Art History

Faculty List

Professors Emeriti 
K. Andrews, MFA 
L.E. Eleen, MA, PhD 
D.S. Richardson, MA, PhD (U) 
D. Rifat, DA 
J.W. Shaw, MAT, PhD, D Hum Lett, FSA, FRSC (T) 
M.C. Shaw, MA, PhD (S) 
B. Welsh-Orcharov, MA, PhD 

Professor and Chair 
C. Knappett, PhD, FSA (Homer Thompson/Walter Graham Chair in Aegean Prehistory)

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
P. Sapirstein, PhD (Limited Term Appointment) 

University Professor 
P.L. Sohm, MA, PhD (U) 

C. Anderson, MA, PhD
M.A. Cheetham, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
L. Kaplan, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
E.M. Kavaler, MA, PhD 
C. Knappett, PhD, FSA (Homer Thompson/Walter Graham Chair in Aegean Prehistory)
E. Levy, MFA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  
J. Ricco, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  

Associate Professors 
J. Bear, MA, PhD 
J. Caskey, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
A. S. Cohen, MA, PhD 
B. C. Ewald, MA, PhD 
E. Harney, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
K. Jain, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
SJ. Kim, MA, MPhil, PhD
E.M.M. Legge, MA, PhD (U) 
G. Periti, MA, PhD 
J. Purtle, MA, MPhil, PhD (U) 
A. Syme, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 

Assistant Professors 
J. Clarke, M. Arch, M Phil, PhD
Y. Gu, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
M. Harakawa, MPhil, PhD
M. Migwans, MA, PhD
H. Mostafa, MA, PhD
P. Sapirstein, PhD 

Adjunct Professor 
Y. Hendeles, C.M., O.Ont, PhD Amsterdam, LL.D University of Toronto, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Ontario College of Art and Design (Hons)

Royal Ontario Museum
H. Coxon, Associate Professor, Status Only
D. Dewan, MA, PhD, Associate Professor, Status Only
R. Fox, MA, PhD, Assistant Professor, Status Only
A. Gehmacher, MA, PhD, Associate Professor, Status Only
A. Palmer, MA, PhD, Associate Professor, Status Only


The Department of Art History offers Minor, Major, and Specialist programs in Art History (FAH). 

The FAH curriculum covers art from prehistory to the present in several global regions: the Mediterranean area, Europe, the Indigenous and Colonized Americas, and Asia. FAH101H1 and FAH102H1 offer two different ways of acquiring the foundational skills of art history while exploring global art and architecture: the 101 previewing subject in 200-level FAH course offerings, the 102 drawing examples around a unifying theme. Taking one of these two courses is a mandatory component of the curriculum, and students are encouraged to complete this requirement early in their progress toward an FAH program. The 0.5 credit courses at the 200-level are more comprehensive surveys that introduce the material from specific chronological periods, regional areas, or the history of architecture. Many of these courses, which are offered on a regular basis, serve as “gateway” prerequisites for courses at the 300- and 400-level; students are advised to check the prerequisites for each upper-level course carefully before enrolment.

Courses in art history (FAH) are useful to students in other departments or faculties; history, literature, music, and philosophy - to name but a few examples - are likewise concerned with systems of thought and imagery. Fundamental concepts in such disciplines are embodied or reflected in related works of art of the same general period and area. Students in architecture, geography, or city planning will find courses in the history of architecture of benefit. 

At the same time, the Department directs the attention of its students to the wide range of offerings in other departments and urges them to acquire the broad cultural background essential to an understanding of the arts. Of special importance are familiarity with history, a knowledge of the various traditions of literature and mythology, and an acquaintance with philosophy. Courses in cultural, historical or urban geography may also be relevant in programs that include the history of architecture. It is imperative that students interested in pursuing an advanced degree in art history acquire the foreign languages necessary for such work. Although the choice of languages will be dependent on an individual’s program of study, it is generally recommended that students begin to learn German and at least one other European language. The Department website provides a list of courses in other departments that can be counted toward an art history degree; consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies to confirm the eligibility of any potentially suitable course not published there.

In conjunction with Woodsworth College, the Department offers courses during the summer term at the University of Siena, Italy, and at other locations abroad. For information about these degree-credit FAH courses, please consult the Department of Art History website or contact the Summer Abroad Program at Woodsworth College, 119 St. George Street (416-978-8713),

The History of Art Students' Association sponsors a variety of lectures and other activities for members of the departmental community.

Not all courses listed in this Calendar are offered every year. For more detailed information on courses and degree programs, consult the Department of Art History website at Counselling is available, by appointment, from the Undergraduate Coordinator. 


Undergraduate Assistant, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036 (416-978-7892),

Art History Programs

Art History Specialist (Arts Program) - ASSPE0908

Enrolment Requirements:

This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed 4.0 credits and meet the requirements listed below to enrol.

Completed courses (with minimum grades)
The following courses with the stated minimum grades are required:

  • 2.0 credits from FAH courses with a grade of 70% in each course
Completion Requirements:

(11.0 credits)

At least 9.0 FAH credits, and 2.0 credits in one or more languages including at least one German, French, or Italian, though an acceptable alternative modern language such as Dutch or Russian (or Chinese and/or another Asian language) may be acceptable. It is strongly recommended that students acquire a reading knowledge of German, French, or Italian by the end of the third year. Students specializing in Ancient or Medieval art should also recognize the importance of studying Greek and/or Latin. Students interested in pursuing Asian art history will need to acquire Chinese and/or Japanese and/or another Asian language.

First Year:

FAH101H1/​ FAH102H1

Higher Years:

1. At least 0.5 credit from each of Groups A, B, C, and D (see below for definitions).
2. 0.5 additional credit from each of Groups A and B.
3. No more than 3.5 credits may be taken at the 200-level.
4. 3.5 credits at the 300+level
5. 1.0 credit at the 400 level. No more than 1.5 credits at the 400-level will be counted toward fulfilling program requirements.
6. Approved courses in other programs may be substituted for up to 2.0 FAH credits. See Department website for details.

In addition, the Faculty of Arts and Science requires Art History Specialists who do not complete FAH338H1 to complete at least 0.5 credit in Arts and Science courses in Breadth Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes.

Group A: Ancient, Medieval
FAH205H1, FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH265H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH318H1, FAH319H1, FAH325H1, FAH326H1, FAH327H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1, FAH415H1, FAH420H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH424H1

Group B: Renaissance-Baroque, Modern-Contemporary-Canadian
FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH245H1, FAH246H1, FAH248H1, FAH252H1, FAH255H1, FAH330H1, FAH331H1, FAH335H1, FAH337H1, FAH338H1, FAH340H1, FAH341H1, FAH345H1, FAH346H1, FAH347H1, FAH348H1, FAH349H1, FAH350H1, FAH251H1/​ FAH351H1, FAH352H1, FAH353H1, FAH354H1, FAH355H1, FAH430H1, FAH433H1, FAH434H1, FAH436H1, FAH438H1, FAH439H1, FAH440H1, FAH451H1, FAH446H1, FAH447H1, FAH448H1, FAH449H1, FAH452H1, FAH457H1, FAH458H1

Group C: Asian
FAH205H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH461H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1

Group D: History of Architecture
FAH265H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1, FAH273H1, FAH309H1, FAH328H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH373H1, FAH376H1, FAH415H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH470H1, FAH472H1, FAH473H1

Note: courses used to satisfy one group requirement cannot be counted toward another group requirement.

