ECO425H1: Business Cycles


This course builds on material covered in ECO208Y1. Students will learn how to use business cycle models to better understand key empirical features of the macroeconomy. Topics covered include: the financial crisis, monetary policy, fiscal policy, theories of unemployment, and the effects of innovation on economic fluctuations, the Great Depression and the Financial Crisis.

ECO200Y1/ ECO204Y1/ ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ ECO208Y1/ ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ ECO227Y1/ ( STA237H1, STA238H1)/ ( STA247H1, STA248H1)/ ( STA257H1, STA261H1), at least 1.0 credit in ECO at the 300+ level.
Society and its Institutions (3)