PSY406H1: Individual Projects

A single semester intensive laboratory or applied research project for students who seek hands-on research experience to complement our regular course offerings. Each project culminates in a scholarly paper and oral presentation. Students must secure a faculty supervisor from the Dept. of Psychology and submit a completed application form that includes details about the project before the start of the semester. Application forms are available on the Department’s website ( and must be emailed to the undergraduate office ( by the end of the second week of September for fall projects, or by the end of the second week in January for winter projects. If you’re registering for a summer project, please submit it by the end of the second week in May. This course is open to all students.

PSY202H1/ ECO220Y1/ SOC252H1/ STA221H1/ ECO220Y5/ PSY202H5/ STA221H5/ PSYC08H3/ STAB27H3/ STAC32H3, and the appropriate background in Psychology for the proposed work (e.g., PSY210H1 if the project is in the area of Developmental Psychology)