Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ1141

Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity (CSES) is an interdisciplinary program that explores how social relations and practices of power and privilege are (re)produced locally and transnationally. In CSES we question the dominant conceptualization of equity by the state, educational programs, the non-profit sectors and community organizations as individualized and de-historicized social differences. CSES is a hub of critical disability studies teaching and learning. The program provides students with theoretical and practical tools to study social, political, economic and historical injustices. CSES takes a unique approach to undergraduate education that values student experiential learning and community knowledge. The learning goal of CSES is to provide frameworks on theories of transformative social change rooted in political activism and formations of solidarity. The program encourages students to apply theory in action through organizing and practicing solidarity in making a more just world. Equity Studies creates a dynamic learning environment that extends far beyond the university walls. With a vibrant student body, dynamic faculty members, connection with a wide range of community partners and a bold curriculum, CSES at New College is a leader in studies of social justice, settler colonialism, race, gender, sexuality, disability, land/water and sustainability, activism, solidarity and the art of resistance, and global food equity and security.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Consult Program Administrator: or 416-978-2667.

(7.0 credits, including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level)

First Year:
No specific first-year courses required.

Higher Years:
1. CSE240H1
2. CSE341H1
3. JQR360H1
4. 2.0 additional credits from the core group, including at least 0.5 at the 400-level: JNS450H1, CAR315H1, CSE241Y1, CSE270H1, CSE340H1, CSE342H1, CSE344H1, CSE344Y1, CSE345H1, CSE346H1, CSE347H1, CSE348H1, CSE349H1, CSE439H1, CSE440Y1, CSE441H1, CSE442H1, CSE443H1, CSE444H1, CSE445H1, CSE446H1, CSE447H1, CSE448H1, CSE449H1, CSE469Y1, CSE499H1
5. 3.5 credits from Groups A, B, C, D (including one or more credits from at least three of the four groups)

Group A: Gender
ANT343H1, ANT460H1, CAR317H1, CAR325H1, CAS360H1, CHC322H1, CLA219H1, CLA319H1, EAS380H1, EAS388H1, ENG355Y1, FRE304H1, GGR320H1, GGR327H1, HIS205H1, HIS297Y1, HIS348H1, HIS363H1, HIS383Y1, HIS406H1, HIS446H1, HIS481H1, ITA455H1, JAL355H1, NMC245H1, NMC284H1, NMC484H1, PHL367H1, POL303H1, POL351H1, POL432H1, REN341H1, REN342H1, REN343H1, RLG235H1, RLG311H1, RLG312H1, RLG313H1, SLA248H1, SOC265H1, SOC365H1, SOC383H1, SOC465H1, SPA382H1, WGS160Y1, WGS260H1, WGS271Y1, WGS273H1, WGS367H1, WGS372H1, WGS373H1

Group B: Race, Anti-Racism and Ethnicity
AFR150Y1, AFR250Y1, AFR322H1, AFR351Y1, AFR352H1, AMS310H1, ANT204H1, ANT458H1, ANT463H1, ANT464H1, CAR225H1, CAR226H1, CAR324H1, CAR328H1, CAS310H1, CAR427H1, CAR429H1, CDN280H1, CDN307H1, CDN335H1, CIN337H1, ENG270H1, ENG355Y1, ENG356Y1, ENG367H1, ENG368H1, ENG369H1, ENG370Y1, FAH351H1, FIN320H1, FRE336H1, GGR240H1, HIS107Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS221H1, HIS222H1, HIS230H1, HIS231H1, HIS245H1, HIS282Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS303H1, HIS338H1, HIS359H1, HIS360H1, HIS361H1, HIS391Y1, HIS392Y1, HIS413H1, HIS416H1, HIS467H1, HIS470H1, HIS474H1, JHN323H1, JLN327H1, INS261H1, LAS301H1, LAS302H1, LAS401H1, NMC484H1, POL467H1, RLG344H1, RLG352H1, RLG353H1, SLA222H1, SOC210H1, SPA486H1, UNI199H1, WGS481H1, WGS390H1, WGS442H1

Group C: Sexual Diversities
ANT441H1, ANT456H1, EAS389H1, ENG273Y1, ENG384Y1, JPS315H1, JSU325H1, NMC384H1, PHL243H1, PSY323H1, RLG313H1, SDS199H1, SDS246H1, SDS255H1, SDS256H1, SDS279H1, SDS345H1, SDS355H1, SDS365H1, SDS377H1, SDS378H1, SDS380H1, SDS381H1, SDS382H1, SDS385H1, SDS455H1, SDS465H1, SDS470H1, UNI104H1, WGS374H1, WGS376H1

Group D: General Critical Equity
AFR298H1, AFR370H1, AFR454H1, ANT204H1, ANT205H1, ANT324H1, ANT327H1, ANT329H1, ANT346H1, ANT348H1, ANT358H1, ANT364H1, ANT366H1, ANT420H1, ANT426H1, ANT472H1, ANT474H1, BPM214H1, CAR220H1, CAR221H1, CAS350H1, CAS420H1, CDN267H1, CDN367H1, CRI487H1, DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1, EAS315H1, EAS439H1, EDS260H1, ENG254H1, ENV430H1, GGR107H1, GGR112H1, GGR240H1, GGR328H1, GGR329H1, GGR338H1, GGR339H1, GGR357H1, GGR363H1, GGR418H1, GGR419H1, GGR434H1, HIS106Y1, HIS318H1, HIS323H1, HIS324H1, HIS424H1, HIS459H1, HIS480H1, HIS489H1, HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB443H1, HPS240H1, HPS324H1, HST330H1, HST411H1, INS200H1, INS201Y1, INS240Y1, INS250H1, INS261H1, INS300Y1, INS301Y1, INS302H1, INS322H1, INS340Y1, INS341H1, INS350H1, INS353H1, INS354H1, INS360Y1, INS402H1, INS403H1, INS405H1, JFP450H1, JGU216H1, JNH350H1, JSU237H1, JUG325H1, LIN211H1, NMC384H1, PHL273H1, PHL281H1, PHL380H1, PHL383H1, PHL384H1, POL198H1, POL201H1, POL344H1, POL353H1, POL358H1, POL412H1, POL418H1, POL421H1, POL439H1, POL480H1, RLG201H1, RLG317H1, SAS318H1, SOC207H1, SOC220H1, SOC282H1, SOC309H1, SOC363H1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC479H1, SPA383H1, UNI101H1, URB333H1