URB439H1: Cities and Mega-events: Place-making, Contestation and Urban Citizenship



Mega-events, like the Olympics, give cities the opportunity to showcase themselves to the world, but the production of television-friendly urban images do much to obscure the processes, compromises and social consequences in host cities. These events are powerful tools for city branding. They are also potential opportunities for social movements and other groups and individuals to highlight their own sets of concerns. This course will explore the challenges and opportunities that cities face in hosting such events.

Completion of 12.0 credits
INI439H1; INI430H1 (Advanced Topics in Urban Studies II: Cities and Mega-Events: Conflicts and Opportunity) offered in Winter 2014; INI332H1; INI432H1 (Special Topics in Urban Studies: Cities and Mega-Events), offered in Fall 2016
Society and its Institutions (3)