- Faculty List
Professor and Director
E. Brilli, PhDProfessor and Associate Director
J. Ginther, PhDAssociate Professor and PhD Coordinator
J. Purtle, PhDProfessors
A. Andree, PhD
D. Black, PhD
N. Everett, PhD
J. Haines, PhD
P. King, PhD
J. Magee, PhD
M. Meyerson, PhD
M. Pickave, PhD
M. Stock, PhDAssociate Professors
I. Cochelin, PhD
S. Ghosh, PhD
Y. Iglesias, PhD
D. Kullmann, PhD
B. Miles, PhD
W. Robins, PhD
J. Ross, PhDAssistant Professors
A. Bolintineanu, PhD
C. O’Hogan, PhD
A. Walton, PhD
The Centre for Medieval Studies provides a course in the thousand-year period from the Fall of Rome to the Fall of Constantinople, and beyond. Students can expect to cross the disciplinary boundaries of history, art, literature, philosophy, religion, and history of science, focusing not only on Europe but on the broader Mediterranean and North Sea regions. These courses open up the Centre for the first time to undergraduate students and provide a valuable humanities breadth experience for students who want to experience the culture, poetry, and art of the Middle Ages, as well as medieval music, drama performance and manuscript studies.