Political Science

Faculty List

University Professors
† D. Breznitz, BA, PhD
R. Hirschl, LLB, MA, MPhil, PhD, FRSC
J.G. Stein, MA, PhD, LLD, FRSC, OC, OOnt (U)

Professors Emeriti
E. Adler, MA, PhD, FRSC
E.G. Andrew, BA, PhD
J.S. Barker, MA, PhD (N)
S. Bashevkin, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)
R.S. Beiner, BA, DPhil, FRSC (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† S. Borins, BA, MPP, PhD
† A.S. Brudner, LLB, MA, PhD, FRSC
J.H. Carens, MPhil (Theol), MPhil, PhD, FRSC
M.W. Donnelly, MA, PhD
V.C. Falkenheim, MA, PhD
J.F. Fletcher, MA, PhD
H.D. Forbes, MA, PhD
F.J.C. Griffiths, MIA, PhD (U)
R.S. Haddow, MSc, PhD
G. Horowitz, MA, PhD
J.J. Kirton, MA, PhD (T)
B. Kovrig, MA, PhD (T)
† A.M. Kruger, BA, PhD
L. LeDuc, MA, PhD (SM)
R.A. Manzer, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R.O. Matthews, BA, MIA, PhD (T)
† J. Nedelsky, MA, PhD
N. Nevitte, MA, PhD, FRSC
D.M. Rayside, AM, PhD, FRSC (U)
A.G. Rubinoff, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
K.R.J. Sandbrook, MA, DPhil, FRSC
D.V. Schwartz, MA, PhD
G. Skogstad, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
P.H. Solomon, MA, PhD
S.G. Solomon, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R.E. Stren, MA, PhD, Dhc (I)
C. Tuohy, MA, PhD, FRSC
R. Vipond, AM, PhD (V)
† L.E. Weinrib, BA, LLB, LLM
G. White, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
N. Wiseman, MA, PhD (U)
D.A. Wolfe, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Associate Professor Emeritus, Teaching Stream
M. Lippincott, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Professor and Chair (UTSG)
R.K. Balot, MA, PhD, FRSC

Professor and Tri-Campus Graduate Chair
M. Kohn, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)

Associate Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate Studies)
T. Enright, BA, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies)
R.E. Kingston, MA, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Faculty Research and Awards)
L. White, MA, PhD

† A.B. Bakan, BAH, MA, PhD
S. Bernstein, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J. Bertrand, MSc, MA, PhD
A. Braun, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) (T)
D.R. Cameron, MSc, PhD, OC, FRSC, CM
J.A. Clark, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† D.B. Cook, MA, PhD (V)
† Y. Dawood, MA, JD, PhD
R.B. Day, Dip REES, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† R.B. Deber, SM, PhD, FRSC
† R.J. Deibert, MA, PhD, OC, OOnt (T)
† J.F. Green, MPA, PhD
† K.H. Green, MA, PhD (U)
A. Handley, MPhil, PhD
R. Hansen, MPhil, DPhil (T)
M.J. Hoffmann, MPhil, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
C. Jung, MA, PhD
P.W.T. Kingston, MA, MPhil, DPhil (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R.E. Kingston, MA, PhD
† R. Levi, BCL, LLB, LLM, SJD
† P. Lipscy, MA, PhD
P.R. Magocsi, MA, MA, PhD, FRSC
† M.S. Manger, MSc, PhD
C. Norrlof, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
† A.H. Olive, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† L. Ong, AM, PhD
C. Orwin, AM, PhD (SM)
L.W. Pauly, MA, MSc, PhD, FRSC (T)
† I. Peng, MA, PhD, FRSC (T)
† K. Roach, LLB, LLM, FRSC
N. Roberts, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
A. Sabl, AB, PhD
E. Schatz, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† D. Schneiderman, LLB, LLM
† A. Shachar, BA, LLB, LLM, JSD, FRSC
† A. Stark, MSc, AM, PhD
J.A. Teichman, MA, PhD, FRSC (University of Toronto Scarborough)
W.J. Tettey, MA, PhD, FGA (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Triadafilopoulos, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
L. Way, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
M.S. Williams, AM, PhD (T)
J. Wong, MA, PhD

