ENV330H1: Waste Not: Faith-Based Environmentalism


This course explores religious environmentalism, its proponents and opponents, and its core values within the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Religious environmentalists have used teachings from sacred texts as exemplars of sustainability. Some, however, claim that these texts teach domination, anthropocentrism and hierarchical values. Looking at a range of worldviews, we focus on the topics of wastefulness, consumption, and simplicity. Readings about barriers, motivations, and values that inform environmental behaviour are complemented with field trips to places of worship where we will hear religious leaders speak about the environmental initiatives undertaken in their communities and see sacred spaces.

Completion of 8.0 credits including ENV221H1/​ ENV222H1. Students who do not meet the prerequisites are encouraged to contact the Undergraduate Associate Director.
ENV382H1 (Special Topics in Environment: Waste Not, Want Not: Stories of Wastefulness in Religion & Society), offered in Winter 2018, Fall 2018, and Winter 2020
Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)