HMB490Y1: Health in Community


An experiential learning course exploring health-related challenges and social determinants of health in partnership with local community organizations. Lectures and tutorials will support learning of selected biological and social aspects of health and disease, neuroscience, genetics or population health, and the development of scientific knowledge translation skills relevant to the community agencies. Cannot be taken concurrently with a full year research project course.

Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the HMB Special Enrolment website: The application will ask about motivation and/or relevant experience. . Applications are received during priority course enrollment, and late applications considered if space remains. Specific application review and response dates will be available on the HMB Special Enrolment website. Applications will be assessed based on prerequisites, submitted answers to application prompts and cGPA. This course is open to all Human Biology students.

Living Things and Their Environment (4)
Society and its Institutions (3)