African Studies

Faculty List

Associate Professors 
D.L. Eyoh, MA, PhD (African Studies/Political Science) 
M. Lo, Licence, MA, MSc, PhD (African Studies/Women and Gender Studies)

Assistant Professors
S. Aidid, Hon BA, MA, PhD (African Studies/History)
C. Azubuko-Udah, BA, MA, C Phil, PhD (African Studies/English)
N. Elamin, PhD (African Studies/Anthropology)
E. Kirigia, BA, MSc, PhD (African Studies/School of the Environment)

Associate Professors, Teaching Stream
A. Wasike, BA, MA, MEd, PhD (African Studies)

Assistant Professors, Teaching Stream (Part-Time)
M. Levin, BA, MSc, PhD (African Studies)


How has the evolution of societies on the African continent been integral to universal human history? What factors, in the past and in our time, account for similarities and differences among Africa societies? How are patterns and challenges of development in African societies shaped by their location within the global political economy? How do representations of Africa in popular media influence our knowledge of African societies? What are the ethical dilemmas of the various ways in which we engage with African societies? 

African Studies provides students unique opportunities to study the complexity and dynamism of African societies, the dynamics processes of socio-economic, cultural, environmental, and political transformations in Africa, the varied histories, ideas and institutions of Africa and its diasporas through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary lenses. It fosters a vibrant intellectual, social and cultural hub of academic excellence with a shared ethos and commitment to public scholarship, social justice, global citizenship, engaged scholarship and a praxis of inclusivity, epistemic diversity, and reflexive community engagement. 

The interdisciplinary courses, through innovative and critical pedagogies, deal with cutting edge subjects such as political economy, African inventions, nationalism, development, aid, humanitarianism, NGOs, conflict and peacemaking, activism and political struggles, politics, African cultures, ecocriticism, environmental justice, climate change and sustainability, climate justice, food security, African feminisms, migration and displacement, gender and development, African environmentalism, land acquisition and  struggles, health, black freedom, human rights, urbanization, African systems of thought, the slave trade, colonialism, the post-colonial state, Africa and its diaspora, Pan-Africanism, and globalization. Innovative pedagogies nurturing students’ intellectual curiosity, cultivating engaged, creative and critical thinking and teaching cutting edge courses that recognize Africa as a living place rather than merely as a site for intellectual speculation and study inform our teaching. The African Studies Centre also offers practical courses in African languages. These areas of emphasis are supported by a rich menu of African Studies  courses that form the spin of the curriculum. Additional cross-listed courses with cognate disciplines and other interdisciplinary programs, drawn from disciplines in humanities, social sciences, and sciences, complement our offerings.


Consult Director, Professor Marieme Lo, 416-946-3218 or
For general enquiries, call 416-946-0282 or email