PSY435H1: Environmental Psychology


This lecture course explores how psychologists can contribute to finding solutions to today's pressing environmental challenges. Topics include persuasion, community-based social marketing, social influence, social capital, and the many ways in which the physical environment affects psychological processes. The course takes a multi-scalar approach to the human-environment relationship, covering individual, community, cultural and global levels of scale, through the lens of complex dynamic systems theories.

PSY100H1/ PSY100Y5/ ( PSYA01H3 and PSYA02H3), and PSY220H1/ PSY220H5/ PSYB10H3/ SOC213H1 or registered in any one of ASMAJ0365, ASSPE0365, ASMAJ1107, ASMIN1254, ASMAJ1254, ASMIN1551 Subject POSts
Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)