SMC185H1: SMC One: The Christianity, Truth and Reconciliation Seminar


This seminar critically explores the complex relations of Christianity and Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, with a special focus on education. Sample topics include: settler colonialism and treaty relationships; prominent Indigenous Christians, critics and reformers; the residential school system; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada; recent initiatives in ecclesial repentance, dialogue, and enculturation. The course includes guest speakers and compulsory co-curricular activities, including travel to residential school site(s) and archives in Ontario during the fall reading week. The costs of these activities are supported by the University of St. Michael’s College. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

This course is restricted to newly admitted Faculty of Arts and Science students accepted to SMC One. Applications are due before the end of April (deadline subject to change). Apply via the JOIN U of T website.

Admission to SMC One
Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)