Art History Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0908

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(6.0 credits)

At least 6.0 FAH credits fulfilling the following distribution requirements:

First Year:

FAH101H1/​ FAH102H1

Higher Years:

1. At least one 0.5 credit in three of the four FAH Groups (see below for definitions).
2. 3.0 credits at the 300+ level, including at least one 0.5 credit at the 400-level.
3. No more than 1.0 credit at the 400-level will be counted toward fulfilling program requirements.
4. Approved courses in other programs may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH credit. See Department website for details.

In addition, the Faculty of Arts and Science requires Art History Majors who do not complete FAH338H1 to complete at least one 0.5 credit in Arts and Science courses in Breadth Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes.

Group A: Ancient, Medieval
FAH205H1, FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH265H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH318H1, FAH319H1, FAH325H1, FAH326H1, FAH327H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1, FAH415H1, FAH420H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH424H1

Group B: Renaissance-Baroque, Modern-Contemporary-Canadian
FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH245H1, FAH246H1, FAH248H1, FAH252H1, FAH255H1, FAH330H1, FAH331H1, FAH335H1, FAH337H1, FAH338H1, FAH340H1, FAH341H1, FAH345H1, FAH346H1, FAH347H1, FAH348H1, FAH349H1, FAH350H1, FAH251H1/​ FAH351H1, FAH352H1, FAH353H1, FAH354H1, FAH355H1, FAH430H1, FAH433H1, FAH434H1, FAH436H1, FAH438H1, FAH439H1, FAH440H1, FAH446H1, FAH447H1, FAH448H1, FAH449H1, FAH451H1, FAH452H1, FAH457H1, FAH458H1

Group C: Asian
FAH205H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH461H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1

Group D: History of Architecture
FAH265H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1, FAH273H1, FAH309H1, FAH328H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH373H1, FAH376H1, FAH415H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH470H1, FAH472H1, FAH473H1

Note: courses used to satisfy one group requirement cannot be counted toward another group requirement.

Art History Minor (Arts Program) - ASMIN0908

Enrolment Requirements:

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion Requirements:

(4.0 credits)

At least 4.0 FAH credits fulfilling the following distribution requirements:

1. FAH101H1/​ FAH102H1
2. At least one 0.5 credit in two of the four FAH Groups (see below for definitions).
3. At least one 1.0 credit at the 300-level.

Group A: Ancient, Medieval
FAH205H1, FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH265H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH318H1, FAH319H1, FAH325H1, FAH326H1, FAH327H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1, FAH415H1, FAH420H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH424H1

Group B: Renaissance-Baroque, Modern-Contemporary-Canadian
FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH245H1, FAH246H1, FAH248H1, FAH252H1, FAH255H1, FAH330H1, FAH331H1, FAH335H1, FAH337H1, FAH338H1, FAH340H1, FAH341H1, FAH345H1, FAH346H1, FAH347H1, FAH348H1, FAH349H1, FAH350H1, FAH251H1/​ FAH351H1, FAH352H1, FAH353H1, FAH354H1, FAH355H1, FAH430H1, FAH433H1, FAH434H1, FAH436H1, FAH438H1, FAH439H1, FAH440H1, FAH446H1, FAH447H1, FAH448H1, FAH449H1, FAH451H1, FAH452H1, FAH457H1, FAH458H1

Group C: Asian
FAH205H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH461H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1

Group D: History of Architecture
FAH265H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1, FAH273H1, FAH309H1, FAH328H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH373H1, FAH376H1, FAH415H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH470H1, FAH472H1, FAH473H1

Note: courses used to satisfy one group requirement cannot be counted toward another group requirement.

Art History Courses

FAH101H1 - Monuments of Art History

Hours: 20L/10T

An introduction to the arts and architecture from antiquity to the present day which emphasizes the deep connection between art and history. This broad overview will examine carefully a selection of works, including real objects and buildings in Toronto, which are representative of the upper-level courses currently offered by the Art History faculty. Special attention is paid to developing essential art historical skills, including the ability to look at, analyze, and write about works of art and architecture. Tutorials provide training in and experience applying the basic principles and vocabulary employed in art-historical scholarship. Frequent short writing assignments and exercises will be based on readings, lectures, and museum or gallery visits to collections in Toronto. No previous knowledge of history of art or architecture is required.

Exclusion: FAH101H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH102H1 - Art and Ideas

Hours: 24L/6T

A survey of the history of art, architecture and allied arts. This introduction to the history of art will examine a wide range of objects, selected and discussed in connection with a special theme to be selected by the instructor. Students will be expected to study the history and significance of art through the close reading of selected texts that relate to both art and theory. Special attention will be given to developing essential art historical skills necessary for upper level courses. The topic for each semester will vary based on the instructor. No previous knowledge of history of art or architecture is required. Frequent writing assignments and exercises will be based on readings, lectures, and museum or gallery visits to collections in Toronto.

Exclusion: FAH101H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH194H1 - Public Art: Local and Global

Hours: 24S

We are surrounded by public art, whether in the form of official commemorative monuments or ephemeral (some say illegal) street art. We will examine the history and current practice of this important art form in Toronto and by comparison, globally. The focus will be on discussing the nature, roles, and issues pertaining to contemporary public art that we can see in situ in downtown Toronto. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH195H1 - On Foot: From Pilgrimage to the Mobile City

Hours: 24S

Walking is a basic human activity, yet it also defines and shapes us. In order to understand the permutations of this seemingly simple activity we will look at walking in a variety of contexts through the study of texts, art, movies and the built environment. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH196H1 - Marco Polo's World

Hours: 24S

This course explores the visual and material worlds of the Italian traveller Marco Polo, which are described in his Travels. Together we will read sections of this text and explore their meaning with respect to the objects and monuments of Marco Polo’s time from the regions to which he travelled. By studying cartography, art, architecture, and urban form in the expansive medieval world of Marco Polo, the course will introduce us to the global world of the Middle Ages. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH197H1 - Classical Art from Greek Gods to Roman Gladiators

Hours: 24S

The ancient Greeks and Romans lived in a world full of images. Ancient visual culture comprises not only the high arts but also the everyday. This course is meant to introduce students to key ideas about how art and images in general impacted the life of ancient Greeks and Romans. Students will learn to examine various categories of visual material ranging from the pictorial and applied arts (painting, sculpture, architecture) to everyday artifacts (for example, domestic wares, jewelry or weapons). Through a series of discussion-centred seminar sessions students will explore the interconnections between art and ideology, art and identity as well as visuality and viewing. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH198H1 - Shocking Artists, Shocking Art

