Buddhist Studies Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE1525

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

(10.0 credits)

  1. 1.0 credit from RLG100H1/​ RLG101H1/​ RLG102H1/​ RLG103H1/​ RLG104H1/​ RLG105H1/​ RLG106H1/​ RLG107H1/​ RLG108H1/​ RLG109H1/​ RLG195H1/​ RLG196H1/​ RLG197H1/​ RLG198H1/​ RLG199H1/​ JRC199H1/​ JRN199H1.
  2. RLG200H1
  3. RLG206H1
  4. 0.5 credit from RLG209H1/​ RLG211H1/​ RLG212H1/​ RLG213H1
  5. Two consecutive language courses (2.0 credits) in one of: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Sanskrit, Pali or Tibetan.

    Chinese: EAS100Y1, EAS101Y1, EAS200Y1, EAS201H1, EAS300Y1
    Japanese: EAS120Y1, EAS121H1, EAS220Y1, EAS221H1, EAS320Y1
    Korean: EAS110Y1, EAS210Y1, EAS211Y1, EAS212H1, EAS310Y1, EAS410Y1
    Sanskrit: RLG260H1, RLG263H1, RLG359H1, RLG360H1
    Pali: RLG264H1, RLG265H1, and an additional 1.0 credit in consultation with the Department for the Study of Religion
    Tibetan: RLG261H1, RLG262H1, RLG370Y1/​ ( RLG377H1, RLG378H1)

  6. 4.5 credits chosen from the list below. At least 2.5 credits must be RLG courses. At least 2.5 credits must be taken at the 300-level or higher.

    Second year courses:
    RLG205H1, EAS209H1, FAH260H1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283Y1, NEW214H1/​ BPM214H1, NEW232H1/​ BPM232H1, PHL237H1.

    Third year courses:
    RLG311H1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG366H1, RLG368H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG374H1, RLG375H1, RLG376H1, RLG379H1, RLG370H5, RLG371H5, RLG373H5, RLG374H5, EAS338H1, EAS361H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, JNR301H1, NEW332H1/​ BPM332H1, NEW333H1/​ BPM333H1, NEW339H1/​ BPM339H1, PHL337H1.

  7. 0.5 credit at the 400 level, selected from the following: RLG461H1, RLG462H1, RLG463H1, RLG465H1, RLG468H1, RLG469Y1, RLG470H5, FAH461H1, HIS485H1, NEW433H1/​ BPM433H1.
  8. RLG404H1 or RLG405H1 or RLG406H1 or RLG407H1 or RLG426H1, a capstone integrative course. (Note: this does not fulfil the 400-level requirement as described in #7 above.)

Other courses from UTM/UTSC/other Departments may be considered with permission.