PPG301H1: Introduction to Public Policy


The course introduces students to the study of public policy, the policy process and our policy institutions in Canada. The course examines how issues emerge, how important ideas are framed, priorities are established, and agendas are set and managed. It explores how institutions – formal and informal rules which enable and constrain actors – shape policy-making in Canada.

(1) One of: ECO200Y1/ ECO204Y1/ ECO206Y1/ PPG200H1; (2) One of: ECO220Y1/ ( POL222H1, POL232H1)/ SOC202H1/ STA220H1/ STA221H1/ STA248H1/ STA255H1/ STA261H1; (3) One of: POL214Y1/ (1.0 credit from POL201H1, JPI201H1, POL214H1, POL223H1, POL224H1, of which at least 0.5 credit must be POL214H1 or POL224H1)/ ( POL218H1, POL219H1)
Society and its Institutions (3)