Hours: 24S

Art causes scandals for many reasons, provoking a range of consequences, including censorship, cuts to government funding of the arts or even destruction of the work in question. In this course we will consider a number of kinds of art scandal arising from exhibition in public galleries and urban spaces, including those that have to do with legal issues such as plagiarism and vandalism; aesthetic objections on the part of the public, ranging from perceived obscenity to simple resentment of abstract art; racism; sacrilege; and political subversion, amongst others. We will consider the work of artists including Chris Ofili, Joep van Lieshout, Paul McCarthy, Damien Hirst, Michael Snow, Sally Mann, Banksy, Rachel Whiteread, Richard Prince, Andres Serrano, Robert Mapplethorpe, Carl Andre, Maya Lin, and Jeff Koons, amongst others. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH199H1 - Architecture of Toronto

Hours: 24S

The architecture of Toronto is characterized by artful and influential monuments as well as stylistically incoherent neighbourhoods, vibrant civic spaces alongside dysfunctional infrastructure. This course investigates how Canada's national metropolis came to embody such extremes of architectural richness and urban contradictions. The seminar focuses on how to "read" the buildings of Toronto and think critically about the forces that have shaped city planning, monuments, public space, and concepts of heritage. Readings and discussions will be combined with field trips, research on site or in the archives, and direct engagement with local communities and preservation initiatives. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH205H1 - Clay: A Material and Visual History

Hours: 24L

This course will reveal the deep history of clay, stretching back to the Palaeolithic period with the first clay figurines; through the Neolithic period with its extensive use of clay for the earliest permanent houses, the first inorganic containers, and many votive offerings in clay; all the way to the present day with the ceramic art of Pablo Picasso, Grayson Perry, and Ai Weiwei. Our approach will also be thoroughly global, ranging from the Maya of Mesoamerica to the Mingei of Japan. The course will involve hands-on elements too, particularly with the nearby Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H1/ FAH102H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH206H1 - Prehistoric Aegean and East Mediterranean Art and Archaeology

Hours: 24L

An overview of the major monuments, artifacts, themes and problems in the study of the archaeology, art and architecture of the Aegean region and the east Mediterranean to 1000BC.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH207H1 - Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology

Hours: 24L

An overview of the major monuments, artifacts, themes and problems in the study of the archaeology, art and architecture of the civilizations of Greece and Rome.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH208H1 - Heroes of the Classical World

Hours: 24L

This course is an introductory level study of Greek and Roman Art, explored through the concept of the hero. The course surveys the representations of mythological heroes a well as historical individuals who comply with the notion of hero in Greek and Roman cultures (warriors, athletes, political leaders, etc.). Examining their religious, civic and political contexts allows students to learn how visual culture deals more broadly with larger issues within the respective ancient societies. Readings are drawn from an array of primary and secondary sources both art historical and literary, and the visual exploration of certain mythological narratives teaches how stories are conveyed in the art of Greece and Rome. Basic issues of style and art historical development of the period are also addressed, as are various theories regarding the notion of the hero. This course provides ample opportunity to reflect upon ancient heroes' contemporary relevance, through various assignments and group projects.

Recommended Preparation: Familiarity with Greek mythology
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH215H1 - Early Medieval Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of Western Europe and the Byzantine East from the third until the eleventh century.

Exclusion: FAH215H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH216H1 - Later Medieval Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of Western Europe and the Byzantine East from the eleventh until the fifteenth century.

Exclusion: FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH230H1 - Renaissance Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

A selective survey of the major art centres and types of artistic and architectural production in Italy and northern Europe, from the early fifteenth century to the mid-sixteenth. Themes include the relations--artistic, economic and ideological--between northern and southern Europe during this period, the changing role of art in religious life, the emergence of secular themes, and the legacies left by Renaissance art to modern life and culture.

Exclusion: FAH274H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH231H1 - Baroque Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

Major forms of expression in the visual arts ca. 1600 - ca. 1750 with particular attention to forms, techniques, theories, and patronage of the arts as well as biographies of artists in Italy, France, the Netherlands, Flanders, Germany and England.

Exclusion: FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH245H1 - Modernism and anti-Modernism, c. 1750-1900

Hours: 24L

An introduction to the advent and development of art movements including Rococo and Neoclassicism; Romanticism and Revolution, Realism and the advent of Photography, Impressionism; Academic art; Post-Impressionism.

Exclusion: FAH287H5/ VPHB58H3
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H1/ FAH102H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH246H1 - Art Since 1900

Hours: 24L

An introduction to the consolidation of Modernist tendencies in Europe to the mid 20th century and to the many contemporary responses to these achievements. Individual artists, including Picasso, Matisse, Duchamp, and Matthew Barney are considered in their relationship to various art movements and the theories that supported them, including Expressionism; Abstraction and Constructivism; Dada and Surrealism; Neue Sachlichkeit; Abstract Expressionism; Pop; Conceptual Art; Earth Art; Feminist Art; Postmodernism; New Media Art.

Exclusion: FAH288H5/ FAH289H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH248H1 - Canadian Painting 1665-1960

Hours: 24L

An introductory survey of the history of painting in Canada from the 17th to the 20th century.

Exclusion: FAH292H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH251H1 - Black Art in North America

Previous Course Number: FAH351H1

Hours: 24L

This introductory course will survey the interrelated history of Blackness and artistic production in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada. Starting in the eighteenth century with the advent of the transatlantic slave trade and covering up to Black Lives Matter movement, the course proceeds chronologically and considers the Black Art within its larger social context. By discussing the aesthetic qualities of artworks and the careers of Black artists alongside of the history of anti-Black racism in North America, we will explore both how the visual has been used as a tool of domination and how art can challenge or subvert racist ideologies. At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the primary figures, debates, and works of art that constitute the field. They will also be comfortable discussing the history anti-Black racism and its current manifestations. Topics include: the visual culture of slavery and abolition, hemispheric and transatlantic modernisms, the racial politics of “outsider” and “folk” art, the Black Arts Movement, and art and mass incarceration.

Exclusion: FAH351H1, and FAH280H1 (Special Topics in Art History: Black Art in North America) offered in Fall 2022.
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H1/ FAH102H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH252H1 - Introduction to the History of Photography

Hours: 24L

This course surveys the history of photography in Europe and North America, from its origins to recent innovations in digital imaging. Emphasis is placed on the various aesthetic, scientific, and political discourses in which photography has been located, and the assumptions and premises associated with the medium's relationship to reality.

Exclusion: FAH291H5/ FAH352H1
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H1/ FAH102H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH255H1 - Art of Indigenous North America

Hours: 24L

A broad survey of Indigenous arts in North America from Mexico to the Arctic, and from ancient to modern. Students will gain a basic literacy in key artforms including painting, architecture, basketry and more, grounded in an awareness of Indigenous realities and historical currents.

Exclusion: FAH275H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH260H1 - The Artistic Landscape of East Asia

Hours: 24L

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and Tibet), from the Neolithic to the present.

