ECO466H1: Empirical Macroeconomics and Policy


Building on ECO325H1, ECO374H1 and ECO375H1, students increase their data literacy and learn modelling techniques to address policy issues. The course covers monetary policy conduct, central bank use of general equilibrium models, and basic techniques for predicting key macroeconomic variables. The class is divided into groups making regular presentations on current global and domestic issues, the economic outlook, and how the Bank of Canada should adjust monetary policy in the short run. At the end of the course, traditionally a group is chosen to compete in the Bank of Canada Governor's Challenge. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided.

ECO208Y1(70%)/ ECO209Y1(70%)/ ECO202Y1(75%)/ ECO325H1(70%), ECO374H1(70%)/ ECO375H1(70%)
Society and its Institutions (3)