CSE469Y1: Decolonizing Research Methodologies for New Researchers



A feminist/anti-racist/anti-colonial/anti-imperialist exploration of research methods. Examines the work of researchers and scholar-activists who seek to humanize research with communities detrimentally impacted by colonial, imperialist, heteropatriarchal research agendas and processes. Supports students' independent research projects through guidance from the course instructor. Prepares students for graduate studies or research-oriented careers. Enrolment is by application. Application forms are available on the CSES webpage prior to the start of the enrolment period and are accepted up to the end of the enrolment period, space permitting. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

CSE240H1/ NEW240Y1 and 1.0 credit from Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Core Group 300+ level courses
Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Society and its Institutions (3)