Exclusion: VPHB73H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH262H1 - Art and Visual Experience in Modern and Contemporary East Asia

Hours: 24L

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and Tibet) and its diaspora in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Exclusion: VPHB77H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH265H1 - Monuments of the Islamic World

Hours: 24L

This course explores the architecture of the Islamic world from the 7th - 12th centuries through the lens of its major monuments throughout the central Islamic lands, North Africa and Spain. Through an emphasis upon the Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid and Seljuk periods, the course explores the range of cultural, political, social and religious aspects related to the development of the built environment. It also considers the impact of Islam's encounter with late antiquity and aims to position the rise of Islamic architecture within the context of this encounter. Additionally, the architecture is contextualized through a study of the urban history of select early and medieval Islamic cities.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH270H1 - Architecture: Rituals and Monuments

Hours: 24L

A survey of architecture from pre-history to the start of modernism, with attention given to the ways in which architecture shapes human experience.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH272H1 - Modern Architecture from 1750 to the Present

Hours: 24L

An introduction to the buildings, issues and ideas from Neoclassicism to the present.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH273H1 - Canada Buildings and Landscapes

Hours: 24L

An introduction to the traditions and patterns of building in Canada taking into account the unique landscapes, resources and history that comprise what is now a unified political entity. Lectures will pay special attention to the complexity of architecture throughout Canada including issues of land rights, natural resources, immigration, settlements and urban design, transportation, and heritage issues. A special feature of this class will be the opportunity to study Toronto first-hand through class projects. No previous architectural history study is required.

Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH280H1 - Special Topics in Art History

Hours: 24L

The thematic study of various aesthetic, cultural, social, political, and theoretical aspects of global art and photography.

Recommended Preparation: Any course in the Humanities or Social Sciences
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH299Y1 - Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details at…. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

FAH303H1 - Emergence of Greek Civilisation

Hours: 24L

This course investigates the material culture, art and architecture of the Aegean civilizations from the Neolithic through to the building of the palaces of Crete around 2000BC.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH206H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH304H1 - Architecture of Ancient Greece

Hours: 24L

In this course we will survey the history of Greek architecture and its impact on the buildings of the ancient Mediterranean. Chronologically, we will begin in the latter second millennium BCE, examining the consequences of the collapse of Mycenaean society on Greek building, after which we will examine the synthesis and dissemination of exciting new forms of monumental building at Greek sanctuaries and cities during the Archaic and Classical periods (ca. 700–350/323 BCE). We will conclude with the developments of the Hellenistic period, the era of eastern Mediterranean empires when architectural patronage is increasingly dominated by Greek and Hellenized royalty. Along the way, the course will examine topics such as the interpretation of meaning in Greek buildings and their sculptural decoration, the origins of building technologies, the interaction of Greek and non-Greek architects and builders, and the reception of Greek architectural forms within non-Greek contexts throughout the Mediterranean.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at any level/ CLA210H1/ CLA220H5
Exclusion: FAH380H1 (offered as "Greek Architecture") taken in Winter 2020 and 2022
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH206H1/ FAH207H1/ FAH208H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH307H1 - Ancient Art, Migration, and the Barbarian ‘Other’

Hours: 24L

This course surveys the cultural, artistic and social interactions between the Graeco-Roman world and the so-called ‘Barbarians’ beyond its eastern and northern confines. Chronologically, it spans from the Greek Geometric and Archaic periods (9th - 6th c. BCE) to the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire and the emergence of Early Medieval Europe (6th- 7th c. CE). The course will address issues of artistic production, material culture, ritual and cult in relation to the mobility of peoples and groups, objects and individuals.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH308H1 - City of Athens: Art, Politics and Society

Hours: 24L

This course provides a detailed investigation of the city of Athens, focusing on the art, architecture and archaeology in the later Archaic and Classical Period. A combination of topographical and chronological approach is taken to familiarize the students with both the physical cityscape as well as its development in the context of major areas of interest, such as politics, religion and social customs. Some broad themes explored include: art, democracy and propaganda (Agora), the impact of the Persian wars, ritual and religious festivals (Acropolis), the symposium, Athenian women, funerary art (Kerameikos), cult, sanctuaries and votives, art and Athenian drama. The course will also feature digital humanities components in the assignments, which may involve spatial mapping, 3D tools/VR and/or databases, as well as a trip to the Royal Ontario Museum.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1/ FAH208H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH309H1 - City of Rome

Hours: 24L

The art, architecture and archaeology of the city of Rome to AD476.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH310H1 - Greek Vase Painting

Hours: 24L

This course is a comprehensive exploration of the art of Greek vase painting, covering material from the late Geometric period (8th C. BCE) to the late Classical Period (4th C. BCE). While iconography and narrative will form a major portion of the content, the class will also explore issues surrounding material and technique, the prevalent sympotic (drinking) culture and Greek rituals that provides the cultural framework, dynamics of trade, theories of viewership and semiotics, status of the artist, and other historiographical concerns, including problematic issues surrounding the modern practice of collecting.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H1/ FAH205H5/ FAH207H1/ FAH208H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH311H1 - Greek Sculpture

Hours: 24L

The course provides a thorough examination of ancient Greek sculpture from 7th - 1st century BCE, which in many ways defined the canon of western art that was to follow. Classic issues of style, dating, and technique are complemented by putting them into the contexts of cultural history, religion and socio-politics. While the course is a traditional monument-based survey of major sculptural works from the ancient Greek world, several important issues are also addressed, pertaining both to contemporary society and the study of other areas of art history. These include but are not limited to: gender, social class, colonialism, notion of the artist, originality, and aesthetic theory.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1/ FAH208H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH312H1 - Art of the Hellenistic Age

Hours: 24L

Transformation in the visual arts, paintings, sculpture, and mosaics of the expanding Greek world c. 400BC to c. 100BC; the response to Hellenization from the new artistic centres of Asia Minor and Italy.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH313H1 - Greek Myth in Ancient Art

Hours: 24L

A general introduction to Greek mythology and its uses (and abuses) by the Greeks and Romans through the art of antiquity. Students will learn about gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, their attributes and stories which constituted the subjects of (not only) ancient art.

Corequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Exclusion: CLA204H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH314H1 - Eroticism in Ancient Art

Hours: 24L

Erotic ‘imagery’ – sculptures, reliefs, paintings – is ubiquitous in ancient art, to a degree that modern viewers have often found disturbing. This course faces the challenge posed by the ancient predilection for such imagery and explores it from a critical and scholarly perspective. At its most basic level, it reassigns a seemingly universal segment of human ‘nature’ and experience to the realm of culture, by examining the imagery against the background of ancient constructions of sexuality, gender and the body. But it also explores the libidinal and hedonic structure of the works of art themselves and asks for the functions of erotic imagery in its respective contexts. The course will avail itself of the excellent research on gender, sexuality and eroticism in antiquity that has been produced over the past few decades, and it will also explore the topic’s lateral connections with the thematic fields of ancient humour, the ‘grotesque’, apotropaism, myth and magic.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH318H1 - Monastic Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

An examination of the role played by monks and nuns in the creation and use of art and architecture in the Middle Ages.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH319H1 - Illuminated Manuscripts

Hours: 24L

A focused survey of different types of manuscripts and their images from the origins of the book in Late Antiquity to the invention of printing.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH325H1 - Urban Islam

Hours: 24L

By challenging essentialist questioning of Islamic urbanism, this course considers the inter-animated and complex web of forces that drive cities forward by identifying repertoires of underlying logic. Through a deep and historically situated reading of Medieval Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba, we will map and encode history on the urban scale to reveal what makes a city "Islamic." Visual mapping skill cultivation for communication purposes (both digital and analogue) will be taught throughout to enhance understandings of urban complexity in rich historical contexts.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH265H1/ FAH326H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH326H1 - Cultural History of Islamic Spain

