GGR390H1: Field Methods

Introduction to field methods in geomorphology, vegetation mapping/analysis, soils, hydrology, and climatology. The course includes exercises and a group project during a one-week field camp, a little preparation during the preceding summer, and complementary practical work and/or seminars during the Fall Term. Each student is required to pay the costs of their transportation and accommodation (field trip costs: approximately $485). This course meets the field requirement for Physical & Environmental Geography programs. The field camp normally runs for one week at the end of August. Students must submit an application directly to the Department in the spring (see the Geography website for details in March). Course may be limited by size. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

1.0 credit from JEG100H1, GGR201H1, GGR203H1, GGR205H1, GGR206H1, GGR305H1, ENV234H1, or permission of the instructor