URB442H1: Urban Studio: Public Participation in Policy Making


URB432H1, INI432H1

This course will provide a broad overview of the roles of both the citizen and the professional practitioner in advancing effective and meaningful public participation in the policy-making process, particularly as it relates to city planning. Through an examination of a mix of theoretical frameworks and case studies from Toronto and elsewhere, you will gain an understanding of the ways in which effective public participation can contribute to the maintenance of a healthy democratic society while also exploring some of the key challenges and opportunities faced by public participation practitioners today. The course has two key objectives: to give you a practical understanding of all of the elements of an effective public participation process, and to explore how public participation processes can be designed to be more inclusive and effective. In addition, students will be able to apply this knowledge towards the development of a project or report for a client.

9.0 credits
Urban Studio: Public Participation in Policy Making taken under URB432H1 (offered in Fall 2022)/ INI432H1 (offered in Summer 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
Society and its Institutions (3)