Hours: 24L

From its earliest beginnings as an Umayyad province and up until the 15th century, al-Andalus acted as a lynch pin within the Mediterranean world. Connecting the Islamic empire in the East and forging links of trade and cultural exchange with Europe to the West, cities such as Cordoba and Granada captured the imagination of contemporary chroniclers, earning descriptions in the sources as truly “first-rate places”. Through an exploration of the historical, artistic, architectural, urban, social and economic contexts, this course will engage with and expand upon current understandings of this seminal period in Islamic history to examine Islam’s encounters and modes of cultural exchange with Europe and the Mediterranean world.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH327H1 - Secular Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages

Hours: 24L

A consideration of art and architecture made for the court, the aristocracy, and other patrons outside the realm of the Christian church.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH328H1 - Gothic Cathedral

Hours: 24L

An examination of the Gothic cathedral from its origins in Paris in the 1130’s through its development and elaboration in France, England and Italy. This course also considers monumental decorations in painted glass, wall painting, tapestry and portal sculpture.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Exclusion: FAH351H5
Recommended Preparation: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH330H1 - German Art and Architecture in the Age of Dürer

Hours: 24L

Albrecht Dürer and the painting and printmaking of his contemporaries. Consideration of the great Hall churches of Saxony and the altarpieces of Tilman Riemenschneider and his contemporaries; the status of the arts and attitudes towards Italian art, and the consequences of the Reformation for religious imagery.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH274H5/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH331H1 - Netherlandish Renaissance Art and Culture

Hours: 24L

The Netherlands had become one of Europe’s most fertile artistic cultures by the sixteenth century. Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel are famous today for their paintings of Hell and peasant life. Other painters introduced mythological and erotic subject matter, while practitioners in the other arts were perhaps even more widely known. Netherlandish sculptors created the tombs of northern European rulers, defining their public identity in the communal space of church and chapel. Miniature carved altarpieces helped guide modes of private devotion and were widely imitated from Italy to Scandinavia. Netherlandish tapestries broadcast the heroic deeds of the Caesars and the patriarchs in the palaces of kings and high nobles as prototypes for their reigns. We will examine the rise of the Renaissance manner in northern Europe, the role of the religious arts, the ideology of urban culture, the consequences of the Reformation and iconoclasm, the functions of various species of portraiture, and the particular properties of different media, while dedicating much attention to Bosch and Bruegel. And we will concentrate on the sixteenth century, the era in which the Netherlands was closely linked to the rest of Europe, from Italy to Sweden, from England to Ukraine.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH274H5/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH335H1 - The Art of Love in the Renaissance

Hours: 24L

Love is studied not only as a favorite theme of Renaissance art, but as the basis of some of its fundamental aesthetic claims. The question of love connects Renaissance art to important strains of philosophical thought and religious spirituality, as well as to some urgent realities of social life.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH274H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH337H1 - Rivalry, Imitation and Envy in Italian Renaissance Art

Hours: 24L

This course examines works in different art media, including painting, sculpture and prints, produced from 1400 to 1600, discussing how artistic practice of imitation and emulation stimulated the development of individual styles. In addition, this course addresses notions of disruptive rivalry, and the representation of slander and envy.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH274H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH338H1 - Art and Consumers in the Renaissance (1400-1700)

Hours: 24L

It has long been said that the material culture of the Renaissance generated the first stir of consumerism with a variety of artifacts produced from 1400 to 1700 in Italy. This course explores the material culture of Renaissance consumerism and discusses the production and function of works in different art media.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH340H1 - 17th-Century Art of the Netherlands

Hours: 24L

Concentration on the major painters of Holland’s Golden Age, ca. 1580-ca. - 1700. Particular attention is paid to genre painting and the notion of “Dutch realism.” Consideration of art within its social and political contexts. Notions of gender, of the historical past, of embodiment, and of contact with the non-western world will be discussed.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH341H1 - Venetian Renaissance Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

Form and meaning, theory and practice of painting and architecture in Venice, ca. 1450-ca. 1600. Social, political and cultural contexts of making and viewing art, including works by Giorgione, Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto and Palladio.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH345H1 - The Romantic Movement in French Art

Hours: 24L

This course explores the painting, sculpture, and graphic arts of the Romantic era in France, from about 1820 to 1850. Major emphasis on Gericault, Delacroix, and Ingres in their artistic, cultural, and political context. Key topics in Romanticism, including Orientalism and gender, are also explored.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH287H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH346H1 - Impressionism

Hours: 24L

The origin and development of Impressionism in France and Europe, 1860-1886, in its social, political and intellectual context. Painting, graphics and sculpture by Monet, Renoir, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, Cassatt and Morisot.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH287H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH347H1 - Cubism and Related Movements

Hours: 24L

An investigation of the birth and development of Cubism, Futurism and Orphism in Europe and North America.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH246H1/ FAH287H5/ FAH288H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH348H1 - The Dada and Surrealist Tradition

Hours: 24L

The origins and development of the Dada and Surrealist movements in early 20th-century Western art, and their lasting impact on art after World War II. Painting, sculpture, graphic arts, and the theoretical preoccupation which accompanied artistic production.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH246H1/ FAH288H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH349H1 - Abstraction in Twentieth-Century Art

Hours: 24L

The origins, development, and critical issues pertaining to abstract or non-figurative modes of art as manifested in painting, sculpture and other selected media up to the present time. Movements include European abstract art before World War II as well as post-war developments.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH246H1/ FAH288H5/ FAH289H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH350H1 - Minimalism

Hours: 24L

An investigation of the different definitions and issues of minimal art including seriality, materials, process, objecthood, chance, installation, reception, relations to music and film, and the influence of structuralism.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH246H1/ FAH288H5/ FAH289H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH352H1 - 19th Century Photography

Hours: 24L

An introduction to the major artists, movements, and debates in photography in Europe and North America, from its prehistory to the turn of the century. Issues considered include the relationship of social class to aesthetics, the role of illusion, the rise of mass reproduction.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH287H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH353H1 - On Display: Cultures of Exhibition, 1789-1900

Hours: 24L

Examination of the historical development of the cultures of exhibition in Nineteenth-Century Europe, and the diversity of venues displaying works of art and nature. Historical and theoretical overview is complemented by case studies which include investigations of private cabinets of curiosity, encyclopedic museums, commercial galleries, side-shows, and world's fairs.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH252H1/ FAH287H5/ FAH291H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH354H1 - Art in Canada Since the 1960s

Hours: 24L

An examination of the visual arts in Canada from the 1960’s to the present. A large and diverse range of media, practices, artists, and theoretical contexts will be examined. Emphasis is placed on work that can be seen in the original.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH355H1 - Landscape to EcoArt

Hours: 24L

Ecological art is a focus in contemporary global art. We examine ecoart’s antecedents in the landscape genre and Earth Art and the diverse theoretical and disciplinary perspectives that inform our understanding of these movements. Artists include Burtynsky, Eliasson, Long, Mendieta, Netco, Smithson, Turrell. Readings include Deleuze, Heidegger, Latour.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH360H1 - World of the Senses: Chinese Decorative Arts

