​ JNH350H1/​ CSE344Y1/​ PHL380H1/​ PHL381H1/​ PHS300H1/​ PSY333H1/​ SOC204H1/​ SOC243H1/​ SOC309H1/​ SOC316H1/​ SOC364H1/​ SOC412H1/​ SOC488H1/​ STA221H1/​ TRN235H1/​ TRN236H1/​ WGS367H1