SDS459Y1: Honours Essay in Sexual Diversity


A major research essay under the supervision of a faculty member with knowledge of sexual diversity, the proposal and supervisor subject to the approval of the SDS Undergraduate Coordinator. This course is available to students enrolled in Sexual Diversity Studies programs (Specialists, Majors, and Minors). Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Students must submit a supplemental application at least one month prior to the start of term: August 01 for courses starting in the Fall term, December 01 for courses starting in the Winter term, and April 01 for courses in the Summer term. The application must describe the student's planned independent research project, supervisor, prospective readings, timeline, and method(s) of assessment. Students are responsible for finding their own supervisor. Both the supervisor and SDS Undergraduate Coordinator or Director must approve the application. Applications will be reviewed to assess the intended research plan and timeline, and the suitability of the project for SDS credit.

Please visit and email for application materials and more information.

SDS255H1, SDS256H1, and minimum of 4.0 additional credits from SDS, JPS, JSU, or JNS courses.