JPM400Y1: Biomedical Incubator Capstone Project


Discover what it is like to be part of a biomedical innovation team. Develop and engage in biomedical research in a simulated small business/incubator setting under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Bring your proposed JPM300H1 project to life, while acquiring budget management, research, business and communication workplace skills for future careers. Enrolment is application-based. Application requirements and process are presented as part of the JPM300H1 course. Proposals will be reviewed by committee and successful proposals will be matched to a mentor. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Application required; contact department ( for more information.

Students will form teams and develop a research proposal based on either:

1. Faculty led concept requiring further development and testing, which would not normally be funded grants and would be tangential to ongoing research in the lab.

2. Student developed innovative idea that requires further development and testing. This should be a project that is not being investigated in a UofT research lab.

A minimum of 75% in JPM300H1; completion of any of PCL367H1/ PCL368H1/ PSL372H1/ BCH370H1/ BCH377H1 or Permission of the Department.
Living Things and Their Environment (4)