Astronomy & Astrophysics Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1423

The Astronomy Major provides deep knowledge in astronomy & physics, and enables students to pursue quantitative, problem-solving careers in a variety of fields.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

This program is appropriate for students interested in a more flexible and diverse undergraduate program. It may be tailored to be a natural counterpart to a second major in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, or Computer Science; students should consult the undergraduate chairs of Astronomy & Astrophysics and the respective departments for advice on course selection.

(8.0 credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level, and a 0.5 credit at the 400-level)

First Year:

1. ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/​​ MAT157Y1 ( MAT137Y1 recommended)

2. PHY131H1/​ PHY151H1, PHY132H1/​ PHY152H1 ( PHY151H1, PHY152H1 recommended)

3. 0.5 credit from CSC108H1/​​ CSC110Y1/​​ CSC148H1 or another course that gives a foundation in computer programming approved by the Undergraduate Chair. ( CSC108H1 recommended for non-Computer Science majors)

Second Year:

1. AST221H1, AST222H1

2. MAT235Y1/​​ MAT237Y1/​ MAT257Y1 ( MAT237Y1 recommended)
3. PHY252H1

Third Year:

1. AST320H1, AST325H1/​​ AST326Y1 ( AST325H1 recommended)

Third or fourth year:
1. AST424H1 (can be substituted with AST430H1/​ AST431H1/​ AST431Y1 with permission of the undergraduate chair)
2. 0.5 credit from AST310H1/​​ ENV222H1/​​ ENV333H1/​​ ESS205H1/​​ HPS200H1/​​ JPH441H1/​​ PHL273H1/​​ VIC172Y1, or another course with a significant emphasis on Social and Ethical Responsibility approved by the Undergraduate Chair.
3. 0.5 credit from CSC336H1, CSC385H1, CSC456H1; STA302H1, STA313H1; PHY350H1, PHY354H1, PHY356H1, PHY357H1, PHY358H1, PHY385H1, PHY407H1, PHY408H1, PHY450H1, JPE395H1; JCA302H1, AST310H1, AST398H0, AST398Y0, AST399Y1, AST430H1, AST431H1, AST431Y1; or any CTA course at the 300+ level.

1. The Astronomy & Astrophysics Major program is not designed primarily for students intending to pursue graduate studies in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Such students should consider the Astronomy & Physics Specialist program, or consult the Undergraduate Chair about their course selections.
2. Students interested in pursuing a research project in fourth year ( AST425Y1) should consult the undergraduate chair.

3. Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, UTM, and UTSC equivalents to courses can be substituted on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the course coordinator or the undergraduate chair.

4. Third-year students are invited and fourth-year students are expected to attend the weekly departmental colloquia.