American Studies Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0135

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

7.0 credits specified as follows:

1. AMS200H1 (formerly USA200H1) and AMS300H1 (formerly USA300H1) (total of 1.0 credit).

2. 1.0 credit from the gateway courses in American Studies ( AMS100H1), Munk School ( MUN120H1), English ( ENG250H1 and either ENG270H1 or ENG235H1), History ( HIS271Y1), Geography ( GGR240H1 and GGR254H1), or Political Science ( POL386Y1 or the combination of POL347H1 and POL386H1), or Cinema Studies ( CIN270Y1).

3. Three of the following selections:

  • 1.0 credit from the Politics and Economics disciplinary/thematic cluster
  • 1.0 credit from the Society disciplinary/thematic cluster
  • 1.0 credit from the Culture disciplinary/thematic cluster
  • 1.0 credit from the History disciplinary/thematic cluster

4. 0.5 credit in Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical or Mathematical Universe, or another 0.5 credit approved by the CSUS Program Director, to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning competency requirement of the program.

5. Additional AMS/USA courses or courses from the American Studies Program disciplinary/thematic clusters to a total of 7.0 credits, including requirement #4 above.

6. At least 2.0 credits of the student’s 7.0 credits must be at the 300-level or above.

7. At least 1.5 credits of the student’s program must be in American Studies (AMS prefix courses), at the 300-level or above, with at least 0.5 credits of these at the 400-level.

Recommended Sequence of Courses:

First Year:

Students are encouraged to take any pre-requisites for the gateway course required, and/or enroll directly in AMS100H1, MUN120H1, or AMS200H1 as a first-year student. Of the required gateway courses, POL347H1, POL386H1 and POL386Y1 have pre-requisites of a course that deals substantially with politics; students interested in these courses, therefore, should confer with the instructor as to whether their course work includes a pre-requisite for these courses. Other recommended courses at the first year level include: HIS106Y1.

Second Year:

Second, Third, and Fourth Years:

  • AMS300H1, plus other eligible courses, to a total of 7.0 credits.
  • At least 2.0 of these courses must be at the 300-level or above.
  • At least 1.5 of these courses must be in American Studies (AMS prefix courses) at the 300- or 400-level. Courses must be chosen in a way that satisfies the disciplinary/thematic variety described above, plus 0.5 credit in Breadth Requirement Category 5, or another half course approved by the CSUS Program Director, to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning competency requirement of the program.

*NOTE 1: Other 300+ level courses with 50% or more American content may be allowed; students should seek early approval of program credit for such courses from the CSUS Director.

Disciplinary/Thematic Cluster 1: Politics and Economics

ECO306H1/​ POL326H1/​ POL327H1/​ POL347H1/​ POL377H1/​ POL386H1/​ POL386Y1/​ POL326Y1/​ POL379H1/​ POL404Y1/​ POL433H1/​ POL443H1/​ POL464H1

Disciplinary/Thematic Cluster 2: Society

AMS311H1/​ AMS330H1/​ GGR240H1/​ GGR254H1/​ GGR336H1/​ GGR339H1/​ GGR359H1/​ GGR458H1/​ INS302H1/​ INS341H1/​ MUN120H1/​ MUN200H1/​ SOC306H1/​ SOC386H1/​ SOC429H5

Disciplinary/Thematic Cluster 3: Culture

AMS320H1/​ CIN211H1/​ CIN230H1/​ CIN270Y1/​ CIN310Y1/​ CIN334H1/​ CIN335H1/​ CIN374Y1/​ CIN431H1/​ CIN490Y1/​ CIN491H1/​ CIN492H1/​ ENG250H1/​ ENG235H1/​ ENG270H1/​ ENG355Y1/​ ENG360H1/​ ENG363Y1/​ ENG364Y1/​ ENG365H1/​ ENG368H1/​ ENG379H1/​ ENG484H1/​ MUS306H1/​ RLG315H1/​ CAR324H1/​ JLN427H1/​ CDN368H1/​ FAH351H1

Disciplinary/Thematic Cluster 4: History

AMS220H1/​ HIS106Y1/​ HIS202H1/​ HIS221H1/​ HIS222H1/​ HIS271Y1/​ HIS300H1/​ HIS310H1/​ HIS343H1/​ HIS345H1/​ HIS366H1/​ HIS369H1/​ HIS374H1/​ HIS376H1/​ HIS377H1/​ HIS378H1/​ HIS379H1/​ HIS389H1/​ HIS389Y1/​ HIS396H1/​ HIS400H1/​ HIS401H1/​ HIS404H1/​ HIS411H1/​ HIS463H1/​ HIS464H1/​ HIS465Y1/​ HIS473H1/​ HIS479H1/​ HIS484H1/​ HIS487H1/​ HIS497H1

*NOTE: This list of eligible courses is not exhaustive and some courses may not be offered every year. Please visit the CSUS website for more information.