PCL472Y1: Project in Pharmacology

This course affords students an opportunity for hands-on research experience in a laboratory or applied pharmacology setting. Students will work under the supervision of a faculty member and will submit a final written report and oral presentation. Enrollment is limited to students in ASSPE2340/ASSPE2082 programs and requires permission from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a placement with an approved supervisor before the course begins (a list of potential supervisors will be provided by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology). Students will be registered in the course once their ballot form (obtained from the Department) is signed by an approved supervisor and approved by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Eligible students will be contacted by the Department during the Winter term, occurring prior to their final year of study (i.e. 3rd year of study for most), with details and instructions to apply. Students are expected to spend approximately 200 hours towards this project but this will be project/supervisor dependent. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Living Things and Their Environment (4)