WGS481H1: Gender, Sexuality and Black Liberation from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter



This course maps genealogies of black insurgency and transnational itineraries of intersectional theorizing, organizing, and praxis from the 20th century to our present moment. Through close study of works by and about black revolutionary migrants, exiles, intellectuals, fugitives, and so-called terrorists, participants will critique and create radical visions for emancipation. Major topics and themes may include black feminisms; queer insurgencies; transnational imaginaries and solidarities; silence and intracommunal violence; accountability and transformative justice. Through collective discussion, writing, and reflection we interrogate visions and strategies of emancipation, and imagine radical futures historically and in our own times.

2.5 WGS credits including WGS160Y1 and 1.0 WGS credit at the 300+ level
WGS435H1 (Topics: Sex, Gender and Revolution from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter), offered in Winter 2017 and Fall 2017
Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)