ECO424H1: Topics in Experimental Economics


Experimental Economics is a relatively new and very exciting field in economics. While most data used in economics is observational, experimentalists use controlled environments to study various economic issues: from individual decision making, to interaction in games and markets, to asset markets and even macroeconomic issues. In this “hands on” course, students read the background literature in a few areas of current academic research, design and conduct human-subject experiments, ultimately submitting a paper where they draw conclusion from their analysis of real data.

ECO200Y1/ ECO204Y1/ ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1), at least 1.0 credit in ECO at the 300+ level.
ECO421H1 (Special Topics in Economics: Experimental Economics), taken Fall 2020 and Fall 2022.
Society and its Institutions (3)