MAT329Y1: Concepts in Elementary Mathematics


This course is aimed at students intending to become elementary school teachers. Emphasis is placed on the formation and development of fundamental reasoning and learning skills required to understand and to teach mathematics at the elementary level. Topics may include: Problem Solving and Strategies, Sets and Elementary Logic, Numbers and Elements of Number Theory, Introductory Probability and Fundamentals of Geometry.

The course may include an optional practicum in school classrooms.

5.0 credits with a CGPA of at least 2.5, and MAT137Y1/ MAT137Y5/ ( MAT137H5, MAT139H5)/ MAT138H1/ ( MAT223H1/ MAT240H1)/ [ MAT246H1/ MAT157Y1/ MAT157Y5/ ( MAT157H5, MAT159H5)] 
The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)