BCH210H1: Biochemistry I: Proteins, Lipids and Metabolism


This introductory course in biochemistry will cover the fundamentals of proteins, enzymes, biological membranes and the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids for energy production. This course is intended for students who are NOT taking BCH242Y1 as part of their program.

Successful completion of ( CHM135H1, CHM136H1)/ CHM151Y1 NOTE: CHM1** with COURSE EXCLUSION TO CHM135H1 AND CHM136H1 meet the Prerequisite requirement for BCH210H1. Students with a SDF in CHM135H1/ CHM136H1 are not permitted to enrol in BCH210H1 until a final passing grade (50%) appears on the transcript. UTM students who have completed CHM110H5 (exclusion to CHM135H1) & CHM242H5 (exclusion to CHM136H1) will be permitted to enrol in BCH210H1. UTSC students who have completed CHMA11H3 (exclusion to CHM135H1) & CHMB41H3 (exclusion to CHM136H1) will be permitted to enrol in BCH210H1.
BCH242Y1, [ CHM361H5(UTM) and CHM362H5(UTM)], [ BIOC12H3(UTSC) and BIOC13H3(UTSC)], CHMB62H3(UTSC)
The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)