CSB491H1: Team-Based Research: Research in Cell and Molecular Biology


CSB491H1 is a plant molecular biology lab that builds on molecular biology and biochemistry skills acquired in CSB350H1 or CSB330H1. After an initial training lab section, students will work in teams to develop a research project which they will conduct in the second half of the course. They will develop laboratory and teamwork skills that are desirable for them to function in a research laboratory and in the workplace. The course will integrate current molecular biology techniques, including designing and characterizing mutants made with CRISPR/Cas9. (Lab Materials Fee: $52). Lab coat and safety glasses are required for use in laboratories; students are responsible for purchasing these items (approximate cost is $26).

CSB330H1/ CSB350H1 with a minimum grade of 77% and approval of the instructor
Living Things and Their Environment (4)