SDS425H1: Sexuality & Health


How is the idea of “ethics” understood and deployed in research on sexuality and health? What are the ways that discourses of “risk,” “precarity,” and “cure” become regulative frameworks? How do racialization, colonialism and nation-­building participate in the biopolitics of sexuality and health? With these questions in mind, this interdisciplinary course will discuss various scholarly and activist literatures, including Youth Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Environmental Justice scholarship, Sex Education and Public Health Research, Critical Development Studies, and Queer and Feminist Studies to explore the cultural, social and political dimensions of ethics, health, and sexuality historically, and at the present moment.

1.0 credit in SDS/HST
SDS375H1 (Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies A: Sexuality & Health), offered in Winter 2018; SDS455H1 (Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies: Sexuality & Health), offered in Winter 2019
Society and its Institutions (3)