ECO403H1: Topics in Development Economics and Policy


This course covers a variety of topics pertaining to economic development and associated policies. Depending on the course instructor, the focus may be on theories and policies related to poverty alleviation, human capital formation, financial markets, international trade, governance or economic growth. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided.

ECO200Y1/ ECO204Y1/ ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ ECO208Y1/ ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1), at least 1.0 credit in ECO at the 300+ level.
Society and its Institutions (3)