Hours: 24L

This course surveys late imperial Chinese decorative arts from the Song (960-1127) through Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. It focuses on ceramics/porcelain, textiles, and furniture, attending especially to works in Toronto collections. Students will read primary and secondary sources to learn how decorative arts shaped daily life in imperial China.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH260H1/ VPHB73H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH363H1 - The Mechanics of the Image in China

Hours: 24L

East Asian images differ from Western ones in material support, format, and technologies of image-making. This course probes how East Asian images -- painting on objects, handscrolls, prints, optical media, film, and new media – work.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH364H1 - Visual South Asia

Hours: 24L

An overview of the visual culture (monuments to films) of South Asia form the Indus Valley Civilization (3500 BCE) to the contemporary. Focus on visual literacy, stylistic evolution, major concepts and the first-hand study of objects.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH370H1 - European Renaissance Architecture

Hours: 24L

Architecture and architectural theory ca. 1400 – ca. 1600.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH270H1/ FAH274H5/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH371H1 - Architecture and Urbanism in Baroque Europe

Hours: 24L

Architecture studied through its various building types and in its urban context. Themes include architecture and power under Absolutism, and the rise of the modern city.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH231H1/ FAH270H1/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH373H1 - Modern Architecture Since 1890

Hours: 24L

In-depth examination of the modern movement in architecture, with particular focus on European avant-gardes of the early twentieth century. Emphasis on close reading of buildings, architectural research methods, and writing skills.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH272H1/ FAH273H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH380H1 - Special Topics in Art History

Hours: 24L

The study of various aesthetic, cultural, social, political, and theoretical aspects of art and photography across the centuries.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH381H1 - Problems in Jewish Art

Hours: 24L

This course investigates the changing definition of Jewish art and the status of Jewish artists. Other issues explored include Jewish-Christian visual polemics, the construction of individual and communal Jewish identity through art, architecture, and texts, and the conceptual transformation of Jewish craft and ritual objects into art.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH102H1, 0.5 FAH credit at the 200 level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH382H1 - Art Writing

Hours: 12L/12P

Study and practice in the variety of writing genres and styles associated with art history and contemporary criticism. Students will develop skills in writing for museum exhibitions and publications, reviews and criticism, academic analysis, and writing for popular print and media. Regular and frequent writing assignments. Recommended for FAH majors and specialists.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Exclusion: VPHC54H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH388H1 - Art History Theories and Practices

Hours: 24L

Investigates the development of art and architectural history as an academic discipline and method of analysis including discussion of varied approaches such as formalism, connoisseurship, post-colonialism, feminism, queer studies, psychoanalysis, and material studies. The course explores the relationship of art history to other disciplines including archaeology, literary criticism, film studies, and anthropology. Suggested for all Specialists and students considering graduate study in art history.

Prerequisite: 2.0 FAH credits
Exclusion: FAH388H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH390Y0 - Studies Abroad in Spanish Art and Architecture

Hours: 24L

Through site visits and local resources, this course looks at the history of Spanish art and architecture, including the various work created by the diverse religious and political groups of the Iberian peninsula. The specific focus of the course may vary from year to year.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH391Y0 - Studies Abroad in Ancient Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Ancient Art and Architecture. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH206H1/ FAH207H1/ FAH208H1/ FAH205H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH392Y0 - Studies Abroad in Medieval Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Medieval Art and Architecture. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ VPHB53H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH393Y0 - Studies Abroad in Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH394Y0 - Studies Abroad in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH245H1/ FAH246H1/ FAH287H5/ FAH288H5/ VPHB58H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH395Y0 - Studies Abroad in Canadian Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Canadian Art and Architecture. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH246H1/ FAH248H1/ FAH255H1/ FAH273H1/ FAH275H5/ FAH292H5
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH396Y0 - Studies Abroad in Asian Art and Architecture

Studies Abroad in Asian Art and Architecture. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH397Y0 - Studies Abroad in Architectural History

Studies Abroad in Architectural History. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH270H1/ FAH272H1/ FAH273H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH398H0 - Research Excursions

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details at…. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit

FAH398Y0 - Research Excursions

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details at…. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

FAH399Y1 - Research Opportunity Program

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details at…. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit

FAH401H1 - Aegean Wall Paintings

Hours: 24S

Investigation of the wall-paintings of the Minoan, Cycladic and Mycenaean worlds in the second millennium BC: context, associations, viewing and historical interpretations.

Prerequisite: FAH206H1 and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Recommended Preparation: FAH303H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH402H1 - Palaces of Minoan Crete

Previous Course Number: FAH423H1

Hours: 24L

Around 2000 BC, the island of Crete sees the emergence of what are arguably the earliest towns and states in European prehistory. At the heart of this new social order are the so-called ‘palaces’, massive architectural complexes usually interpreted as seats of administrative and political authority. However, fresh discoveries over the past two decades, coupled recently with radical new interpretations, require a fundamental rethinking of the nature of the palaces and their role in Minoan society. This course will provide students with an active opportunity to learn about the latest developments in Minoan art, architecture, and archaeology.

Prerequisite: FAH206H1 and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Exclusion: FAH423H1
Recommended Preparation: FAH303H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH405H1 - Understanding Dionysos: The God of Wine, Theatre and the Afterlife

Hours: 24S

The Greek god Dionysos presents a multifaceted entry point into exploring Ancient Greek art, culture, religion and history. This course is a comprehensive exploration of the figure of Dionysos, from his obscure pre-historic beginnings of foreign origin, to his transformation into other post-classical entities, spanning Christianity to Buddhism. A substantial part of the course deals with his representations in Greek art, and the god's relationship to the Greeks as the governing figure of many important facets of their lives: drinking practices, sexuality, the performative arts, and the transition into the afterlife through the notion of eternal bliss. The course reading draws on art historical literature, as well as primary sources, and theoretical texts regarding religion and cultural practices.

Prerequisite: FAH307H1/ FAH310H1/ FAH311H1/ FAH312H1/ FAH313H1/ FAH314H1, and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH406H1 - Cross-Cultural Issues in Ancient Art Beyond Greece and Rome

Hours: 24S

When cultures collide, they assimilate, they exchange, they transform, and they develop, and there seems to be a pattern of recognizable centres of power around which artistic tradition often revolves. This has caused the conventional understanding of certain flowering of artistic heritage as a product of cross-cultural influences. This course is a seminar style survey that explores these fascinating amalgams of artistic traditions that lie at the Eastern outskirts of the Hellenistic world throughout the roman Period, from Bactria to India, and with a heavy focus on the Buddhist art of Gandhara, reaching out along the Silk Road. As the title suggests, the class aims at a renewed framework that re-evaluates the role of the Ancient West, which has been absent since the heavily Eurocentric scholarship from the early 20th century. It also aims to familiarize students with current theoretical issues surrounding cross-cultural studies as it pertains to the visual arts, touching upon modern postcolonial theories of space.

Prerequisite: FAH307H1/ FAH310H1/ FAH311H1/ FAH312H1/ FAH313H1/ FAH314H1, and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH311H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH407H1 - Studies in Roman Painting and Sculpture

Hours: 24S

Issues explored might cover Republican and Imperial painting; its Hellenistic sources and parallel media (mosaic, relief). The four distinctive genres of Roman sculptural production: the portrait, the historical relief, sarcophagi, and replicas of famous Greek sculptures. Styles, themes and modes of display in cultural context.

