LMP305Y1: Pathobiology Research Analysis and Project


This course is designed to introduce third-year students to biomedical research, and to provide them with the analytical skills required to be a successful scientist. Students will have the opportunity to carry out a full-year research project under the supervision of an LMP faculty member (6-8 hours/week in lab). A lecture component will cover laboratory practice, experimental design, basic logic/argument, statistics, data analysis and scientific communication. The fundamentals taught in these lectures will be used to critique and analyze scientific literature. This course is recommended for students with a general interest in research and especially to students who will conduct additional research projects as part of the LMP summer research program and/or the LMP405Y1 fourth-year research project course.

STA288H1/ STA220H1, BCH210H1, BIO230H1 Students are required to secure an LMP supervisor. This course is open to non-Pathobiology Specialist students, but students must carry out a research project under the supervision of an LMP faculty member.
Living Things and Their Environment (4)