Art History Major (Arts Program) - ASMAJ0908

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

(6.0 credits)

At least 6.0 FAH credits fulfilling the following distribution requirements:

First Year:

FAH101H1/​ FAH102H1

Higher Years:

1. At least one 0.5 credit in three of the four FAH Groups (see below for definitions).
2. 3.0 credits at the 300+ level, including at least one 0.5 credit at the 400-level.
3. No more than 1.0 credit at the 400-level will be counted toward fulfilling program requirements.
4. Approved courses in other programs may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH credit. See Department website for details.

In addition, the Faculty of Arts and Science requires Art History Majors who do not complete FAH338H1 to complete at least one 0.5 credit in Arts and Science courses in Breadth Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes.

Group A: Ancient, Medieval
FAH205H1, FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH208H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH265H1, FAH303H1, FAH304H1, FAH307H1, FAH308H1, FAH309H1, FAH310H1, FAH311H1, FAH312H1, FAH313H1, FAH314H1, FAH318H1, FAH319H1, FAH325H1, FAH326H1, FAH327H1, FAH401H1, FAH402H1, FAH405H1, FAH406H1, FAH407H1, FAH415H1, FAH420H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH424H1

Group B: Renaissance-Baroque, Modern-Contemporary-Canadian
FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH245H1, FAH246H1, FAH248H1, FAH252H1, FAH255H1, FAH330H1, FAH331H1, FAH335H1, FAH337H1, FAH338H1, FAH340H1, FAH341H1, FAH345H1, FAH346H1, FAH347H1, FAH348H1, FAH349H1, FAH350H1, FAH251H1/​ FAH351H1, FAH352H1, FAH353H1, FAH354H1, FAH355H1, FAH430H1, FAH433H1, FAH434H1, FAH436H1, FAH438H1, FAH439H1, FAH440H1, FAH446H1, FAH447H1, FAH448H1, FAH449H1, FAH451H1, FAH452H1, FAH457H1, FAH458H1

Group C: Asian
FAH205H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH360H1, FAH363H1, FAH364H1, FAH461H1, FAH463H1, FAH464H1, FAH465H1

Group D: History of Architecture
FAH265H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1, FAH273H1, FAH309H1, FAH328H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH373H1, FAH376H1, FAH415H1, FAH421H1, FAH423H1, FAH470H1, FAH472H1, FAH473H1

Note: courses used to satisfy one group requirement cannot be counted toward another group requirement.