RSM355H1: Managing Customer Value


RSM310H1 - Managing Customer Value

This course builds on the foundation developed in RSM250H1 (Principles of Marketing) in a competitive simulation environment. While RSM250H1 focuses on the fundamental marketing elements for operationalizing this basic philosophy - segmentation, targeting, positions and 3 of the 4 Ps, this course is designed to advance a participant's understanding of designing and implementing marketing strategies and explore the management of the 4th P (promotion) in greater depth. In particular, participants will make decisions about all 4 Ps simultaneously and manage the interactions between them. A fee of up to $66 may be charged for simulation software licence. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

RSM250H1 and completion of 9.0 credits
RSM310H1 (Special Topics in Management: Managing Customer Value), offered in Winter 2019 and Winter 2020
Society and its Institutions (3)