ECO220Y1: Introduction to Data Analysis and Applied Econometrics


Numerical and graphical data description; data collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions; statistical inference; hypothesis testing and estimation; simple and multiple regression analysis (extensive coverage). Learn how to analyze data and how to correctly interpret and explain results. Use Excel to analyze a wide variety of data and replicate tables and figures in economics research papers.

( ECO101H1(63%), ECO102H1(63%))/ ECO105Y1(80%)/ ECO100Y5(67%)/ ( ECO101H5(63%), ECO102H5(63%))/ ( MGEA02H3(67%), MGEA06H3 (67%)); MAT133Y1/ ( MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT137Y1/ MAT157Y1
Society and its Institutions (3)
The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)