This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.
(7.0 credits)
2) All of: LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1, LIN241H1, LIN251H1
3) 0.5 credit from: JLP374H1 or JLP315H1
4) A further 1.0 LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS credit at the 300+ level
5) 0.5 LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS credit at the 400-level
6) An additional 1.5 credits in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS (excluding LIN200H1, LIN203H1, LIN204H1, LIN206H1, LIN207H1, LIN208H1, LIN211H1)
Up to 1.0 credit may be from other departments. Approved courses include ANT329H1, ANT425H1, ANT427H1; COG250Y1; CSC384H1, CSC401H1, CSC448H1, CSC485H1; FIN220H1, FIN305H1; FRE272H1, FRE273H1, FRE274H1, FRE376H1, FRE378H1, FRE379H1, FRE379H1, FRE383H1, FRE386H1, FRE387H1, FRE388H1, FRE471H1, FRE487H1, FRE488H1, FRE489H1; GER400H1, GER426H1, GER462H1; HPS250H1, HPS322H1, HPS352H1; ITA360H1, ITA363H1; MCS223H1; NML315H1, NML463H1; PHL210Y1, PHL245H1, PHL310H1, PHL311H1, PHL325H1, PHL326H1, PHL340H1, PHL342H1, PHL345H1, PHL347H1, PHL351H1, PHL355H1, PHL405H1, PHL451H1, PHL479H1, PHL480H1, PHL481H1; PRT364H1, PRT368H1; SLA255H1, SLA380H1, SLA452Y1; SPA322H1, SPA324H1, SPA421H1, SPA422H1, SPA423H1; VIC223Y1; LIN340H5. Other courses might also qualify; consult the Department of Linguistics for approval.
Note: LIN courses from other campuses are considered courses from other Departments.