Prerequisite: FAH205H5/ FAH207H1, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH307H1/ FAH309H1/ FAH314H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH415H1 - History of Islamic Cairo

Hours: 24S

This seminar explores the architectural and urban development of Islamic Cairo (al-Qahira) between the 7th and 16th centuries. As a nexus of both the Islamic empire and the Mediterranean world, Cairo provides an opportunity to explore a major Islamic Medieval city. Modern day Cairo emerged first as a provincial capital (al-Fustat and later al-Qata'a) in the 7th and 8th century and later morphed into a capital under successive dynasties from the 9th to the 16th century. Exploring Cairo throughout this critical historical period, one of both relative stability and upheaval during the post-conquest period to the Crusades, allows for a better understanding of the reciprocity between architecture and urbanism on the one hand and broader political shifts on the other. A central organizing theme of this course is Cairo's position as a place of multiplicity and confessional diversity, embedded within networks of cultural and economic exchange. Other themes explored include the role played by ceremonies and processions on urban form and the development of public space as well as the development of various religious, charitable, military and educational institutions and their impact upon shaping the city.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Recommended Preparation: FAH265H1/ FAH326H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH420H1 - Studies in Western Medieval Art and Architecture

Hours: 24S

In-depth examination of monuments and issues in the art and architecture of Western Europe from the sixth to the fifteenth century.

Prerequisite: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ FAH265H1/ VPHB53H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH421H1 - Studies in Medieval Cities

Hours: 24S

A focused examination of urbanism, art and architecture of a specific medieval city, such as Jerusalem, Rome, Constantinople, or Paris.

Prerequisite: FAH215H1/ FAH216H1/ FAH265H1/ FAH285H5/ VPHB53H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Recommended Preparation: FAH327H1/ FAH328H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH424H1 - Studies in Medieval Book Illumination

Hours: 24S

A consideration of individual types of books, their decoration, function, and cultural context. Topics might include, for example, Gospels, Psalters, or Books of Hours.

Prerequisite: FAH215H1/ FAH215H5/ FAH216H1/ FAH216H5/ FAH265H1/ VPHB53H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH319H1/ SMC358H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH430H1 - Pieter Bruegel

Hours: 24S

The study of Pieter Bruegel’s works in the context of Netherlandish culture. Emphasis on secular works.

Prerequisite: FAH331H1
Recommended Preparation: Reading knowledge of French or German
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH433H1 - Leonardo and His Legacy in Renaissance Italy

Hours: 24S

This seminar examines major critical developments in the interpretation of High Renaissance art in Italy by looking at key works produced by Leonardo, his contemporaries, and followers (1470-1530).

Prerequisite: FAH230H1/ FAH274H5, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH434H1 - The First Art Historians

Hours: 24S

In Vasari’s Lives of the Artists and their “after-lives,” painters and humanists explored questions of word and image, art and life, biography and history, the psychology of style, the economics and politics of art and the languages of art. How and why did art history originate?

Prerequisite: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300 level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH436H1 - Italian Renaissance Art, Fashion, and Material Culture

Hours: 24S

This seminar explores fashion in the visual and material culture of Renaissance Italy. It focuses on the discourse of fashion as represented by Renaissance artists in their works and as treated in contemporary texts. It further examines the multiple meanings of dress in the courts of Renaissance Italy.

Prerequisite: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH438H1 - History of Bad Art from Gothic to Kitsch

Hours: 24S

"Bad" art is a critical category that shadows and defines "good" art. How has the art of invective shaped the histories of art by applying ethical, psychological and anthropological values to the world of art? Topics include blasphemy, decadence, senility, the "other" and anti-social behaviors. Special attention will be given to such prejudicial period styles as Gothic, Mannerism, Baroque and Rococo, and to such artistic movements as the Macchiaioli, neo-Kitsch, Dada, Automatism and Degenerate Art. Readings range from Seneca and Vitruvius to Walter Benjamin and Clement Greenberg. Case studies of artists range from Caravaggio to Odd Nerdrum.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH439H1 - Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art and Material Culture

Hours: 24L

Focused examinations of themes and methods in the study of Renaissance and Baroque visual arts and material culture.

Prerequisite: FAH230H1/ FAH231H1/ FAH274H5/ FAH279H5/ VPHB64H3/ VPHB74H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300+ level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH440H1 - Dutch Genre Painting of the 17th Century

Hours: 24S

Study of so-called “scenes of everyday life.” Special attention given to cultural context and problems of constructions of gender and gendered relationships, of social and economic interests, of class conflict, of the relationship with broader European culture. Considerable attention will be paid to the work of Jan Vermeer.

Prerequisite: FAH340H1
Recommended Preparation: Reading knowledge of French or German
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

ARH440H1 - Photogrammetry and 3D Analysis of Material Culture

Hours: 12L/12P/12S

With the increasing availability of powerful computers and software, 3D modeling and recording has become commonplace in archaeology, architectural history, museum studies, and other areas of cultural heritage research. In this course, students will learn about a powerful new method for 3D recording known as photogrammetry. After a series of tutorials, they will gain firsthand experience creating their own models of various subjects, such as historical architecture and public art in Toronto, and museum objects on campus. They will also learn how to analyze and present 3D content, while thinking critically about the impact of how digital tools are currently being employed by and shaping the agendas of researchers in archaeology, art history, and related fields.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit in ANT/ ARH/ FAH courses at the 300+ level
Exclusion: ARH482H1 (Special Topics in Archaeology: 3D Modeling and Archaeological Analysis), offered in Fall 2019 and Fall 2021
Recommended Preparation: Previous experience with photography or imaging software will be helpful but is not required
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH446H1 - Arctic Anthropocene? Image Cultures of Arctic Voyaging

Hours: 24S

‘Arctic Anthropocene’ examines the extensive visual culture of voyages in the Arctic in the long 19th century. We will probe both Western and Inuit perspectives on the search for the Northwest Passage, whaling, and scientific understandings of the exotic meteorological, human, and animal phenomena of this region through its complex image culture. To underscore ecological understandings of the Arctic in the 19th century and today, we will frame our investigation of the visual culture of this place and time with an interrogation of the notion of the ‘Anthropocene.’

Prerequisite: FAH352H1/ FAH353H1/ FAH354H1/ FAH355H1, and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH447H1 - 19th-Century Landscape Painting

Hours: 24S

Investigation of English, French, German and Swiss landscape painting from the birth of the Romantic movement to Post-Impressionism.

Prerequisite: FAH245H1/ FAH287H5/ VPHB58H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: Reading knowledge of French or German
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH448H1 - International Art Since 1940

Hours: 24S

Developments in the mainstream of Western painting and sculpture since World War II with special emphasis upon interrelations between Europe and North America.

Prerequisite: FAH246H1/ FAH289H5/ VPHB59H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH449H1 - Contemporary Art Movements

Hours: 24S

Selected aspects of the complex array of international contemporary art movements, their artists, objects, and critical discourses. Potential issues include the theoretical, philosophical, and political concerns addressed by given artworks and artists; the role of art journals, the private patron, and museum display.

