Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures

Faculty List

Professors Emeriti
V. Ambros, MA, PhD
R. Bogert, MA, PhD
C.E. Kramer, MA, PhD
D. Orwin, MA, PhD
J. Schallert, PhD

Professor and Chair of the Department
L. Livak, MA, PhD

Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate
D. Obradović, MA, PhD

Associate Professor and Interim Associate Chair, Undergraduate
T. Koznarsky, MA, PhD

L. Livak, MA, PhD
M. Tarnawsky, MA, PhD

Associate Professors
K. Holland, MA, PhD
A. Komaromi, MA, PhD
T. Koznarsky, MA, PhD
A. Muhonen, MA, PhD
D. Obradović, MA, PhD
T. Smoliarova, MA, PhD
T. Trojanowska, MA, PhD

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream and Language Program Coordinator
J. Mikhailova, MA, PhD

Assistant Professor
Z. Mandušić, MA, PhD

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
M. Cabaj, MA, PhD


For over one thousand years the Slavic and East European countries have played a prominent role in international life, and have provided our civilization with numerous writers, musicians, philosophers, religious and political thinkers, and scientists of note. The richness of their cultures has a special significance for Canada, since the vast influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe which began in the last century, has contributed greatly to the Canadian cultural mosaic.

The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures offers an extensive range of courses in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian languages, literatures, culture, and film, as well as comparative and interdisciplinary courses. 

Language study emphasizes small instructional groups, conversational practice, and the use of current cultural materials. Courses in the literatures and cultures of various Slavic and East European countries explore the artistic, intellectual, and social cross-currents of their civilizations. Most of our literature, culture, and film courses are taught in English and do not require linguistic preparation or cultural background.

The growing importance of Eastern Europe in contemporary affairs makes academic study of this area especially relevant for a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, including political studies, history, sociology, diaspora studies, and others.

Interim Associate Chair, Undergraduate:
Associate Professor T. Koznarsky,,



Note Regarding Restructured and Renamed Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures Programs

Effective 2023-24: The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures (formerly the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures) presented a restructured suite of undergraduate program offerings aimed at providing improved opportunities for students to engage in the comparative study of Slavic and East European cultures. These offerings will allow students to pursue studies in the following language and culture areas: Czech and Slovak, Estonian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, South Slavic, and Ukrainian.

Enrolment in the old Slavic Languages and Cultures Specialist, the Slavic Languages and Cultures Major (and its streams), the Slavic Languages and Cultures Minor (and its streams), and the Russian Literature in Translation Minor is no longer available as of September 21, 2023. Students presently enrolled in any of the above programs will be able to complete the requirements as described in the respective program records, published in the 2022-23 Arts & Science Academic Calendar.

Beginning in March 2024, all students interested in pursuing language, literature, and/or cultural studies in Czech & Slovak, Polish, Russian, South Slavic, or Ukrainian are encouraged to enrol in one of the new programs in Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures (Minor, Major, Specialist) or in Slavic and East European Literature in Translation (Minor).