Associate Professors
A.S. Ahmad, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
N. Bertoldi, MA, PhD
O. Chyzh, MA, PhD
C. Cochrane, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
† J. Craft, MA, PhD
G. Dancy, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† M.J. Donnelly, MA, PhD
† D.L. Eyoh, MA, PhD (N)
D. Fu, MPhil, DPhil (University of Toronto Scarborough)
L. Gilady, MA, MPhil, PhD
S. Gunitsky, MA, MPhil, PhD
C. Hossein, MPA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
† M. Light, MA, JD, PhD
† R.A. Marshall, MA, DPhil
P.L. McCarney, MCP, PhD
K. Murali, MSc, PhD
E. Nacol, MA, MPhil, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† K.J. Neville, MESc, PhD (T)
A.K. Onoma, MA, PhD
† W. Prichard, MPhil, DPhil
S. Renckens, MSc, MA, MPhil, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Schertzer, MSc, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Shanks, BA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
† D. Turner, BA, PhD
Z. Wai, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Walton, MA, PhD
† A. Yoon, BA, LLM, PhD

Associate Professors (Teaching Stream)
K. Ariga, MA, MA, MCP, PhD
R. Levine, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)

Assistant Professors
E. Acorn, MA, JD, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
N. Anderson, BA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
M. Balaguera, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R. Besco, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
A. Chang, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
W.R.N. CompaoréMA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Cowie, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
C. Ewing, AM, PhD
F. Kahraman, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
U. Maile, MS, PhD
A.W. McDougall, LLB, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
B. McElroy, MA, PhD
M. Mendez Gutierrez, BA, PhD
E. Merkley, MA, PhD
† J. Moreau, MA, PhD
† M.D. Nieman, MA, PhD 
T. Pavone, MA, PhD
M. Philips, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
† C. Pomeroy, MSc, MSc, PhD
A. Reisenbichler, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
L. Salman, PhD
M. Schramm, MA, PhD
S. Sevi, MA, PhD
A. Smith, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
N. Wu, MA, PhD

Assistant Professors (Teaching Stream)
N. Adiv, MS, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J. Campisi, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Hamilton, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Hurl, MA, PhD
D. Kingsbury, MA, PhD
S. Kotsovilis, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
P. E. Mockler, MA, PhD
† L. Rabinowitz, MA, PhD

E. McCallion, MA, PhD
† D. Nedal, MA, PhD

† Cross-appointed


The study of Political Science at the University of Toronto is wide-ranging and diverse. Courses are offered in political theory, Canadian government, international relations, and the politics of societies that are industrialized, developing, and in transition. Many courses deal with issues (such as environmental politics, diversity, peace and conflict, globalization) that cut across fields. Course offerings are designed to introduce students to Political Science at the first year level, provide the foundations for further study at the second year level, and provide specialized lecture and seminar courses at the intermediate and advanced levels. Studies in Political Science provide students with a good grounding in one of the chief social science disciplines and an opportunity to explore the issues that confront us as individuals, groups, societies and on the international level in the twenty-first century. In addition to the materials covered, Political Science courses are set up to offer students an opportunity to learn writing and analytical skills to support a challenging and diverse career.

Courses in Political Science dovetail with programs in many other disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities: Economics, Sociology, History, Philosophy, and Psychology. A student interested in Canadian studies or urban problems, for example, would be well advised to choose courses from all these disciplines, as would someone interested in international affairs or environmental studies. A student planning graduate work in the social sciences should seek to obtain a basic understanding of each of these disciplines.

Detailed information on our programs, extended descriptions of courses, and background information on the interests of our instructors can be found on our website. The Association of Political Science Students, the students’ organization for Political Science undergraduates, has an office in Room 1091, Sidney Smith Hall.

Undergraduate Director: Professor Rebecca Kingston, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3018, (416) 978-3342, rebecca.kingston@utoronto.ca

Student and Alumni/Advancement Coordinator: Elizabeth Jagdeo, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3027, (416) 978-0900, e.jagdeo@utoronto.ca

Enquiries: Mary-Alice Bailey, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3032, (416) 978-6567, undergrad.polsci@utoronto.ca

Undergraduate Program Information and Course Descriptions: https://politics.utoronto.ca/