CIN349H1: Screenwriting


Students will develop screenwriting skills under the guidance of a renowned Canadian screenwriter through a combination of writing workshops and individual consultations. Like the course, the appointment of the Universal Screenwriter-in-Residence occurs biannually.

Prospective students must submit an application form that will be found at Cinema Studies Institute Undergraduate Forms and provide a creative writing sample to the Cinema Studies Undergraduate Office by email to by April 30. A screenplay (or excerpt) is preferred, but a submission that the students feel best expresses their talent is also acceptable. The course instructor and/or Undergraduate Coordinator will assess student potential based on the writing samples to determine student eligibility to enrol in the course. Enrolment priority will be given to upper year Cinema Studies program students.

CIN105Y1, CIN201Y1, and 2.0 additional CIN credits
Creative and Cultural Representations (1)