Cell & Molecular Biology Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1003

Students learn how genes and proteins organize cells for cellular activities, multicellular development, and cellular interactions with the environment. Students also learn how cell and molecular biology research is conducted, and receive training in advanced techniques of the field. Cell and molecular biology research is one the most demanding fields in science. Students gain an understanding of the field, and leave the program equipped to tackle fundamental scientific questions.

After foundational courses in first and second year, students participate in advanced lecture, seminar and laboratory courses, and are encouraged to apply for research project courses in the laboratories of the Department. Course offerings include gene expression, cell biology, developmental biology, plant development, plant-microbe interactions, plant signaling, neurogenesis, tissue morphogenesis, stem cell biology, genomics and proteomics.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in program.

Students in this program have the option to request enrolment in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream. Students can apply for the ASIP stream after Year 1 (Year 2 entry) or after Year 2 (Year 3 entry, starting Fall 2024). Full details about ASIP, including student eligibility, selection and enrolment, are available in the ASIP section of the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please note that the majority of students enter ASIP in Fall term of Year 2. Space is more limited for Year 3 entry. Students applying for Year 3 entry must have been admitted to the Cell & Molecular Biology Major in the Summer after Year 2.

(8.0 credits)

First Year:

  1. BIO120H1, BIO130H1; ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1
  2. 1.0 credit from JMB170Y1/​ MAT135H1/​ MAT136H1/​ MAT137Y1/​ MAT157Y1/​ PHY131H1/​ PHY132H1/​ PHY151H1/​ PHY152H1

Higher Years:

  1. BIO220H1, BIO230H1/​ BIO255H1
  2. BIO260H1/​ HMB265H1; BCH210H1
  3. CSB349H1
  4. 1.0 credit from: CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB353H1
  5. 1.5 credits (at least 0.5 credit at the 400-level) from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH440H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, CJH332H1, CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB329H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB340H1, CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1, CSB360H1, CSB397Y0, CSB399Y1, CSB427H1, CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB435H1, CSB447H1, CSB450H1, CSB451H1, CSB452H1, CSB453H1, CSB454H1, CSB457H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1, CSB460H1, CSB471H1, CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB474H1, CSB475H1, CSB483H1, CSB490H1, CSB491H1, CSB492H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, HMB496Y1/​ HMB499Y1, MGY441H1, MGY480Y1. No more than 0.5 credit in BCH can be used towards this requirement.

The Cell & Molecular Biology Major Program has the additional option of a Disciplinary Focus.

Students in this program have the option to complete the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) stream.