Prerequisite: FAH246H1/ FAH289H5/ VPHB59H3, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH451H1 - Studies in Black Art

Hours: 24S

This Seminar explores the work of Black artists from across the African Diaspora, attending to questions such as formal innovation, sociopolitical and historical context, and methodological problems for art historical research.

Prerequisite: FAH101H1/ FAH102H1, and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH351H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH452H1 - Contemporary Indigenous Art in Canada and the United States

Hours: 24S

This course focuses on Indigenous artists working both within and outside of contemporary art spaces in Canada and the United States, through a study of key exhibitions and movements in the Indigenous arts community from 1984 to the present. From the Columbus Quincentennial in 1992 and its echoes in the "Canada 150" celebrations, to artists working from the front lines of land protection movements, we will explore ideas of nationalism, inclusion, intervention, and 'decolonization' of the gallery.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH255H1 or other course work focusing on contemporary art and/or Indigenous topics
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH457H1 - Issues in Canadian Art, ca. 1900-1940

Hours: 24S

Focused, thematic examinations of the visual arts in Canada in the first half of the twentieth century.

Prerequisite: FAH248H1/ FAH292H5, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH458H1 - Issues in Recent Canadian Art

Hours: 24S

Focused, thematic examinations of the visual arts in Canada from c. 1960 to the present.

Prerequisite: FAH354H1 and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH461H1 - East Asian Art as a Cultural System

Hours: 24S

Methodologically-focused seminar engaged with recovering and articulating in Western terms indigenous ways of seeing and thinking about East Asian art.

Prerequisite: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH463H1 - Materiality, Objecthood, Connoisseurship and Collecting in the Arts of East Asia

Hours: 24S

Seminar based on firsthand examination of East Asian objects in Toronto collections that attends to the historical processes by which such objects were valued and collected.

Prerequisite: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH464H1 - Transregional East Asian Art

Hours: 24S

In-depth examination of the play of East Asian Art within and beyond East Asia.

Prerequisite: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH465H1 - Exhibiting China

Hours: 24S

This seminar teaches students the skills required to curate an exhibition of Chinese materials. Working firsthand with objects of Chinese art and visual culture in local Toronto collections, students learn to document the object, assess authenticity, write object labels, panel texts, and catalogue essays. Students will thus prepare an exhibition, actual or virtual, of Chinese objects in local collections.

Prerequisite: FAH260H1/ FAH262H1/ VPHB73H3/ VPHB77H3, and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: Two additional courses in Chinese/East Asian art
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH470H1 - Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Architecture

Hours: 24S

An in-depth study of themes and problems in architecture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe.

Prerequisite: FAH370H1/ FAH371H1, and an additional 0.5 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH472H1 - Studies in Modern Architecture

Hours: 24S

Focused examination of themes and methods in the history of architecture since 1750.

Prerequisite: FAH270H1/ FAH272H1/ FAH273H1, and 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH473H1 - Studies in Canadian Architecture and Landscapes

Hours: 24S

An in-depth study of themes in the history of architecture and landscape in Canada.

Prerequisite: FAH273H1 and an additional 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH480H1 - Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture

Previous Course Number: FAH489H1

Hours: 24L

Focused examination of special topics in the art and architecture of any period in the Mediterranean, Europe, North America, Asia, or other global regions.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH481H1 - Internship

Hours: 24S

The internship is designed to offer hands-on experience pertaining to the study, exhibition, and care of works of art, focused on the collections and activities of the University Art Centre, an auction house, a public museum, or a private gallery. Students must provide proof of their acceptance as an intern by the Art Centre/auction house/museum/gallery in order to be enrolled in the course. This course is Pass/Fail. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH481Y1 - Internship

Hours: 48S

The internship is designed to offer hands-on experience pertaining to the study, exhibition, and care of works of art, focused on the collections and activities of the University Art Centre, an auction house, a public museum, or a private gallery. Students must provide proof of their acceptance as an intern by the Art Centre/auction house/museum/gallery in order to be enrolled in the course. This course is Pass/Fail. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH483H1 - Introduction to Conservation: Materials, Deterioration, and Preservation in Art and Material Culture

Hours: 24S

An introduction to conservation, designed to give students a basic understanding of the field, its techniques, and its purposes. Sessions conducted by specialists in the Royal Ontario Museum conservation department.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH484H1 - Fashion & Textiles: Culture & Consumption

Hours: 24S

This course examines the history, meaning and consumption of Western European fashion (18th - 21st centuries). Analysis and research will combine student seminars with the study of actual artefacts in the Textile & Costume Collection of the Royal Ontario Museum.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH485H1 - Collecting Canada: Canadian Pictorial Arts Collection at the Royal Ontario Museum

Hours: 24S

Theoretical and practical engagement with the ROM's Canadian paintings, prints and drawing collections (18th-20th C). Through lectures, workshops, and seminars, we consider the collecting, interpretation, and display of images within the framework of “documentary art” and its various connotations.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH486H1 - Case Studies at the Royal Ontario Museum

Hours: 24S

In-depth investigation of objects at the Royal Ontario Museum. Content will vary according to the museum department offering the course in any given semester.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH487H1 - Introduction to Asian Textiles

Hours: 24S

Introduction to the diverse textile traditions of Asia and the diverse means for interpreting them, with a concentration on core production areas, select regional traditions and connecting forces. Includes first-hand study of objects in ROM collections and galleries and possible guest lectures.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH488H1 - Considering Sustainable Textiles and Fashions in the Age of Climate Crisis

Hours: 24S

This seminar looks at historic and contemporary global thinking about the production and consumption of textiles and fashions within the current climate change crisis, and over-production due to fast fashion. We question the notion of "in" and "out" of Western seasonal style and look at historic models to understand new economies of scale and value, issues of labour and natural resources. Through lectures, workshops, and seminars, the class will consider how to harness past models to attain the future of textiles and fashion and the context surrounding the 3 R's, reduce, reuse and recycle.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH490H1 - Introduction to the Textile Arts of the Indian Ocean World

Hours: 24S

The Indian Ocean has been called the Cradle of Globalization. For thousands of years monsoon winds linked the people and arts of this vast Ocean that stretches from East Africa in the West to Indonesia (and beyond) in the East. Throughout its long history, handwoven textiles have been amongst the area’s greatest art forms, trade goods, religious objects and markers of identity. This course will survey the wide variety of these forms, from c. 1100 to 1950. Special attention is placed on India, which lies at the center of the region, and originated many of the fibres, techniques, design and iconography of the wider area. Select regional manifestations are then examined in depth, using the ROM’s extensive collections. These range from the silks of Madagascar, to embroidered men’s wear of Oman, to the cosmopolitan batiks of northern coastal Java. It is seen that all these traditions can best be understood within the framework of the wider Indian Ocean region.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Recommended Preparation: Asian art, Islamic art, or anthropology
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH494H1 - Independent Studies

Eligible students may undertake an independent study course under the supervision of Department of Art History (St. George campus) faculty member. Refer to the Art History website for further information and application instructions. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

FAH494Y1 - Independent Studies

Eligible students may undertake an independent study course under the supervision of a Department of Art History (St. George campus) faculty member. Refer to the Art History website for detailed information and application instructions. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Prerequisite: 1.0 FAH credit at the 300-level
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

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